使用 Apps Script 建構 Google Workspace 外掛程式

本快速入門課程會建立簡單的 Google Workspace 外掛程式,示範首頁、情境觸發條件,以及連結至第三方 API。

這個外掛程式會在 Gmail、日曆和雲端硬碟中建立情境和非情境介面。外掛程式會隨機顯示貓咪圖片,並在圖片上疊加文字。文字為主畫面的靜態文字,或來自主機應用程式內容相關觸發事件的內容。


  • 設定環境。
  • 設定指令碼。
  • 執行指令碼。



  • Google 帳戶 (Google Workspace 帳戶可能需要管理員核准)。
  • 可連上網際網路的網路瀏覽器。

  • Google Cloud 專案


在 Google Cloud 控制台中開啟 Cloud 專案

如果尚未開啟,請開啟要用於本範例的 Cloud 專案:

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,前往「Select a project」(選取專案)頁面。

    選取 Cloud 專案

  2. 選取要使用的 Google Cloud 專案。或者,您也可以按一下「建立專案」,然後按照畫面上的指示操作。如果您建立 Google Cloud 專案,可能需要為專案啟用計費功能

Google Workspace 外掛程式需要設定同意畫面。設定外掛程式的 OAuth 同意畫面,可定義 Google 向使用者顯示的內容。

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,依序前往「選單」 >>「品牌」


  2. 如果您已設定 ,可以在「品牌」、「目標對象」和「資料存取」中設定下列 OAuth 同意畫面設定。如果畫面上顯示「尚未設定」 ,請按一下「開始使用」
    1. 在「應用程式資訊」下方的「應用程式名稱」中,輸入應用程式名稱。
    2. 在「使用者支援電子郵件」中,選擇使用者有同意聲明相關問題時可與您聯絡的支援電子郵件地址。
    3. 點選 [下一步]
    4. 在「觀眾」下方,選取「內部」
    5. 點選 [下一步]
    6. 在「聯絡資訊」下方,輸入電子郵件地址,以便在專案有任何異動時通知您。
    7. 點選 [下一步]
    8. 在「Finish」下方,詳閱「Google API 服務使用者資料政策」,如果同意,請選取「I agree to the Google API Services: User Data Policy」
    9. 按一下 [繼續]。
    10. 按一下 [建立]。
  3. 目前您可以略過新增範圍的步驟。 日後,如果您建立的應用程式是供 Google Workspace 機構以外的使用者使用,就必須將使用者類型變更為外部。然後新增應用程式所需的授權範圍。詳情請參閱完整的「設定 OAuth 同意聲明」指南。


建立 Apps Script 專案

  1. 如要建立新的 Apps Script 專案,請前往 script.new
  2. 按一下「Untitled project」
  3. 重新命名 Apps 指令碼專案「Cats」,然後按一下「Rename」
  4. Code.gs 檔案旁邊,依序按一下「更多」圖示 >「重新命名」。將檔案命名為 Common
  5. 依序點選「新增檔案」 >「Script」。將檔案命名為 Gmail
  6. 重複執行步驟 5,建立另外 2 個名為 CalendarDrive 的腳本檔案。完成後,您應該會有 4 個獨立的指令碼檔案。
  7. 將每個檔案的內容替換成以下對應的程式碼:

