啟用 CarPlay 的導航功能

本節說明如何搭配使用 Navigation SDK 和 Apple CarPlay 程式庫,在車內車用螢幕上顯示應用程式的導航體驗。如果駕駛人的車載系統支援 CarPlay,駕駛人只要將手機連結至車輛,就能直接在車上螢幕使用您的應用程式。語音導航也會透過車輛的喇叭播放。

您可以使用 Apple 提供的一組 UI 範本建構 CarPlay 應用程式。應用程式負責選取要顯示的範本,並提供其中的資料。


CarPlay 和手機導航顯示畫面
左圖顯示 CarPlay 導航顯示畫面的範例。右圖顯示與手機相同的導覽畫面。


開始使用 CarPlay

首先,請先熟悉 Apple 說明文件:

設定 Navigation SDK

  1. 閱讀完 Apple 說明文件後,即可開始使用 Navigation SDK。
  2. 如果尚未將 Navigation SDK 整合至應用程式,請設定專案
  3. 為應用程式啟用 TurnByTurn 指引動態饋給
  4. 選用設定。使用 Navigation SDK 產生的圖示
  5. 使用 UIView 類別提供的 GMSMapView 類別繪製地圖。詳情請參閱「導航路線」。使用 TurnByTurn 程式庫中的資料填入 CPNavigationSession

繪製地圖和導航 UI

GMSMapView 類別會算繪地圖,而 CPMapTemplate 會在 CarPlay 畫面上算繪 UI。它提供的功能與 GMSMapView 的功能大致相同,但互動性較低。


init(window: CPWindow) {
    super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
    self.window = window

    // More CPMapTemplate initialization


override func viewDidLoad() {

    let mapViewOptions = GMSMapViewOptions()
    mapViewOptions.screen = window.screen
    mapViewOptions.frame = self.view.bounds

    mapView = GMSMapView(options: mapViewOptions)
    mapView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleHeight, .flexibleWidth]
    mapView.settings.isNavigationHeaderEnabled = false
    mapView.settings.isNavigationFooterEnabled = false

    // Disable buttons: in CarPlay, no part of the map is clickable.
    // The app should instead place these buttons in the appropriate slots of the CarPlay template.
    mapView.settings.compassButton = false
    mapView.settings.isRecenterButtonEnabled = false
    mapView.shouldDisplaySpeedometer = false
    mapView.isMyLocationEnabled = true


- (instancetype)initWithWindow:(CPWindow *)window {
  self = [super initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
  if (self) {
    _window = window;

  // More CPMapTemplate initialization

- (void)viewDidLoad {
  [super viewDidLoad];
  GMSMapViewOptions *options = [[GMSMapViewOptions alloc] init];
  options.screen = _window.screen;
  options.frame = self.view.bounds;
  _mapView = [[GMSMapView alloc] initWithOptions:options];
  _mapView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
  _mapView.settings.navigationHeaderEnabled = NO;
  _mapView.settings.navigationFooterEnabled = NO;

  // Disable buttons: in CarPlay, no part of the map is clickable.
  // The app should instead place these buttons in the appropriate slots of the CarPlay template.
  _mapView.settings.compassButton = NO;
  _mapView.settings.recenterButtonEnabled = NO;

  _mapView.shouldDisplaySpeedometer = NO;
  _mapView.myLocationEnabled = YES;

  [self.view addSubview:_mapView];


為確保駕駛人的安全,CarPlay 會將螢幕介面互動行為限制在一系列 CPMapTemplateDelegate 方法中。使用這些回呼,讓駕駛者可在車內螢幕上與地圖進行有限互動。

如要支援其他使用者動作,請建立 CPMapButton 陣列並指派給 CPMapTemplate.mapButtons




// MARK: CPMapTemplateDelegate
func mapTemplate(_ mapTemplate: CPMapTemplate, panBeganWith direction: CPMapTemplate.PanDirection) {


func mapTemplate(_ mapTemplate: CPMapTemplate, panWith direction: CPMapTemplate.PanDirection) {
    let scrollAmount = scrollAmount(for: direction)
    let scroll = GMSCameraUpdate.scrollBy(x: scrollAmount.x, y: scrollAmount.y)
    mapView.animate(with: scroll)

func mapTemplate(_ mapTemplate: CPMapTemplate, panEndedWith direction: CPMapTemplate.PanDirection) {

