Desenhar polígonos em um mapa

Imagem de Desenhar polígonos em um mapa.

Este exemplo desenha polígonos em torno das fronteiras geográficas dos estados dos EUA de Nova York e Carolina do Norte. O polígono que cobre Nova York é desenhado com um buraco triangular no centro.

Primeiros passos

Antes de testar o exemplo de código, é necessário configurar o ambiente de desenvolvimento. Para mais informações, consulte Exemplos de código do SDK do Maps para iOS.

Ver o código

import GoogleMaps
import UIKit

final class PolygonsViewController: UIViewController {

  private lazy var mapView: GMSMapView = {
    let cameraPosition = GMSCameraPosition(latitude: 39.13006, longitude: -77.508545, zoom: 4)
    return GMSMapView(frame: .zero, camera: cameraPosition)

  override func loadView() {
    mapView.delegate = self
    view = mapView

  override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    // Create renderer related objects after view appears, so a renderer will be available;
    let polygon = GMSPolygon()
    polygon.path = GMSPath.newYorkState()
    polygon.holes = [GMSPath.newYorkStateHole()]
    polygon.title = "New York"
    polygon.fillColor = UIColor(red: 0.25, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.2)
    polygon.strokeColor = .black
    polygon.strokeWidth = 2
    polygon.isTappable = true = mapView

    // Copy the existing polygon and its settings and use it as a base for the
    // second polygon.
    let carolina = polygon.copy() as! GMSPolygon
    carolina.title = "North Carolina"
    carolina.path = GMSPath.northCarolina()
    carolina.fillColor = UIColor(red: 0, green: 0.25, blue: 0, alpha: 0.5) = mapView

extension GMSPath {
  static func newYorkState() -> GMSPath {
    let data: [[CLLocationDegrees]] = [
      [42.5142, -79.7624],
      [42.7783, -79.0672],
      [42.8508, -78.9313],
      [42.9061, -78.9024],
      [42.9554, -78.9313],
      [42.9584, -78.9656],
      [42.9886, -79.0219],
      [43.0568, -79.0027],
      [43.0769, -79.0727],
      [43.1220, -79.0713],
      [43.1441, -79.0302],
      [43.1801, -79.0576],
      [43.2482, -79.0604],
      [43.2812, -79.0837],
      [43.4509, -79.2004],
      [43.6311, -78.6909],
      [43.6321, -76.7958],
      [43.9987, -76.4978],
      [44.0965, -76.4388],
      [44.1349, -76.3536],
      [44.1989, -76.3124],
      [44.2049, -76.2437],
      [44.2413, -76.1655],
      [44.2973, -76.1353],
      [44.3327, -76.0474],
      [44.3553, -75.9856],
      [44.3749, -75.9196],
      [44.3994, -75.8730],
      [44.4308, -75.8221],
      [44.4740, -75.8098],
      [44.5425, -75.7288],
      [44.6647, -75.5585],
      [44.7672, -75.4088],
      [44.8101, -75.3442],
      [44.8383, -75.3058],
      [44.8676, -75.2399],
      [44.9211, -75.1204],
      [44.9609, -74.9995],
      [44.9803, -74.9899],
      [44.9852, -74.9103],
      [45.0017, -74.8856],
      [45.0153, -74.8306],
      [45.0046, -74.7633],
      [45.0027, -74.7070],
      [45.0007, -74.5642],
      [44.9920, -74.1467],
      [45.0037, -73.7306],
      [45.0085, -73.4203],
      [45.0109, -73.3430],
      [44.9874, -73.3547],
      [44.9648, -73.3379],
      [44.9160, -73.3396],
      [44.8354, -73.3739],
      [44.8013, -73.3324],
      [44.7419, -73.3667],
      [44.6139, -73.3873],
      [44.5787, -73.3736],
      [44.4916, -73.3049],
      [44.4289, -73.2953],
      [44.3513, -73.3365],
      [44.2757, -73.3118],
      [44.1980, -73.3818],
      [44.1142, -73.4079],
      [44.0511, -73.4367],
      [44.0165, -73.4065],
      [43.9375, -73.4079],
      [43.8771, -73.3749],
      [43.8167, -73.3914],
      [43.7790, -73.3557],
      [43.6460, -73.4244],
      [43.5893, -73.4340],
      [43.5655, -73.3969],
      [43.6112, -73.3818],
      [43.6271, -73.3049],
      [43.5764, -73.3063],
      [43.5675, -73.2582],
      [43.5227, -73.2445],
      [43.2582, -73.2582],
      [42.9715, -73.2733],
      [42.8004, -73.2898],
      [42.7460, -73.2664],
      [42.4630, -73.3708],
      [42.0840, -73.5095],
      [42.0218, -73.4903],
      [41.8808, -73.4999],
      [41.2953, -73.5535],
      [41.2128, -73.4834],
      [41.1011, -73.7275],
      [41.0237, -73.6644],
      [40.9851, -73.6578],
      [40.9509, -73.6132],
      [41.1869, -72.4823],
      [41.2551, -72.0950],
      [41.3005, -71.9714],
      [41.3108, -71.9193],
      [41.1838, -71.7915],
      [41.1249, -71.7929],
      [41.0462, -71.7517],
      [40.6306, -72.9465],
      [40.5368, -73.4628],
      [40.4887, -73.8885],
      [40.5232, -73.9490],
      [40.4772, -74.2271],
      [40.4861, -74.2532],
      [40.6468, -74.1866],
      [40.6556, -74.0547],
      [40.7618, -74.0156],
      [40.8699, -73.9421],
      [40.9980, -73.8934],
      [41.0343, -73.9854],
      [41.3268, -74.6274],
      [41.3583, -74.7084],
      [41.3811, -74.7101],
      [41.4386, -74.8265],
      [41.5075, -74.9913],
      [41.6000, -75.0668],
      [41.6719, -75.0366],
      [41.7672, -75.0545],
      [41.8808, -75.1945],
      [42.0013, -75.3552],
      [42.0003, -75.4266],
      [42.0013, -77.0306],
      [41.9993, -79.7250],
      [42.0003, -79.7621],
      [42.1827, -79.7621],
      [42.5146, -79.7621],
    let path = GMSMutablePath()
    for degrees in data {
      path.addLatitude(degrees[0], longitude: degrees[1])
    return path