     * This simple Google Workspace add-on shows a random image of a cat in the
     * sidebar. When opened manually (the homepage card), some static text is
     * overlayed on the image, but when contextual cards are opened a new cat image
     * is shown with the text taken from that context (such as a message's subject
     * line) overlaying the image. There is also a button that updates the card with
     * a new random cat image.
     * Click "File > Make a copy..." to copy the script, and "Publish > Deploy from
     * manifest > Install add-on" to install it.
     * The maximum number of characters that can fit in the cat image.
    var MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 40;
     * Callback for rendering the homepage card.
     * @return {CardService.Card} The card to show to the user.
    function onHomepage(e) {
      var hour = Number(Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), e.userTimezone.id, 'H'));
      var message;
      if (hour >= 6 && hour < 12) {
        message = 'Good morning';
      } else if (hour >= 12 && hour < 18) {
        message = 'Good afternoon';
      } else {
        message = 'Good night';
      message += ' ' + e.hostApp;
      return createCatCard(message, true);
     * Creates a card with an image of a cat, overlayed with the text.
     * @param {String} text The text to overlay on the image.
     * @param {Boolean} isHomepage True if the card created here is a homepage;
     *      false otherwise. Defaults to false.
     * @return {CardService.Card} The assembled card.
    function createCatCard(text, isHomepage) {
      // Explicitly set the value of isHomepage as false if null or undefined.
      if (!isHomepage) {
        isHomepage = false;
      // Use the "Cat as a service" API to get the cat image. Add a "time" URL
      // parameter to act as a cache buster.
      var now = new Date();
      // Replace forward slashes in the text, as they break the CataaS API.
      var caption = text.replace(/\//g, ' ');
      var imageUrl =
              encodeURIComponent(caption), now.getTime());
      var image = CardService.newImage()
      // Create a button that changes the cat image when pressed.
      // Note: Action parameter keys and values must be strings.
      var action = CardService.newAction()
          .setParameters({text: text, isHomepage: isHomepage.toString()});
      var button = CardService.newTextButton()
          .setText('Change cat')
      var buttonSet = CardService.newButtonSet()
      // Create a footer to be shown at the bottom.
      var footer = CardService.newFixedFooter()
              .setText('Powered by cataas.com')
      // Assemble the widgets and return the card.
      var section = CardService.newCardSection()
      var card = CardService.newCardBuilder()
      if (!isHomepage) {
        // Create the header shown when the card is minimized,
        // but only when this card is a contextual card. Peek headers
        // are never used by non-contexual cards like homepages.
        var peekHeader = CardService.newCardHeader()
          .setTitle('Contextual Cat')
      return card.build();
     * Callback for the "Change cat" button.
     * @param {Object} e The event object, documented {@link
     *     https://developers.google.com/gmail/add-ons/concepts/actions#action_event_objects
     *     here}.
     * @return {CardService.ActionResponse} The action response to apply.
    function onChangeCat(e) {
      // Get the text that was shown in the current cat image. This was passed as a
      // parameter on the Action set for the button.
      var text = e.parameters.text;
      // The isHomepage parameter is passed as a string, so convert to a Boolean.
      var isHomepage = e.parameters.isHomepage === 'true';
      // Create a new card with the same text.
      var card = createCatCard(text, isHomepage);
      // Create an action response that instructs the add-on to replace
      // the current card with the new one.
      var navigation = CardService.newNavigation()
      var actionResponse = CardService.newActionResponseBuilder()
      return actionResponse.build();
     * Truncate a message to fit in the cat image.
     * @param {string} message The message to truncate.
     * @return {string} The truncated message.
    function truncate(message) {
      if (message.length > MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) {
        message = message.slice(0, MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH);
        message = message.slice(0, message.lastIndexOf(' ')) + '...';
      return message;

     * Callback for rendering the card for a specific Gmail message.
     * @param {Object} e The event object.
     * @return {CardService.Card} The card to show to the user.
    function onGmailMessage(e) {
      // Get the ID of the message the user has open.
      var messageId = e.gmail.messageId;
      // Get an access token scoped to the current message and use it for GmailApp
      // calls.
      var accessToken = e.gmail.accessToken;
      // Get the subject of the email.
      var message = GmailApp.getMessageById(messageId);
      var subject = message.getThread().getFirstMessageSubject();
      // Remove labels and prefixes.
      subject = subject
          .replace(/^([rR][eE]|[fF][wW][dD])\:\s*/, '')
          .replace(/^\[.*?\]\s*/, '');
      // If neccessary, truncate the subject to fit in the image.
      subject = truncate(subject);
      return createCatCard(subject);
     * Callback for rendering the card for the compose action dialog.
     * @param {Object} e The event object.
     * @return {CardService.Card} The card to show to the user.
    function onGmailCompose(e) {
      var header = CardService.newCardHeader()
          .setTitle('Insert cat')
          .setSubtitle('Add a custom cat image to your email message.');
      // Create text input for entering the cat's message.
      var input = CardService.newTextInput()
          .setHint('What do you want the cat to say?');
      // Create a button that inserts the cat image when pressed.
      var action = CardService.newAction()
      var button = CardService.newTextButton()
          .setText('Insert cat')
      var buttonSet = CardService.newButtonSet()
      // Assemble the widgets and return the card.
      var section = CardService.newCardSection()
      var card = CardService.newCardBuilder()
      return card.build();
     * Callback for inserting a cat into the Gmail draft.
     * @param {Object} e The event object.
     * @return {CardService.UpdateDraftActionResponse} The draft update response.
    function onGmailInsertCat(e) {
      // Get the text that was entered by the user.
      var text = e.formInput.text;
      // Use the "Cat as a service" API to get the cat image. Add a "time" URL
      // parameter to act as a cache buster.
      var now = new Date();
      var imageUrl = 'https://cataas.com/cat';
      if (text) {
        // Replace forward slashes in the text, as they break the CataaS API.
        var caption = text.replace(/\//g, ' ');
        imageUrl += Utilities.formatString('/says/%s?time=%s',
            encodeURIComponent(caption), now.getTime());
      var imageHtmlContent = '<img style="display: block; max-height: 300px;" src="'
          + imageUrl + '"/>';
      var response = CardService.newUpdateDraftActionResponseBuilder()
      return response;

