ここでは、Google Analytics Data API v1 の Realtime Reporting API メソッドの機能の概要について説明します。API の詳細なリファレンスについては、API リファレンスをご覧ください。
イベントは、Google アナリティクスに送信されてから数秒後にリアルタイム レポートに表示されます。リアルタイム レポートには、現在から 30 分前(Google アナリティクス 360 プロパティでは最長 60 分前)の期間のイベントと使用状況データが表示されます。ウェブサイトの訪問者数をリアルタイムでカウントするなどのアプリケーションに使用できます。
リアルタイム レポートは、Data API v1 のコア レポート作成機能と比較して、ディメンションと指標の限定されたサブセットをサポートしています。
コア レポートとの共通機能
リアルタイム レポート リクエストは、多くの共有機能について、Core レポート リクエストと同じセマンティクスを持ちます。たとえば、ページネーション、ディメンション フィルタ、ユーザー プロパティは、リアルタイム レポートとコア レポートで同じように動作します。このドキュメントの残りの部分では、リアルタイム レポート リクエストに固有の機能について説明するため、Data API v1 の Core Reporting 機能の概要をご確認ください。
レポート リクエスト
リアルタイム レポートをリクエストするには、RunRealtimeReportRequest オブジェクトを作成します。最初は、次のリクエスト パラメータを使用することをおすすめします。
- dimensions フィールドに有効なエントリが 1 つ以上ある。
- metrics フィールドの 1 つ以上の有効なエントリ。
POST https://analyticsdata.googleapis.com/v1beta/properties/GA_PROPERTY_ID:runRealtimeReport
"dimensions": [{ "name": "country" }],
"metrics": [{ "name": "activeUsers" }]
import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.BetaAnalyticsDataClient; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Dimension; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.DimensionHeader; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Metric; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.MetricHeader; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Row; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunRealtimeReportRequest; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunRealtimeReportResponse; /** * Google Analytics Data API sample application demonstrating the creation of a realtime report. * * <p>See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/properties/runRealtimeReport * for more information. * * <p>Before you start the application, please review the comments starting with "TODO(developer)" * and update the code to use correct values. * * <p>To run this sample using Maven: * * <pre>{@code * cd google-analytics-data * mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.google.analytics.data.samples.RunRealtimeReportSample" * }</pre> */ public class RunRealtimeReportSample { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { // TODO(developer): Replace with your Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. String propertyId = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"; sampleRunRealtimeReport(propertyId); } // Runs a realtime report on a Google Analytics 4 property. static void sampleRunRealtimeReport(String propertyId) throws Exception { // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources. try (BetaAnalyticsDataClient analyticsData = BetaAnalyticsDataClient.create()) { RunRealtimeReportRequest request = RunRealtimeReportRequest.newBuilder() .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("country")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("activeUsers")) .build(); // Make the request. RunRealtimeReportResponse response = analyticsData.runRealtimeReport(request); printRunRealtimeReportResponse(response); } } // Prints results of a runRealReport call. static void printRunRealtimeReportResponse(RunRealtimeReportResponse response) { System.out.printf("%s rows received%n", response.getRowsList().size()); for (DimensionHeader header : response.getDimensionHeadersList()) { System.out.printf("Dimension header name: %s%n", header.getName()); } for (MetricHeader header : response.getMetricHeadersList()) { System.out.printf("Metric header name: %s (%s)%n", header.getName(), header.getType()); } System.out.println("Report result:"); for (Row row : response.getRowsList()) { System.out.printf( "%s, %s%n", row.getDimensionValues(0).getValue(), row.getMetricValues(0).getValue()); } } }
use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Client\BetaAnalyticsDataClient; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Dimension; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Metric; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\MetricType; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunRealtimeReportRequest; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunRealtimeReportResponse; /** * Runs a realtime report on a Google Analytics 4 property. * @param string $propertyId Your GA-4 Property ID */ function run_realtime_report(string $propertyId) { // Create an instance of the Google Analytics Data API client library. $client = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Make