  static func newYorkStateHole() -> GMSPath {
    let path = GMSMutablePath()
    path.addLatitude(43.5000, longitude: -76.3651)
    path.addLatitude(43.5000, longitude: -74.3651)
    path.addLatitude(42.0000, longitude: -74.3651)
    return path

  static func northCarolina() -> GMSPath {
    let path = GMSMutablePath()
    let data = [
      [33.7963, -78.4850],
      [34.8037, -79.6742],
      [34.8206, -80.8003],
      [34.9377, -80.7880],
      [35.1019, -80.9377],
      [35.0356, -81.0379],
      [35.1457, -81.0324],
      [35.1660, -81.3867],
      [35.1985, -82.2739],
      [35.2041, -82.3933],
      [35.0637, -82.7765],
      [35.0817, -82.7861],
      [34.9996, -83.1075],
      [34.9918, -83.6183],
      [34.9918, -84.3201],
      [35.2131, -84.2885],
      [35.2680, -84.2226],
      [35.2310, -84.1113],
      [35.2815, -84.0454],
      [35.4058, -84.0248],
      [35.4719, -83.9424],
      [35.5166, -83.8559],
      [35.5512, -83.6938],
      [35.5680, -83.5181],
      [35.6327, -83.3849],
      [35.7142, -83.2475],
      [35.7799, -82.9962],
      [35.8445, -82.9276],
      [35.9224, -82.8191],
      [35.9958, -82.7710],
      [36.0613, -82.6419],
      [35.9702, -82.6103],
      [35.9547, -82.5677],
      [36.0236, -82.4730],
      [36.0669, -82.4194],
      [36.1168, -82.3535],
      [36.1345, -82.2862],
      [36.1467, -82.1461],
      [36.1035, -82.1228],
      [36.1268, -82.0267],
      [36.2797, -81.9360],
      [36.3527, -81.7987],
      [36.3361, -81.7081],
      [36.5880, -81.6724],
      [36.5659, -80.7234],
      [36.5438, -80.2977],
      [36.5449, -79.6729],
      [36.5449, -77.2559],
      [36.5505, -75.7562],
      [36.3129, -75.7068],
      [35.7131, -75.4129],
      [35.2041, -75.4720],
      [34.9794, -76.0748],
      [34.5258, -76.4951],
      [34.5880, -76.8109],
      [34.5314, -77.1378],
      [34.3910, -77.4481],
      [34.0481, -77.7983],
      [33.7666, -77.9260],
      [33.7963, -78.4863],
    for degrees in data {
      path.addLatitude(degrees[0], longitude: degrees[1])
    return path