     * Callback for rendering the card for a specific Calendar event.
     * @param {Object} e The event object.
     * @return {CardService.Card} The card to show to the user.
    function onCalendarEventOpen(e) {
      var calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(e.calendar.calendarId);
      // The event metadata doesn't include the event's title, so using the
      // calendar.readonly scope and fetching the event by it's ID.
      var event = calendar.getEventById(e.calendar.id);
      if (!event) {
        // This is a new event still being created.
        return createCatCard('A new event! Am I invited?');
      var title = event.getTitle();
      // If necessary, truncate the title to fit in the image.
      title = truncate(title);
      return createCatCard(title);

     * Callback for rendering the card for specific Drive items.
     * @param {Object} e The event object.
     * @return {CardService.Card} The card to show to the user.
    function onDriveItemsSelected(e) {
      var items = e.drive.selectedItems;
      // Include at most 5 items in the text.
      items = items.slice(0, 5);
      var text = items.map(function(item) {
        var title = item.title;
        // If neccessary, truncate the title to fit in the image.
        title = truncate(title);
        return title;
      return createCatCard(text);

  8. 按一下「Project Settings」圖示 專案設定圖示

  9. 勾選「在編輯器中顯示『appsscript.json』資訊清單檔案」方塊。

  10. 按一下「編輯器」圖示

  11. 開啟 appsscript.json 檔案,然後將內容替換為下列程式碼,然後按一下「Save」(儲存) 「儲存」圖示


      "timeZone": "America/New_York",
      "dependencies": {
      "exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
      "oauthScopes": [
      "runtimeVersion": "V8",
      "addOns": {
        "common": {
          "name": "Cats",
          "logoUrl": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/system/1x/pets_black_48dp.png",
          "useLocaleFromApp": true,
          "homepageTrigger": {
            "runFunction": "onHomepage",
            "enabled": true
          "universalActions": [{
            "label": "Learn more about Cataas",
            "openLink": "https://cataas.com"
        "gmail": {
          "contextualTriggers": [{
            "unconditional": {
            "onTriggerFunction": "onGmailMessage"
          "composeTrigger": {
            "selectActions": [{
              "text": "Insert cat",
              "runFunction": "onGmailCompose"
            "draftAccess": "NONE"
        "drive": {
          "onItemsSelectedTrigger": {
            "runFunction": "onDriveItemsSelected"
        "calendar": {
          "eventOpenTrigger": {
            "runFunction": "onCalendarEventOpen"

複製 Cloud 專案編號

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,依序前往「Menu」(選單) >「IAM & Admin」(IAM 與管理) >「Settings」(設定)

    前往「IAM 與管理員設定」

  2. 在「專案編號」欄位中複製值。

設定 Apps Script 專案的 Cloud 專案

  1. 在 Apps Script 專案中,按一下「Project Settings」圖示 專案設定圖示
  2. 在「Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 專案」下方,按一下「變更專案」
  3. 在「GCP 專案編號」中貼上 Google Cloud 專案編號。
  4. 按一下「設定專案」


  1. 在 Apps Script 專案中,按一下「編輯器」圖示
  2. 依序按一下「部署」「測試部署作業」。
  3. 依序點選「安裝」>「完成」


  1. 前往 Gmail
  2. 如要開啟外掛程式,請在右側面板中按一下「貓咪」圖示
  3. 如果出現提示,請授權使用外掛程式。
  4. 外掛程式會顯示貓咪圖片和文字。如要變更圖片,請按一下「變更類別」
  5. 如果在外掛程式開啟的情況下開啟電子郵件,圖片會重新整理,文字則會變更為電子郵件的主旨行 (如果太長,則會截斷)。

