4.2 Criação de campanhas publicitárias


Depois de concluir as etapas anteriores, você pode ativar a que os comerciantes criem campanhas Performance Max de varejo e usem aprendendo para tomar a melhor decisão para veicular cada anúncio.

Entender o que os anunciantes precisam fazer manualmente na interface do Google Ads para criar uma campanha Performance Max, consulte Criar uma campanha Performance Max. Esta seção descreve como você pode usar a API do Google Ads para ativar seus que os anunciantes criem campanhas Performance Max que veiculam anúncios do Shopping.

Apenas as funcionalidades básicas da campanha que agregam mais valor ao seu e minimiza a complexidade da implementação são abordados neste nesta seção. Para cada campanha, recomendamos fornecer as três opções de personalização para seus comerciantes:

  • Nome da campanha:como a campanha é exibida nos relatórios.

  • Orçamento:quanto a campanha deve gastar em média.

  • Segmentação por área geográfica:onde a campanha veicula anúncios.


Além disso, no back-end, você precisa especificar mais alguns parâmetros, listados a seguir.

Estratégia de lances

A estratégia de lances automáticos define o que a campanha maximiza ao configurar lances. Para as campanhas Performance Max, há duas estratégias de lances disponíveis:

  • Maximizar conversões: a campanha tenta maximizar o número de conversões alcançadas (por exemplo, número de compras) dentro do orçamento especificado.

  • Maximizar o valor da conversão (recomendado): a campanha tenta maximizar o valor monetário total das conversões (por exemplo, dólares gastos em compras) para o orçamento determinado, conforme definido como parte da conversão configuração do acompanhamento.

Para simplificar a complexidade técnica e a experiência dos comerciantes, recomendamos selecionar a opção "Maximizar o valor da conversão" em nome da sua comerciantes sem ROAS desejado. Isso é consistente com o que está disponível por meio da opção de redirecionamento.

Grupos de recursos e de produtos anunciados

Os grupos de recursos são onde os elementos do criativo da campanha são armazenados. como produtos, imagens e vídeos. No pilar fundamental, somente produtos de e o Merchant Center. Portanto, você só precisa de um grupo de recursos por que você pode criar no back-end em nome do comerciante.

Com os grupos de produtos anunciados, os comerciantes podem subdividir os produtos de uma campanha. Por exemplo, para anunciar apenas produtos específicos. Este é um recurso avançado recomendadas no pilar básico, mas toda campanha precisa ter pelo menos pelo menos um grupo de fichas. Portanto, você só precisa de um único grupo de fichas por que você pode criar no back-end em nome do comerciante.

Orientação sobre UX

A primeira parte desta seção discute o cenário da criação da primeira como parte do fluxo de integração do Google Ads. A segunda parte descreve como outras campanhas podem ser criadas. Isso é especialmente relevante se você permitem que os comerciantes segmentem as campanhas por área geográfica.

Criação da campanha durante a integração do Google Ads

Depois de conectar a conta do Google Ads, o usuário precisa configurar uma Campanha Performance Max:

  • O nome da campanha pode ser pré-preenchido com um nome significativo, por exemplo, Campanha Performance Max para o nome do seu criador de lojas.

  • Também recomendamos incluir uma visualização prévia da aparência do anúncio e uma breve explicação sobre como funcionam as campanhas Performance Max. API Google Ads não oferece uma forma de gerar uma visualização de anúncios, então você teria que implementar um você mesmo. Não há necessidade de torná-lo pixelado perfeito, pois o design da o tipo de anúncio pode mudar.

  • Se o comerciante estiver qualificado para receber um cupom, ele deve ser mencionado na prompt de comando.

  • Inclua também um link para as políticas dos anúncios do Shopping nessa seção o fluxo.

  • Também é possível permitir que o comerciante segmente a campanha por área geográfica.


Quando o comerciante chega à etapa de configuração da campanha, isso acontece:

  1. O faturamento não está configurado. Isso sempre acontece quando uma nova conta do Google Ads foi criado como parte deste fluxo.

  2. O faturamento da conta do Google Ads conectada (por exemplo, o comerciante reutilizou uma conta do Google Ads que já tinha usado para veiculação ou outros tipos de campanhas).

Cenários de faturamento com falhas já deveriam ter sido detectados no Google Ads etapa de vinculação da conta. A única diferença entre os cenários 1 e 2 é comportamento e call-to-action (CTA) da ação principal:

  • No cenário 1, o nome da CTA deve ser "Configurar faturamento" e abra a página pop-up. Depois que o faturamento for fornecido e o pop-up for fechado, prossiga para a opção "Revisar e concluir a configuração" etapa.

  • No cenário 2, o CTA precisa ser chamado de "continuar". e prosseguir diretamente para a opção "Revisar e concluir a configuração" etapa.

Veja abaixo um exemplo de como a etapa de configuração da campanha pode ser para o cenário 1.


Informações adicionais devem ser fornecidas ao comerciante no nome da campanha, produtos incluídos e o orçamento. Confira abaixo um exemplo de como isso pode ficar.


Se o comerciante inserir um orçamento abaixo do limite recomendado para o país em que anunciam, enviar uma notificação com uma recomendação de orçamento mínimo. Confira abaixo uma sugestão de como isso pode ficar.


Depois de concluir a etapa de configuração da campanha e fornecer informações de faturamento (se necessário), o usuário prossegue para a etapa "revisar e concluir" etapa. O usuário tem a oportunidade de revisar a configuração da campanha uma última vez antes lançar a campanha. A interface pode ficar assim nesta etapa:


Depois de sair do fluxo de integração, recomendamos apresentar uma visualização ao usuário. sobre o que vai acontecer em seguida. Veja um exemplo abaixo.


Depois de sair da integração, o comerciante deve ser direcionado a uma visão geral página. Confira abaixo um exemplo de como isso pode ficar.

visão geral

campanhas de display e criar outras campanhas

Sua interface precisa ser capaz de exibir várias campanhas, como os comerciantes podem ter campanhas Performance Max ou quer criar mais de uma, especialmente se você permitir a segmentação geográfica. Um exemplo de como permitir que um comerciante segmentar por área geográfica as campanhas deles aparece abaixo. Sempre verifique se a segmentação por área geográfica é mais restrito do que os países em que o comerciante anuncia.


Quando um comerciante tiver mais de uma campanha, agregue as métricas de publicidade a página de visão geral. Confira abaixo um exemplo de como isso pode ficar.


Listar as campanhas individuais na visualização de detalhes do Google Ads. Um exemplo de como isso está abaixo.


A visualização de detalhes do Google Ads também é o ponto de partida sugerido para criar outras campanhas. Um exemplo de como esse fluxo pode ser mostrado é animação abaixo. A animação pula o preenchimento das informações de orçamento como abordamos anteriormente neste guia.


Orientação técnica

Depois de vincular a conta do Google Ads à conta do Merchant Center, você Para criar a campanha Performance Max para varejo, siga estas etapas:

  1. Criar operação de orçamento
  2. Operação de criação de campanha
  3. Criar critérios de campanha
  4. Criar grupo de recursos com o filtro de grupo de fichas
  5. Substituir metas de conversão
  6. Enviar todas as operações juntas

As informações a seguir se aplicam ao gerenciamento de campanhas Performance Max:

  • Você precisa usar pelo menos a versão 9 da API Google Ads

  • Você deve enviar todas as operações mutate em uma única solicitação mutate. Portanto, primeiro você precisa criar todas as operações mutate e, em seguida, enviá-las todas juntas em uma única solicitação mutate à API Google Ads.

  • Você usa IDs temporários em todas as operações que criar porque envia uma única solicitação mutate com todas as operações, e essas operações usam essas IDs temporários para que o Google saiba que todos eles estão juntos.

Definir nome

Caso seus comerciantes possam acessar a plataforma do Google Ads diretamente, convém pensar melhor sobre o nome da campanha para que fica claro que você, o parceiro, criou a campanha de maneira programática. Isso sinalizaria ao comerciante que é melhor editar a campanha na sua plataforma, e não na plataforma do Google Ads. Por exemplo, mesmo se você permitir que o comerciante personalize o nome, inclua no início ou no anexo "Criado pela plataforma X".

Etapa 1. Criar a operação de orçamento

O exemplo de código pode ser encontrado em Criar um orçamento de campanha. Portanto, aqui estamos apenas destaque os pontos mais importantes:

  • Uma campanha Performance Max requer um orçamento, como todas as outras campanhas, mas com as seguintes restrições:

    • O orçamento precisa ter um período de orçamento "DAILY".
    • Não é possível compartilhar o orçamento.
  • O método de exibição do orçamento é "Padrão". A entrega padrão leva em conta o desempenho esperado do anúncio da conta ao longo do dia e é melhor para maximizar performance dentro do orçamento diário médio.

  • Como mencionado anteriormente nesta seção, você precisa usar IDs temporários nos todas as operações criadas. Portanto, o exemplo de código mostra que uma _BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID é definido no nome do recurso do orçamento para que possa ser mencionados pela campanha nas etapas posteriores.

Etapa 2. Criar a campanha e a estratégia de lances

Consulte o exemplo de código em Crie a campanha e a estratégia de lances para saber como criar um modelo campanha Performance Max. Aqui estão algumas observações adicionais:

  • O exemplo de código usa Maximizar o valor da conversão para a estratégia de lances. que é o que recomendamos que você use no pilar de base. Com maximizar valor da conversão, você tem a opção de especificar um ROAS (retorno do gastos com publicidade). Mesmo que você opte por não especificar um valor de ROAS desejado, precisará defini-la, a menos que esteja usando Java. No Java, você tem: setMaximizeConversionValue(MaximizeConversionValue.newBuilder().build())

  • Para versões futuras, considere usar a estratégia Maximizar conversões como: outra opção de estratégia de lances, com a capacidade de definir um CPA desejado.

  • Com a expansão de URL, a campanha pode segmentar todo o domínio, não apenas os URLs especificados no Merchant Center do anunciante. Recomendamos que você use a expansão de URL final para que o alcance da campanha não seja limitado e e, por fim, o desempenho. Isso significa que os anúncios podem ser veiculados em qualquer no site do comerciante.

  • start_date e end_date são opcionais.

Em uma campanha Performance Max para varejo, você também precisa criar ShoppingSetting pelos campos a seguir e adicione-o à campanha. Isso especifica qual conta do Merchant Center você quer usar e qual feed de produtos que você quer usar nessa conta. Conforme descrito em Crie uma campanha de varejo Performance Max, defina estas Campos ShoppingSetting:

  • merchant_id (obrigatório): o ID do Merchant Center da conta que contém os produtos a serem anunciados.

  • feed_label (pode ser obrigatório): se você tiver um comerciante usando uma conta do Merchant Center com feeds de produtos antigos, use "feed_label" para especificar que você quer que a campanha use o produto. feed que você criou; isso é mapeado para DatafeedTarget na API Content.

Confira um exemplo da operação para criar uma campanha Performance Max para varejo de uma campanha e de lances. Isso pressupõe que há apenas um feed de produtos na conta do Merchant Center (ou seja, aquele que você gerencia); portanto, não define o feed_label.

mutate_operation = googleads_client.get_type("MutateOperation")
campaign = mutate_operation.campaign_operation.create
campaign.name = f"Performance Max campaign #{uuid4()}"

campaign.status = googleads_client.enums.CampaignStatusEnum.ENABLED

campaign.advertising_channel_type = (       googleads_client.enums.AdvertisingChannelTypeEnum.PERFORMANCE_MAX

# Add Merchant Center ID to create a Performance Max for Retail
# campaign. This ID should be linked to the Ads account
# where you are creating the campaign
campaign.shopping_setting.merchant_id = int(google_merchant_id)
campaign.maximize_conversion_value.target_roas = None

# Set the Final URL expansion opt out. This option is specific to
# Performance Max campaigns. If opted out (True), only the
# final URLs in the asset group or URLs specified in the
# advertiser's Google Merchant Center or business data feeds are
# targeted.
# If opted in (False), the entire domain will be targeted.
# For best results, set this value to false to opt in and allow
# URL expansions. You can optionally add exclusions to limit
# traffic to parts of your website.
campaign.url_expansion_opt_out = False

# Assign the resource name with a temporary ID.
campaign_service = googleads_client.get_service("CampaignService")
campaign.resource_name = campaign_service.campaign_path(

# Set the budget using the given budget resource name.
campaign.campaign_budget = campaign_service.campaign_budget_path(
      customer_id, _BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID

print("mutate_operation for step 2 - campaign and bidding strategy creation")

return mutate_operation

Etapa 3. Criar os critérios da campanha

Veja o exemplo de código em Criar os critérios da campanha. Portanto, estes são os critérios nos pontos mais importantes:

  • Como mostra o exemplo de código, primeiro é preciso iniciar todos os serviços necessários antes de prosseguir com a configuração dos critérios da campanha LOCATION e LANGUAGE.

  • Ao definir os critérios da campanha LOCATION, você pode adicionar segmentações negativas para locais que você quer excluir configurando o campaign_criterion.negative para Verdadeiro.

  • Use o mesmo ID temporário da etapa 2 para informar ao Google qual campanha em que você está criando esse critério.

Etapa 4. Criar o grupo de recursos com o filtro do grupo de fichas

Conforme descrito em Criar grupos de recursos das campanhas Performance Max, um grupo de recursos é uma coleção de recursos centrados em um tema ou relacionados a um público-alvo. A é usado para reunir todos os anúncios e criar um inventário para todos formatos de anúncio aplicáveis ao seu objetivo publicitário.

Você pode usar grupos de produtos anunciados do Shopping para dividir os produtos em grupos e, assim, incluir ou excluir um conjunto de produtos. Ele permite filtrar o conjunto de produtos qualificados para exibição na campanha.

Você pode ver o exemplo de código para criar vários grupos de informações do produto no grupos de produtos anunciados das campanhas Performance Max. No entanto, para o pilar básico, é recomendamos que você configure uma única campanha que segmente todos os produtos. Por isso, incluímos abaixo um exemplo de código mais simples. Você deve incluir um nó raiz AssetGroupListingGroupFilter que contém todos os produtos. Caso contrário, que os anúncios não serão veiculados.

googleads_service = googleads_client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")

operations = []

# Create the AssetGroup
mutate_operation = googleads_client.get_type("MutateOperation")
asset_group = mutate_operation.asset_group_operation.create
asset_group.name = f"Performance Max asset group #{uuid4()}"
asset_group.campaign = googleads_service.campaign_path(

asset_group.status = googleads_client.enums.AssetGroupStatusEnum.ENABLED
asset_group.resource_name = googleads_service.asset_group_path(

# Create a listing group and link it to the AssetGroup.
# The way you link a listing group to an AssetGroup is different
# than when you are linking headlines, descriptions, images, etc
# where you set the field_type of the asset_group_asset as HEADLINE, for example.
# https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/v13/AssetGroupListingGroupFilter
mutate_operation = googleads_client.get_type("MutateOperation")
asset_group_listing_group = mutate_operation.asset_group_listing_group_filter_operation.create
asset_group_listing_group.asset_group = googleads_service.asset_group_path(

asset_group_listing_group.type_ = googleads_client.enums.ListingGroupFilterTypeEnum.UNIT_INCLUDED
# here are other options for ListingGroupFilterTypeEnum
# https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/v13/ListingGroupFilterTypeEnum.ListingGroupFilterType

asset_group_listing_group.vertical = googleads_client.enums.ListingGroupFilterVerticalEnum.SHOPPING


print("mutate_operation for step 4 - create asset group and product group attached to that asset group")

return operations

É possível adicionar títulos, descrições e até imagens ao grupo de recursos para melhorar a performance da campanha. No entanto, como isso não é um requisito Performance Max para varejo. Elas não são recomendadas para o pilar básico.

Etapa 5. Substituir metas de conversão

Conforme definido na seção "Acompanhamento de conversões", se você permitir comerciem a usar uma conta existente do Google Ads, recomendamos que que você define metas de conversão no nível da campanha. Isso pode ser feito substituindo as metas de conversão no nível do cliente ou da conta. Quando não houver a meta de conversão estiver definida, o padrão da campanha será a conversão no nível do cliente do seu objetivo.

Veja um exemplo de código em Atualizar metas de conversão da campanha. Primeiro, você precisa ver as metas de conversão da conta. Em seguida, você pode iterar pela metas de conversão e verifique se cada uma é para impulsionar as vendas on-line (ou seja, categoria PURCHASE, origem SITE). Se não for, defina a capacidade de lance como "False". Se caso seja, defina a biddability como "True". Isso garante que a campanha Performance Max é otimizada para aumentar as vendas on-line.

