
服装、鞋类、家具、电子设备和行李等许多类型的商品都有不同的款式/规格(例如各种尺寸、颜色、材质或图案)。为了帮助 Google 更好地了解哪些商品是同一父级商品的不同款式/规格,除了 Product 结构化数据之外,请使用 ProductGroup 类以及相关属性 variesByhasVariantproductGroupID 将此类款式/规格组合在一起。

借助 ProductGroup,您还可以为所有款式/规格指定通用产品属性(例如品牌和评价信息)以及款式/规格确定属性,从而减少信息重复。



下面概述了如何构建、测试和发布结构化数据。如需获得向网页添加结构化数据的分步指南,请查看结构化数据 Codelab

  1. 添加必要属性。根据您使用的格式,了解在网页上的什么位置插入结构化数据
  2. 遵循指南
  3. 使用富媒体搜索结果测试验证您的代码,并修复所有严重错误。此外,您还可以考虑修正该工具中可能会标记的任何非严重问题,因为这些这样有助于提升结构化数据的质量(不过,要使内容能够显示为富媒体搜索结果,并非必须这么做)。
  4. 部署一些包含您的结构化数据的网页,然后使用网址检查工具测试 Google 看到的网页样貌。请确保您的网页可供 Google 访问,不会因 robots.txt 文件、noindex 标记或登录要求而被屏蔽。如果网页看起来没有问题,您可以请求 Google 重新抓取您的网址
  5. 为了让 Google 随时了解日后发生的更改,我们建议您提交站点地图Search Console Sitemap API 可以帮助您自动执行此操作。



  • 单页 - 可在一个页面上选择所有款式/规格,而无需重新加载页面(通常通过查询参数)
  • 多页 - 可以在不同页面上访问同一产品的款式/规格



  • 如果未选择款式/规格,以下网址会返回主商品页面:https://www.example.com/coat
  • 系统会通过以下网址返回包含预先选择的特定款式/规格的同一网页:
    • https://www.example.com/coat?size=small&color=green
    • https://www.example.com/coat?size=small&color=lightblue
    • https://www.example.com/coat?size=large&color=lightblue
  • 当用户在网页上选择不同的款式/规格(使用颜色和尺寸下拉菜单)时,网页上的图片、价格和库存状况信息会动态变化,而无需重新加载网页。网页上的标记不会随着用户选择不同的款式/规格而动态变化。

单页示例:款式/规格嵌套在 ProductGroup

在此示例中,款式/规格使用 hasVariant 属性嵌套在顶级 ProductGroup 实体下:

  • ProductGroup 和三个 Offer 实体(在 Product 属性下)都有不同的网址。或者,也可以在 Product 下提供这些网址。
  • 通用标题和说明在 ProductGroup 级别指定。 款式/规格专用的标题和说明在 Product 级别指定。
  • 其他常见的款式/规格属性(如品牌、图案、材质和受众群体信息)也在 ProductGroup 级别指定。
  • ProductGroup 使用 variesBy 属性指定款式/规格识别属性。
  • ProductGroup 使用 productGroupID 指定父 SKU(无需使用 inProductGroupWithIDProduct 属性下重复)。