extension PolygonsViewController: GMSMapViewDelegate {
  func mapView(_ mapView: GMSMapView, didTap overlay: GMSOverlay) {
    // When a polygon is tapped, randomly change its fill color to a new hue.
    guard let polygon = overlay as? GMSPolygon else { return }
    polygon.fillColor = UIColor(
      hue: CGFloat.random(in: 0..<1), saturation: 1, brightness: 1, alpha: 0.5)
#import "GoogleMapsDemos/Samples/PolygonsViewController.h"

#import <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h>

@interface PolygonsViewController ()

@property(nonatomic) GMSPolygon *polygonOfNewYork;
@property(nonatomic) GMSPolygon *polygonOfNorthCarolina;


@implementation PolygonsViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
  [super viewDidLoad];
  GMSCameraPosition *camera = [GMSCameraPosition cameraWithLatitude:39.13006
  GMSMapView *mapView = [GMSMapView mapWithFrame:CGRectZero camera:camera];
  mapView.delegate = self;  // needed for didTapOverlay delegate method

  self.view = mapView;

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
  [super viewDidAppear:animated];

  // Create renderer related objects after view appears, so a renderer will be available; otherwise,
  // behavior is undefined (may result in null ptr derefs).
  GMSMapView *mapView = (GMSMapView *)self.view;

  // Create the first polygon.
  GMSPolygon *polygon = [[GMSPolygon alloc] init];
  polygon.path = [self pathOfNewYorkState];
  polygon.holes = @[ [self pathOfNewYorkStateHole] ];
  polygon.title = @"New York";
  polygon.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.25 green:0 blue:0 alpha:0.2f];
  polygon.strokeColor = [UIColor blackColor];
  polygon.strokeWidth = 2;
  polygon.tappable = YES; = mapView;
  self.polygonOfNewYork = polygon;

  // Copy the existing polygon and its settings and use it as a base for the second polygon.
  polygon = [polygon copy];
  polygon.title = @"North Carolina";
  polygon.path = [self pathOfNorthCarolina];
  polygon.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0 green:0.25 blue:0 alpha:0.5]; = mapView;
  self.polygonOfNorthCarolina = polygon;

- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didTapOverlay:(GMSOverlay *)overlay {
  // When a polygon is tapped, randomly change its fill color to a new hue.
  if ([overlay isKindOfClass:[GMSPolygon class]]) {
    GMSPolygon *polygon = (GMSPolygon *)overlay;
    CGFloat hue = (((float)arc4random() / 0x100000000) * 1.0f);
    polygon.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithHue:hue saturation:1 brightness:1 alpha:0.5];