Etapa 6. Enviar todas as operações mutate juntas

Finalmente, você deve enviar todas as operações mutate juntas. Conforme mostrado no código no exemplo abaixo, a ordem das operações é importante, porque elas dependem de cada entre si. Por exemplo, performance_max_campaign_operation usa dados de campaign_budget_operation e campaign_criterion_operations usam dados de performance_max_campaign_operation:

ga_service = googleads_client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
response = ga_service.mutate(
       # It's important to create the entities in this order
       # because they depend on each other
       campaign_budget_operation,       # Step 1
       performance_max_campaign_operation,  # Step 2
       # Expand the list of multiple operations into the list of
       # other mutate operations
       *campaign_criterion_operations,  # Step 3
       *asset_group_operations,             # Step 4
       *conversion_goal_operations,         # Step 5

Depois que a campanha for criada, a API retornará algo assim:

mutate_operation_responses {
campaign_budget_result {
resource_name: "customers/7244690427/campaignBudgets/10689184019"
mutate_operation_responses {
campaign_result {
    resource_name: "customers/7244690427/campaigns/16822128600"
mutate_operation_responses {
campaign_criterion_result {
        resource_name: "customers/7244690427/campaignCriteria/16822128600~20009"
mutate_operation_responses {
    campaign_criterion_result {
resource_name: "customers/7244690427/campaignCriteria/16822128600~20024"
mutate_operation_responses {
campaign_criterion_result {
        resource_name: "customers/7244690427/campaignCriteria/16822128600~1003"
mutate_operation_responses {
asset_group_result {
        resource_name: "customers/7244690427/assetGroups/6444254998"
mutate_operation_responses {
asset_group_listing_group_filter_result {
    resource_name: "customers/7244690427/assetGroupListingGroupFilters/6444254998~6454725458"
mutate_operation_responses {
campaign_conversion_goal_result {
    resource_name: "customers/7244690427/campaignConversionGoals/16822128600~PURCHASE~WEBSITE"

Guarde os resource_name da campanha e do orçamento porque eles serão necessários no momento certo editar as configurações da campanha e gerar relatórios.


// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package com.google.ads.googleads.examples.shoppingads;

import static com.google.ads.googleads.examples.utils.CodeSampleHelper.getPrintableDateTime;

import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
import com.google.ads.googleads.examples.utils.ArgumentNames;
import com.google.ads.googleads.examples.utils.CodeSampleParams;
import com.google.ads.googleads.lib.GoogleAdsClient;
import com.google.ads.googleads.lib.utils.FieldMasks;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.common.ImageAsset;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.common.LanguageInfo;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.common.LocationInfo;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.common.MaximizeConversionValue;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.common.TextAsset;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.enums.AdvertisingChannelTypeEnum.AdvertisingChannelType;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.enums.AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.enums.AssetGroupStatusEnum.AssetGroupStatus;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.enums.BudgetDeliveryMethodEnum.BudgetDeliveryMethod;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.enums.CampaignStatusEnum.CampaignStatus;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.enums.ConversionActionCategoryEnum.ConversionActionCategory;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.enums.ConversionOriginEnum.ConversionOrigin;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.enums.ListingGroupFilterListingSourceEnum.ListingGroupFilterListingSource;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.enums.ListingGroupFilterTypeEnum.ListingGroupFilterType;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.errors.GoogleAdsError;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.errors.GoogleAdsException;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.resources.Asset;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.resources.AssetGroup;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.resources.AssetGroupAsset;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.resources.AssetGroupListingGroupFilter;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.resources.Campaign;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.resources.Campaign.ShoppingSetting;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.resources.CampaignBudget;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.resources.CampaignConversionGoal;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.resources.CampaignCriterion;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.resources.CustomerConversionGoal;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.AssetGroupAssetOperation;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.AssetGroupListingGroupFilterOperation;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.AssetGroupOperation;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.AssetOperation;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.CampaignBudgetOperation;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.CampaignConversionGoalOperation;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.CampaignCriterionOperation;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.CampaignOperation;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.GoogleAdsRow;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.GoogleAdsServiceClient;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.GoogleAdsServiceClient.SearchPagedResponse;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.MutateGoogleAdsResponse;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.MutateOperation;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.services.MutateOperationResponse;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v17.utils.ResourceNames;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.io.ByteStreams;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;

 * This example shows how to create a Performance Max retail campaign.
 * <p>This will be created for "All products".
 * <p>For more information about Performance Max retail campaigns, see
 * https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/retail
 * <p>Prerequisites: - You need to have access to a Merchant Center account. You can find
 * instructions to create a Merchant Center account here:
 * https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/188924. This account must be linked to your Google
 * Ads account. The integration instructions can be found at:
 * https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/shopping-ads/merchant-center - You need your
 * Google Ads account to track conversions. The different ways to track conversions can be found
 * here: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/1722054. - You must have at least one
 * conversion action in the account. For more about conversion actions, see
 * https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/conversions/overview#conversion_actions
public class AddPerformanceMaxRetailCampaign {

  // We specify temporary IDs that are specific to a single mutate request. Temporary IDs are always
  // negative and unique within one mutate request.
  // <p>See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/best-practices for further
  // details.
  // <p>These temporary IDs are fixed because they are used in multiple places.
  private static final int BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID = -1;
  private static final int PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID = -2;
  private static final int ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID = -3;

  // There are also entities that will be created in the same request but do not
  // need to be fixed temporary IDs because they are referenced only once.
  private static long temporaryId = ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID - 1;

  private static class AddPerformanceMaxRetailCampaignParams extends CodeSampleParams {

    @Parameter(names = ArgumentNames.CUSTOMER_ID, required = true)
    private Long customerId;

        names = ArgumentNames.MERCHANT_CENTER_ACCOUNT_ID,
        required = true,
        description = "The Merchant Center account ID.")
    private long merchantCenterAccountId;

        names = ArgumentNames.SALES_COUNTRY,
        description = "The sales country of products to include in the campaign.")
    private String salesCountry = "US";

        names = ArgumentNames.FINAL_URL,
        required = true,
        description =
            "The final url for the generated ads. Must have the same domain as the Merchant Center"
                + " account.")
    private String finalUrl;

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    AddPerformanceMaxRetailCampaignParams params = new AddPerformanceMaxRetailCampaignParams();
    if (!params.parseArguments(args)) {

      // Either pass the required parameters for this example on the command line, or insert them
      // into the code here. See the parameter class definition above for descriptions.
      params.customerId = Long.parseLong("INSERT_CUSTOMER_ID_HERE");
      params.merchantCenterAccountId = Long.parseLong("INSERT_MERCHANT_CENTER_ACCOUNT_ID_HERE");
      params.finalUrl = "INSERT_FINAL_URL_HERE";

      // Optionally set the sales country.
      // params.salesCountry = "INSERT_SALES_COUNTRY_HERE";

    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient = null;
    try {
      googleAdsClient = GoogleAdsClient.newBuilder().fromPropertiesFile().build();
    } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
          "Failed to load GoogleAdsClient configuration from file. Exception: %s%n", fnfe);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      System.err.printf("Failed to create GoogleAdsClient. Exception: %s%n", ioe);

    try {
      new AddPerformanceMaxRetailCampaign()
    } catch (GoogleAdsException gae) {
      // GoogleAdsException is the base class for most exceptions thrown by an API request.
      // Instances of this exception have a message and a GoogleAdsFailure that contains a
      // collection of GoogleAdsErrors that indicate the underlying causes of the
      // GoogleAdsException.
          "Request ID %s failed due to GoogleAdsException. Underlying errors:%n",
      int i = 0;
      for (GoogleAdsError googleAdsError : gae.getGoogleAdsFailure().getErrorsList()) {
        System.err.printf("  Error %d: %s%n", i++, googleAdsError);

   * Runs the example.
   * @param googleAdsClient the Google Ads API client.
   * @param customerId the client customer ID.
   * @param merchantCenterAccountId the Merchant Center account ID.
   * @param salesCountry sales country of products to include in the campaign.
   * @param finalUrl final URL for the asset group of the campaign.
  private void runExample(
      GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
      long customerId,
      long merchantCenterAccountId,
      String salesCountry,
      String finalUrl)
      throws IOException {
    // This campaign will override the customer conversion goals. For more information see
    // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/conversions/goals/campaign-goals.
    // Retrieve the current list of customer conversion goals.
    List<CustomerConversionGoal> customerConversionGoals =
        getCustomerConversionGoals(googleAdsClient, customerId);

    // Performance Max campaigns require that repeated assets such as headlines
    // and descriptions be created before the campaign.
    // For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see
    // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets
    // Creates the headlines.
    List<String> headlines = ImmutableList.of("Travel", "Travel Reviews", "Book travel");
    List<String> headlineAssetResourceNames =
        createMultipleTextAssets(googleAdsClient, customerId, headlines);
    // Creates the descriptions.
    List<String> descriptions = ImmutableList.of("Take to the air!", "Fly to the sky!");
    List<String> descriptionAssetResourceNames =
        createMultipleTextAssets(googleAdsClient, customerId, descriptions);

    // The below methods create and return MutateOperations that we later
    // provide to the GoogleAdsService.Mutate method in order to create the
    // entities in a single request. Since the entities for a Performance Max
    // campaign are closely tied to one-another, it's considered a best practice
    // to create them in a single Mutate request, so they all complete
    // successfully or fail entirely, leaving no orphaned entities. See:
    // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/overview
    List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = new ArrayList<>();
        createPerformanceMaxCampaignOperation(customerId, merchantCenterAccountId, salesCountry));
    String assetGroupResourceName = ResourceNames.assetGroup(customerId, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID);
    mutateOperations.add(createAssetGroupOperation(customerId, assetGroupResourceName, finalUrl));
    // Retail Performance Max campaigns require listing groups, which are created via the
    // AssetGroupListingGroupFilter resource.
    mutateOperations.addAll(createConversionGoalOperations(customerId, customerConversionGoals));

    try (GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =
        googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) {
      MutateGoogleAdsResponse response =
          googleAdsServiceClient.mutate(Long.toString(customerId), mutateOperations);

  /** Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new CampaignBudget. */
  private MutateOperation createCampaignBudgetOperation(long customerId) {
    CampaignBudget campaignBudget =
            .setName("Performance Max retail campaign budget #" + getPrintableDateTime())
            // The budget period already defaults to DAILY.
            // A Performance Max campaign cannot use a shared campaign budget.
            // Set a temporary ID in the budget's resource name, so it can be referenced
            // by the campaign in later steps.
            .setResourceName(ResourceNames.campaignBudget(customerId, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID))

    return MutateOperation.newBuilder()

  /** Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new Performance Max campaign. */
  private MutateOperation createPerformanceMaxCampaignOperation(
      long customerId, long merchantCenterAccountId, String salesCountry) {
    Campaign performanceMaxCampaign =
            .setName("Performance Max retail campaign #" + getPrintableDateTime())
            // Sets the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
            // the mutate request that should have its status set.
            // All Performance Max campaigns have an advertising_channel_type of
            // PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertising_channel_sub_type should not be set.
            // Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
            // Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
            // Max Conversion and Maximize Conversion Value are the only strategies
            // supported for Performance Max campaigns.
            // An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
            // maximize_conversion_value. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in
            // the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
            // For more information on Maximize Conversion Value, see the support
            // article: http://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7684216.
            // A targetRoas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
            // For first time users, it's recommended not to set a target ROAS value. Although
            // the target ROAS value is optional, you still need to define the enclosing
            // maximize_conversion_value.
                    // .setTargetRoas(3.5)
            // Below is what you would use if you want to maximize conversions:
            // .setMaximizeConversions(
            //     MaximizeConversions.newBuilder()
            //         // The target CPA is optional. This is the average amount that you would like
            //         // to spend per conversion action.
            //         // .setTargetCpaMicros(1_000_000)
            //         .build())
            // Sets the shopping settings.
                    // Optional: To use products only from a specific feed, set FeedLabel to the
                    // feed label used in Merchant Center. See:
                    // https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/12453549.
                    // Removing the feedLabel field will use products from all feeds.
                    // .setFeedLabel("INSERT_FEED_LABEL_HERE")
            // Sets the Final URL expansion opt out. This flag is specific to
            // Performance Max campaigns. If opted out (true), only the final URLs in
            // the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant
            // Center or business data feeds are targeted.
            // If opted in (false), the entire domain will be targeted. For best
            // results, set this value to false to opt in and allow URL expansions. You
            // can optionally add exclusions to limit traffic to parts of your website.
            // Sets to true for this Retail campaign so the final URLs will be limited to those
            // explicitly surfaced via Google Merchant Center.
            // Assigns the resource name with a temporary ID.
                ResourceNames.campaign(customerId, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID))
            // Sets the budget using the given budget resource name.
            .setCampaignBudget(ResourceNames.campaignBudget(customerId, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID))
            // Optional fields.
            .setStartDate(new DateTime().plusDays(1).toString("yyyyMMdd"))
            .setEndDate(new DateTime().plusDays(365).toString("yyyyMMdd"))

    return MutateOperation.newBuilder()

  /** Creates a list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria. */
  private List<MutateOperation> createCampaignCriterionOperations(long customerId) {
    String campaignResourceName =
        ResourceNames.campaign(customerId, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID);
    List<CampaignCriterion> campaignCriteria = new ArrayList<>();
    // Sets the LOCATION campaign criteria.
    // Targets all of New York City except Brooklyn.
    // Location IDs are listed here:
    // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets
    // and they can also be retrieved using the GeoTargetConstantService as shown
    // here: https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/targeting/location-targeting
            // Adds one positive location target for New York City (ID=1023191), specifically adding
            // the positive criteria before the negative one.
    // Next adds the negative target for Brooklyn (ID=1022762).
    // Sets the LANGUAGE campaign criterion.
            // Sets the language.
            // For a list of all language codes, see:
            // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#expandable-7
                    .setLanguageConstant(ResourceNames.languageConstant(1000)) // English
    // Returns a list of mutate operations with one operation per criterion.
    return campaignCriteria.stream()
            criterion ->

   * Creates multiple text assets and returns the list of resource names.
   * <p>These repeated assets must be created in a separate request prior to creating the campaign.
  private List<String> createMultipleTextAssets(
      GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, List<String> texts) {
    List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String text : texts) {
      Asset asset = Asset.newBuilder().setTextAsset(TextAsset.newBuilder().setText(text)).build();
      AssetOperation assetOperation = AssetOperation.newBuilder().setCreate(asset).build();

    List<String> assetResourceNames = new ArrayList<>();
    // Creates the service client.
    try (GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =
        googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) {
      // Sends the operations in a single Mutate request.
      MutateGoogleAdsResponse response =
          googleAdsServiceClient.mutate(Long.toString(customerId), mutateOperations);
      for (MutateOperationResponse result : response.getMutateOperationResponsesList()) {
        if (result.hasAssetResult()) {
    return assetResourceNames;

  /** Creates a MutateOperation that create a new AssetGroup. */
  private MutateOperation createAssetGroupOperation(
      long customerId, String assetGroupResourceName, String finalUrl) {
    List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = new ArrayList<>();
    String campaignResourceName =
        ResourceNames.campaign(customerId, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID);
    // Creates the AssetGroup.
    AssetGroup assetGroup =
            .setName("Performance Max retail asset group #" + getPrintableDateTime())
    AssetGroupOperation assetGroupOperation =
    return MutateOperation.newBuilder().setAssetGroupOperation(assetGroupOperation).build();

  /** Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new AssetGroup. */
  private List<MutateOperation> createAssetAndAssetGroupAssetOperations(
      long customerId,
      String assetGroupResourceName,
      List<String> headlineAssetResourceNames,
      List<String> descriptionAssetResourceNames)
      throws IOException {
    List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = new ArrayList<>();

    // For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see
    // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets

    // An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset
    // and providing:
    //   the resource name of the AssetGroup
    //   the resource name of the Asset
    //   the field_type of the Asset in this AssetGroup.

    // To learn more about AssetGroups, see
    // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups

    // Links the previously created multiple text assets.

    // Links the headline assets.
    for (String resourceName : headlineAssetResourceNames) {
      AssetGroupAsset assetGroupAsset =
      AssetGroupAssetOperation assetGroupAssetOperation =

    // Links the description assets.
    for (String resourceName : descriptionAssetResourceNames) {
      AssetGroupAsset assetGroupAsset =
      AssetGroupAssetOperation assetGroupAssetOperation =

    // Creates and links the long headline text asset.
            customerId, assetGroupResourceName, "Travel the World", AssetFieldType.LONG_HEADLINE));

    // Creates and links the business name text asset.
            "Interplanetary Cruises",

    // Creates and links the image assets.