    <title>Wool winter coat</title>
    <script type="application/ld+json">
        "@context": "https://schema.org/",
        "@type": "ProductGroup",
        "name": "Wool winter coat",
        "description": "Wool coat, new for the coming winter season",
        "url": "https://www.example.com/coat",
        "brand": {
          "@type": "Brand",
          "name": "Good brand"
        "audience": {
          "@type": "PeopleAudience",
          "suggestedGender": "unisex",
          "suggestedAge": {
            "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
            "minValue": 13,
            "unitCode": "ANN"
        "productGroupID": "44E01",
        "pattern": "striped",
        "material": "wool",
        "variesBy": [
        "hasVariant": [
            "@type": "Product",
            "sku": "44E01-M11000",
            "gtin14": "98766051104214",
            "image": "https://www.example.com/coat_small_green.jpg",
            "name": "Small green coat",
            "description": "Small wool green coat for the winter season",
            "color": "Green",
            "size": "small",
            "offers": {
              "@type": "Offer",
              "url": "https://www.example.com/coat?size=small&color=green",
              "priceCurrency": "USD",
              "price": 39.99,
              "itemCondition": "https://schema.org/NewCondition",
              "availability": "https://schema.org/InStock",
              "shippingDetails": { "@id": "#shipping_policy" },
              "hasMerchantReturnPolicy": { "@id": "#return_policy" }
            "@type": "Product",
            "sku": "44E01-K11000",
            "gtin14": "98766051104207",
            "image": "https://www.example.com/coat_small_lightblue.jpg",
            "name": "Small light blue coat",
            "description": "Small wool light blue coat for the winter season",
            "color": "light blue",
            "size": "small",
            "offers": {
              "@type": "Offer",
              "url": "https://www.example.com/coat?size=small&color=lightblue",
              "priceCurrency": "USD",
              "price": 39.99,
              "itemCondition": "https://schema.org/NewCondition",
              "availability": "https://schema.org/InStock",
              "shippingDetails": { "@id": "#shipping_policy" },
              "hasMerchantReturnPolicy": { "@id": "#return_policy" }
            "@type": "Product",
            "sku": "44E01-X1100000",
            "gtin14": "98766051104399",
            "image": "https://www.example.com/coat_large_lightblue.jpg",
            "name": "Large light blue coat",
            "description": "Large wool light blue coat for the winter season",
            "color": "light blue",
            "size": "large",
            "offers": {
              "@type": "Offer",
              "url": "https://www.example.com/coat?size=large&color=lightblue",
              "priceCurrency": "USD",
              "price": 49.99,
              "itemCondition": "https://schema.org/NewCondition",
              "availability": "https://schema.org/Backorder",
              "shippingDetails": { "@id": "#shipping_policy" },
              "hasMerchantReturnPolicy": { "@id": "#return_policy" }
        "@context": "https://schema.org/",
        "@type": "OfferShippingDetails",
        "@id": "#shipping_policy",
        "shippingRate": {
          "@type": "MonetaryAmount",
          "value": 2.99,
          "currency": "USD"
        "shippingDestination": {
          "@type": "DefinedRegion",
          "addressCountry": "US"
        "deliveryTime": {
          "@type": "ShippingDeliveryTime",
          "handlingTime": {
            "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
            "minValue": 0,
            "maxValue": 1,
            "unitCode": "DAY"
          "transitTime": {
            "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
            "minValue": 1,
            "maxValue": 5,
            "unitCode": "DAY"
        "@context": "http://schema.org/",
        "@type": "MerchantReturnPolicy",
        "@id": "#return_policy",
        "applicableCountry": "US",
        "returnPolicyCategory": "https://schema.org/MerchantReturnFiniteReturnWindow",
        "merchantReturnDays": 60,
        "returnMethod": "https://schema.org/ReturnByMail",
        "returnFees": "https://schema.org/FreeReturn"

单页示例:款式/规格与 ProductGroup 分离

此结构与上一个示例类似,不同之处在于,款式/规格是与 ProductGroup 分开定义的(未嵌套)。对某些内容管理系统 (CMS) 而言,此方法可能更容易生成。

    <title>Wool winter coat</title>
    <script type="application/ld+json">
        "@context": "https://schema.org",
        "@type": "ProductGroup",
        "@id": "#coat_parent",
        "name": "Wool winter coat",
        "description": "Wool coat, new for the coming winter season",
        "url": "https://www.example.com/coat",
        ... // Other ProductGroup-level properties
        "brand": {
          "@type": "Brand",
          "name": "Good brand"
        "productGroupID": "44E01",
        "variesBy": [
        "@context": "https://schema.org",
        "@type": "Product",
        "isVariantOf": { "@id": "#coat_parent" },
        "name": "Small green coat",
        "description": "Small wool green coat for the winter season",
        ... // Other Product-level properties
        "offers": {
          "@type": "Offer",
          "url": "https://www.example.com/coat?size=small&color=green",
          "price": 39.99
          ... // Other offer-level properties
        "@context": "https://schema.org",
        "@type": "Product",
        "isVariantOf": { "@id": "#coat_parent" },
        "name": "Small dark blue coat",
        "description": "Small wool light blue coat for the winter season",
        ... // Other Product-level properties
        "offers": {
          "@type": "Offer",
          "url": "https://www.example.com/coat?size=small&color=lightblue",
          "price": 39.99
          ... // Other offer-level properties
        "@context": "https://schema.org",
        "@type": "Product",
        "isVariantOf": { "@id": "#coat_parent" },
        "name": "Large dark blue coat",
        "description": "Large wool light blue coat for the winter season",
        ... // Other Product-level properties
        "offers": {
          "@type": "Offer",
          "url": "https://www.example.com/coat?size=large&color=lightblue",
          "price": 49.99
          ... // Other offer-level properties



