Class List
The classes and protocols in the Google Places SDK for iOS:
GMSAddressComponent | Represents a component of an address, e.g., street number, postcode, city, etc |
GMSAutocompleteFetcher | GMSAutocompleteFetcher is a wrapper around the lower-level autocomplete APIs that encapsulates some of the complexity of requesting autocomplete predictions as the user is typing |
<GMSAutocompleteFetcherDelegate> | Protocol for objects that can receive callbacks from GMSAutocompleteFetcher |
GMSAutocompleteFilter | This class represents a set of restrictions that may be applied to autocomplete requests |
GMSAutocompleteMatchFragment | This class represents a matched fragment of a string |
GMSAutocompletePlaceSuggestion | This class represents a place suggestion of a full query based on a partially typed string |
GMSAutocompletePrediction | This class represents a prediction of a full query based on a partially typed string |
GMSAutocompleteRequest | The request for autocomplete data |
GMSAutocompleteResultsViewController | GMSAutocompleteResultsViewController provides an interface that displays place autocomplete predictions in a table view |
<GMSAutocompleteResultsViewControllerDelegate> | Protocol used by GMSAutocompleteResultsViewController , to communicate the user's interaction with the controller to the application |
GMSAutocompleteSessionToken | This class represents an session token to uniquely identify an series of queries to the Google Places API Services for fetching place predictions for a partial search string |
GMSAutocompleteSuggestion | This class represents a suggestion of a full query based on a partially typed string |
GMSAutocompleteTableDataSource | GMSAutocompleteTableDataSource provides an interface for providing place autocomplete predictions to populate a UITableView by implementing the UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate protocols |
<GMSAutocompleteTableDataSourceDelegate> | Protocol used by GMSAutocompleteTableDataSource , to communicate the user's interaction with the data source to the application |
GMSAutocompleteViewController | GMSAutocompleteViewController provides an interface that displays a table of autocomplete predictions that updates as the user enters text |
<GMSAutocompleteViewControllerDelegate> | Protocol used by GMSAutocompleteViewController , to communicate the user's interaction with the controller to the application |
GMSEvent | A class representing a open/close event in GMSPeriod |
GMSFetchPhotoRequest | Request object to use with GMSPlacesClient to fetch a photo. |
GMSFetchPlaceRequest | Request object to use with GMSPlacesClient to fetch a place. |
GMSOpeningHours | A class to handle storing and accessing opening hours information for GMSPlace |
GMSPeriod | A class representing a period of time where the place is operating for a GMSPlace |
GMSPlace | Represents a particular physical place |
GMSPlaceAuthorAttribution | A class representing an author attribution |
GMSPlaceIsOpenRequest | Represents an is open request definition to be sent via GMSPlacesClient |
GMSPlaceIsOpenResponse | The response object for the `isOpenWithRequest:callback:` method. |
GMSPlaceLikelihood | Represents a GMSPlace and the relative likelihood of the place being the best match within the list of returned places for a single request |
GMSPlaceLikelihoodList | Represents a list of places with an associated likelihood for the place being the correct place |
<GMSPlaceLocationBias> | Protocol for specifying that the location can be used as search bias |
<GMSPlaceLocationRestriction> | Protocol for specifying that the location can be used as search restriction |
GMSPlacePhotoMetadata | The metadata corresponding to a single photo associated with a place |
GMSPlacePhotoMetadataList | A list of GMSPlacePhotoMetadata objects |
GMSPlaceReview | This class represents a single place review. |
GMSPlacesClient | Main interface to the Places SDK |
GMSPlaceSearchByTextRequest | Represents a text search request definition to be sent via GMSPlacesClient |
GMSPlaceSearchNearbyRequest | Request object to use with GMSPlacesClient to fetch nearby places. |
GMSPlaceSpecialDay | Represents information on a particular day which may have opening hours different than normal |
GMSPlaceViewportInfo | GMSPlaceViewportInfo represents a rectangular bounding box on the Earth's surface |
GMSPlusCode | A class containing the Plus codes representation for a location |
GMSTime | A class representing time in hours and minutes in a 24hr clock |