    // Creates and links the Logo Asset.
            "Logo Image"));

    // Creates and links the Marketing Image Asset.
            "Marketing Image"));

    // Creates and links the Square Marketing Image Asset.
            "Square Marketing Image"));

    return sortAssetAndAssetGroupAssetOperations(mutateOperations);

  /** Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new linked text asset. */
  List<MutateOperation> createAndLinkTextAsset(
      long customerId, String assetGroupResourceName, String text, AssetFieldType assetFieldType) {
    List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = new ArrayList<>();
    String assetResourceName = ResourceNames.asset(customerId, getNextTemporaryId());
    // Creates the Text Asset.
    Asset asset =
    AssetOperation assetOperation = AssetOperation.newBuilder().setCreate(asset).build();

    // Creates an AssetGroupAsset to link the Asset to the AssetGroup.
    AssetGroupAsset assetGroupAsset =
    AssetGroupAssetOperation assetGroupAssetOperation =

    return mutateOperations;

  /** Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new linked image asset. */
  List<MutateOperation> createAndLinkImageAsset(
      long customerId,
      String assetGroupResourceName,
      String url,
      AssetFieldType assetFieldType,
      String assetName)
      throws IOException {
    List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = new ArrayList<>();
    String assetResourceName = ResourceNames.asset(customerId, getNextTemporaryId());
    // Creates a media file.
    byte[] assetBytes = ByteStreams.toByteArray(new URL(url).openStream());

    // Creates the Image Asset.
    Asset asset =
            // Provides a unique friendly name to identify your asset. When there is an existing
            // image asset with the same content but a different name, the new name will be dropped
            // silently.
    AssetOperation assetOperation = AssetOperation.newBuilder().setCreate(asset).build();

    // Creates an AssetGroupAsset to link the Asset to the AssetGroup.
    AssetGroupAsset assetGroupAsset =
    AssetGroupAssetOperation assetGroupAssetOperation =

    return mutateOperations;

   * Sorts a list of asset and asset group asset operations.
   * <p>This sorts the list such that all asset operations precede all asset group asset operations.
   * If asset group assets are created before assets then an error will be returned by the API.
  private List<MutateOperation> sortAssetAndAssetGroupAssetOperations(
      List<MutateOperation> operations) {
    List<MutateOperation> sortedOperations =
        operations.stream().filter(o -> o.hasAssetOperation()).collect(Collectors.toList());
            .filter(o -> o.hasAssetGroupAssetOperation())
    return sortedOperations;

  /** Retrieves the list of customer conversion goals. */
  private static List<CustomerConversionGoal> getCustomerConversionGoals(
      GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId) {
    String query =
        "SELECT customer_conversion_goal.category, customer_conversion_goal.origin "
            + "FROM customer_conversion_goal";

    List<CustomerConversionGoal> customerConversionGoals = new ArrayList<>();
    try (GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =
        googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) {
      // The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50, so we use
      // GoogleAdsService.search instead of search_stream.
      SearchPagedResponse response =
          googleAdsServiceClient.search(Long.toString(customerId), query);
      for (GoogleAdsRow googleAdsRow : response.iterateAll()) {

    return customerConversionGoals;

  /** Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals. */
  private static List<MutateOperation> createConversionGoalOperations(
      long customerId, List<CustomerConversionGoal> customerConversionGoals) {
    List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = new ArrayList<>();
    // To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the
    // biddability of each of the customer conversion goals so that only
    // the desired conversion goal is biddable in this campaign.
    for (CustomerConversionGoal customerConversionGoal : customerConversionGoals) {
      ConversionActionCategory category = customerConversionGoal.getCategory();
      ConversionOrigin origin = customerConversionGoal.getOrigin();
      String campaignConversionGoalResourceName =
              customerId, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID, category, origin);
      CampaignConversionGoal.Builder campaignConversionGoalBuilder =
      // Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
      // Set biddability to True for the desired (category, origin).
      // Set biddability to False for all other conversion goals.
      // Note:
      //  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
      //     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
      //  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
      //     shows only one.
      if (category == ConversionActionCategory.PURCHASE && origin == ConversionOrigin.WEBSITE) {
      } else {
      CampaignConversionGoal campaignConversionGoal = campaignConversionGoalBuilder.build();
      CampaignConversionGoalOperation campaignConversionGoalOperation =
    return mutateOperations;

  /** Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new asset group listing group filter. */
  private MutateOperation createAssetGroupListingGroupFilterOperation(
      String assetGroupResourceName) {

    // Creates a new asset group listing group filter containing the "default" listing group (All
    // products).
    AssetGroupListingGroupFilter listingGroupFilter =
            // Does not set the parentListingGroupFilter since this is the root node. For all other
            // nodes, this would refer to the parent listing group filter resource name.
            // .setParentListingGroupFilter("<PARENT FILTER RESOURCE NAME>")

            // Sets the type to UNIT_INCLUDED since this node has no children.
            // Specifies that this uses the SHOPPING listing source, as required for a Performance
            // Max retail campaign.

    // Returns an operation to the list to create the listing group filter.
    return MutateOperation.newBuilder()

   * Prints the details of a MutateGoogleAdsResponse.
   * <p>Parses the "response" oneof field name and uses it to extract the new entity's name and
   * resource name.
  private void printResponseDetails(MutateGoogleAdsResponse response) {
    // Parses the Mutate response to print details about the entities that were created by the
    // request.
    String suffix = "_result";
    for (MutateOperationResponse result : response.getMutateOperationResponsesList()) {
      for (Entry<FieldDescriptor, Object> responseFields : result.getAllFields().entrySet()) {
        String fieldName = responseFields.getKey().getName();
        String value = responseFields.getValue().toString().trim();
        if (fieldName.endsWith(suffix)) {
          fieldName = fieldName.substring(0, fieldName.length() - suffix.length());
        System.out.printf("Created a(n) %s with %s.%n", fieldName, value);

  /** Returns the next temporary ID and decreases it by one. */
  private long getNextTemporaryId() {
    return temporaryId--;



// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

using CommandLine;
using Google.Ads.Gax.Examples;
using Google.Ads.Gax.Util;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.Config;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.Lib;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Common;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Errors;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Resources;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Services;
using Google.Api.Gax;
using Google.Protobuf;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using static Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Enums.AdvertisingChannelTypeEnum.Types;
using static Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Enums.AssetFieldTypeEnum.Types;
using static Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Enums.AssetGroupStatusEnum.Types;
using static Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Enums.BudgetDeliveryMethodEnum.Types;
using static Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Enums.CampaignStatusEnum.Types;
using static Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Enums.ConversionActionCategoryEnum.Types;
using static Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Enums.ConversionOriginEnum.Types;
using static Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Enums.ListingGroupFilterListingSourceEnum.Types;
using static Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Enums.ListingGroupFilterTypeEnum.Types;
using static Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V17.Resources.Campaign.Types;

namespace Google.Ads.GoogleAds.Examples.V17
    /// <summary>
    /// This example shows how to create a Performance Max retail campaign.
    /// This will be created for "All products".
    /// For more information about Performance Max retail campaigns, see
    /// https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/retail
    /// Prerequisites:
    /// - You need to have access to a Merchant Center account. You can find
    ///   instructions to create a Merchant Center account here:
    ///   https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/188924.
    ///   This account must be linked to your Google Ads account. The integration
    ///   instructions can be found at:
    ///   https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/shopping-ads/merchant-center
    /// - You need your Google Ads account to track conversions. The different ways
    ///   to track conversions can be found here:
    ///   https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/1722054.
    /// - You must have at least one conversion action in the account. For
    ///   more about conversion actions, see
    ///   https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/conversions/overview#conversion_actions
    /// </summary>
    public class AddPerformanceMaxRetailCampaign : ExampleBase
        /// <summary>
        /// Command line options for running the <see cref="AddPerformanceMaxRetailCampaign"/>
        /// example.
        /// </summary>
        public class Options : OptionsBase
            /// <summary>
            /// The Google Ads customer ID.
            /// </summary>
            [Option("customerId", Required = true, HelpText =
                "The Google Ads customer ID.")]
            public long CustomerId { get; set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// The Merchant Center account ID.
            /// </summary>
            [Option("merchantCenterAccountId", Required = true, HelpText =
                "The Merchant Center account ID.")]
            public long MerchantCenterAccountId { get; set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// The final url for the generated ads. Must have the same domain as the Merchant
            /// Center account.
            /// </summary>
            [Option("finalUrl", Required = true, HelpText =
                "The final url for the generated ads." +
                "Must have the same domain as the Merchant Center account.")]
            public string FinalUrl { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Main method, to run this code example as a standalone application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The command line arguments.</param>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Options options = ExampleUtilities.ParseCommandLine<Options>(args);

            AddPerformanceMaxRetailCampaign codeExample = new AddPerformanceMaxRetailCampaign();
                new GoogleAdsClient(),

        // We specify temporary IDs that are specific to a single mutate request. Temporary IDs are
        // always negative and unique within one mutate request.
        // See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/best-practices for further
        // details.
        // These temporary IDs are fixed because they are used in multiple places.
        private const int TEMPORARY_ID_BUDGET = -1;

        private const int TEMPORARY_ID_CAMPAIGN = -2;
        private const int TEMPORARY_ID_ASSET_GROUP = -3;

        // There are also entities that will be created in the same request but do not need to be
        // fixed temporary IDs because they are referenced only once.
        private class AssetGroupAssetTemporaryResourceNameGenerator
            private long customerId;
            private long next;

            public AssetGroupAssetTemporaryResourceNameGenerator(long customerId, long assetGroupId)
                this.customerId = customerId;
                this.next = assetGroupId - 1;

            public string Next()
                long i = next;
                Interlocked.Decrement(ref next);
                return ResourceNames.Asset(customerId, i);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a description about the code example.
        /// </summary>
        public override string Description =>
            "This example shows how to create a Performance Max retail campaign.";

        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the code example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
        /// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID.</param>
        /// <param name="merchantCenterAccountId">The Merchant Center account ID.</param>
        /// <param name="finalUrl">The final URL.</param>
        public void Run(
                GoogleAdsClient client,
                long customerId,
                long merchantCenterAccountId,
                string finalUrl)
                GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =

                // This campaign will override the customer conversion goals.
                // Retrieve the current list of customer conversion goals.
                List<CustomerConversionGoal> customerConversionGoals =
                    GetCustomerConversionGoals(client, customerId);

                // Performance Max campaigns require that repeated assets such as headlines and
                // descriptions be created before the campaign.
                // For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see
                // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets
                // Create the headlines.
                List<string> headlineAssetResourceNames = CreateMultipleTextAssets(
                    new[] {
                    "Travel Reviews",
                    "Book travel"

                // Create the descriptions.
                List<string> descriptionAssetResourceNames = CreateMultipleTextAssets(
                    new[] {
                    "Take to the air!",
                    "Fly to the sky!"

                string tempResourceNameCampaignBudget = ResourceNames.CampaignBudget(

                string assetGroupResourceName = ResourceNames.AssetGroup(

                // The below methods create and return MutateOperations that we later provide to the
                // GoogleAdsService.Mutate method in order to create the entities in a single request.
                // Since the entities for a Performance Max campaign are closely tied to one-another,
                // it's considered a best practice to create them in a single Mutate request so they all
                // complete successfully or fail entirely, leaving no orphaned entities.
                // See: https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/overview
                MutateOperation campaignBudgetOperation = CreateCampaignBudgetOperation(

                string tempResourceNameCampaign = ResourceNames.Campaign(

                MutateOperation performanceMaxCampaignOperation =

                List<MutateOperation> campaignCriterionOperations =

                List<MutateOperation> assetGroupOperations =
                        new AssetGroupAssetTemporaryResourceNameGenerator(

                List<MutateOperation> conversionGoalOperations =

                // Retail Performance Max campaigns require listing groups, which are created via the
                // AssetGroupListingGroupFilter resource.
                List<MutateOperation> assetGroupListingGroupOperations =

                MutateGoogleAdsRequest request = new MutateGoogleAdsRequest
                    CustomerId = customerId.ToString()

                // It's important to create these entities in this order because they depend on
                // each other.
                // Additionally, we take several lists of operations and flatten them into one
                // large list.

                MutateGoogleAdsResponse response = googleAdsServiceClient.Mutate(request);

            catch (GoogleAdsException e)
                Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}");

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new CampaignBudget.
        /// A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign budget so that it can be
        /// referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="budgetResourceName">The temporary resource name of the budget to
        /// create.</param>
        /// <returns>A MutateOperation that creates a CampaignBudget.</returns>
        private MutateOperation CreateCampaignBudgetOperation(
            string budgetResourceName)
            MutateOperation operation = new MutateOperation
                CampaignBudgetOperation = new CampaignBudgetOperation
                    Create = new CampaignBudget
                        Name = "Performance Max campaign budget #"
                          + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(),

                        // The budget period already defaults to Daily.
                        AmountMicros = 50000000,
                        DeliveryMethod = BudgetDeliveryMethod.Standard,

                        // A Performance Max campaign cannot use a shared campaign budget.
                        ExplicitlyShared = false,

                        // Set a temporary ID in the budget's resource name so it can be referenced
                        // by the campaign in later steps.
                        ResourceName = budgetResourceName

            return operation;

        /// Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new Performance Max campaign.
        /// <param name="campaignResourceName">The campaign resource name.</param>
        /// <param name="campaignBudgetResourceName">The campaign budget resource name.</param>
        /// <param name="merchantCenterAccountId">The Merchant Center account ID.</param>
        /// <returns>A MutateOperations that will create this new campaign.</returns>
        private MutateOperation CreatePerformanceMaxCampaignOperation(
            string campaignResourceName,
            string campaignBudgetResourceName,
            long merchantCenterAccountId)
            MutateOperation operation = new MutateOperation()
                CampaignOperation = new CampaignOperation()
                    Create = new Campaign()
                        Name = "Performance Max campaign #" + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(),

                        // Set the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
                        // the mutate request that should have its status set.
                        Status = CampaignStatus.Paused,

                        // All Performance Max campaigns have an advertising_channel_type of
                        // PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertising_channel_sub_type should not be set.
                        AdvertisingChannelType = AdvertisingChannelType.PerformanceMax,

                        // Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign. Setting a
                        // portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported. Max
                        // Conversion and Maximize Conversion Value are the only strategies
                        // supported for Performance Max campaigns. BiddingStrategyTYpe is
                        // read-only and cannot be set by the API. An optional ROAS (Return on
                        // Advertising Spend) can be set to enable the MaximizeConversionValue
                        // bidding strategy. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in the API.
                        // It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
                        // For more information on Maximize Conversion Value, see the support
                        // article:
                        // http://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7684216.
                        // A target_roas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
                        MaximizeConversionValue = new MaximizeConversionValue()
                            TargetRoas = 3.5

                        ShoppingSetting = new ShoppingSetting()
                            MerchantId = merchantCenterAccountId,
                            // Optional: To use products only from a specific feed, set FeedLabel
                            // to the feed label used in Merchant Center.
                            // See: https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/12453549.
                            // Omitting the FeedLabel field will use products from all feeds.
                            // FeedLabel = "INSERT_FEED_LABEL_HERE"

                        // Set the Final URL expansion opt out. This flag is specific to
                        // Performance Max campaigns. If opted out (True), only the final URLs in
                        // the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant
                        // Center or business data feeds are targeted.
                        // If opted in (False), the entire domain will be targeted. For best
                        // results, set this value to false to opt in and allow URL expansions. You
                        // can optionally add exclusions to limit traffic to parts of your website.
                        // For a Retail campaign, we want the final URL's to be limited to those
                        // explicitly surfaced via GMC.
                        UrlExpansionOptOut = true,

                        // Use the temporary resource name created earlier
                        ResourceName = campaignResourceName,

                        // Set the budget using the given budget resource name.
                        CampaignBudget = campaignBudgetResourceName,

                        // Optional fields
                        StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyyMMdd"),
                        EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(365).ToString("yyyyMMdd")

            return operation;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="campaignResourceName">The campaign resource name.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.</returns>
        private List<MutateOperation> CreateCampaignCriterionOperations(
            string campaignResourceName)
            List<MutateOperation> operations = new List<MutateOperation>();

            // Set the LOCATION campaign criteria.
            // Target all of New York City except Brooklyn.
            // Location IDs are listed here:
            // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets
            // and they can also be retrieved using the GeoTargetConstantService as shown
            // here: https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/targeting/location-targeting
            // We will add one positive location target for New York City (ID=1023191)
            // and one negative location target for Brooklyn (ID=1022762).
            // First, add the positive (negative = False) for New York City.
            MutateOperation operation1 = new MutateOperation()
                CampaignCriterionOperation = new CampaignCriterionOperation()
                    Create = new CampaignCriterion()
                        Campaign = campaignResourceName,
                        Location = new LocationInfo()
                            GeoTargetConstant = ResourceNames.GeoTargetConstant(1023191)

                        Negative = false


            // Next add the negative target for Brooklyn.
            MutateOperation operation2 = new MutateOperation()
                CampaignCriterionOperation = new CampaignCriterionOperation()
                    Create = new CampaignCriterion()
                        Campaign = campaignResourceName,
                        Location = new LocationInfo()
                            GeoTargetConstant = ResourceNames.GeoTargetConstant(1022762)

                        Negative = true


            // Set the LANGUAGE campaign criterion.
            MutateOperation operation3 = new MutateOperation()
                CampaignCriterionOperation = new CampaignCriterionOperation()
                    Create = new CampaignCriterion()
                        Campaign = campaignResourceName,

                        // Set the language.
                        // For a list of all language codes, see:
                        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#expandable-7
                        Language = new LanguageInfo()
                            LanguageConstant = ResourceNames.LanguageConstant(1000) // English


            return operations;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates multiple text assets and returns the list of resource names.
        /// These repeated assets must be created in a separate request prior to
        /// creating the campaign.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">The Google Ads Client.</param>
        /// <param name="customerId">The customer's ID.</param>
        /// <param name="texts">The texts to add.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of asset resource names.</returns>
        private List<string> CreateMultipleTextAssets(
            GoogleAdsClient client,
            long customerId,
            string[] texts)
            // Get the GoogleAdsService.
            GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =

            MutateGoogleAdsRequest request = new MutateGoogleAdsRequest()
                CustomerId = customerId.ToString()

            foreach (string text in texts)
                    new MutateOperation()
                        AssetOperation = new AssetOperation()
                            Create = new Asset()
                                TextAsset = new TextAsset()
                                    Text = text

            // Send the operations in a single Mutate request.
            MutateGoogleAdsResponse response = googleAdsServiceClient.Mutate(request);

            List<string> assetResourceNames = new List<string>();

            foreach (MutateOperationResponse operationResponse in response.MutateOperationResponses)
                MutateAssetResult assetResult = operationResponse.AssetResult;


            return assetResourceNames;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new asset_group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="campaignResourceName">The campaign resource name.</param>
        /// <param name="assetGroupResourceName">The asset group resource name.</param>
        /// <param name="finalUrl">The final url.</param>
        /// <param name="headlineAssetResourceNames">The headline asset resource names.</param>
        /// <param name="descriptionAssetResourceNames">The description asset resource
        /// names.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceNameGenerator">A generator for unique temporary ID's.</param>
        /// <param name="config">The Google Ads config.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of MutateOperations that create the new asset group.</returns>
        private List<MutateOperation> CreateAssetGroupOperations(
            string campaignResourceName,
            string assetGroupResourceName,
            string finalUrl,
            List<string> headlineAssetResourceNames,
            List<string> descriptionAssetResourceNames,
            AssetGroupAssetTemporaryResourceNameGenerator resourceNameGenerator,
            GoogleAdsConfig config)
            List<MutateOperation> operations = new List<MutateOperation>();

            // For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see
            // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets

            // Create and link the long headline text asset.
            string longHeadlineResourceName = resourceNameGenerator.Next();
                    "Travel the World"

            // Create the business name text asset.
            string businessNameResourceName = resourceNameGenerator.Next();
                    "Interplanetary Cruises"

            // Create the Logo Asset.
            string logoResourceName = resourceNameGenerator.Next();
                    "Logo Image",

            // Create the Marketing Image Asset.
            string marketingImageResourceName = resourceNameGenerator.Next();
                    "Marketing Image",

            // Create the Square Marketing Image Asset.
            string squareMarketingImageResourceName = resourceNameGenerator.Next();
                    "Square Marketing Image",

            // An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset
            // and providing:
            //   the resource name of the AssetGroup
            //   the resource name of the Asset
            //   the field_type of the Asset in this AssetGroup.
            // To learn more about AssetGroups, see
            // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups
            // Also, note that all asset creation operations must be before the
            // asset group creation operation and the asset group linking operations.

