
Consumer SDK 會使用 JSON Web Token 提供授權。JSON Web Token (JWT) 是授權權杖,可提供一或多項服務聲明。

消費者 SDK 會使用應用程式提供的 JSON Web Token 與 Fleet Engine 通訊。如要進一步瞭解車隊引擎伺服器所需的符記,請參閱「JSON Web Token」和「發出 JSON Web 符記」。

授權權杖可提供下列 Fleet Engine 服務的存取權:

  • TripService:讓 Consumer SDK 存取行程詳細資料,包括車輛位置、路線和預估抵達時間。行程服務的授權權杖必須在權杖的 authorization 標頭中加入 tripid:TRIP_ID 要求,其中 TRIP_ID 是共用即時行程的行程 ID。

  • VehicleService:提供 Consumer SDK 大約的車輛位置資訊,以便顯示車輛密度圖層和預估接送點的預估抵達時間。由於 Consumer SDK 只會使用大略位置,因此車輛服務的授權權杖不需要 vehicleid 要求。


Fleet Engine 要求使用 JSON Web Token (JWT) 來呼叫來自信任程度較低的環境 (智慧型手機和瀏覽器) 的 API 方法。

JWT 會在您的伺服器上產生,並經過簽署和加密,然後傳遞至用戶端,以便在後續的伺服器互動中使用,直到過期或不再有效為止。


如要進一步瞭解 JSON Web Token,請參閱 Fleet Engine 重點中的「JSON Web Token」。


駕駛員或消費者使用適當的授權憑證登入應用程式後,從該裝置發出的任何更新都必須使用適當的授權權杖,以便向 Fleet Engine 傳達應用程式的權限。


  • 從伺服器擷取 JSON Web Token。
  • 在權杖到期前重複使用,盡量減少權杖重新整理次數。
  • 在權杖到期時重新整理。

AuthTokenFactory 類別會在位置更新時產生授權權杖。SDK 必須將符記與更新資訊封裝,才能傳送至 Fleet Engine。請確認您的伺服器端實作項目可以在初始化 SDK 之前發出權杖。

如要進一步瞭解 Fleet Engine 服務所需的權杖,請參閱 Fleet Engine 的「發出 JSON Web 權杖」一文。



class JsonAuthTokenFactory implements AuthTokenFactory {

  private static final String TOKEN_URL =

  private static class CachedToken {
    String tokenValue;
    long expiryTimeMs;
    String tripId;

  private CachedToken token;


*   This method is called on a background thread. Blocking is OK. However, be
*   aware that no information can be obtained from Fleet Engine until this
*   method returns.
public String getToken(AuthTokenContext context) {
  // If there is no existing token or token has expired, go get a new one.
  String tripId = context.getTripId();
  if (tripId == null) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Trip ID is missing from AuthTokenContext");
  if (token == null || System.currentTimeMillis() > token.expiryTimeMs ||
      !tripId.equals(token.tripId)) {
    token = fetchNewToken(tripId);
  return token.tokenValue;

  private static CachedToken fetchNewToken(String tripId) {
    String url = TOKEN_URL + "/" + tripId;
    CachedToken token = new CachedToken();

    try (Reader r = new InputStreamReader(new URL(url).openStream())) {
      com.google.gson.JsonObject obj
          = com.google.gson.JsonParser.parseReader(r).getAsJsonObject();

      token.tokenValue = obj.get("ServiceToken").getAsString();
      token.expiryTimeMs = obj.get("TokenExpiryMs").getAsLong();


    *   The expiry time could be an hour from now, but just to try and avoid
    *   passing expired tokens, we subtract 5 minutes from that time.
    token.expiryTimeMs -= 5 * 60 * 1000;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    *   It's OK to throw exceptions here. The error listeners will receive the
    *   error thrown here.
    throw new RuntimeException("Could not get auth token", e);
  token.tripId = tripId;

    return token;
class JsonAuthTokenFactory : AuthTokenFactory() {

  private var token: CachedToken? = null


*   This method is called on a background thread. Blocking is OK. However, be
*   aware that no information can be obtained from Fleet Engine until this
*   method returns.
override fun getToken(context: AuthTokenContext): String {
  // If there is no existing token or token has expired, go get a new one.
  val tripId =
    context.getTripId() ?:
      throw RuntimeException("Trip ID is missing from AuthTokenContext")

    if (token == null || System.currentTimeMillis() > token.expiryTimeMs ||
        tripId != token.tripId) {
      token = fetchNewToken(tripId)

    return token.tokenValue

  class CachedToken(
    var tokenValue: String? = "",
    var expiryTimeMs: Long = 0,
    var tripId: String? = "",

  private companion object {
    const val TOKEN_URL = "https://yourauthserver.example/token"

    fun fetchNewToken(tripId: String) {
      val url = "$TOKEN_URL/$tripId"
      val token = CachedToken()

      try {
        val reader = InputStreamReader(URL(url).openStream())

        reader.use {
          val obj = com.google.gson.JsonParser.parseReader(r).getAsJsonObject()

          token.tokenValue = obj.get("ServiceToken").getAsString()
          token.expiryTimeMs = obj.get("TokenExpiryMs").getAsLong()


        *   The expiry time could be an hour from now, but just to try and avoid
        *   passing expired tokens, we subtract 5 minutes from that time.
        token.expiryTimeMs -= 5 * 60 * 1000
    } catch (e: IOException) {
            *   It's OK to throw exceptions here. The error listeners will receive the
            *   error thrown here.
      throw RuntimeException("Could not get auth token", e)

      token.tripId = tripId

      return token


初始化 Consumer SDK