
#include <consent_info.h>

Consent Information class for the User Messaging Platform SDK.


The User Messaging Platform (UMP) SDK is Google’s option to handle user privacy and consent in mobile apps.

This class contains all of the methods necessary for obtaining consent from the user.

Constructors and Destructors

Shut down the User Messaging Platform Consent SDK.

Public functions

Indicates whether the app has completed the necessary steps for gathering updated user consent.
Consent form status.
The user’s consent status.
Check whether the privacy options form needs to be displayed.
LoadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired(FormParent parent)
Future< void >
Loads a consent form and immediately presents it using the given FormParent, if ConsentStatus is kConsentStatusRequired.
Future< void >
Get the Future from the most recent call to LoadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired().
Future< void >
Loads a consent form.
Future< void >
Get the Future from the most recent call to LoadConsentForm().
RequestConsentInfoUpdate(const ConsentRequestParameters & params)
Future< void >
Requests consent information update.
Future< void >
Get the Future from the most recent call to RequestConsentInfoUpdate().
Clears all consent state from persistent storage.
ShowConsentForm(FormParent parent)
Future< void >
Presents the full screen consent form using the given FormParent, which is defined as an Activity on Android and a UIViewController on iOS.
Future< void >
Get the Future from the most recent call to ShowConsentForm().
ShowPrivacyOptionsForm(FormParent parent)
Future< void >
If GetPrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus() is kPrivacyOptionsRequirementStatusRequired, presents a privacy options form from the provided FormParent, which is defined as an Activity on Android and a UIViewController on iOS.
Future< void >
Get the Future from the most recent call to ShowPrivacyOptionsForm().

Public static functions

GetInstance(const ::firebase::App & app, InitResult *init_result_out)
Initializes the User Messaging Platform Consent SDK.
GetInstance(JNIEnv *jni_env, jobject activity, InitResult *init_result_out)
Initializes the User Messaging Platform Consent SDK without Firebase for Android.
GetInstance(InitResult *init_result_out)
Initializes User Messaging Platform for iOS without Firebase.

Public functions

Public static functions