func scrollAmount(for panDirection: CPMapTemplate.PanDirection) -> CGPoint {
    let scrollDistance = 80.0
    var scrollAmount = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
    switch panDirection {
        case .left:
            scrollAmount.x -= scrollDistance
        case .right:
            scrollAmount.x += scrollDistance
        case .up:
            scrollAmount.y += scrollDistance
        case .down:
            scrollAmount.y -= scrollDistance
    if scrollAmount.x != 0 && scrollAmount.y != 0 {
        // Adjust length if scrolling diagonally.
        scrollAmount = CGPointMake(scrollAmount.x * sqrt(1.0/2.0), scrollAmount.y * sqrt(1.0/2.0))
    return scrollAmount

#pragma mark - CPMapTemplateDelegate

- (void)mapTemplate:(CPMapTemplate *)mapTemplate panBeganWithDirection:(CPPanDirection)direction {

- (void)mapTemplate:(CPMapTemplate *)mapTemplate panWithDirection:(CPPanDirection)direction {
CGPoint scrollAmount = [self scrollAmountForPanDirection:direction];
GMSCameraUpdate *scroll = [GMSCameraUpdate scrollByX:scrollAmount.x Y:scrollAmount.y];
[_mapView animateWithCameraUpdate:scroll];

- (void)mapTemplate:(CPMapTemplate *)mapTemplate panEndedWithDirection:(CPPanDirection)direction {
- (CGPoint)scrollAmountForPanDirection:(CPPanDirection)direction {
  static const CGFloat scrollDistance = 80.;
  CGPoint scrollAmount = {0., 0.};
  if (direction & CPPanDirectionLeft) {
    scrollAmount.x = -scrollDistance;
  if (direction & CPPanDirectionRight) {
    scrollAmount.x = scrollDistance;
  if (direction & CPPanDirectionUp) {
    scrollAmount.y = -scrollDistance;
  if (direction & CPPanDirectionDown) {
    scrollAmount.y = scrollDistance;
  if (scrollAmount.x != 0 && scrollAmount.y != 0) {
  // Adjust length if scrolling diagonally.
  scrollAmount =
    CGPointMake(scrollAmount.x * (CGFloat)M_SQRT1_2, scrollAmount.y * (CGFloat)M_SQRT1_2);
  return scrollAmount;



// MARK: Create Buttons

func createMapButtons() -> [CPMapButton] {
    let panButton = mapButton(systemImageName: "dpad.fill") { [weak self] in

    let zoomOutButton = mapButton(systemImageName: "minus.magnifyingglass") { [weak self] in

    let zoomInButton = mapButton(systemImageName: "plus.magnifyingglass") { [weak self] in

    let myLocationButton = mapButton(systemImageName: "location") { [weak self] in

    let mapButtons = [panButton, zoomOutButton, zoomInButton, myLocationButton]
    return mapButtons

func mapButton(systemImageName: String, handler: @escaping () -> Void) -> CPMapButton {


// MARK: Button callbacks

@objc func didTapPanButton() {
    mapTemplate?.showPanningInterface(animated: true)

@objc func didTapZoomOutButton() {
    mapView.animate(with: GMSCameraUpdate.zoomOut())

@objc func didTapZoomInButton() {
    mapView.animate(with: GMSCameraUpdate.zoomIn())

@objc func didTapMyLocationButton() {
    if let lastLocation = lastLocation {
        let cameraPosition = GMSCameraPosition(target: lastLocation.coordinate, zoom: 15)
        mapView.animate(to: cameraPosition)

#pragma mark - Create Buttons

- (NSArray<CPMapButton *>*)createMapButtons {
    NSMutableArray<CPMapButton *> *mapButtons = [NSMutableArray<CPMapButton *> array];

    __weak __typeof__(self) weakSelf = self;
    CPMapButton *panButton = [self mapButtonWithSystemImageNamed:@"dpad.fill"
                                                        handler:^(CPMapButton *_) {
                                                        [weakSelf didTapPanButton];
    [mapButtons addObject:panButton];

    CPMapButton *zoomOutButton =
        [self mapButtonWithSystemImageNamed:@"minus.magnifyingglass"
                                    handler:^(CPMapButton *_Nonnull mapButon) {
                                    [weakSelf didTapZoomOutButton];
    [mapButtons addObject:zoomOutButton];

