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최종 업데이트: 2023-12-01(UTC)
[null,null,["최종 업데이트: 2023-12-01(UTC)"],[[["Ads Data Hub maintains a change history log that tracks modifications made to your account, including details like the change description, timestamp, user, and type."],["Superusers have access to this change history, which can be filtered by date and change type for easier analysis."],["You can view the change history report within the Ads Data Hub UI under the Settings tab's Change history menu."]]],["Change history, visible to superusers, logs modifications to the Ads Data Hub account. Each entry details the change, timestamp, user, and change type. Users can access this log within the Ads Data Hub UI's **Settings** tab under the **Change history** menu. The report can be segmented by date and filtered by change type to view the timeline and results.\n"]]