            // Create the AssetGroup
                new MutateOperation()
                    AssetGroupOperation = new AssetGroupOperation()
                        Create = new AssetGroup()
                            Name = "Performance Max asset group #" +

                            Campaign = campaignResourceName,
                            FinalUrls = { finalUrl },
                            FinalMobileUrls = { finalUrl },
                            Status = AssetGroupStatus.Paused,
                            ResourceName = assetGroupResourceName

            // Link the previously created assets.

            // Link the headline assets.
            foreach (string resourceName in headlineAssetResourceNames)
                    new MutateOperation()
                        AssetGroupAssetOperation = new AssetGroupAssetOperation()
                            Create = new AssetGroupAsset()
                                FieldType = AssetFieldType.Headline,
                                AssetGroup = assetGroupResourceName,
                                Asset = resourceName

            // Link the description assets.
            foreach (string resourceName in descriptionAssetResourceNames)
                    new MutateOperation()
                        AssetGroupAssetOperation = new AssetGroupAssetOperation()
                            Create = new AssetGroupAsset()
                                FieldType = AssetFieldType.Description,
                                AssetGroup = assetGroupResourceName,
                                Asset = resourceName






            return operations;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new text asset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetResourceName">The resource name of the text asset to be
        /// created.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text of the asset to be created.</param>
        /// <returns>A MutateOperation that creates the new text asset.</returns>
        private MutateOperation CreateTextAssetOperation(
            string assetResourceName,
            string text) => new MutateOperation()
                AssetOperation = new AssetOperation()
                    Create = new Asset()
                        ResourceName = assetResourceName,
                        TextAsset = new TextAsset()
                            Text = text

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new image asset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetResourceName">The resource name of the text asset to be
        /// created.</param>
        /// <param name="url">The url of the image to be retrieved and put into an asset.</param>
        /// <param name="assetName">The asset name.</param>
        /// <param name="config">The Google Ads config.</param>
        /// <returns>A MutateOperation that creates a new image asset.</returns>
        private MutateOperation CreateImageAssetOperation(
            string assetResourceName,
            string url,
            string assetName,
            GoogleAdsConfig config) => new MutateOperation()
                AssetOperation = new AssetOperation()
                    Create = new Asset()
                        ResourceName = assetResourceName,
                        ImageAsset = new ImageAsset()
                            Data =
                                MediaUtilities.GetAssetDataFromUrl(url, config)
                        // Provide a unique friendly name to identify your asset.
                        // When there is an existing image asset with the same content but a
                        // different name, the new name will be dropped silently.
                        Name = assetName

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a MutateOperation that links an asset to an asset group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldType">The field type of the asset to be linked.</param>
        /// <param name="assetGroupResourceName">The resource name of the asset group
        /// to link the asset to.</param>
        /// <param name="assetResourceName">The resource name of the text asset to be
        /// linked.</param>
        /// <returns>A MutateOperation that links an asset to an asset group.</returns>
        private MutateOperation CreateLinkAssetOperation(
            AssetFieldType fieldType,
            string assetGroupResourceName,
            string assetResourceName) => new MutateOperation()
                AssetGroupAssetOperation = new AssetGroupAssetOperation()
                    Create = new AssetGroupAsset()
                        FieldType = fieldType,
                        AssetGroup = assetGroupResourceName,
                        Asset = assetResourceName

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the list of customer conversion goals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">The Google Ads Client.</param>
        /// <param name="customerId">The customer's id.</param>
        /// <returns>A list customer conversion goals.</returns>
        private List<CustomerConversionGoal> GetCustomerConversionGoals(
            GoogleAdsClient client,
            long customerId)
            // Get the GoogleAdsService.
            GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =

            List<CustomerConversionGoal> conversionGoals = new List<CustomerConversionGoal>();

            SearchGoogleAdsRequest request = new SearchGoogleAdsRequest()
                CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
                Query =

            // The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use
            // GoogleAdsService.search instead of search_stream.
            PagedEnumerable<SearchGoogleAdsResponse, GoogleAdsRow> searchPagedResponse =

            // Iterate over the results and build the list of conversion goals.
            foreach (GoogleAdsRow row in searchPagedResponse)

            return conversionGoals;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="customerId">The customer's id.</param>
        /// <param name="conversionGoals">A list customer conversion goals.</param>
        /// <returns>A list customer conversion goal operations.</returns>
        private List<MutateOperation> CreateCustomerConversionGoalOperations(
            long customerId,
            List<CustomerConversionGoal> conversionGoals)
            List<MutateOperation> operations =
                new List<MutateOperation>();

            foreach (CustomerConversionGoal conversionGoal in conversionGoals)
                CustomerConversionGoal newConversionGoal = new CustomerConversionGoal()
                    ResourceName = ResourceNames.CustomerConversionGoal(

                // Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
                // Set biddability to True for the desired (category, origin).
                // Set biddability to False for all other conversion goals.
                // Note:
                //  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
                //     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
                //  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
                //     shows only one.
                newConversionGoal.Biddable =
                    conversionGoal.Category == ConversionActionCategory.Purchase &&
                    conversionGoal.Origin == ConversionOrigin.Website;

                    new MutateOperation()
                        CustomerConversionGoalOperation = new CustomerConversionGoalOperation()
                            Update = newConversionGoal,
                            UpdateMask = FieldMasks.AllSetFieldsOf(newConversionGoal)

            return operations;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new asset group
        /// listing group filter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetGroupResourceName">The resource name of the asset group.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of mutate operations.</returns>
        private List<MutateOperation> CreateAssetGroupListingGroupOperations(
            string assetGroupResourceName)
            List<MutateOperation> operations = new List<MutateOperation>();

            // Creates a new ad group criterion containing the "default" listing group (All
            // products).
            AssetGroupListingGroupFilter listingGroupFilter = new AssetGroupListingGroupFilter()
                AssetGroup = assetGroupResourceName,

                // Since this is the root node, do not set the ParentListingGroupFilter. For all
                // other nodes, this would refer to the parent listing group filter resource name.
                // ParentListingGroupFilter = "<PARENT FILTER NAME>"

                // The UnitIncluded means this node has no children.
                Type = ListingGroupFilterType.UnitIncluded,

                // Because this is a Performance Max campaign for retail, we need to specify that
                // this is in the shopping listing source.
                ListingSource = ListingGroupFilterListingSource.Shopping

            AssetGroupListingGroupFilterOperation operation =
                new AssetGroupListingGroupFilterOperation()
                    Create = listingGroupFilter

                new MutateOperation()
                    AssetGroupListingGroupFilterOperation = operation

            return operations;

        /// <summary>
        /// Prints the details of a MutateGoogleAdsResponse. Parses the "response" oneof field name
        /// and uses it to extract the new entity's name and resource name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response">A MutateGoogleAdsResponse instance.</param>
        private void PrintResponseDetails(MutateGoogleAdsResponse response)
            // Parse the Mutate response to print details about the entities that were created
            // in the request.
            foreach (MutateOperationResponse operationResponse in response.MutateOperationResponses)
                string resourceName;

                string entityName = operationResponse.ResponseCase.ToString();
                // Trim the substring "Result" from the end of the entity name.
                entityName = entityName.Remove(entityName.Length - 6);

                switch (operationResponse.ResponseCase)
                    case MutateOperationResponse.ResponseOneofCase.AdGroupResult:
                        resourceName = operationResponse.AdGroupResult.ResourceName;

                    case MutateOperationResponse.ResponseOneofCase.AdGroupAdResult:
                        resourceName = operationResponse.AdGroupAdResult.ResourceName;

                    case MutateOperationResponse.ResponseOneofCase.CampaignResult:
                        resourceName = operationResponse.CampaignResult.ResourceName;

                    case MutateOperationResponse.ResponseOneofCase.CampaignBudgetResult:
                        resourceName = operationResponse.CampaignBudgetResult.ResourceName;

                    case MutateOperationResponse.ResponseOneofCase.CampaignCriterionResult:
                        resourceName = operationResponse.CampaignCriterionResult.ResourceName;

                    case MutateOperationResponse.ResponseOneofCase.SmartCampaignSettingResult:
                        resourceName = operationResponse.SmartCampaignSettingResult.ResourceName;

                    case MutateOperationResponse.ResponseOneofCase.AssetResult:
                        resourceName = operationResponse.AssetResult.ResourceName;

                    case MutateOperationResponse.ResponseOneofCase.AssetGroupAssetResult:
                        resourceName = operationResponse.AssetGroupAssetResult.ResourceName;

                    case MutateOperationResponse.ResponseOneofCase.AssetGroupResult:
                        resourceName = operationResponse.AssetGroupResult.ResourceName;

                    case MutateOperationResponse.ResponseOneofCase.AssetGroupListingGroupFilterResult:
                        resourceName = operationResponse.AssetGroupListingGroupFilterResult.ResourceName;

                    case MutateOperationResponse.ResponseOneofCase.CampaignConversionGoalResult:
                        resourceName = operationResponse.CampaignConversionGoalResult.ResourceName;

                    case MutateOperationResponse.ResponseOneofCase.CustomerConversionGoalResult:
                        resourceName = operationResponse.CustomerConversionGoalResult.ResourceName;

                        resourceName = "<not found>";

                    $"Created a(n) {entityName} with resource name: '{resourceName}'.");




 * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

namespace Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Examples\ShoppingAds;

require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';

use GetOpt\GetOpt;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Examples\Utils\ArgumentNames;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Examples\Utils\ArgumentParser;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Examples\Utils\Helper;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Lib\OAuth2TokenBuilder;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Lib\V17\GoogleAdsClient;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Lib\V17\GoogleAdsClientBuilder;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Lib\V17\GoogleAdsException;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Util\FieldMasks;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Util\V17\ResourceNames;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Common\ImageAsset;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Common\LanguageInfo;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Common\LocationInfo;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Common\MaximizeConversionValue;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Common\TextAsset;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Enums\AdvertisingChannelTypeEnum\AdvertisingChannelType;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Enums\AssetFieldTypeEnum\AssetFieldType;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Enums\AssetGroupStatusEnum\AssetGroupStatus;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Enums\BudgetDeliveryMethodEnum\BudgetDeliveryMethod;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Enums\CampaignStatusEnum\CampaignStatus;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Enums\ConversionActionCategoryEnum\ConversionActionCategory;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Enums\ConversionOriginEnum\ConversionOrigin;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Enums\ListingGroupFilterListingSourceEnum\ListingGroupFilterListingSource;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Enums\ListingGroupFilterTypeEnum\ListingGroupFilterType;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Errors\GoogleAdsError;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Resources\Asset;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Resources\AssetGroup;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Resources\AssetGroupAsset;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Resources\AssetGroupListingGroupFilter;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Resources\Campaign;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Resources\Campaign\ShoppingSetting;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Resources\CampaignBudget;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Resources\CampaignConversionGoal;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Resources\CampaignCriterion;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Services\AssetGroupAssetOperation;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Services\AssetGroupListingGroupFilterOperation;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Services\AssetGroupOperation;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Services\AssetOperation;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Services\CampaignBudgetOperation;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Services\CampaignConversionGoalOperation;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Services\CampaignCriterionOperation;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Services\CampaignOperation;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Services\GoogleAdsRow;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Services\MutateGoogleAdsRequest;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Services\MutateGoogleAdsResponse;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Services\MutateOperation;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Services\MutateOperationResponse;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V17\Services\SearchGoogleAdsRequest;
use Google\ApiCore\ApiException;
use Google\ApiCore\Serializer;

 * This example shows how to create a Performance Max retail campaign.
 * This will be created for "All products".
 * For more information about Performance Max retail campaigns, see
 * https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/retail.
 * Prerequisites:
 * - You need to have access to a Merchant Center account. You can find
 * instructions to create a Merchant Center account here:
 * https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/188924.
 * This account must be linked to your Google Ads account. The integration
 * instructions can be found at:
 * https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/shopping-ads/merchant-center
 * - You need your Google Ads account to track conversions. The different ways
 * to track conversions can be found here:
 * https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/1722054.
 * - You must have at least one conversion action in the account. For more about conversion
 * actions, see
 * https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/conversions/overview#conversion_actions.
class AddPerformanceMaxRetailCampaign
    private const SALES_COUNTRY = 'US';
    // The final URL for the generated ads. Must have the same domain as the Merchant Center
    // account.
    private const FINAL_URL = 'INSERT_FINAL_URL_HERE';

    // We specify temporary IDs that are specific to a single mutate request.
    // Temporary IDs are always negative and unique within one mutate request.
    // See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/best-practices
    // for further details.
    // These temporary IDs are fixed because they are used in multiple places.
    private const BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID = -1;
    private const ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID = -3;

    // There are also entities that will be created in the same request but do not need to be fixed
    // temporary IDs because they are referenced only once.
    /** @var int the negative temporary ID used in bulk mutates. */
    private static $nextTempId = self::ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID - 1;

    public static function main()
        // Either pass the required parameters for this example on the command line, or insert them
        // into the constants above.
        $options = (new ArgumentParser())->parseCommandArguments([
            ArgumentNames::CUSTOMER_ID => GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT,
            ArgumentNames::FINAL_URL => GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT

        // Generate a refreshable OAuth2 credential for authentication.
        $oAuth2Credential = (new OAuth2TokenBuilder())->fromFile()->build();

        // Construct a Google Ads client configured from a properties file and the
        // OAuth2 credentials above.
        $googleAdsClient = (new GoogleAdsClientBuilder())

        try {
                $options[ArgumentNames::CUSTOMER_ID] ?: self::CUSTOMER_ID,
                    ?: self::MERCHANT_CENTER_ACCOUNT_ID,
                $options[ArgumentNames::SALES_COUNTRY] ?: self::SALES_COUNTRY,
                $options[ArgumentNames::FINAL_URL] ?: self::FINAL_URL
        } catch (GoogleAdsException $googleAdsException) {
                "Request with ID '%s' has failed.%sGoogle Ads failure details:%s",
            foreach ($googleAdsException->getGoogleAdsFailure()->getErrors() as $error) {
                /** @var GoogleAdsError $error */
                    "\t%s: %s%s",
        } catch (ApiException $apiException) {
                "ApiException was thrown with message '%s'.%s",

     * Runs the example.
     * @param GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient the Google Ads API client
     * @param int $customerId the customer ID
     * @param int $merchantCenterAccountId the Merchant Center account ID
     * @param string $finalUrl the final URL for the asset group of the campaign
    public static function runExample(
        GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
        int $customerId,
        int $merchantCenterAccountId,
        string $finalUrl
    ) {
        // This campaign will override the customer conversion goals.
        // Retrieves the current list of customer conversion goals.
        $customerConversionGoals = self::getCustomerConversionGoals(

        // Performance Max campaigns require that repeated assets such as headlines
        // and descriptions be created before the campaign.
        // For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets.
        // Creates the headlines.
        $headlineAssetResourceNames = self::createMultipleTextAssets(
            ["Travel", "Travel Reviews", "Book travel"]
        // Creates the descriptions.
        $descriptionAssetResourceNames = self::createMultipleTextAssets(
            ["Take to the air!", "Fly to the sky!"]

