MCD19A1.061: Land Surface BRF Daily L2G Global 500m and 1km
The MCD19A1 Version 6.1 data product is a Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Terra and Aqua combined Land Surface Bidirectional Reflectance Factor (BRF) gridded Level 2 product produced daily at 500 meter and 1 kilometer resolution. For more information see the MAIAC user guide. aerosol aod aqua daily global maiac -
MCD19A2.061: Terra & Aqua MAIAC Land Aerosol Optical Depth Daily 1km
The MCD19A2 V6.1 data product is a MODIS Terra and Aqua combined Multi-angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) Land Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) gridded Level 2 product produced daily at 1 km resolution. For more information see the MAIAC user guide. NOTE: This product has … aerosol aod aqua daily global maiac
[null,null,[],[[["MCD19A1.061 provides daily land surface reflectance data at 500m and 1km resolutions from combined MODIS Terra and Aqua observations."],["MCD19A2.061 offers daily land aerosol optical depth data at 1km resolution derived from the MAIAC algorithm applied to MODIS Terra and Aqua."],["Both datasets are global and utilize the MAIAC algorithm for atmospheric correction."]]],[]]