Creative fields

When a creative is reviewed, its creativeServingDecision is populated with detected attributes and policy compliance fields that determine the kind of inventory the creative is eligible for.

Compare detected fields to publisher restrictions at bidding time

Fields in CreativeServingDecison prefixed with detected–such as detectedLanguages–describe information about your creatives that Google has detected during the creative review process. These fields can impact your creative's policy compliance, and are relevant in Real-time Bidding, where you can use them to determine which creatives are going to be filtered from the auction due to publisher restrictions.

Use the correct category fields for your configured real-time bidding protocol

If your Real-time Bidding integration uses OpenRTB, use the detectedCategoriesTaxonomy and detectedCategories fields to determine which creatives are associated with categories that the publisher blocked in the BidRequest.bcat field. The detectedCategoriesTaxonomy field identifies the taxonomy used to describe categories found in detectedCategories and the bid request's BidRequest.bcat field. By default, detectedCategoriesTaxonomy is set to IAB_CONTENT_1_0, which refers to IAB Content 1.0 Taxonomy.

The deprecated Google Real-time Bidding protocol uses its own proprietary taxonomy found in ad-product-categories.txt and ad-sensitive-categories.txt to describe publisher restrictions found in BidRequest.adslot.excluded_product_category and BidRequest.adslot.excluded_sensitive_category. You can use detectedProductCategories and detectedSensitiveCategories to determine which creatives are associated with categories that the publisher restricted in the bid request.

Policy compliance

During review the creativeServingDecision is populated with the following:

Bids that don't comply with relevant policies are filtered from the Real-Time Bidding auction.

The policy compliance, status field tells you if a creative is approved for a specific use.

You can use the following information to troubleshoot disapprovals:

  • The topics field provides details of a disapproval
  • PolicyTopicEntry had the following fields:
    • policyTopic describes the disapproval reason
    • helpCenterUrl links to a help center article on the violated policy
    • evidences explains how the creative violates the policy
    • missingCertificate indicates whether a certificate is needed to unblock serving for some regions.



A creative with the following creativeServingDecision would not be filtered from the open auction, deals, open bidding, or from being placed in China or Russia.

  "chinaPolicyCompliance": {
    "status": "APPROVED"
  "dealsPolicyCompliance": {
    "status": "APPROVED"
  "detectedAttributes": [
  "detectedLanguages": [
  "detectedProductCategories": [
  "lastStatusUpdate": "2020-07-30T04:47:31.616018Z",
  "networkPolicyCompliance": {
    "status": "APPROVED"
  "platformPolicyCompliance": {
    "status": "APPROVED"
  "russiaPolicyCompliance": {
    "status": "APPROVED"


In addition to detected attributes, the following creativeServingDecision indicates that the creative isn't approved to serve in deals or the open auction. The dealsPolicyCompliance and networkPolicyCompliance are set to DISAPPROVED.

  "detectedAdvertisers": [
      "advertiserId": "22114433",
      "advertiserName": "Test Advertiser"
  "detectedAttributes": [
  "lastStatusUpdate": "2020-10-16T23:20:26.140810Z",
  "dealsPolicyCompliance": {
    "status": "APPROVED"
  "networkPolicyCompliance": {
    "status": "DISAPPROVED",
    "topics": [
        "helpCenterUrl": ""
        "policyTopic": "DESTINATION_NOT_CRAWLABLE",
        "helpCenterUrl": "",
        "evidences": [
            "destinationNotWorking": {
              "httpError": 403,
              "expandedUrl": "",
              "lastCheckTime": "2020-10-17T22:32:05Z"
  "platformPolicyCompliance": {
    "status": "APPROVED"
  "chinaPolicyCompliance": {
    "status": "DISAPPROVED"
  "russiaPolicyCompliance": {
    "status": "DISAPPROVED"

If applicable, additional context is provided under topics. In this case, the policyTopic suggests that the creative was disapproved for the open auction for the following reasons:

  • The creative's destination URL wan't crawlable
  • It was detected to promote online pharmaceutical products

The helpCenterUrl links provide more details on the policies that were violated. The evidence includes the creative's destination URL that couldn't be crawled during the review.

The creative is also disapproved for use in China and Russia. Note that at this time, policy topics and evidence aren't populated for either.

Certificate required

The following creativeServingDecision includes a networkPolicyCompliance set to CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED. CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED indicates that the creative is eligible for certification, but has not been certified in any regions, which will cause it to be filtered from the auction. If the buyer were certified in at least one region, the status would change to APPROVED. To learn more about this process, see the Gambling and games policy.

  "detectedClickThroughUrls": [
  "detectedAdvertisers": [
      "advertiserId": "1234567",
      "advertiserName": "TestAdvertiser",
      "brandId": "87654321",
      "brandName": "TestBrand"
  "detectedProductCategories": [
  "detectedLanguages": [
  "detectedDomains": [
  "detectedAttributes": [
  "adTechnologyProviders": {
    "detectedProviderIds": [
    "detectedGvlIds": [
  "lastStatusUpdate": "2022-10-25T18:40:21.405Z",
  "dealsPolicyCompliance": {
    "status": "APPROVED"
  "networkPolicyCompliance": {
    "topics": [
        "policyTopic": "ONLINE_NON_CASINO_GAMES",
        "helpCenterUrl": ""
  "platformPolicyCompliance": {
    "status": "APPROVED"
  "chinaPolicyCompliance": {
    "status": "DISAPPROVED",
    "topics": [
        "policyTopic": "ONLINE_NON_CASINO_GAMES",
        "helpCenterUrl": ""
        "policyTopic": "LEGAL_CHINA",
        "helpCenterUrl": ""
  "russiaPolicyCompliance": {
    "status": "DISAPPROVED",
    "topics": [
        "policyTopic": "ONLINE_NON_CASINO_GAMES",
        "helpCenterUrl": ""
        "policyTopic": "LEGAL_RUSSIA",
        "helpCenterUrl": ""