        // It's important to create the below entities in this order because they depend on
        // each other.
        $operations = [];
        // The below methods create and return MutateOperations that we later
        // provide to the GoogleAdsService.Mutate method in order to create the
        // entities in a single request. Since the entities for a Performance Max
        // campaign are closely tied to one-another, it's considered a best practice
        // to create them in a single Mutate request so they all complete
        // successfully or fail entirely, leaving no orphaned entities. See:
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/overview.
        $operations[] = self::createCampaignBudgetOperation($customerId);
        $operations[] = self::createPerformanceMaxCampaignOperation(
        $operations =
            array_merge($operations, self::createCampaignCriterionOperations($customerId));
        $operations[] = self::createAssetGroupOperation($customerId, $finalUrl);
        $operations[] = self::createAssetGroupListingGroupFilterOperation($customerId);
        $operations = array_merge($operations, self::createAssetandAssetGroupAssetOperations(
        $operations = array_merge($operations, self::createConversionGoalOperations(

        // Issues a mutate request to create everything and prints its information.
        $googleAdsServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient();
        $response = $googleAdsServiceClient->mutate(
            MutateGoogleAdsRequest::build($customerId, $operations)


     * Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new CampaignBudget.
     * A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign budget so that it can be
     * referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
     * @param int $customerId the customer ID
     * @return MutateOperation the mutate operation that creates a campaign budget
    private static function createCampaignBudgetOperation(int $customerId): MutateOperation
        // Creates a mutate operation that creates a campaign budget operation.
        return new MutateOperation([
            'campaign_budget_operation' => new CampaignBudgetOperation([
                'create' => new CampaignBudget([
                    // Sets a temporary ID in the budget's resource name so it can be referenced
                    // by the campaign in later steps.
                    'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forCampaignBudget(
                    'name' => 'Performance Max retail campaign budget #' .
                    // The budget period already defaults to DAILY.
                    'amount_micros' => 50000000,
                    'delivery_method' => BudgetDeliveryMethod::STANDARD,
                    // A Performance Max campaign cannot use a shared campaign budget.
                    'explicitly_shared' => false

     * Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new Performance Max campaign.
     * A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign so that it can
     * be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
     * @param int $customerId the customer ID
     * @param int $merchantCenterAccountId the Merchant Center account ID
     * @return MutateOperation the mutate operation that creates the campaign
    private static function createPerformanceMaxCampaignOperation(
        int $customerId,
        int $merchantCenterAccountId
    ): MutateOperation {
        // Creates a mutate operation that creates a campaign operation.
        return new MutateOperation([
            'campaign_operation' => new CampaignOperation([
                'create' => new Campaign([
                    'name' => 'Performance Max retail campaign #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
                    // Assigns the resource name with a temporary ID.
                    'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forCampaign(
                    // Sets the budget using the given budget resource name.
                    'campaign_budget' => ResourceNames::forCampaignBudget(
                    // The campaign is the only entity in the mutate request that should have its
                    // status set.
                    // Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent
                    // the ads from immediately serving.
                    'status' => CampaignStatus::PAUSED,
                    // All Performance Max campaigns have an advertising_channel_type of
                    // PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertising_channel_sub_type should not be set.
                    'advertising_channel_type' => AdvertisingChannelType::PERFORMANCE_MAX,

                    // Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
                    // Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
                    // Max Conversion and Max Conversion Value are the only strategies supported
                    // for Performance Max campaigns.
                    // An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
                    // maximize_conversion_value. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in
                    // the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
                    // For more information on Max Conversion Value, see the support article:
                    // http://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7684216.
                    // A target_roas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
                    'maximize_conversion_value' => new MaximizeConversionValue([
                        'target_roas' => 3.5
                    // Below is what you would use if you want to maximize conversions
                    // You can optionally set the 'target_cpa_micros' field on MaximizeConversions.
                    // This is the average amount that you would like to spend per conversion
                    // action.
                    // 'maximize_conversions' => new MaximizeConversions(),

                    // Sets the Final URL expansion opt out. This flag is specific to
                    // Performance Max campaigns. If opted out (true), only the final URLs in
                    // the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant
                    // Center or business data feeds are targeted.
                    // If opted in (false), the entire domain will be targeted. For best
                    // results, set this value to false to opt in and allow URL expansions. You
                    // can optionally add exclusions to limit traffic to parts of your website.
                    // For a Retail campaign, we want the final URL's to be limited to those
                    // explicitly surfaced via GMC.
                    'url_expansion_opt_out' => true,

                    // Sets the shopping settings.
                    'shopping_setting' => new ShoppingSetting([
                        'merchant_id' => $merchantCenterAccountId,
                        // Optional: To use products only from a specific feed, set feed_label to
                        // the feed label used in Merchant Center.
                        // See: https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/12453549.
                        // Removing the feed_label field will use products from all feeds.
                        // 'feed_label' => 'INSERT_FEED_LABEL_HERE'

                    // Optional fields.
                    'start_date' => date('Ymd', strtotime('+1 day')),
                    'end_date' => date('Ymd', strtotime('+365 days'))

     * Creates a list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.
     * @param int $customerId the customer ID
     * @return MutateOperation[] a list of MutateOperations that create the new campaign criteria
    private static function createCampaignCriterionOperations(int $customerId): array
        $operations = [];
        // Sets the LOCATION campaign criteria.
        // Target all of New York City except Brooklyn.
        // Location IDs are listed here:
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets
        // and they can also be retrieved using the GeoTargetConstantService as shown
        // here: https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/targeting/location-targeting
        $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
            'campaign_criterion_operation' => new CampaignCriterionOperation([
                'create' => new CampaignCriterion([
                    'campaign' => ResourceNames::forCampaign(
                    'location' => new LocationInfo([
                        // Adds one positive location target for New York City (ID=1023191),
                        // specifically adding the positive criteria before the negative one.
                        'geo_target_constant' => ResourceNames::forGeoTargetConstant(1023191)
                    'negative' => false

        // Next adds the negative target for Brooklyn.
        $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
            'campaign_criterion_operation' => new CampaignCriterionOperation([
                'create' => new CampaignCriterion([
                    'campaign' => ResourceNames::forCampaign(
                    'location' => new LocationInfo([
                        // Next add the negative target for Brooklyn (ID=1022762).
                        'geo_target_constant' => ResourceNames::forGeoTargetConstant(1022762)
                    'negative' => true

        // Sets the LANGUAGE campaign criterion.
        $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
            'campaign_criterion_operation' => new CampaignCriterionOperation([
                'create' => new CampaignCriterion([
                    'campaign' => ResourceNames::forCampaign(
                    // Sets the language.
                    // For a list of all language codes, see:
                    // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#expandable-7
                    'language' => new LanguageInfo([
                        'language_constant' => ResourceNames::forLanguageConstant(1000)  // English

        return $operations;

     * Creates multiple text assets and returns the list of resource names.
     * These repeated assets must be created in a separate request prior to creating the campaign.
     * @param GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient the Google Ads API client
     * @param int $customerId the customer ID
     * @param string[] $texts a list of strings, each of which will be used to create a text asset
     * @return string[] a list of asset resource names
    private static function createMultipleTextAssets(
        GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
        int $customerId,
        array $texts
    ): array {
        // Here again, we use the GoogleAdService to create multiple text assets in a single
        // request.
        $operations = [];
        foreach ($texts as $text) {
            // Creates a mutate operation for a text asset.
            $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
                'asset_operation' => new AssetOperation([
                    'create' => new Asset(['text_asset' => new TextAsset(['text' => $text])])

        // Issues a mutate request to add all assets.
        $googleAdsServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient();
        /** @var MutateGoogleAdsResponse $mutateGoogleAdsResponse */
        $mutateGoogleAdsResponse = $googleAdsServiceClient->mutate(
            MutateGoogleAdsRequest::build($customerId, $operations)

        $assetResourceNames = [];
        foreach ($mutateGoogleAdsResponse->getMutateOperationResponses() as $response) {
            /** @var MutateOperationResponse $response */
            $assetResourceNames[] = $response->getAssetResult()->getResourceName();

        return $assetResourceNames;

     * Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new asset group.
     * A temporary ID will be assigned to this asset group so that it can
     * be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
     * @param int $customerId the customer ID
     * @return MutateOperation a mutate operation creates a new asset group.
    private static function createAssetGroupOperation(
        int $customerId,
        string $finalUrl
    ): MutateOperation {
        // Creates a new mutate operation that creates an asset group operation.
        return new MutateOperation([
            'asset_group_operation' => new AssetGroupOperation([
                'create' => new AssetGroup([
                    'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forAssetGroup(
                    'name' => 'Performance Max retail asset group #' .
                    'campaign' => ResourceNames::forCampaign(
                    'final_urls' => [$finalUrl],
                    'final_mobile_urls' => [$finalUrl],
                    'status' => AssetGroupStatus::PAUSED

     * Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new asset group listing group filter.
     * A temporary ID will be assigned to this listing group filter so that it can be referenced by
     * other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
     * @param int $customerId the customer ID
     * @return MutateOperation a MutateOperation that creates a new asset group listing group filter
    private static function createAssetGroupListingGroupFilterOperation(
        int $customerId
    ): MutateOperation {
        return new MutateOperation([
            => new AssetGroupListingGroupFilterOperation([
                // Creates a new asset group listing group filter containing the "default"
                // listing group (All products).
                'create' => new AssetGroupListingGroupFilter([
                    'asset_group' => ResourceNames::forAssetGroup(
                    // Since this is the root node, do not set the 'parent_listing_group_filter'
                    // field. For all other nodes, this would refer to the parent listing group
                    // filter resource name.
                    // UNIT_INCLUDED means this node has no children.
                    'type' => ListingGroupFilterType::UNIT_INCLUDED,
                    // Because this is a Performance Max campaign for retail, we need to specify
                    // that this is in the shopping listing source.
                    'listing_source' => ListingGroupFilterListingSource::SHOPPING

     * Creates a list of MutateOperations that create new asset group asset and assets.
     * A temporary ID will be assigned to this asset group so that it can
     * be referenced by other objects being created in the same mutate request.
     * @param int $customerId the customer ID
     * @param string[] $headlineAssetResourceNames a list of headline resource names
     * @param string[] $descriptionAssetResourceNames a list of description resource names
     * @return MutateOperation[] a list of MutateOperations that create new asset group assets and
     *     assets
    private static function createAssetandAssetGroupAssetOperations(
        int $customerId,
        array $headlineAssetResourceNames,
        array $descriptionAssetResourceNames
    ): array {
        $operations = [];
        // For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets

        // An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset
        // and providing:
        // -  the resource name of the AssetGroup
        // -  the resource name of the Asset
        // -  the field_type of the Asset in this AssetGroup.
        // To learn more about AssetGroups, see
        // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups.

        // Links the previously created multiple text assets.

        // Links the headline assets.
        foreach ($headlineAssetResourceNames as $resourceName) {
            $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
                'asset_group_asset_operation' => new AssetGroupAssetOperation([
                    'create' => new AssetGroupAsset([
                        'asset' => $resourceName,
                        'asset_group' => ResourceNames::forAssetGroup(
                        'field_type' => AssetFieldType::HEADLINE
        // Links the description assets.
        foreach ($descriptionAssetResourceNames as $resourceName) {
            $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
                'asset_group_asset_operation' => new AssetGroupAssetOperation([
                    'create' => new AssetGroupAsset([
                        'asset' => $resourceName,
                        'asset_group' => ResourceNames::forAssetGroup(
                        'field_type' => AssetFieldType::DESCRIPTION

        // Creates and links the long headline text asset.
        $operations = array_merge($operations, self::createAndLinkTextAsset(
            'Travel the World',
        // Creates and links the business name text asset.
        $operations = array_merge($operations, self::createAndLinkTextAsset(
            'Interplanetary Cruises',

        // Creates and links the image assets.

        // Creates and links the Logo Asset.
        $operations = array_merge($operations, self::createAndLinkImageAsset(
            'Marketing Logo'
        // Creates and links the Marketing Image Asset.
        $operations = array_merge($operations, self::createAndLinkImageAsset(
            'Marketing Image'
        // Creates and links the Square Marketing Image Asset.
        $operations = array_merge($operations, self::createAndLinkImageAsset(
            'Square Marketing Image'

        // After being created the list must be sorted so that all asset operations come before all
        // the asset group asset operations, otherwise the API will reject the request.
        return self::sortAssetAndAssetGroupAssetOperations($operations);

     * Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new linked text asset.
     * @param int $customerId the customer ID
     * @param string $text the text of the asset to be created
     * @param int $fieldType the field type of the new asset in the AssetGroupAsset
     * @return MutateOperation[] a list of MutateOperations that create a new linked text asset
    private static function createAndLinkTextAsset(
        int $customerId,
        string $text,
        int $fieldType
    ): array {
        $operations = [];
        // Creates a new mutate operation that creates a text asset.
        $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
            'asset_operation' => new AssetOperation([
                'create' => new Asset([
                    'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forAsset($customerId, self::$nextTempId),
                    'text_asset' => new TextAsset(['text' => $text])

        // Creates an asset group asset to link the asset to the asset group.
        $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
            'asset_group_asset_operation' => new AssetGroupAssetOperation([
                'create' => new AssetGroupAsset([
                    'asset' => ResourceNames::forAsset($customerId, self::$nextTempId),
                    'asset_group' => ResourceNames::forAssetGroup(
                    'field_type' => $fieldType

        return $operations;

     * Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new linked image asset.
     * @param int $customerId the customer ID
     * @param string $url the URL of the image to be retrieved and put into an asset
     * @param int $fieldType the field type of the new asset in the AssetGroupAsset
     * @param string $assetName the asset name
     * @return MutateOperation[] a list of MutateOperations that create a new linked image asset
    private static function createAndLinkImageAsset(
        int $customerId,
        string $url,
        int $fieldType,
        string $assetName
    ): array {
        $operations = [];
        // Creates a new mutate operation that creates an image asset.
        $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
            'asset_operation' => new AssetOperation([
                'create' => new Asset([
                    'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forAsset($customerId, self::$nextTempId),
                    // Provide a unique friendly name to identify your asset.
                    // When there is an existing image asset with the same content but a different
                    // name, the new name will be dropped silently.
                    'name' => $assetName,
                    'image_asset' => new ImageAsset(['data' => file_get_contents($url)])

        // Creates an asset group asset to link the asset to the asset group.
        $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
            'asset_group_asset_operation' => new AssetGroupAssetOperation([
                'create' => new AssetGroupAsset([
                    'asset' => ResourceNames::forAsset($customerId, self::$nextTempId),
                    'asset_group' => ResourceNames::forAssetGroup(
                    'field_type' => $fieldType

        return $operations;

     * Sorts a list of asset and asset group asset operations. This sorts the list such that all
     * asset operations precede all asset group asset operations. If asset group assets are created
     * before assets then an error will be returned by the API.
     * @param MutateOperation[] $operations a list of asset and asset group asset mutate operations
     * @return MutateOperation[] a sorted list of asset and asset group asset mutate operations
    private static function sortAssetAndAssetGroupAssetOperations(array $operations): array
            function (MutateOperation $operation1, MutateOperation $operation2) {
                if (!is_null($operation1->getAssetOperation())) {
                    return -1;
                } elseif (!is_null($operation1->getAssetOperation())) {
                    return 0;
                } else {
                    return 1;
        return $operations;

     * Retrieves the list of customer conversion goals.
     * @param GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient the Google Ads API client
     * @param int $customerId the customer ID
     * @return array list of dicts containing the category and origin of customer conversion goals
    private static function getCustomerConversionGoals(
        GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
        int $customerId
    ): array {
        $customerConversionGoals = [];
        $googleAdsServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient();
        // Creates a query that retrieves all customer conversion goals.
        $query = 'SELECT customer_conversion_goal.category, customer_conversion_goal.origin ' .
            'FROM customer_conversion_goal';
        // The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use a search request
        // instead of search stream.
        $response =
            $googleAdsServiceClient->search(SearchGoogleAdsRequest::build($customerId, $query));

        // Iterates over all rows in all pages and builds the list of conversion goals.
        foreach ($response->iterateAllElements() as $googleAdsRow) {
            /** @var GoogleAdsRow $googleAdsRow */
            $customerConversionGoals[] = [
                'category' => $googleAdsRow->getCustomerConversionGoal()->getCategory(),
                'origin' => $googleAdsRow->getCustomerConversionGoal()->getOrigin()

        return $customerConversionGoals;

     * Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals.
     * @param int $customerId the customer ID
     * @param array $customerConversionGoals the list of customer conversion goals that will be
     *      overridden
     * @return MutateOperation[] a list of MutateOperations that update campaign conversion goals
    private static function createConversionGoalOperations(
        int $customerId,
        array $customerConversionGoals
    ): array {
        $operations = [];

        // To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the biddability of each of the
        // customer conversion goals so that only the desired conversion goal is biddable in this
        // campaign.
        foreach ($customerConversionGoals as $customerConversionGoal) {
            $campaignConversionGoal = new CampaignConversionGoal([
                'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forCampaignConversionGoal(
            // Changes the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
            // Sets biddability to true for the desired (category, origin).
            // Sets biddability to false for all other conversion goals.
            // Note:
            //  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
            //     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
            //  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
            //     shows only one.
            if (
                $customerConversionGoal["category"] === ConversionActionCategory::PURCHASE
                && $customerConversionGoal["origin"] === ConversionOrigin::WEBSITE
            ) {
            } else {

            $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
                'campaign_conversion_goal_operation' => new CampaignConversionGoalOperation([
                    'update' => $campaignConversionGoal,
                    // Sets the update mask on the operation. Here the update mask will be a list
                    // of all the fields that were set on the update object.
                    'update_mask' => FieldMasks::allSetFieldsOf($campaignConversionGoal)

        return $operations;

     * Prints the details of a MutateGoogleAdsResponse. Parses the "response" oneof field name and
     * uses it to extract the new entity's name and resource name.
     * @param MutateGoogleAdsResponse $mutateGoogleAdsResponse the mutate Google Ads response
    private static function printResponseDetails(
        MutateGoogleAdsResponse $mutateGoogleAdsResponse
    ): void {
        foreach ($mutateGoogleAdsResponse->getMutateOperationResponses() as $response) {
            /** @var MutateOperationResponse $response */
            $getter = Serializer::getGetter($response->getResponse());
                "Created a(n) %s with '%s'.%s",




#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2021 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""This example shows how to create a Performance Max retail campaign.

This will be created for "All products".

For more information about Performance Max retail campaigns, see

- You need to have access to a Merchant Center account. You can find
  instructions to create a Merchant Center account here:
  This account must be linked to your Google Ads account. The integration
  instructions can be found at:
- You need your Google Ads account to track conversions. The different ways
  to track conversions can be found here:
- You must have at least one conversion action in the account. For
  more about conversion actions, see

import argparse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import sys
from uuid import uuid4

from google.api_core import protobuf_helpers
from google.ads.googleads.client import GoogleAdsClient
from google.ads.googleads.errors import GoogleAdsException
from google.ads.googleads.util import convert_snake_case_to_upper_case

import requests

# We specify temporary IDs that are specific to a single mutate request.
# Temporary IDs are always negative and unique within one mutate request.
# See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/best-practices
# for further details.
# These temporary IDs are fixed because they are used in multiple places.