    CPMapButton *zoomInButton =
        [self mapButtonWithSystemImageNamed:@"plus.magnifyingglass"
                                    handler:^(CPMapButton *_Nonnull mapButon) {
                                    [weakSelf didTapZoomInButton];
    [mapButtons addObject:zoomInButton];

    CPMapButton *myLocationButton =
        [self mapButtonWithSystemImageNamed:@"location"
                                    handler:^(CPMapButton *_Nonnull mapButton) {
                                    [weakSelf didTapMyLocationButton];
    [mapButtons addObject:myLocationButton];
    return mapButtons;

#pragma mark - Button Callbacks

- (void)didTapZoomOutButton {
[_mapView animateWithCameraUpdate:[GMSCameraUpdate zoomOut]];

- (void)didTapZoomInButton {
[_mapView animateWithCameraUpdate:[GMSCameraUpdate zoomIn]];

- (void)didTapMyLocationButton {
CLLocation *location = self.lastLocation;
if (location) {
    GMSCameraPosition *position =
        [[GMSCameraPosition alloc] initWithTarget:self.lastLocation.coordinate zoom:15.];
    [_mapView animateToCameraPosition:position];

- (void)didTapPanButton {
[_mapTemplate showPanningInterfaceAnimated:YES];
_isPanningInterfaceEnabled = YES;

- (void)didTapStopPanningButton {
[_mapTemplate dismissPanningInterfaceAnimated:YES];
_isPanningInterfaceEnabled = NO;

注意:你無法在 CarPlay 畫面上選取替代路線。必須在 CarPlay 啟動前從手機選取。


本節將說明如何為資料動態饋給設定事件監聽器,以及如何在導航和行程預估面板中填入導航路線。詳情請參閱 CarPlay 應用程式程式設計指南的「建構 CarPlay 導航應用程式」一節。

導航和行程預估時間面板會提供導覽資訊卡,顯示與目前行程相關的導航資訊。Navigation SDK 中的 TurnByTurn 程式庫可提供部分這類資訊,例如符號、文字和剩餘時間。




以下程式碼範例的第一部分說明如何將 GMSNavigationNavInfo.timeToCurrentStepSeconds 轉譯為 CPTravelEstimate,藉此建立 CarPlay 行程預估時間。如要進一步瞭解這些和其他顯示元素,請參閱即時路線資料動態饋給的詳細資訊

範例的第二部分說明如何建立物件,並將其儲存在 CPManueversuserInfo 欄位中。這會決定 CPManeuverDisplayStyle,後者也用於車道導航資訊。詳情請參閱 Apple 的 CarPlay 應用程式程式設計指南


// Get a CPTravelEstimate from GMSNavigationNavInfo
func getTravelEstimates(from navInfo:GMSNavigationNavInfo) -> CPTravelEstimates {
    let distanceRemaining = navInfo.roundedDistance(navInfo.distanceToCurrentStepMeters)
    let timeRemaining = navInfo.roundedTime(navInfo.timeToCurrentStepSeconds)
    let travelEstimates = CPTravelEstimates(distanceRemaining: distanceRemaining, timeRemaining: timeRemaining)
    return travelEstimates

//  Create an object to be stored in the userInfo field of CPManeuver to determine the CPManeuverDisplayStyle. 

/** An object to be stored in the userInfo field of a CPManeuver. */

struct ManeuverUserInfo {
    var stepInfo: GMSNavigationStepInfo
    var isLaneGuidance: Bool

func mapTemplate(_ mapTemplate: CPMapTemplate, displayStyleFor maneuver: CPManeuver) -> CPManeuverDisplayStyle {
    let userInfo = maneuver.userInfo
    if let maneuverUserInfo = userInfo as? ManeuverUserInfo {
        return maneuverUserInfo.isLaneGuidance ? .symbolOnly : .leadingSymbol
    return .leadingSymbol

// Get a CPManeuver with instructionVariants and symbolImage from GMSNavigationStepInfo
func getManeuver(for stepInfo: GMSNavigationStepInfo) -> CPManeuver {
    let maneuver = CPManeuver()
    maneuver.userInfo = ManeuverUserInfo(stepInfo: stepInfo, isLaneGuidance: false)
    switch stepInfo.maneuver {
        case .destination:
            maneuver.instructionVariants = ["Your destination is ahead."]
        case .destinationLeft:
            maneuver.instructionVariants = ["Your destination is ahead on your left."]
        case .destinationRight:
            maneuver.instructionVariants = ["Your destination is ahead on your right."]
            maneuver.attributedInstructionVariants = currentNavInfo?.instructions(forStep: stepInfo, options: instructionOptions)
    maneuver.symbolImage = stepInfo.maneuverImage(with: instructionOptions.imageOptions)
    return maneuver

