This page describes how to migrate identical scripts to V8 using Apps Script and the Apps Script API.
You must migrate any scripts that use the Rhino runtime before Rhino is turned down, happening on or after January 31, 2026. If you have multiple, identical scripts running on Rhino, you can migrate them to V8 all together using the Apps Script API.
Set up your environment
- From the Apps Script dashboard settings, turn on the
Apps Script API.
- Go to the Apps Script dashboard settings.
- If the API is turned off, click Google Apps Script API, then turn on the Google Apps Script API toggle.
- Create a standard Google Cloud project or reuse an existing project.
- In your Cloud project, configure the OAuth consent screen.
In your Cloud project, turn on the Apps Script API.
Create an Apps Script project and assign the Apps Script project to your Cloud project.
- Create a standalone Apps Script project from the Apps Script dashboard or by going to
- Click Project Settings
- In the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Project section, click Change project.
- Enter the project number of your Cloud project.
- Click Set project.
Migrate scripts
The following code sample shows how to use the Apps Script API to migrate identical scripts from Rhino to V8 by replacing the files in each Apps Script project with a set of V8-compatible files.
Make sure you have at least editor access to the script projects you plan to migrate.
function updateRhinoScripts() {
// An array of script IDs of script projects to migrate.
// TODO(developer): Replace with your script IDs.
const scriptIds = ['abcdef12345678', 'abcdef12345678'];
// An array of file objects to replace the existing files in each script project.
// Remember to include all files for the script, excluded files are deleted.
// TODO(developer): Replace with your script files.
const filesToUpdate = {
"files": [
"name": "Code",
"type": "SERVER_JS",
"source": "// New updates\nfunction myFunction() {\n console.log('Hello, world!');\n}"
"name": "appsscript",
"type": "JSON",
"source": JSON.stringify({
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"dependencies": {},
"exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
"runtimeVersion": "V8"
updateMultipleAppsScripts(scriptIds, filesToUpdate);
function updateMultipleAppsScripts(scriptIds, filesToUpdate) {
// 'scriptIds' should be an array of script IDs
// 'filesToUpdate' should be an array of objects, each with:
// name: The filename (For example, "Code", "Utilities")
// source: The source code for that file.
scriptIds.forEach(function (scriptId) {
// Makes the API request.
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(
method: "PUT",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()}`
contentType: "application/json",
payload: JSON.stringify(filesToUpdate),
muteHttpExceptions: true
if (response.getResponseCode() !== 200) {
console.log(`Error updating script ${scriptId}: ${response.getContentText()}`);
} else {
console.log(`Script ${scriptId} updated successfully!`);
To use the Apps Script API in your Apps Script project, you must add the following OAuth scopes to your manifest file:
To expose the manifest file in the editor, click Project Settings
and check the Show "appsscript.json" manifest file in editor box. The
following is a sample manifest file with the appropriate OAuth scopes:
"timeZone": "America/Denver",
"dependencies": {
"oauthScopes": [
"exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
"runtimeVersion": "V8"