GPM:每月全球降水测量 (GPM) v6
IMERG-Final 版本“06”已于 2021 年 9 月停止生产。版本“07”预计将于 2022 年 9 月发布。全球降水量测量 (GPM) 是一项国际卫星计划,旨在每 3 小时提供一次对全球降雨和降雪的新一代观测数据。集成多卫星检索功能适用于以下应用: 气候 geophysical gpm imerg jaxa 每月 -
GPM:每月全球降水测量 (GPM) vRelease 07
全球降水测量 (GPM) 是一项国际卫星计划,旨在每 3 小时提供一次对全球降雨和降雪的新一代观测数据。全球降水监测卫星 (GPM) 的集成多卫星数据检索 (IMERG) 是一种统一算法,可结合 GPM 中所有被动式微波仪器的数据提供降雨估算值… 气候 geophysical gpm imerg jaxa 每月 -
OpenLandMap 月降水量
每月降水量(以毫米为单位),分辨率为 1 公里,基于 SM2RAIN-ASCAT 2007-2018、IMERG、CHESLA Climate 和 WorldClim。使用 gdalwarp(立方曲线插值)和 WorldClim、CHESLA Climate 和 IMERG 月度产品的平均值,缩减到 1 公里的分辨率(例如,“3B-MO-L.GIS.IMERG.20180601.V05B.tif”)。权重会提高 3 倍… envirometrix imerg 每月 opengeohub openlandmap 降水
[null,null,[],[[["GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) is an international satellite mission providing observations of rain and snow globally every three hours."],["IMERG (Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM) is the algorithm used to produce rainfall estimates by combining data from various instruments."],["GPM data is available in different versions and temporal resolutions, including monthly and near-real-time, with IMERG v06 being discontinued and v07 as its successor."],["OpenLandMap offers monthly precipitation data at 1 km resolution, integrating data from various sources, including IMERG."]]],["The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission uses satellites to observe global rain and snow every three hours. The Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) algorithm estimates rainfall by combining data from various passive-microwave instruments. Version 06 of IMERG-Final production stopped in September 2021. OpenLandMap offers monthly precipitation data at 1 km resolution using SM2RAIN-ASCAT, IMERG, CHELSA Climate, and WorldClim.\n"]]