# There are also entities that will be created in the same request but do not
# need to be fixed temporary IDs because they are referenced only once.
_next_temp_id = int(_ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID) - 1

def main(
    """The main method that creates all necessary entities for the example.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        merchant_center_account_id: The Merchant Center account ID.
        final_url: the final URL.
    googleads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")

    # This campaign will override the customer conversion goals.
    # Retrieve the current list of customer conversion goals.
    customer_conversion_goals = get_customer_conversion_goals(
        client, customer_id

    # Performance Max campaigns require that repeated assets such as headlines
    # and descriptions be created before the campaign.
    # For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets
    # Create the headlines.
    headline_asset_resource_names = create_multiple_text_assets(
            "Travel Reviews",
            "Book travel",
    # Create the descriptions.
    description_asset_resource_names = create_multiple_text_assets(
            "Take to the air!",
            "Fly to the sky!",

    # The below methods create and return MutateOperations that we later
    # provide to the GoogleAdsService.Mutate method in order to create the
    # entities in a single request. Since the entities for a Performance Max
    # campaign are closely tied to one-another, it's considered a best practice
    # to create them in a single Mutate request so they all complete
    # successfully or fail entirely, leaving no orphaned entities. See:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/overview
    campaign_budget_operation = create_campaign_budget_operation(
    performance_max_campaign_operation = (
    campaign_criterion_operations = create_campaign_criterion_operations(
    asset_group_operation = create_asset_group_operation(
        client, customer_id, final_url
    listing_group_filter_operation = create_listing_group_filter_operation(
        client, customer_id
    asset_and_asset_group_asset_operations = (
    conversion_goal_operations = create_conversion_goal_operations(

    # Send the operations in a single Mutate request.
    response = googleads_service.mutate(
            # It's important to create these entities in this order because
            # they depend on each other.
            # Expand the list of multiple operations into the list of
            # other mutate operations.

def create_campaign_budget_operation(
    """Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new CampaignBudget.

    A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign budget so that it can be
    referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.

        a MutateOperation that creates a CampaignBudget.
    mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    campaign_budget_operation = mutate_operation.campaign_budget_operation
    campaign_budget = campaign_budget_operation.create
    campaign_budget.name = f"Performance Max retail campaign budget #{uuid4()}"
    # The budget period already defaults to DAILY.
    campaign_budget.amount_micros = 50000000
    campaign_budget.delivery_method = (
    # A Performance Max campaign cannot use a shared campaign budget.
    campaign_budget.explicitly_shared = False

    # Set a temporary ID in the budget's resource name so it can be referenced
    # by the campaign in later steps.
    campaign_budget.resource_name = client.get_service(
    ).campaign_budget_path(customer_id, _BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID)

    return mutate_operation

def create_performance_max_campaign_operation(
    """Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new Performance Max campaign.

    A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign so that it can
    be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        merchant_center_account_id: The Merchant Center account ID.

        a MutateOperation that creates a campaign.
    mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    campaign = mutate_operation.campaign_operation.create
    campaign.name = f"Performance Max retail campaign #{uuid4()}"
    # Set the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
    # the mutate request that should have its status set.
    campaign.status = client.enums.CampaignStatusEnum.PAUSED
    # All Performance Max campaigns have an advertising_channel_type of
    # PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertising_channel_sub_type should not be set.
    campaign.advertising_channel_type = (
    # Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
    # Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
    # Max Conversion and Max Conversion Value are the only strategies supported
    # for Performance Max campaigns.
    # An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
    # maximize_conversion_value. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in
    # the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
    # For more information on Max Conversion Value, see the support article:
    # http://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7684216.
    # A target_roas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
    # campaign.maximize_conversion_value.target_roas = 3.5
    # For first time users, it's recommended not to set a target ROAS.
    # Although target ROAS is optional, you still need to define it
    # even if you do not want to use it.
    campaign.maximize_conversion_value.target_roas = None
    # Below is what you would use if you want to maximize conversions
    # campaign.maximize_conversions.target_cpa_micros = None
    # The target CPA is optional. This is the average amount that you would
    # like to spend per conversion action.

    # Set the shopping settings.
    campaign.shopping_setting.merchant_id = merchant_center_account_id

    # Optional: To use products only from a specific feed, set
    # shopping_setting.feed_label to the feed label used in Merchant Center.
    # See: https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/12453549.
    # Omitting the shopping_setting.feed_label field will use products from all
    # feeds.
    # campaign.shopping_setting.feed_label = "INSERT_FEED_LABEL_HERE"

    # Set the Final URL expansion opt out. This flag is specific to
    # Performance Max campaigns. If opted out (True), only the final URLs in
    # the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant
    # If opted in (False), the entire domain will be targeted. For best
    # results, set this value to false to opt in and allow URL expansions. You
    # can optionally add exclusions to limit traffic to parts of your website.
    # For a Retail campaign, we want the final URL's to be limited to
    # those explicitly surfaced via GMC.
    campaign.url_expansion_opt_out = True

    # Assign the resource name with a temporary ID.
    campaign_service = client.get_service("CampaignService")
    campaign.resource_name = campaign_service.campaign_path(
    # Set the budget using the given budget resource name.
    campaign.campaign_budget = campaign_service.campaign_budget_path(
        customer_id, _BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID

    # Optional fields
    campaign.start_date = (datetime.now() + timedelta(1)).strftime("%Y%m%d")
    campaign.end_date = (datetime.now() + timedelta(365)).strftime("%Y%m%d")

    return mutate_operation

def create_campaign_criterion_operations(
    """Creates a list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.

        a list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.
    campaign_service = client.get_service("CampaignService")
    geo_target_constant_service = client.get_service("GeoTargetConstantService")
    googleads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")

    operations = []
    # Set the LOCATION campaign criteria.
    # Target all of New York City except Brooklyn.
    # Location IDs are listed here:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets
    # and they can also be retrieved using the GeoTargetConstantService as shown
    # here: https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/targeting/location-targeting
    mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    campaign_criterion = mutate_operation.campaign_criterion_operation.create
    campaign_criterion.campaign = campaign_service.campaign_path(
    # Adds one positive location target for New York City (ID=1023191),
    # specifically adding the positive criteria before the negative one.
    campaign_criterion.location.geo_target_constant = (
    campaign_criterion.negative = False

    # Next add the negative target for Brooklyn (ID=1022762).
    mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    campaign_criterion = mutate_operation.campaign_criterion_operation.create
    campaign_criterion.campaign = campaign_service.campaign_path(
    campaign_criterion.location.geo_target_constant = (
    campaign_criterion.negative = True

    # Set the LANGUAGE campaign criterion.
    mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    campaign_criterion = mutate_operation.campaign_criterion_operation.create
    campaign_criterion.campaign = campaign_service.campaign_path(
    # Set the language.
    # For a list of all language codes, see:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#expandable-7
    campaign_criterion.language.language_constant = (
    )  # English

    return operations

def create_multiple_text_assets(client, customer_id, texts):
    """Creates multiple text assets and returns the list of resource names.

    These repeated assets must be created in a separate request prior to
    creating the campaign.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        texts: a list of strings, each of which will be used to create a text

        asset_resource_names: a list of asset resource names.
    # Here again we use the GoogleAdService to create multiple text
    # assets in a single request.
    googleads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")

    operations = []
    for text in texts:
        mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
        asset = mutate_operation.asset_operation.create
        asset.text_asset.text = text

    # Send the operations in a single Mutate request.
    response = googleads_service.mutate(
    asset_resource_names = []
    for result in response.mutate_operation_responses:
        if result._pb.HasField("asset_result"):
    return asset_resource_names

def create_asset_group_operation(client, customer_id, final_url):
    """Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new asset group.

    A temporary ID will be assigned to this asset group so that it can
    be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        final_url: the final URL.

        a MutateOperation that creates a new asset group.
    googleads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
    # Create the AssetGroup.
    mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    asset_group = mutate_operation.asset_group_operation.create
    asset_group.name = f"Performance Max retail asset group #{uuid4()}"
    asset_group.campaign = googleads_service.campaign_path(
    asset_group.status = client.enums.AssetGroupStatusEnum.PAUSED
    asset_group.resource_name = googleads_service.asset_group_path(

    return mutate_operation

def create_listing_group_filter_operation(client, customer_id):
    """Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new listing group filter.

    A temporary ID will be assigned to this listing group filter so that it
    can be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.

        a MutateOperation that creates a new listing group filter.
    googleads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
    # Creates a new ad group criterion containing the "default" listing
    # group (All products).
    mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    asset_group_listing_group = (
    asset_group_listing_group.asset_group = googleads_service.asset_group_path(
    asset_group_listing_group.type_ = (
    # Because this is a Performance Max campaign for retail, we need to specify
    # that this is in the shopping listing source.
    asset_group_listing_group.listing_source = (

    return mutate_operation

def create_asset_and_asset_group_asset_operations(
    """Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new asset_group.

    A temporary ID will be assigned to this asset group so that it can
    be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        headline_asset_resource_names: a list of headline resource names.
        description_asset_resource_names: a list of description resource names.

        MutateOperations that create a new asset group and related assets.
    asset_group_service = client.get_service("AssetGroupService")

    operations = []

    # For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets

    # An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset
    # and providing:
    #   the resource name of the AssetGroup
    #   the resource name of the Asset
    #   the field_type of the Asset in this AssetGroup.
    # To learn more about AssetGroups, see
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups

    # Link the previously created multiple text assets.

    # Link the headline assets.
    for resource_name in headline_asset_resource_names:
        mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
        asset_group_asset = mutate_operation.asset_group_asset_operation.create
        asset_group_asset.field_type = client.enums.AssetFieldTypeEnum.HEADLINE
        asset_group_asset.asset_group = asset_group_service.asset_group_path(
        asset_group_asset.asset = resource_name

    #  Link the description assets.
    for resource_name in description_asset_resource_names:
        mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
        asset_group_asset = mutate_operation.asset_group_asset_operation.create
        asset_group_asset.field_type = (
        asset_group_asset.asset_group = asset_group_service.asset_group_path(
        asset_group_asset.asset = resource_name

    # Create and link the long headline text asset.
    mutate_operations = create_and_link_text_asset(
        "Travel the World",

    # Create and link the business name text asset.
    mutate_operations = create_and_link_text_asset(
        "Interplanetary Cruises",

    # Create and link the image assets.

    # Create and link the Logo Asset.
    mutate_operations = create_and_link_image_asset(
        "Logo Image",

    # Create and link the Marketing Image Asset.
    mutate_operations = create_and_link_image_asset(
        "Marketing Image",

    # Create and link the Square Marketing Image Asset.
    mutate_operations = create_and_link_image_asset(
        "Square Marketing Image",

    # After being created the list must be sorted so that all asset
    # operations come before all the asset group asset operations,
    # otherwise the API will reject the request.
    return sort_asset_and_asset_group_asset_operations(operations)

def create_and_link_text_asset(client, customer_id, text, field_type):
    """Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new linked text asset.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        text: the text of the asset to be created.
        field_type: the field_type of the new asset in the AssetGroupAsset.

        MutateOperations that create a new linked text asset.
    global _next_temp_id
    operations = []
    asset_service = client.get_service("AssetService")
    asset_group_service = client.get_service("AssetGroupService")

    # Create the Text Asset.
    mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    asset = mutate_operation.asset_operation.create
    asset.resource_name = asset_service.asset_path(customer_id, _next_temp_id)
    asset.text_asset.text = text

    # Create an AssetGroupAsset to link the Asset to the AssetGroup.
    mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    asset_group_asset = mutate_operation.asset_group_asset_operation.create
    asset_group_asset.field_type = field_type
    asset_group_asset.asset_group = asset_group_service.asset_group_path(
    asset_group_asset.asset = asset_service.asset_path(
        customer_id, _next_temp_id

    _next_temp_id -= 1
    return operations

def create_and_link_image_asset(
    client, customer_id, url, field_type, asset_name
    """Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new linked image asset.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        url: the url of the image to be retrieved and put into an asset.
        field_type: the field_type of the new asset in the AssetGroupAsset.
        asset_name: the asset name.

        MutateOperations that create a new linked image asset.
    global _next_temp_id
    operations = []
    asset_service = client.get_service("AssetService")
    asset_group_service = client.get_service("AssetGroupService")

    # Create the Image Asset.
    mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    asset = mutate_operation.asset_operation.create
    asset.resource_name = asset_service.asset_path(customer_id, _next_temp_id)
    asset.type_ = client.enums.AssetTypeEnum.IMAGE
    # Provide a unique friendly name to identify your asset.
    # When there is an existing image asset with the same content but a different
    # name, the new name will be dropped silently.
    asset.name = asset_name
    asset.image_asset.data = get_image_bytes(url)

    # Create an AssetGroupAsset to link the Asset to the AssetGroup.
    mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    asset_group_asset = mutate_operation.asset_group_asset_operation.create
    asset_group_asset.field_type = field_type
    asset_group_asset.asset_group = asset_group_service.asset_group_path(
    asset_group_asset.asset = asset_service.asset_path(
        customer_id, _next_temp_id

    _next_temp_id -= 1
    return operations

def sort_asset_and_asset_group_asset_operations(operations):
    """Sorts a list of asset and asset group asset operations.

    This sorts the list such that all asset operations precede
    all asset group asset operations. If asset group assets are
    created before assets then an error will be returned by
    the API.

        operations: a list of asset and asset group asset operations.

        a sorted list of asset and asset group asset operations.

    def sorter(operation):
        """Determines whether the operation creates an asset group asset.

            operation: a MutateOperation instance.

            True if the MutateOperation creates an asset group asset.
        return bool(operation.asset_group_asset_operation)

    return sorted(operations, key=sorter)

def get_customer_conversion_goals(client, customer_id):
    """Retrieves the list of customer conversion goals.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.

        a list of dicts containing the category and origin of customer
        conversion goals.
    ga_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
    customer_conversion_goals = []
    query = """
            FROM customer_conversion_goal
    # The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use
    # GoogleAdsService.search instead of search_stream.
    search_request = client.get_type("SearchGoogleAdsRequest")
    search_request.customer_id = customer_id
    search_request.query = query
    results = ga_service.search(request=search_request)

    # Iterate over the results and build the list of conversion goals.
    for row in results:
                "category": row.customer_conversion_goal.category,
                "origin": row.customer_conversion_goal.origin,
    return customer_conversion_goals

def create_conversion_goal_operations(
    """Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        customer_conversion_goals: the list of customer conversion goals that
          will be overridden.

        MutateOperations that update campaign conversion goals.
    campaign_conversion_goal_service = client.get_service(
    operations = []

    # To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the
    # biddability of each of the customer conversion goals so that only
    # the desired conversion goal is biddable in this campaign.
    for customer_conversion_goal in customer_conversion_goals:
        mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
        campaign_conversion_goal = (

        campaign_conversion_goal.resource_name = (
        # Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
        # Set biddability to True for the desired (category, origin).
        # Set biddability to False for all other conversion goals.
        # Note:
        #  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
        #     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
        #  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
        #     shows only one.
        if (
            == client.enums.ConversionActionCategoryEnum.PURCHASE
            and customer_conversion_goal["origin"]
            == client.enums.ConversionOriginEnum.WEBSITE
            biddable = True
            biddable = False
        campaign_conversion_goal.biddable = biddable
        field_mask = protobuf_helpers.field_mask(
            None, campaign_conversion_goal._pb

    return operations

def get_image_bytes(url):
    """Loads image data from a URL.

        url: a URL str.

        Images bytes loaded from the given URL.
    response = requests.get(url)
    return response.content

def print_response_details(response):
    """Prints the details of a MutateGoogleAdsResponse.

    Parses the "response" oneof field name and uses it to extract the new
    entity's name and resource name.

        response: a MutateGoogleAdsResponse object.
    # Parse the Mutate response to print details about the entities that
    # were created by the request.
    suffix = "_result"
    for result in response.mutate_operation_responses:
        for field_descriptor, value in result._pb.ListFields():
            if field_descriptor.name.endswith(suffix):
                name = field_descriptor.name[: -len(suffix)]
                name = field_descriptor.name
                f"Created a(n) {convert_snake_case_to_upper_case(name)} with "

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description=("Creates a Performance Max retail campaign.")
    # The following argument(s) should be provided to run the example.
        help="The Google Ads customer ID.",
        help="The Merchant Center account ID.",
        help="The final URL for the asset group of the campaign.",

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # GoogleAdsClient will read the google-ads.yaml configuration file in the
    # home directory if none is specified.
    googleads_client = GoogleAdsClient.load_from_storage(version="v17")

    except GoogleAdsException as ex:
            f'Request with ID "{ex.request_id}" failed with status '
            f'"{ex.error.code().name}" and includes the following errors:'
        for error in ex.failure.errors:
            print(f'Error with message "{error.message}".')
            if error.location:
                for field_path_element in error.location.field_path_elements:
                    print(f"\t\tOn field: {field_path_element.field_name}")



#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Encoding: utf-8
# Copyright 2021 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This example shows how to create a Performance Max retail campaign.
# This will be created for "All products".
# For more information about Performance Max retail campaigns, see
# https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/retail
# Prerequisites:
# - You need to have access to a Merchant Center account. You can find
#   instructions to create a Merchant Center account here:
#   https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/188924.
#   This account must be linked to your Google Ads account. The integration
#   instructions can be found at:
#   https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/shopping-ads/merchant-center
# - You need your Google Ads account to track conversions. The different ways
#   to track conversions can be found here:
#   https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/1722054.
# - You must have at least one conversion action in the account. For
#   more about conversion actions, see
#   https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/conversions/overview#conversion_actions

require 'optparse'
require 'date'
require 'open-uri'
require 'google/ads/google_ads'

# We specify temporary IDs that are specific to a single mutate request.
# Temporary IDs are always negative and unique within one mutate request.
# See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/best-practices
# for further details.
# These temporary IDs are fixed because they are used in multiple places.