an API call. $request = (new RunRealtimeReportRequest()) ->setProperty('properties/' . $propertyId) ->setDimensions([new Dimension(['name' => 'country'])]) ->setMetrics([new Metric(['name' => 'activeUsers'])]); $response = $client->runRealtimeReport($request); printRunRealtimeReportResponse($response); } /** * Print results of a runRealtimeReport call. * @param RunRealtimeReportResponse $response */ function printRunRealtimeReportResponse(RunRealtimeReportResponse $response) { printf('%s rows received%s', $response->getRowCount(), PHP_EOL); foreach ($response->getDimensionHeaders() as $dimensionHeader) { printf('Dimension header name: %s%s', $dimensionHeader->getName(), PHP_EOL); } foreach ($response->getMetricHeaders() as $metricHeader) { printf( 'Metric header name: %s (%s)%s', $metricHeader->getName(), MetricType::name($metricHeader->getType()), PHP_EOL ); } print 'Report result: ' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($response->getRows() as $row) { printf( '%s %s' . PHP_EOL, $row->getDimensionValues()[0]->getValue(), $row->getMetricValues()[0]->getValue() ); } }
from google.analytics.data_v1beta import BetaAnalyticsDataClient from google.analytics.data_v1beta.types import ( Dimension, Metric, RunRealtimeReportRequest, ) from run_report import print_run_report_response def run_sample(): """Runs the sample.""" # TODO(developer): Replace this variable with your Google Analytics 4 # property ID before running the sample. property_id = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID" run_realtime_report(property_id) def run_realtime_report(property_id="YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"): """Runs a realtime report on a Google Analytics 4 property.""" client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient() request = RunRealtimeReportRequest( property=f"properties/{property_id}", dimensions=[Dimension(name="country")], metrics=[Metric(name="activeUsers")], ) response = client.run_realtime_report(request) print_run_report_response(response)
/** * TODO(developer): Uncomment this variable and replace with your GA4 * property ID before running the sample. */ // propertyId = 'YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID'; // Imports the Google Analytics Data API client library. const {BetaAnalyticsDataClient} = require('@google-analytics/data'); // Creates a client. const analyticsDataClient = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Runs a realtime report on a Google Analytics 4 property. async function runRealtimeReport() { const [response] = await analyticsDataClient.runRealtimeReport({ property: `properties/${propertyId}`, dimensions: [ { name: 'country', }, ], metrics: [ { name: 'activeUsers', }, ], }); printRunReportResponse(response); } runRealtimeReport(); // Prints results of a runReport call. function printRunReportResponse(response) { console.log(`${response.rowCount} rows received`); response.dimensionHeaders.forEach(dimensionHeader => { console.log(`Dimension header name: ${dimensionHeader.name}`); }); response.metricHeaders.forEach(metricHeader => { console.log( `Metric header name: ${metricHeader.name} (${metricHeader.type})` ); }); console.log('Report result:'); response.rows.forEach(row => { console.log( `${row.dimensionValues[0].value}, ${row.metricValues[0].value}` ); }); }
API リクエストのリアルタイム レポート レスポンスは、主にヘッダーと行で構成されます。ヘッダーは、レポートの列を一覧表示する DimensionHeaders と MetricHeaders で構成されます。各行は、レポートの列の DimensionValues と MetricValues で構成されます。列の順序は、リクエスト、ヘッダー、すべての行で一貫しています。
"dimensionHeaders": [
"name": "country"
"metricHeaders": [
"name": "activeUsers",
"type": "TYPE_INTEGER"
"rows": [
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "Japan"
"metricValues": [
"value": "2541"
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "France"
"metricValues": [
"value": "12"
"rowCount": 2
ディメンションは、各イベントが発生した都市(「パリ」や「ニューヨーク」など)を表します。レポート リクエストでは、0 個以上のディメンションを指定できます。リアルタイム リクエストで使用できる API ディメンション名の一覧については、リアルタイム ディメンションをご覧ください。
たとえば、次のリクエストでは、アクティブ ユーザーを 2 つのディメンション列にグループ化します。
POST https://analyticsdata.googleapis.com/v1beta/property/GA_PROPERTY_ID:runRealtimeReport
"dimensions": [
"name": "country"
"name": "city"
"metrics": [{ "name": "activeUsers" }]