- (GMSPath *)pathOfNewYorkState {
  GMSMutablePath *path = [GMSMutablePath path];
  [path addLatitude:42.5142 longitude:-79.7624];
  [path addLatitude:42.7783 longitude:-79.0672];
  [path addLatitude:42.8508 longitude:-78.9313];
  [path addLatitude:42.9061 longitude:-78.9024];
  [path addLatitude:42.9554 longitude:-78.9313];
  [path addLatitude:42.9584 longitude:-78.9656];
  [path addLatitude:42.9886 longitude:-79.0219];
  [path addLatitude:43.0568 longitude:-79.0027];
  [path addLatitude:43.0769 longitude:-79.0727];
  [path addLatitude:43.1220 longitude:-79.0713];
  [path addLatitude:43.1441 longitude:-79.0302];
  [path addLatitude:43.1801 longitude:-79.0576];
  [path addLatitude:43.2482 longitude:-79.0604];
  [path addLatitude:43.2812 longitude:-79.0837];
  [path addLatitude:43.4509 longitude:-79.2004];
  [path addLatitude:43.6311 longitude:-78.6909];
  [path addLatitude:43.6321 longitude:-76.7958];
  [path addLatitude:43.9987 longitude:-76.4978];
  [path addLatitude:44.0965 longitude:-76.4388];
  [path addLatitude:44.1349 longitude:-76.3536];
  [path addLatitude:44.1989 longitude:-76.3124];
  [path addLatitude:44.2049 longitude:-76.2437];
  [path addLatitude:44.2413 longitude:-76.1655];
  [path addLatitude:44.2973 longitude:-76.1353];
  [path addLatitude:44.3327 longitude:-76.0474];
  [path addLatitude:44.3553 longitude:-75.9856];
  [path addLatitude:44.3749 longitude:-75.9196];
  [path addLatitude:44.3994 longitude:-75.8730];
  [path addLatitude:44.4308 longitude:-75.8221];
  [path addLatitude:44.4740 longitude:-75.8098];
  [path addLatitude:44.5425 longitude:-75.7288];
  [path addLatitude:44.6647 longitude:-75.5585];
  [path addLatitude:44.7672 longitude:-75.4088];
  [path addLatitude:44.8101 longitude:-75.3442];
  [path addLatitude:44.8383 longitude:-75.3058];
  [path addLatitude:44.8676 longitude:-75.2399];
  [path addLatitude:44.9211 longitude:-75.1204];
  [path addLatitude:44.9609 longitude:-74.9995];
  [path addLatitude:44.9803 longitude:-74.9899];
  [path addLatitude:44.9852 longitude:-74.9103];
  [path addLatitude:45.0017 longitude:-74.8856];
  [path addLatitude:45.0153 longitude:-74.8306];
  [path addLatitude:45.0046 longitude:-74.7633];
  [path addLatitude:45.0027 longitude:-74.7070];
  [path addLatitude:45.0007 longitude:-74.5642];
  [path addLatitude:44.9920 longitude:-74.1467];
  [path addLatitude:45.0037 longitude:-73.7306];
  [path addLatitude:45.0085 longitude:-73.4203];
  [path addLatitude:45.0109 longitude:-73.3430];
  [path addLatitude:44.9874 longitude:-73.3547];
  [path addLatitude:44.9648 longitude:-73.3379];
  [path addLatitude:44.9160 longitude:-73.3396];
  [path addLatitude:44.8354 longitude:-73.3739];
  [path addLatitude:44.8013 longitude:-73.3324];
  [path addLatitude:44.7419 longitude:-73.3667];
  [path addLatitude:44.6139 longitude:-73.3873];
  [path addLatitude:44.5787 longitude:-73.3736];
  [path addLatitude:44.4916 longitude:-73.3049];
  [path addLatitude:44.4289 longitude:-73.2953];
  [path addLatitude:44.3513 longitude:-73.3365];
  [path addLatitude:44.2757 longitude:-73.3118];
  [path addLatitude:44.1980 longitude:-73.3818];