# There are also entities that will be created in the same request but do not
# need to be fixed temporary IDs because they are referenced only once.
def next_temp_id
  @id -= 1

def add_performance_max_retail_campaign(
  # GoogleAdsClient will read a config file from
  # ENV['HOME']/google_ads_config.rb when called without parameters
  client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::GoogleAdsClient.new

  # This campaign will override the customer conversion goals.
  # Retrieve the current list of customer conversion goals.
  customer_conversion_goals = _get_customer_conversion_goals(
      client, customer_id)

  # Performance Max campaigns require that repeated assets such as headlines
  # and descriptions be created before the campaign.
  # For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see
  # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets
  # Create the headlines.
  headline_asset_resource_names = create_multiple_text_assets(
      "Travel Reviews",
      "Book travel",
  # Create the descriptions.
  description_asset_resource_names = create_multiple_text_assets(
      "Take to the air!",
      "Fly to the sky!",

  # The below methods create and return MutateOperations that we later
  # provide to the GoogleAdsService.Mutate method in order to create the
  # entities in a single request. Since the entities for a Performance Max
  # campaign are closely tied to one-another, it's considered a best practice
  # to create them in a single Mutate request so they all complete
  # successfully or fail entirely, leaving no orphaned entities. See:
  # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/overview
  campaign_budget_operation = create_campaign_budget_operation(
  performance_max_campaign_operation = create_performance_max_campaign_operation(
  campaign_criterion_operations = create_campaign_criterion_operations(
  asset_group_operation = create_asset_group_operation(
  listing_group_filter_operation = create_listing_group_filter_operation(
  asset_and_asset_group_asset_operations = create_asset_and_asset_group_asset_operations(
  conversion_goal_operations = create_conversion_goal_operations(

  # Send the operations in a single Mutate request.
  response = client.service.google_ads.mutate(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    mutate_operations: [
      # It's important to create these entities in this order because
      # they depend on each other.
      # Expand the list of multiple operations into the list of
      # other mutate operations


# Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new CampaignBudget.
# A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign budget so that it can be
# referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
def create_campaign_budget_operation(client, customer_id)
    client.operation.mutate do |m|
      m.campaign_budget_operation = client.operation.create_resource.campaign_budget do |cb|
        cb.name = "Performance Max campaign budget #{SecureRandom.uuid}"
        # The budget period already defaults to DAILY.
        cb.amount_micros = 50_000_000
        cb.delivery_method = :STANDARD
          # A Performance Max campaign cannot use a shared campaign budget.
          cb.explicitly_shared = false

        # Set a temporary ID in the budget's resource name so it can be referenced
        # by the campaign in later steps.
        cb.resource_name = client.path.campaign_budget(customer_id, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID)

# Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new Performance Max campaign.
# A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign so that it can
# be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
def create_performance_max_campaign_operation(
    client.operation.mutate do |m|
      m.campaign_operation = client.operation.create_resource.campaign do |c|
        c.name = "Performance Max retail campaign #{SecureRandom.uuid}"
        # Set the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
        # the mutate request that should have its status set.
        c.status = :PAUSED
        # All Performance Max campaigns have an advertising_channel_type of
        # PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertising_channel_sub_type should not be set.
        c.advertising_channel_type = :PERFORMANCE_MAX
        # Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
        # Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
        # Max Conversion and Maximize Conversion Value are the only strategies
        # supported for Performance Max campaigns.
        # An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
        # maximize_conversion_value. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in
        # the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
        # For more information on Maximize Conversion Value, see the support
        # article: http://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7684216.
        # A target_roas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
        c.bidding_strategy_type = :MAXIMIZE_CONVERSION_VALUE
        c.maximize_conversion_value = client.resource.maximize_conversion_value do |mcv|
          mcv.target_roas = 3.5

        # Set the shopping settings.
        c.shopping_setting = client.resource.shopping_setting do |ss|
            ss.merchant_id = merchant_center_account_id
            # Optional: To use products only from a specific feed, set feed_label
            # to the feed label used in Merchant Center.
            # See: https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/12453549.
            # Omitting the feed_label field will use products from all feeds.
            # feed_label = "INSERT_FEED_LABEL_HERE"

        # Set the Final URL expansion opt out. This flag is specific to
        # Performance Max campaigns. If opted out (true), only the final URLs in
        # the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant
        # Center or business data feeds are targeted.
        # If opted in (false), the entire domain will be targeted. For best
        # results, set this value to false to opt in and allow URL expansions. You
        # can optionally add exclusions to limit traffic to parts of your website.
        # For a Retail campaign, we want the final URLs to be limited to those
        # explicitly surfaced via GMC.
        c.url_expansion_opt_out = true

        # Assign the resource name with a temporary ID.
        c.resource_name = client.path.campaign(customer_id, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID)
        # Set the budget using the given budget resource name.
        c.campaign_budget = client.path.campaign_budget(customer_id, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID)

        # Optional fields
        c.start_date = DateTime.parse((Date.today + 1).to_s).strftime('%Y%m%d')
        c.end_date = DateTime.parse(Date.today.next_year.to_s).strftime('%Y%m%d')

# Creates a list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.
def create_campaign_criterion_operations(client, customer_id)
    operations = []

    # Set the LOCATION campaign criteria.
    # Target all of New York City except Brooklyn.
    # Location IDs are listed here:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets
    # and they can also be retrieved using the GeoTargetConstantService as shown
    # here: https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/targeting/location-targeting
    operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
      m.campaign_criterion_operation =
        client.operation.create_resource.campaign_criterion do |cc|
        cc.campaign = client.path.campaign(
        # Adds one positive location target for New York City (ID=1023191),
        # specifically adding the positive criteria before the negative one.
        cc.location = client.resource.location_info do  |li|
          li.geo_target_constant = client.path.geo_target_constant("1023191")
        cc.negative = false

  # Next add the negative target for Brooklyn (ID=1022762).
  operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
    m.campaign_criterion_operation =
      client.operation.create_resource.campaign_criterion do |cc|
      cc.campaign = client.path.campaign(
      cc.location = client.resource.location_info do  |li|
        li.geo_target_constant = client.path.geo_target_constant("1022762")
      cc.negative = true

  # Set the LANGUAGE campaign criterion.
  operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
    m.campaign_criterion_operation =
      client.operation.create_resource.campaign_criterion do |cc|
      cc.campaign = client.path.campaign(
      # Set the language.
      # For a list of all language codes, see:
      # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#expandable-7
      cc.language = client.resource.language_info do |li|
        li.language_constant = client.path.language_constant("1000")  # English


# Creates multiple text assets and returns the list of resource names.
# These repeated assets must be created in a separate request prior to creating
# the campaign.
def create_multiple_text_assets(client, customer_id, texts)
  operations = texts.map do |text|
    client.operation.mutate do |m|
      m.asset_operation = client.operation.create_resource.asset do |asset|
        asset.text_asset = client.resource.text_asset do |text_asset|
          text_asset.text = text

  # Send the operations in a single Mutate request.
  response = client.service.google_ads.mutate(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    mutate_operations: operations,

  asset_resource_names = []
  response.mutate_operation_responses.each do |result|
    if result.asset_result

# Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new asset_group.
# A temporary ID will be assigned to this asset group so that it can
# be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
def create_asset_group_operation(

  # Create the AssetGroup
  client.operation.mutate do |m|
    m.asset_group_operation = client.operation.create_resource.asset_group do |ag|
      ag.name = "Performance Max retail asset group #{SecureRandom.uuid}"
      ag.campaign = client.path.campaign(
      ag.final_urls << final_url
      ag.final_mobile_urls << final_url
      ag.status = :PAUSED
      ag.resource_name = client.path.asset_group(

# Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new listing group filter.
# A temporary ID will be assigned to this listing group filter so that it can
# be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
def create_listing_group_filter_operation(client, customer_id)
  client.operation.mutate do |m|
    m.asset_group_listing_group_filter_operation =
      client.operation.create_resource.asset_group_listing_group_filter do |aglg|
        aglg.asset_group = client.path.asset_group(
        aglg.type = :UNIT_INCLUDED
        # Because this is a Performance Max campaign for retail, we need to
        # specify that this is in the shopping listing source.
        aglg.listing_source = :SHOPPING

# Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new asset_group.
# A temporary ID will be assigned to this asset group so that it can be
# referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
def create_asset_and_asset_group_asset_operations(
  operations = []
  # For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see
  # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets
  # An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset
  # and providing:
  #   the resource name of the AssetGroup
  #   the resource name of the Asset
  #   the field_type of the Asset in this AssetGroup.
  # To learn more about AssetGroups, see
  # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups

  # Link the previously created multiple text assets.

  # Link the headline assets.
  headline_asset_resource_names.each do |resource_name|
    operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
      m.asset_group_asset_operation = client.operation.create_resource
          .asset_group_asset do |aga|
        aga.field_type = :HEADLINE
        aga.asset_group = client.path.asset_group(
        aga.asset = resource_name

  #  Link the description assets.
  description_asset_resource_names.each do |resource_name|
    operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
      m.asset_group_asset_operation = client.operation.create_resource
          .asset_group_asset do |aga|
        aga.field_type = :DESCRIPTION
        aga.asset_group = client.path.asset_group(
        aga.asset = resource_name

  # Create and link the long headline text asset.
  operations += create_and_link_text_asset(
    "Travel the World",

  # Create and link the business name text asset.
  operations += create_and_link_text_asset(
    "Interplanetary Cruises",

  # Create and link the image assets.

  # Create and link the Logo Asset.
  operations += create_and_link_image_asset(
    "Logo Image")

  # Create and link the Marketing Image Asset.
  operations += create_and_link_image_asset(
    "Marketing Image")

  # Create and link the Square Marketing Image Asset.
  operations += create_and_link_image_asset(
    "Square Marketing Image")

  # After being created the list must be sorted so that all asset
  # operations come before all the asset group asset operations,
  # otherwise the API will reject the request.

# Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new linked text asset.
def create_and_link_text_asset(client, customer_id, text, field_type)
  operations = []
  temp_id = next_temp_id

  # Create the Text Asset.
  operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
    m.asset_operation = client.operation.create_resource.asset do |a|
      a.resource_name = client.path.asset(customer_id, temp_id)
      a.text_asset = client.resource.text_asset do |text_asset|
        text_asset.text = text

  # Create an AssetGroupAsset to link the Asset to the AssetGroup.
  operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
    m.asset_group_asset_operation = client.operation.create_resource
        .asset_group_asset do |aga|
      aga.field_type = field_type
      aga.asset_group = client.path.asset_group(
      aga.asset = client.path.asset(customer_id, temp_id)


# Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new linked image asset.
def create_and_link_image_asset(client, customer_id, url, field_type, asset_name)
  operations = []
  temp_id = next_temp_id

  # Create the Image Asset.
  operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
    m.asset_operation = client.operation.create_resource.asset do |a|
      a.resource_name = client.path.asset(customer_id, temp_id)
      a.type = :IMAGE
      # Provide a unique friendly name to identify your asset.
      # When there is an existing image asset with the same content but a different
      # name, the new name will be dropped silently.
      a.name = asset_name
      a.image_asset = client.resource.image_asset do |image_asset|
        image_asset.data = get_image_bytes(url)

  # Create an AssetGroupAsset to link the Asset to the AssetGroup.
  operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
    m.asset_group_asset_operation = client.operation.create_resource
        .asset_group_asset do |aga|
      aga.field_type = field_type
      aga.asset_group = client.path.asset_group(
      aga.asset = client.path.asset(customer_id, temp_id)


# Sorts a list of asset and asset group asset operations.  This sorts the list
# such that all asset operations precede all asset group asset operations. If
# asset group assets are created before assets then an error will be returned
# by the API.
def sort_asset_and_asset_group_asset_operations(operations)
  operations.sort_by do |operation|
    if operation.asset_group_asset_operation

def _get_customer_conversion_goals(client, customer_id)
  query = <<~EOD
    FROM customer_conversion_goal

  customer_conversion_goals = []

  ga_service = client.service.google_ads
  # The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use
  # GoogleAdsService.search instead of search_stream.
  response = ga_service.search(
      customer_id: customer_id,
      query: query,
      page_size: PAGE_SIZE,

  # Iterate over the results and build the list of conversion goals.
  response.each do |row|
    customer_conversion_goals << {
        "category" => row.customer_conversion_goal.category,
        "origin" => row.customer_conversion_goal.origin


def create_conversion_goal_operations(client, customer_id, customer_conversion_goals)
  campaign_conversion_goal_service = client.service.campaign_conversion_goal

  operations = []

  # To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the
  # biddability of each of the customer conversion goals so that only
  # the desired conversion goal is biddable in this campaign.
  customer_conversion_goals.each do |customer_conversion_goal|
    operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
        m.campaign_conversion_goal_operation = client.operation.campaign_conversion_goal do |op|
          op.update = client.resource.campaign_conversion_goal do |ccg|
              ccg.resource_name = client.path.campaign_conversion_goal(
              # Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
              # Set biddability to True for the desired (category, origin).
              # Set biddability to False for all other conversion goals.
              # Note:
              #  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
              #     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
              #  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
              #     shows only one.
              ccg.biddable = (customer_conversion_goal["category"] == :PURCHASE &&
                  customer_conversion_goal["origin"] == :WEBSITE)
          op.update_mask = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::FieldMaskUtil.all_set_fields_of(op.update)


# Loads image data from a URL.
def get_image_bytes(url)

  # Prints the details of a MutateGoogleAdsResponse.
  def print_response_details(response)
    # Parse the mutate response to print details about the entities that
    # were created by the request.
    suffix = "_result"
    response.mutate_operation_responses.each do |result|
      result.to_h.select {|k, v| v }.each do |name, value|
        if name.to_s.end_with?(suffix)
          name = name.to_s.delete_suffix(suffix)

        puts "Created a(n) #{::Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Utils.camelize(name)} " \
          "with #{value.to_s.strip}."

if __FILE__ == $0
    PAGE_SIZE = 1000

    options = {}

    # The following parameter(s) should be provided to run the example. You can
    # either specify these by changing the INSERT_XXX_ID_HERE values below, or on
    # the command line.
    # Parameters passed on the command line will override any parameters set in
    # code.
    # Running the example with -h will print the command line usage.
    options[:customer_id] = 'INSERT_CUSTOMER_ID_HERE'
    options[:merchant_center_account_id] = 'INSERT_MERCHANT_CENTER_ACCOUNT_ID_HERE'
    options[:final_url] = 'INSERT_FINAL_URL_HERE'

    OptionParser.new do |opts|
      opts.banner = sprintf('Usage: %s [options]', File.basename(__FILE__))

      opts.separator ''
      opts.separator 'Options:'

      opts.on('-C', '--customer-id CUSTOMER-ID', String, 'Customer ID') do |v|
        options[:customer_id] = v

      opts.on('-m', '--merchant-center-account-id MERCHANT-CENTER-ACCOUNT-ID',
          Integer, 'Merchant Center Account ID') do |v|
        options[:merchant_center_account_id] = v

      opts.on('-f', '--final-url FINAL-URL', String, 'Final URL') do |v|
        options[:final_url] = v

      opts.separator ''
      opts.separator 'Help:'

      opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do
        puts opts

          options.fetch(:customer_id).tr("-", ""),
    rescue Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Errors::GoogleAdsError => e
      e.failure.errors.each do |error|
        STDERR.printf("Error with message: %s\n", error.message)
        if error.location
          error.location.field_path_elements.each do |field_path_element|
            STDERR.printf("\tOn field: %s\n", field_path_element.field_name)
        error.error_code.to_h.each do |k, v|
          next if v == :UNSPECIFIED
          STDERR.printf("\tType: %s\n\tCode: %s\n", k, v)



#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2021, Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This example shows how to create a Performance Max retail campaign.
# This will be created for "All products".
# For more information about Performance Max retail campaigns, see
# https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/retail.
# Prerequisites:
# - You need to have access to a Merchant Center account. You can find
#   instructions to create a Merchant Center account here:
#   https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/188924.
#   This account must be linked to your Google Ads account. The integration
#   instructions can be found at:
#   https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/shopping-ads/merchant-center.
# - You need your Google Ads account to track conversions. The different ways
#   to track conversions can be found here:
#   https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/1722054.
# - You must have at least one conversion action in the account. For more about
#   conversion actions, see
#   https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/conversions/overview#conversion_actions.