import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.BetaAnalyticsDataClient; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Dimension; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Metric; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunRealtimeReportRequest; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunRealtimeReportResponse; /** * Google Analytics Data API sample application demonstrating the creation of a realtime report. * * <p>See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/properties/runRealtimeReport * for more information. * * <p>Before you start the application, please review the comments starting with "TODO(developer)" * and update the code to use correct values. * * <p>To run this sample using Maven: * * <pre>{@code * cd google-analytics-data * mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.google.analytics.data.samples.RunRealtimeReportWithMultipleDimensionsSample" * }</pre> */ public class RunRealtimeReportWithMultipleDimensionsSample { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { // TODO(developer): Replace with your Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. String propertyId = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"; sampleRunRealtimeReportWithMultipleDimensions(propertyId); } // Runs a realtime report on a Google Analytics 4 property. static void sampleRunRealtimeReportWithMultipleDimensions(String propertyId) throws Exception { // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources. try (BetaAnalyticsDataClient analyticsData = BetaAnalyticsDataClient.create()) { RunRealtimeReportRequest request = RunRealtimeReportRequest.newBuilder() .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("country")) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName(("city"))) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("activeUsers")) .build(); // Make the request. RunRealtimeReportResponse response = analyticsData.runRealtimeReport(request); // Prints the response using a method in RunRealtimeReportSample.java RunRealtimeReportSample.printRunRealtimeReportResponse(response); } } }
use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Client\BetaAnalyticsDataClient; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Dimension; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Metric; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\MetricType; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunRealtimeReportRequest; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunRealtimeReportResponse; /** * Runs a realtime report on a Google Analytics 4 property. * @param string $propertyId Your GA-4 Property ID */ function run_realtime_report_with_multiple_dimensions(string $propertyId) { // Create an instance of the Google Analytics Data API client library. $client = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Make an API call. $request = (new RunRealtimeReportRequest()) ->setProperty('properties/' . $propertyId) ->setDimensions([ new Dimension(['name' => 'country']), new Dimension(['name' => 'city']), ]) ->setMetrics([new Metric(['name' => 'activeUsers'])]); $response = $client->runRealtimeReport($request); printRunRealtimeReportWithMultipleDimensionsResponse($response); } /** * Print results of a runRealtimeReport call. * @param RunRealtimeReportResponse $response */ function printRunRealtimeReportWithMultipleDimensionsResponse(RunRealtimeReportResponse $response) { printf('%s rows received%s', $response->getRowCount(), PHP_EOL); foreach ($response->getDimensionHeaders() as $dimensionHeader) { printf('Dimension header name: %s%s', $dimensionHeader->getName(), PHP_EOL); } foreach ($response->getMetricHeaders() as $metricHeader) { printf( 'Metric header name: %s (%s)%s', $metricHeader->getName(), MetricType::name($metricHeader->getType()), PHP_EOL ); } print 'Report result: ' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($response->getRows() as $row) { printf( '%s %s' . PHP_EOL, $row->getDimensionValues()[0]->getValue(), $row->getMetricValues()[0]->getValue() ); } }
from google.analytics.data_v1beta import BetaAnalyticsDataClient from google.analytics.data_v1beta.types import ( Dimension, Metric, RunRealtimeReportRequest, ) from run_report import print_run_report_response def run_sample(): """Runs the sample.""" # TODO(developer): Replace this variable with your Google Analytics 4 # property ID before running the sample. property_id = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID" run_realtime_report_with_multiple_dimensions(property_id) def run_realtime_report_with_multiple_dimensions(property_id="YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"): """Runs a realtime report on a Google Analytics 4 property.""" client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient() request = RunRealtimeReportRequest( property=f"properties/{property_id}", dimensions=[Dimension(name="country"), Dimension(name="city")], metrics=[Metric(name="activeUsers")], ) response = client.run_realtime_report(request) print_run_report_response(response)