  [path addLatitude:44.1142 longitude:-73.4079];
  [path addLatitude:44.0511 longitude:-73.4367];
  [path addLatitude:44.0165 longitude:-73.4065];
  [path addLatitude:43.9375 longitude:-73.4079];
  [path addLatitude:43.8771 longitude:-73.3749];
  [path addLatitude:43.8167 longitude:-73.3914];
  [path addLatitude:43.7790 longitude:-73.3557];
  [path addLatitude:43.6460 longitude:-73.4244];
  [path addLatitude:43.5893 longitude:-73.4340];
  [path addLatitude:43.5655 longitude:-73.3969];
  [path addLatitude:43.6112 longitude:-73.3818];
  [path addLatitude:43.6271 longitude:-73.3049];
  [path addLatitude:43.5764 longitude:-73.3063];
  [path addLatitude:43.5675 longitude:-73.2582];
  [path addLatitude:43.5227 longitude:-73.2445];
  [path addLatitude:43.2582 longitude:-73.2582];
  [path addLatitude:42.9715 longitude:-73.2733];
  [path addLatitude:42.8004 longitude:-73.2898];
  [path addLatitude:42.7460 longitude:-73.2664];
  [path addLatitude:42.4630 longitude:-73.3708];
  [path addLatitude:42.0840 longitude:-73.5095];
  [path addLatitude:42.0218 longitude:-73.4903];
  [path addLatitude:41.8808 longitude:-73.4999];
  [path addLatitude:41.2953 longitude:-73.5535];
  [path addLatitude:41.2128 longitude:-73.4834];
  [path addLatitude:41.1011 longitude:-73.7275];
  [path addLatitude:41.0237 longitude:-73.6644];
  [path addLatitude:40.9851 longitude:-73.6578];
  [path addLatitude:40.9509 longitude:-73.6132];
  [path addLatitude:41.1869 longitude:-72.4823];
  [path addLatitude:41.2551 longitude:-72.0950];
  [path addLatitude:41.3005 longitude:-71.9714];
  [path addLatitude:41.3108 longitude:-71.9193];
  [path addLatitude:41.1838 longitude:-71.7915];
  [path addLatitude:41.1249 longitude:-71.7929];
  [path addLatitude:41.0462 longitude:-71.7517];
  [path addLatitude:40.6306 longitude:-72.9465];
  [path addLatitude:40.5368 longitude:-73.4628];
  [path addLatitude:40.4887 longitude:-73.8885];
  [path addLatitude:40.5232 longitude:-73.9490];
  [path addLatitude:40.4772 longitude:-74.2271];
  [path addLatitude:40.4861 longitude:-74.2532];
  [path addLatitude:40.6468 longitude:-74.1866];
  [path addLatitude:40.6556 longitude:-74.0547];
  [path addLatitude:40.7618 longitude:-74.0156];
  [path addLatitude:40.8699 longitude:-73.9421];
  [path addLatitude:40.9980 longitude:-73.8934];
  [path addLatitude:41.0343 longitude:-73.9854];
  [path addLatitude:41.3268 longitude:-74.6274];
  [path addLatitude:41.3583 longitude:-74.7084];
  [path addLatitude:41.3811 longitude:-74.7101];
  [path addLatitude:41.4386 longitude:-74.8265];
  [path addLatitude:41.5075 longitude:-74.9913];
  [path addLatitude:41.6000 longitude:-75.0668];
  [path addLatitude:41.6719 longitude:-75.0366];
  [path addLatitude:41.7672 longitude:-75.0545];
  [path addLatitude:41.8808 longitude:-75.1945];
  [path addLatitude:42.0013 longitude:-75.3552];
  [path addLatitude:42.0003 longitude:-75.4266];
  [path addLatitude:42.0013 longitude:-77.0306];
  [path addLatitude:41.9993 longitude:-79.7250];
  [path addLatitude:42.0003 longitude:-79.7621];
  [path addLatitude:42.1827 longitude:-79.7621];
  [path addLatitude:42.5146 longitude:-79.7621];
  return path;