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;

use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/../../lib";
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Client;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Utils::GoogleAdsHelper;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Utils::MediaUtils;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Utils::FieldMasks;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::CampaignBudget;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::Campaign;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::ShoppingSetting;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::CampaignCriterion;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::Asset;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::AssetGroup;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::AssetGroupAsset;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::CampaignConversionGoal;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::AssetGroupListingGroupFilter;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Common::MaximizeConversionValue;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Common::LocationInfo;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Common::LanguageInfo;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Common::TextAsset;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Common::ImageAsset;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Enums::BudgetDeliveryMethodEnum qw(STANDARD);
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Enums::CampaignStatusEnum;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Enums::AdvertisingChannelTypeEnum
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Enums::AssetGroupStatusEnum;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Enums::AssetFieldTypeEnum
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Enums::ConversionActionCategoryEnum
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Enums::ConversionOriginEnum qw(WEBSITE);
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Enums::ListingGroupFilterTypeEnum
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Enums::ListingGroupFilterListingSourceEnum
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Services::GoogleAdsService::MutateOperation;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Services::CampaignService::CampaignOperation;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Services::AssetService::AssetOperation;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Utils::ResourceNames;

use Getopt::Long qw(:config auto_help);
use Pod::Usage;
use Cwd          qw(abs_path);
use Data::Uniqid qw(uniqid);
use POSIX        qw(strftime);

# We specify temporary IDs that are specific to a single mutate request.
# Temporary IDs are always negative and unique within one mutate request.
# See https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/best-practices
# for further details.
# These temporary IDs are fixed because they are used in multiple places.
use constant BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID                   => -1;
use constant ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID              => -3;

# There are also entities that will be created in the same request but do not
# need to be fixed temporary IDs because they are referenced only once.
our $next_temp_id = ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID - 1;

sub add_performance_max_retail_campaign {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $merchant_center_account_id, $final_url) = @_;

  # This campaign will override the customer conversion goals.
  # Retrieve the current list of customer conversion goals.
  my $customer_conversion_goals =
    get_customer_conversion_goals($api_client, $customer_id);

  # Performance Max campaigns require that repeated assets such as headlines
  # and descriptions be created before the campaign.
  # For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see
  # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets.
  # Create the headlines.
  my $headline_asset_resource_names =
    create_multiple_text_assets($api_client, $customer_id,
    ["Travel", "Travel Reviews", "Book travel"]);
  # Create the descriptions.
  my $description_asset_resource_names =
    create_multiple_text_assets($api_client, $customer_id,
    ["Take to the air!", "Fly to the sky!"]);

  # It's important to create the below entities in this order because they depend
  # on each other.
  my $operations = [];
  # The below methods create and return MutateOperations that we later provide to
  # the GoogleAdsService->mutate() method in order to create the entities in a
  # single request. Since the entities for a Performance Max campaign are closely
  # tied to one-another, it's considered a best practice to create them in a
  # single mutate request so they all complete successfully or fail entirely,
  # leaving no orphaned entities. See:
  # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/mutating/overview.
  push @$operations, create_campaign_budget_operation($customer_id);
  push @$operations,
  push @$operations, @{create_campaign_criterion_operations($customer_id)};
  push @$operations, create_asset_group_operation($customer_id, $final_url);
  push @$operations, create_listing_group_filter_operation($customer_id);
  push @$operations,
      $customer_id, $headline_asset_resource_names,
  push @$operations,

  # Issue a mutate request to create everything and print its information.
  my $mutate_google_ads_response = $api_client->GoogleAdsService()->mutate({
    customerId       => $customer_id,
    mutateOperations => $operations


  return 1;

# Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new CampaignBudget.
# A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign budget so that it can be
# referenced by other objects being created in the same mutate request.
sub create_campaign_budget_operation {
  my ($customer_id) = @_;

  # Create a mutate operation that creates a campaign budget operation.
      campaignBudgetOperation =>
          create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::CampaignBudget->new(
              # Set a temporary ID in the budget's resource name so it can be
              # referenced by the campaign in later steps.
              resourceName =>
                $customer_id, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID
              name => "Performance Max retail campaign budget #" . uniqid(),
              # The budget period already defaults to DAILY.
              amountMicros   => 50000000,
              deliveryMethod => STANDARD,
              # A Performance Max campaign cannot use a shared campaign budget.
              explicitlyShared => "false",

# Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new Performance Max campaign.
# A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign so that it can be referenced
# by other objects being created in the same mutate request.
sub create_performance_max_campaign_operation {
  my ($customer_id, $merchant_center_account_id) = @_;

  # Create a mutate operation that creates a campaign operation.
      campaignOperation =>
          create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::Campaign->new({
              # Assign the resource name with a temporary ID.
              resourceName =>
                $customer_id, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
              name => "Performance Max retail campaign #'" . uniqid(),
              # Set the budget using the given budget resource name.
              campaignBudget =>
                $customer_id, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID
              # Set the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
              # the mutate request that should have its status set.
              status =>
              # All Performance Max campaigns have an advertisingChannelType of
              # PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertisingChannelSubType should not be set.
              advertisingChannelType => PERFORMANCE_MAX,

              # Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
              # Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
              # Max Conversion and Max Conversion Value are the only strategies
              # supported for Performance Max campaigns.
              # An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
              # maximizeConversionValue. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in
              # the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
              # For more information on Max Conversion Value, see the support article:
              # http://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7684216.
              # A targetRoas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
              # For first time users, it's recommended not to set a target ROAS.
              # maximizeConversionValue =>
              #   Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Common::MaximizeConversionValue->
              #   new({
              #     targetRoas => 3.5
              #   }
              # ),
              # Below is what you would use if you want to maximize conversions.
              # maximizeConversions =>
              #   Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Common::MaximizeConversions->
              #   new({
              #     targetCpaMicros => 1000000
              #   }
              # ),
              # The target CPA is optional. This is the average amount that you would
              # like to spend per conversion action.

              # Set the shopping settings.
              shoppingSetting =>
                  merchantId => $merchant_center_account_id,
                  # Optional: To use products only from a specific feed, set feedLabel
                  # to the feed label used in Merchant Center.
                  # See: https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/12453549.
                  # Omitting the feedLabel field will use products from all feeds.
                  # feedLabel => "INSERT_FEED_LABEL_HERE"

              # Set the final URL expansion opt out. This flag is specific to
              # Performance Max campaigns. If opted out (true), only the final URLs in
              # the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant
              # Center or business data feeds are targeted.
              # If opted in (false), the entire domain will be targeted. For best
              # results, set this value to false to opt in and allow URL expansions. You
              # can optionally add exclusions to limit traffic to parts of your website.
              # For a Retail campaign, we want the final URL to be limited to those
              # explicitly surfaced via GMC.
              urlExpansionOptOut => "true",

              # Optional fields.
              startDate => strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime(time + 60 * 60 * 24)),
              endDate   =>
                strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime(time + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365)),

# Creates a list of MutateOperations that create new campaign criteria.
sub create_campaign_criterion_operations {
  my ($customer_id) = @_;

  my $operations = [];
  # Set the LOCATION campaign criteria.
  # Target all of New York City except Brooklyn.
  # Location IDs are listed here:
  # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/geotargets
  # and they can also be retrieved using the GeoTargetConstantService as shown
  # here: https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/targeting/location-targeting.
  push @$operations,
      campaignCriterionOperation =>
          create =>
              campaign =>
                $customer_id, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
              # Adds one positive location target for New York City (ID=1023191),
              # specifically adding the positive criteria before the negative one.
              location =>
                  geoTargetConstant =>
              negative => "false"

  # Next add the negative target for Brooklyn (ID=1022762).
  push @$operations,
      campaignCriterionOperation =>
          create =>
              campaign =>
                $customer_id, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
              location =>
                  geoTargetConstant =>
              negative => "true"

  # Set the LANGUAGE campaign criterion.
  push @$operations,
      campaignCriterionOperation =>
          create =>
              campaign =>
                $customer_id, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
              # Set the language.
              # For a list of all language codes, see:
              # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/data/codes-formats#expandable-7.
              language =>
                  languageConstant =>
                    1000)    # English

  return $operations;

# Creates multiple text assets and returns the list of resource names.
# These repeated assets must be created in a separate request prior to
# creating the campaign.
sub create_multiple_text_assets {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $texts) = @_;

  # Here again we use the GoogleAdService to create multiple text assets in a
  # single request.
  my $operations = [];
  foreach my $text (@$texts) {
    # Create a mutate operation for a text asset.
    push @$operations,
        assetOperation =>
            create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::Asset->new({
                textAsset =>
                    text => $text

  # Issue a mutate request to add all assets.
  my $mutate_google_ads_response = $api_client->GoogleAdsService()->mutate({
    customerId       => $customer_id,
    mutateOperations => $operations

  my $asset_resource_names = [];
    my $response (@{$mutate_google_ads_response->{mutateOperationResponses}})
    push @$asset_resource_names, $response->{assetResult}{resourceName};

  return $asset_resource_names;

# Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new asset group.
# A temporary ID will be assigned to this asset group so that it can be referenced
# by other objects being created in the same mutate request.
sub create_asset_group_operation {
  my ($customer_id, $final_url) = @_;

  # Create a mutate operation that creates an asset group operation.
      assetGroupOperation =>
          create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::AssetGroup->new({
              resourceName =>
                $customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID
              name     => "Performance Max retail asset group #" . uniqid(),
              campaign =>
                $customer_id, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
              finalUrls       => [$final_url],
              finalMobileUrls => [$final_url],
              status          =>

# Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new listing group filter.
# A temporary ID will be assigned to this listing group filter so that it
# can be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
sub create_listing_group_filter_operation {
  my ($customer_id) = @_;

  # Creates a new ad group criterion containing the "default" listing group
  # (All products).
  my $listing_group_filter =
      assetGroup =>
        $customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID

      # Since this is the root node, do not set the parentListingGroupFilter.
      # For all other nodes, this would refer to the parent listing group filter
      # resource name.
      # parentListingGroupFilter => "<PARENT FILTER NAME>"

      # The subdivision type means this node has children. This type is used for
      # the root node as well.
      type => UNIT_INCLUDED,

      # Because this is a Performance Max campaign for retail, we need to specify
      # that this is in the shopping listing source.
      listingSource => SHOPPING

      assetGroupListingGroupFilterOperation =>
          create => $listing_group_filter

# Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new asset_group.
# A temporary ID will be assigned to this asset group so that it can
# be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
sub create_asset_and_asset_group_asset_operations {
  my (
  ) = @_;

  my $operations = [];
  # For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see
  # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets.

  # An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset
  # and providing:
  # - the resource name of the AssetGroup
  # - the resource name of the Asset
  # - the fieldType of the Asset in this AssetGroup
  # To learn more about AssetGroups, see
  # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups.

  # Link the previously created multiple text assets.

  # Link the headline assets.
  foreach my $resource_name (@$headline_asset_resource_names) {
    push @$operations,
        assetGroupAssetOperation =>
            create =>
                asset      => $resource_name,
                assetGroup =>
                  $customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID
                fieldType => HEADLINE

  # Link the description assets.
  foreach my $resource_name (@$description_asset_resource_names) {
    push @$operations,
        assetGroupAssetOperation =>
            create =>
                asset      => $resource_name,
                assetGroup =>
                  $customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID
                fieldType => DESCRIPTION

  # Create and link the long headline text asset.
  push @$operations,
    @{create_and_link_text_asset($customer_id, "Travel the World",

  # Create and link the business name text asset.
  push @$operations,
    create_and_link_text_asset($customer_id, "Interplanetary Cruises",

  # Create and link the image assets.

  # Create and link the logo asset.
  push @$operations,
    create_and_link_image_asset($customer_id, "https://gaagl.page.link/1Crm",
      LOGO, "Logo Image")};

  # Create and link the marketing image asset.
  push @$operations,
      $customer_id,    "https://gaagl.page.link/Eit5",
      MARKETING_IMAGE, "Marketing Image"

  # Create and link the square marketing image asset.
  push @$operations,
      $customer_id,           "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi",
      SQUARE_MARKETING_IMAGE, "Square Marketing Image"

  # After being created the list must be sorted so that all asset
  # operations come before all the asset group asset operations,
  # otherwise the API will reject the request.
  return sort_asset_and_asset_group_asset_operations($operations);

# Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new linked text asset.
sub create_and_link_text_asset {
  my ($customer_id, $text, $field_type) = @_;

  my $operations = [];
  # Create a new mutate operation for a text asset.
  push @$operations,
      assetOperation =>
          create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::Asset->new({
              resourceName =>
                $customer_id, $next_temp_id
              textAsset => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Common::TextAsset->new({
                  text => $text

  # Create an asset group asset to link the asset to the asset group.
  push @$operations,
      assetGroupAssetOperation =>
          create =>
              asset => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Utils::ResourceNames::asset(
                $customer_id, $next_temp_id
              assetGroup =>
                $customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID
              fieldType => $field_type

  return $operations;

# Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new linked image asset.
sub create_and_link_image_asset {
  my ($customer_id, $url, $field_type, $asset_name) = @_;

  my $operations = [];
  # Create a new mutate operation for an image asset.
  push @$operations,
      assetOperation =>
          create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::Asset->new({
              resourceName =>
                $customer_id, $next_temp_id
              # Provide a unique friendly name to identify your asset.
              # When there is an existing image asset with the same content but a different
              # name, the new name will be dropped silently.
              name       => $asset_name,
              imageAsset =>
                  data => get_base64_data_from_url($url)})})})});

  # Create an asset group asset to link the asset to the asset group.
  push @$operations,
      assetGroupAssetOperation =>
          create =>
              asset => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Utils::ResourceNames::asset(
                $customer_id, $next_temp_id
              assetGroup =>
                $customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID
              fieldType => $field_type

  return $operations;

# Sorts a list of asset and asset group asset operations.
# This sorts the list such that all asset operations precede
# all asset group asset operations. If asset group assets are
# created before assets then an error will be returned by the API.
sub sort_asset_and_asset_group_asset_operations {
  my ($operations) = @_;

  sub sorter {
    if (defined $a->{assetOperation}) {
      return -1;
    } else {
      return 1;
  my @operations_sorted = sort sorter @$operations;
  return \@operations_sorted;

# Retrieves the list of customer conversion goals.
sub get_customer_conversion_goals {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id) = @_;

  my $customer_conversion_goals = [];
  # Create a query that retrieves all customer conversion goals.
  my $query =
    "SELECT customer_conversion_goal.category, customer_conversion_goal.origin "
    . "FROM customer_conversion_goal";
  # The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use
  # GoogleAdsService->search() method instead of search_stream().
  my $search_response = $api_client->GoogleAdsService()->search({
    customerId => $customer_id,
    query      => $query

  # Iterate over the results and build the list of conversion goals.
  foreach my $google_ads_row (@{$search_response->{results}}) {
    push @$customer_conversion_goals,
      category => $google_ads_row->{customerConversionGoal}{category},
      origin   => $google_ads_row->{customerConversionGoal}{origin}};

  return $customer_conversion_goals;

# Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals.
sub create_conversion_goal_operations {
  my ($customer_id, $customer_conversion_goals) = @_;

  my $operations = [];
  # To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the biddability of
  # each of the customer conversion goals so that only the desired conversion goal
  # is biddable in this campaign.
  foreach my $customer_conversion_goal (@$customer_conversion_goals) {
    my $campaign_conversion_goal =
        resourceName =>
    # Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
    # Set biddability to true for the desired (category, origin).
    # Set biddability to false for all other conversion goals.
    # Note:
    #  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
    #     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
    #  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
    #     shows only one.
    if ( $customer_conversion_goal->{category} eq PURCHASE
      && $customer_conversion_goal->{origin} eq WEBSITE)
      $campaign_conversion_goal->{biddable} = "true";
    } else {
      $campaign_conversion_goal->{biddable} = "false";

    push @$operations,
        campaignConversionGoalOperation =>
            update => $campaign_conversion_goal,
            # Set the update mask on the operation. Here the update mask will be
            # a list of all the fields that were set on the update object.
            updateMask => all_set_fields_of($campaign_conversion_goal)})});

  return $operations;

# Prints the details of a MutateGoogleAdsResponse.
# Parses the "response" oneof field name and uses it to extract the new entity's
# name and resource name.
sub print_response_details {
  my ($mutate_google_ads_response) = @_;

    my $response (@{$mutate_google_ads_response->{mutateOperationResponses}})
    my $result_type = [keys %$response]->[0];

    printf "Created a(n) %s with '%s'.\n",
      ucfirst $result_type =~ s/Result$//r,

# Don't run the example if the file is being included.
if (abs_path($0) ne abs_path(__FILE__)) {
  return 1;

# Get Google Ads Client, credentials will be read from ~/googleads.properties.
my $api_client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Client->new();

# By default examples are set to die on any server returned fault.

my $customer_id                = undef;
my $merchant_center_account_id = undef;
my $sales_country              = "US";
my $final_url                  = "http://www.example.com";

# Parameters passed on the command line will override any parameters set in code.
  "customer_id=s"                => \$customer_id,
  "merchant_center_account_id=i" => \$merchant_center_account_id,
  "sales_country=s"              => \$sales_country,
  "final_url=s"                  => \$final_url

# Print the help message if the parameters are not initialized in the code nor
# in the command line.
  if not check_params($customer_id, $merchant_center_account_id, $sales_country,

# Call the example.
add_performance_max_retail_campaign($api_client, $customer_id =~ s/-//gr,
  $merchant_center_account_id, $sales_country, $final_url);


=head1 NAME



This example shows how to create a Performance Max retail campaign.

This will be created for "All products".

For more information about Performance Max retail campaigns, see

- You need to have access to a Merchant Center account. You can find
  instructions to create a Merchant Center account here:
  This account must be linked to your Google Ads account. The integration
  instructions can be found at:
- You need your Google Ads account to track conversions. The different ways
  to track conversions can be found here:
- You must have at least one conversion action in the account. For more about
  conversion actions, see


add_performance_max_retail_campaign.pl [options]

    -help                         Show the help message.
    -customer_id                  The Google Ads customer ID.
    -merchant_center_account_id   The Merchant Center account ID.
    -sales_country                [optional] The sales country of products to include in the campaign.
    -final_url                    [optional] The final URL for the asset group of the campaign.