/** * TODO(developer): Uncomment this variable and replace with your GA4 * property ID before running the sample. */ // propertyId = 'YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID'; // Imports the Google Analytics Data API client library. const {BetaAnalyticsDataClient} = require('@google-analytics/data'); // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only // needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests. const analyticsDataClient = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Runs a realtime report on a Google Analytics 4 property. async function runRealtimeReportWithMultipleDimensions() { const [response] = await analyticsDataClient.runRealtimeReport({ property: `properties/${propertyId}`, dimensions: [ { name: 'country', }, { name: 'city', }, ], metrics: [ { name: 'activeUsers', }, ], }); printRunReportResponse(response); } runRealtimeReportWithMultipleDimensions(); // Prints results of a runReport call. function printRunReportResponse(response) { console.log(`${response.rowCount} rows received`); response.dimensionHeaders.forEach(dimensionHeader => { console.log(`Dimension header name: ${dimensionHeader.name}`); }); response.metricHeaders.forEach(metricHeader => { console.log( `Metric header name: ${metricHeader.name} (${metricHeader.type})` ); }); console.log('Report result:'); response.rows.forEach(row => { console.log( `${row.dimensionValues[0].value}, ${row.metricValues[0].value}` ); }); }
たとえば、レポート レスポンスの行には次のような内容が含まれます。この行は、過去 30 分間に南アフリカのケープタウンで発生したイベントがウェブサイトまたはアプリに 47 件あることを意味します。
"rows": [
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "South Africa"
"value": "Cape Town"
"metricValues": [
"value": "47"
指標とは、ウェブサイトまたはアプリのイベントデータの定量的な測定値です。レポート リクエストでは、1 つ以上の指標を指定できます。リクエストで使用可能な API 指標名の一覧については、リアルタイム指標をご覧ください。
たとえば、次のリクエストでは、ディメンション unifiedScreenName
でグループ化された 2 つの指標が表示されます。
POST https://analyticsdata.googleapis.com/v1beta/property/GA_PROPERTY_ID:runRealtimeReport
"dimensions": [{ "name": "unifiedScreenName" }],
"metrics": [
"name": "screenPageViews"
"name": "keyEvents"
import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.BetaAnalyticsDataClient; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Dimension; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Metric; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunRealtimeReportRequest; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunRealtimeReportResponse; /** * Google Analytics Data API sample application demonstrating the creation of a realtime report. * * <p>See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/properties/runRealtimeReport * for more information. * * <p>Before you start the application, please review the comments starting with "TODO(developer)" * and update the code to use correct values. * * <p>To run this sample using Maven: * * <pre>{@code * cd google-analytics-data * mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.google.analytics.data.samples.RunRealtimeReportWithMultipleMetricsSample" * }</pre> */ public class RunRealtimeReportWithMultipleMetricsSample { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { // TODO(developer): Replace with your Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. String propertyId = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"; sampleRunRealtimeReportWithMultipleMetrics(propertyId); } // Runs a realtime report on a Google Analytics 4 property. static void sampleRunRealtimeReportWithMultipleMetrics(String propertyId) throws Exception { // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources. try (BetaAnalyticsDataClient analyticsData = BetaAnalyticsDataClient.create()) { RunRealtimeReportRequest request = RunRealtimeReportRequest.newBuilder() .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId) .addDimensions(Dimension.newBuilder().setName("unifiedScreenName")) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName(("screenPageViews"))) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName("keyEvents")) .build(); // Make the request. RunRealtimeReportResponse response = analyticsData.runRealtimeReport(request); // Prints the response using a method in RunRealtimeReportSample.java RunRealtimeReportSample.printRunRealtimeReportResponse(response); } } }