- (GMSPath *)pathOfNewYorkStateHole {
  GMSMutablePath *path = [GMSMutablePath path];
  [path addLatitude:43.5000 longitude:-76.3651];
  [path addLatitude:43.5000 longitude:-74.3651];
  [path addLatitude:42.0000 longitude:-74.3651];
  return path;

- (GMSPath *)pathOfNorthCarolina {
  GMSMutablePath *path = [GMSMutablePath path];
  [path addLatitude:33.7963 longitude:-78.4850];
  [path addLatitude:34.8037 longitude:-79.6742];
  [path addLatitude:34.8206 longitude:-80.8003];
  [path addLatitude:34.9377 longitude:-80.7880];
  [path addLatitude:35.1019 longitude:-80.9377];
  [path addLatitude:35.0356 longitude:-81.0379];
  [path addLatitude:35.1457 longitude:-81.0324];
  [path addLatitude:35.1660 longitude:-81.3867];
  [path addLatitude:35.1985 longitude:-82.2739];
  [path addLatitude:35.2041 longitude:-82.3933];
  [path addLatitude:35.0637 longitude:-82.7765];
  [path addLatitude:35.0817 longitude:-82.7861];
  [path addLatitude:34.9996 longitude:-83.1075];
  [path addLatitude:34.9918 longitude:-83.6183];
  [path addLatitude:34.9918 longitude:-84.3201];
  [path addLatitude:35.2131 longitude:-84.2885];
  [path addLatitude:35.2680 longitude:-84.2226];
  [path addLatitude:35.2310 longitude:-84.1113];
  [path addLatitude:35.2815 longitude:-84.0454];
  [path addLatitude:35.4058 longitude:-84.0248];
  [path addLatitude:35.4719 longitude:-83.9424];
  [path addLatitude:35.5166 longitude:-83.8559];
  [path addLatitude:35.5512 longitude:-83.6938];
  [path addLatitude:35.5680 longitude:-83.5181];
  [path addLatitude:35.6327 longitude:-83.3849];
  [path addLatitude:35.7142 longitude:-83.2475];
  [path addLatitude:35.7799 longitude:-82.9962];
  [path addLatitude:35.8445 longitude:-82.9276];
  [path addLatitude:35.9224 longitude:-82.8191];
  [path addLatitude:35.9958 longitude:-82.7710];
  [path addLatitude:36.0613 longitude:-82.6419];
  [path addLatitude:35.9702 longitude:-82.6103];
  [path addLatitude:35.9547 longitude:-82.5677];
  [path addLatitude:36.0236 longitude:-82.4730];
  [path addLatitude:36.0669 longitude:-82.4194];
  [path addLatitude:36.1168 longitude:-82.3535];
  [path addLatitude:36.1345 longitude:-82.2862];
  [path addLatitude:36.1467 longitude:-82.1461];
  [path addLatitude:36.1035 longitude:-82.1228];
  [path addLatitude:36.1268 longitude:-82.0267];
  [path addLatitude:36.2797 longitude:-81.9360];
  [path addLatitude:36.3527 longitude:-81.7987];
  [path addLatitude:36.3361 longitude:-81.7081];
  [path addLatitude:36.5880 longitude:-81.6724];
  [path addLatitude:36.5659 longitude:-80.7234];
  [path addLatitude:36.5438 longitude:-80.2977];
  [path addLatitude:36.5449 longitude:-79.6729];
  [path addLatitude:36.5449 longitude:-77.2559];
  [path addLatitude:36.5505 longitude:-75.7562];
  [path addLatitude:36.3129 longitude:-75.7068];
  [path addLatitude:35.7131 longitude:-75.4129];
  [path addLatitude:35.2041 longitude:-75.4720];
  [path addLatitude:34.9794 longitude:-76.0748];
  [path addLatitude:34.5258 longitude:-76.4951];
  [path addLatitude:34.5880 longitude:-76.8109];
  [path addLatitude:34.5314 longitude:-77.1378];
  [path addLatitude:34.3910 longitude:-77.4481];
  [path addLatitude:34.0481 longitude:-77.7983];
  [path addLatitude:33.7666 longitude:-77.9260];
  [path addLatitude:33.7963 longitude:-78.4863];
  return path;


Executar o app de exemplo completo localmente

O app de exemplo do SDK do Maps para iOS está disponível como um arquivo de download no GitHub. Siga estas etapas para instalar e testar o app de exemplo do SDK do Maps para iOS.

  1. Execute git clone para clonar o repositório de amostras em um diretório local.
  2. Abra uma janela de terminal, navegue até o diretório em que você clonou os arquivos de amostra e navegue até o diretório GoogleMaps:

    cd maps-sdk-for-ios-samples-main/GoogleMaps-Swift
    pod install
    open GoogleMapsSwiftDemos.xcworkspace
    cd maps-sdk-for-ios-samples-main/GoogleMaps
    pod install
    open GoogleMapsDemos.xcworkspace
  3. No Xcode, pressione o botão de compilação para criar o app com o esquema atual. O build gera um erro, solicitando que você insira a chave de API no arquivo SDKConstants.swift para Swift ou SDKDemoAPIKey.h para Objective-C.
  4. Se você ainda não tem uma chave de API, siga as instruções para configurar um projeto no console do Google Cloud e receber uma chave de API. Ao configurar a chave no console do Cloud, você pode restringir a chave ao identificador do pacote do app de exemplo para garantir que somente seu app possa usá-la. O identificador de pacote padrão do app de exemplo do SDK é com.example.GoogleMapsDemos.
  5. Edite o arquivo SDKConstants.swift para Swift ouSDKDemoAPIKey.h para Objective-C e cole a chave de API na definição da constante apiKey ou kAPIKey. Exemplo:
    static let apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    static NSString *const kAPIKey = @"YOUR_API_KEY";
  6. No arquivo SDKConstants.swift (Swift) ou SDKDemoAPIKey.h (Objective-C), remova a seguinte linha, porque ela é usada para registrar o problema definido pelo usuário:
    #error (Register for API Key and insert here. Then delete this line.)
    #error Register for API Key and insert here.
  7. Compile e execute o projeto. A janela do simulador do iOS aparece mostrando uma lista de demonstrações do SDK do Maps.
  8. Escolha uma das opções exibidas para testar um recurso do SDK do Maps para iOS.
  9. Se você receber uma solicitação para permitir que o GoogleMapsDemos acesse seu local, escolha Permitir.