// Get the lane image for a CPManeuver from GMSNavigationStepInfo
func laneGuidanceManeuver(for stepInfo: GMSNavigationStepInfo) -> CPManeuver? {
    let maneuver = CPManeuver()
    maneuver.userInfo = ManeuverUserInfo(stepInfo: stepInfo, isLaneGuidance: true)
    let lanesImage = stepInfo.lanesImage(with: imageOptions)
    guard let lanesImage = lanesImage else { return nil }
    maneuver.symbolImage = lanesImage
    return maneuver

// Get a CPTravelEstimate from GMSNavigationNavInfo
- (nonull CPTravelEstimates *)travelEstimates:(GMSNavigationNavInfo *_Nonnull navInfo) {
NSMeasurement<NSUnitLength *> *distanceRemaining = [navInfo roundedDistance:navInfo.distanceToCurrentStepMeters];
NSTimeInterval timeRemaining = [navInfo roundedTime:navInfo.timeToCurrentStepSeconds];
CPTravelEstimate* travelEstimate = [[CPTravelEstimates alloc] initWithDistanceRemaining:distanceRemaining
//  Create an object to be stored in the userInfo field of CPManeuver to determine the CPManeuverDisplayStyle. 

/** An object to be stored in the userInfo field of a CPManeuver. */
@interface ManeuverUserInfo : NSObject

@property(nonatomic, readonly, nonnull) GMSNavigationStepInfo *stepInfo;
@property(nonatomic, readonly, getter=isLaneGuidance) BOOL laneGuidance;

- (nonnull instancetype)initWithStepInfo:(GMSNavigationStepInfo *)stepInfo
                        isLaneGuidance:(BOOL)isLaneGuidance NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;

- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;


- (CPManeuverDisplayStyle)mapTemplate:(CPMapTemplate *)mapTemplate
            displayStyleForManeuver:(nonnull CPManeuver *)maneuver {
ManeuverUserInfo *userInfo = maneuver.userInfo;
return userInfo.laneGuidance ? CPManeuverDisplayStyleSymbolOnly : CPManeuverDisplayStyleDefault;
// Get a CPManeuver with instructionVariants and symbolImage from GMSNavigationStepInfo
- (nonnull CPManeuver *)maneuverForStep:(nonnull GMSNavigationStepInfo *)stepInfo {
CPManeuver *maneuver = [[CPManeuver alloc] init];
maneuver.userInfo = [[ManeuverUserInfo alloc] initWithStepInfo:stepInfo isLaneGuidance:NO];
switch (stepInfo.maneuver) {
    case GMSNavigationManeuverDestination:
    maneuver.instructionVariants = @[ @"Your destination is ahead." ];
    case GMSNavigationManeuverDestinationLeft:
    maneuver.instructionVariants = @[ @"Your destination is ahead on your left." ];
    case GMSNavigationManeuverDestinationRight:
    maneuver.instructionVariants = @[ @"Your destination is ahead on your right." ];
    default: {
    maneuver.attributedInstructionVariants =
        [_currentNavInfo instructionsForStep:stepInfo options:_instructionOptions];
maneuver.symbolImage = [stepInfo maneuverImageWithOptions:_instructionOptions.imageOptions];
return maneuver;
// Get the lane image for a CPManeuver from GMSNavigationStepInfo
- (nullable CPManeuver *)laneGuidanceManeuverForStep:(nonnull GMSNavigationStepInfo *)stepInfo {
CPManeuver *maneuver = [[CPManeuver alloc] init];
maneuver.userInfo = [[ManeuverUserInfo alloc] initWithStepInfo:stepInfo isLaneGuidance:YES];
UIImage *lanesImage = [stepInfo lanesImageWithOptions:_imageOptions];
if (!lanesImage) {
    return nil;
maneuver.symbolImage = lanesImage;
return maneuver;


CarPlay 會使用 CPManeuver 類別提供即時路線指引。如要進一步瞭解操控和車道指引,請參閱即時路線資料動態饋給的詳細資訊