use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Client\BetaAnalyticsDataClient; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Dimension; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Metric; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\MetricType; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunRealtimeReportRequest; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunRealtimeReportResponse; /** * Runs a realtime report on a Google Analytics 4 property. * @param string $propertyId Your GA-4 Property ID */ function run_realtime_report_with_multiple_metrics(string $propertyId) { // Create an instance of the Google Analytics Data API client library. $client = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Make an API call. $request = (new RunRealtimeReportRequest()) ->setProperty('properties/' . $propertyId) ->setDimensions([new Dimension(['name' => 'unifiedScreenName'])]) ->setMetrics([ new Metric(['name' => 'screenPageViews']), new Metric(['name' => 'keyEvents']), ]); $response = $client->runRealtimeReport($request); printRunRealtimeReportWithMultipleMetricsResponse($response); } /** * Print results of a runRealtimeReport call. * @param RunRealtimeReportResponse $response */ function printRunRealtimeReportWithMultipleMetricsResponse(RunRealtimeReportResponse $response) { printf('%s rows received%s', $response->getRowCount(), PHP_EOL); foreach ($response->getDimensionHeaders() as $dimensionHeader) { printf('Dimension header name: %s%s', $dimensionHeader->getName(), PHP_EOL); } foreach ($response->getMetricHeaders() as $metricHeader) { printf( 'Metric header name: %s (%s)%s', $metricHeader->getName(), MetricType::name($metricHeader->getType()), PHP_EOL ); } print 'Report result: ' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($response->getRows() as $row) { printf( '%s %s' . PHP_EOL, $row->getDimensionValues()[0]->getValue(), $row->getMetricValues()[0]->getValue() ); } }
from google.analytics.data_v1beta import BetaAnalyticsDataClient from google.analytics.data_v1beta.types import ( Dimension, Metric, RunRealtimeReportRequest, ) from run_report import print_run_report_response def run_sample(): """Runs the sample.""" # TODO(developer): Replace this variable with your Google Analytics 4 # property ID before running the sample. property_id = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID" run_realtime_report_with_multiple_metrics(property_id) def run_realtime_report_with_multiple_metrics(property_id="YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"): """Runs a realtime report on a Google Analytics 4 property.""" client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient() request = RunRealtimeReportRequest( property=f"properties/{property_id}", dimensions=[Dimension(name="unifiedScreenName")], metrics=[Metric(name="screenPageViews"), Metric(name="keyEvents")], ) response = client.run_realtime_report(request) print_run_report_response(response)
/** * TODO(developer): Uncomment this variable and replace with your GA4 * property ID before running the sample. */ // propertyId = 'YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID'; // Imports the Google Analytics Data API client library. const {BetaAnalyticsDataClient} = require('@google-analytics/data'); // Creates a client. const analyticsDataClient = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Runs a realtime report on a Google Analytics 4 property. async function runRealtimeReportWithMultipleMetrics() { const [response] = await analyticsDataClient.runRealtimeReport({ // The property parameter value must be in the form `properties/1234` // where `1234` is a GA4 property Id. property: `properties/${propertyId}`, dimensions: [ { name: 'unifiedScreenName', }, ], metrics: [ { name: 'screenPageViews', }, { name: 'keyEvents', }, ], }); printRunReportResponse(response); } runRealtimeReportWithMultipleMetrics(); // Prints results of a runReport call. function printRunReportResponse(response) { console.log(`${response.rowCount} rows received`); response.dimensionHeaders.forEach(dimensionHeader => { console.log(`Dimension header name: ${dimensionHeader.name}`); }); response.metricHeaders.forEach(metricHeader => { console.log( `Metric header name: ${metricHeader.name} (${metricHeader.type})` ); }); console.log('Report result:'); response.rows.forEach(row => { console.log( `${row.dimensionValues[0].value}, ${row.metricValues[0].value}` ); }); }
たとえば、レポート レスポンスの行には次のような内容が含まれます。この行は、main_menu
のページのタイトル(ウェブ)または画面名(アプリ)で、過去 30 分間に 257 回のビューと 72 回のキーイベントがあったことを意味します。
"rows": [
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "main_menu"
"metricValues": [
"value": "257"
"value": "72"
リアルタイム レポート リクエストでは、minuteRanges フィールドを使用して、読み取るイベントデータの分単位の範囲を指定できます。クエリで使用できる分単位の範囲は最大 2 つです。クエリに分単位の範囲が指定されていない場合、過去 30 分間の 1 分単位の範囲が使用されます。
たとえば、次のリクエストでは、2 つの異なる分単位の範囲のアクティブ ユーザー数が表示されます。
- 範囲 1: 4 分前から現在まで。
範囲 2: 29 分前から 25 分前まで(両端を含む)。
POST https://analyticsdata.googleapis.com/v1beta/property/GA_PROPERTY_ID:runRealtimeReport
"metrics": [
"name": "activeUsers"
"minuteRanges": [
"name": "0-4 minutes ago",
"startMinutesAgo": 4,
"name": "25-29 minutes ago",
"startMinutesAgo": 29,
"endMinutesAgo": 25,
import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.BetaAnalyticsDataClient; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.Metric; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.MinuteRange; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunRealtimeReportRequest; import com.google.analytics.data.v1beta.RunRealtimeReportResponse; /** * Google Analytics Data API sample application demonstrating the creation of a realtime report. * * <p>See * https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1beta/properties/runRealtimeReport * for more information. * * <p>Before you start the application, please review the comments starting with "TODO(developer)" * and update the code to use correct values. * * <p>To run this sample using Maven: * * <pre>{@code * cd google-analytics-data * mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.google.analytics.data.samples.RunRealtimeReportWithMinuteRangesSample" * }</pre> */ public class RunRealtimeReportWithMinuteRangesSample { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { // TODO(developer): Replace with your Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. String propertyId = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"; sampleRunRealtimeReportWithMinuteRanges(propertyId); } // Runs a realtime report on a Google Analytics 4 property. static void sampleRunRealtimeReportWithMinuteRanges(String propertyId) throws Exception { // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources. try (BetaAnalyticsDataClient analyticsData = BetaAnalyticsDataClient.create()) { RunRealtimeReportRequest request = RunRealtimeReportRequest.newBuilder() .setProperty("properties/" + propertyId) .addMetrics(Metric.newBuilder().setName(("activeUsers"))) .addMinuteRanges( MinuteRange.newBuilder().setName("0-4 minutes ago").setStartMinutesAgo(4)) .addMinuteRanges( MinuteRange.newBuilder() .setName("25-29 minutes ago") .setEndMinutesAgo(29) .setEndMinutesAgo(25)) .build(); // Make the request. RunRealtimeReportResponse response = analyticsData.runRealtimeReport(request); // Prints the response using a method in RunRealtimeReportSample.java RunRealtimeReportSample.printRunRealtimeReportResponse(response); } } }
use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Client\BetaAnalyticsDataClient; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\Metric; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\MetricType; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\MinuteRange; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunRealtimeReportRequest; use Google\Analytics\Data\V1beta\RunRealtimeReportResponse; /** * Runs a realtime report on a Google Analytics 4 property. Dimensions field is * omitted in the query, which results in total values of active users returned * for each minute range in the report. * * Note the `dateRange` dimension added to the report response automatically as * a result of querying multiple minute ranges. * @param string $propertyId Your GA-4 Property ID */ function run_realtime_report_with_minute_ranges(string $propertyId) { // Create an instance of the Google Analytics Data API client library. $client = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Make an API call. $request = (new RunRealtimeReportRequest()) ->setProperty('properties/' . $propertyId) ->setMetrics([ new Metric(['name' => 'activeUsers']), ]) ->setMinuteRanges([ new MinuteRange(['name' => '0-4 minutes ago', 'start_minutes_ago' => 4]), new MinuteRange(['name' => '25-29 minutes ago', 'start_minutes_ago' => 29, 'end_minutes_ago' => 25]), ]); $response = $client->runRealtimeReport($request); printRunRealtimeReportWithMinuteRangesResponse($response); } /** * Print results of a runRealtimeReport call. * @param RunRealtimeReportResponse $response */ function printRunRealtimeReportWithMinuteRangesResponse(RunRealtimeReportResponse $response) { printf('%s rows received%s', $response->getRowCount(), PHP_EOL); foreach ($response->getDimensionHeaders() as $dimensionHeader) { printf('Dimension header name: %s%s', $dimensionHeader->getName(), PHP_EOL); } foreach ($response->getMetricHeaders() as $metricHeader) { printf( 'Metric header name: %s (%s)%s', $metricHeader->getName(), MetricType::name($metricHeader->getType()), PHP_EOL ); } print 'Report result: ' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($response->getRows() as $row) { printf( '%s %s' . PHP_EOL, $row->getDimensionValues()[0]->getValue(), $row->getMetricValues()[0]->getValue() ); } }
from google.analytics.data_v1beta import BetaAnalyticsDataClient from google.analytics.data_v1beta.types import ( Metric, MinuteRange, RunRealtimeReportRequest, ) from run_report import print_run_report_response def run_sample(): """Runs the sample.""" # TODO(developer): Replace this variable with your Google Analytics 4 # property ID before running the sample. property_id = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID" run_realtime_report_with_minute_ranges(property_id) def run_realtime_report_with_minute_ranges(property_id="YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"): """Runs a realtime report on a Google Analytics 4 property. Dimensions field is omitted in the query, which results in total values of active users returned for each minute range in the report. Note the `dateRange` dimension added to the report response automatically as a result of querying multiple minute ranges. """ client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient() request = RunRealtimeReportRequest( property=f"properties/{property_id}", metrics=[Metric(name="activeUsers")], minute_ranges=[ MinuteRange(name="0-4 minutes ago", start_minutes_ago=4), MinuteRange( name="25-29 minutes ago", start_minutes_ago=29, end_minutes_ago=25 ), ], ) response = client.run_realtime_report(request) print_run_report_response(response)
// TODO(developer): Uncomment this variable and replace with your // Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample. // propertyId = 'YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID'; // Imports the Google Analytics Data API client library. const {BetaAnalyticsDataClient} = require('@google-analytics/data'); // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only // needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests. const analyticsDataClient = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(); // Runs a report using two date ranges. async function runRealtimeReportWithMinuteRanges() { const [response] = await analyticsDataClient.runRealtimeReport({ property: `properties/${propertyId}`, minuteRanges: [ { name: '0-4 minutes ago', startMinutesAgo: 4, endMinutesAgo: 0, }, { name: '25-29 minutes ago', startMinutesAgo: 29, endMinutesAgo: 25, }, ], metrics: [ { name: 'activeUsers', }, ], }); printRunReportResponse(response); } runRealtimeReportWithMinuteRanges(); // Prints results of a runReport call. function printRunReportResponse(response) { console.log(`${response.rowCount} rows received`); response.dimensionHeaders.forEach(dimensionHeader => { console.log(`Dimension header name: ${dimensionHeader.name}`); }); response.metricHeaders.forEach(metricHeader => { console.log( `Metric header name: ${metricHeader.name} (${metricHeader.type})` ); }); console.log('Report result:'); response.rows.forEach(row => { console.log( `${row.dimensionValues[0].value}, ${row.metricValues[0].value}` ); }); }
クエリの完全なレスポンスの例を次に示します。複数の分範囲をクエリした結果、レポート レスポンスに自動的に追加された dateRange
"dimensionHeaders": [
"name": "dateRange"
"metricHeaders": [
"name": "activeUsers",
"type": "TYPE_INTEGER"
"rows": [
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "0-4 minutes ago"
"metricValues": [
"value": "16"
"dimensionValues": [
"value": "25-29 minutes ago"
"metricValues": [
"value": "14"
"rowCount": 2,
"kind": "analyticsData#runRealtimeReport"