  • 浅蓝色款式/规格可在以下网址找到(分别适用于小码和大码):
    • https://www.example.com/coat/lightblue?size=small
    • https://www.example.com/coat/lightblue?size=large
  • 绿色款式/规格只能在 https://www.example.com/coat/green?size=small(小码)下找到。
  • 这两个页面都允许通过界面中的颜色选择器“跳到”另一个页面(即页面会重新加载)。
  • 该网站将单页示例中的等效标记拆分到两个网页中。

请注意,没有只在一个页面上存在的另一个页面会引用的 ProductGroup 定义。这是因为 ProductGroup 需要引用款式/规格的通用属性,如品牌、材质和年龄段。这也意味着,需要在每个款式/规格网页上重复完整的 ProductGroup 定义。

多页示例:款式/规格嵌套在 ProductGroup

这相当于第一个单页示例,其中款式/规格 Product 属性使用 hasVariant 属性嵌套在顶级 ProductGroup 下。两个页面上的 ProductGroup 定义是重复的。请注意以下几点:

  • ProductGroup 没有规范网址,因为不存在代表 ProductGroup 的单个网址。
  • 每个网页上的 ProductGroup 都有相应页面上款式/规格的完整定义,以及一个仅具有 url 属性的款式/规格可以关联到另一个网页上的款式/规格,这有助于 Google 找出您的款式/规格。

第 1 页:浅蓝色款式/规格


    <title>Wool winter coat, light blue color</title>
    <script type="application/ld+json">
        "@context": "https://schema.org/",
        "@type": "ProductGroup",
        "name": "Wool winter coat",
        "description": "Wool coat, new for the coming winter season",
        ... // Other ProductGroup-level properties
        "brand": {
          "@type": "Brand",
          "name": "Good brand"
        "productGroupID": "44E01",
        "variesBy": [
        "hasVariant": [
            "@type": "Product",
            "name": "Small light blue coat",
            "description": "Small wool light blue coat for the winter season",
            ... // Other Product-level properties
            "offers": {
              "@type": "Offer",
              "url": "https://www.example.com/coat/lightblue?size=small",
              "price": 39.99
              ... // Other offer-level properties
            "@type": "Product",
            "name": "Large light blue coat",
            "description": "Large wool light blue coat for the winter season",
            ... // Other Product-level properties
            "offers": {
              "@type": "Offer",
              "url": "https://www.example.com/coat/lightblue?size=large",
              "price": 49.99
              ... // Other offer-level properties
          { "url": "https://www.example.com/coat/green?size=small" }

第 2 页:绿色款式/规格


    <title>Wool winter coat, green color</title>
    <script type="application/ld+json">
        "@context": "https://schema.org/",
        "@type": "ProductGroup",
        "name": "Wool winter coat",
        "description": "Wool coat, new for the coming winter season",
        ... // Other ProductGroup-level properties
        "brand": {
          "@type": "Brand",
          "name": "Good brand"
        "productGroupID": "44E01",
        "variesBy": [
        "hasVariant": [
            "@type": "Product",
            "name": "Small green coat",
            "description": "Small wool green coat for the winter season",
            ... // Other Product-level properties
            "offers": {
              "@type": "Offer",
              "url": "https://www.example.com/coat/green?size=small",
              "price": 39.99,
              ... // Other offer-level properties
          { "url": "https://www.example.com/coat/lightblue?size=small" },
          { "url": "https://www.example.com/coat/lightblue?size=large" }

多页示例:款式/规格与 ProductGroup 分离

此结构与前面的多页示例类似,不同之处在于,款式/规格是与 ProductGroup 分开定义的(未嵌套)。对某些 CMS 而言,此方法可能更容易生成。

第 1 页:浅蓝色款式/规格


    <title>Wool winter coat, lightblue color</title>
    <script type="application/ld+json">
        "@context": "https://schema.org/",
        "@type": "ProductGroup",
        "@id": "#coat_parent",
        "name": "Wool winter coat",
        "description": "Wool coat, new for the coming winter season",
        "brand": {
          "@type": "Brand",
          "name": "Good brand"
        "audience": {
          "@type": "PeopleAudience",
          "suggestedGender": "unisex",
          "suggestedAge": {
            "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
            "minValue": 13,
            "unitCode": "ANN"
        "productGroupID": "44E01",
        "pattern": "striped",
        "material": "wool",
        "variesBy": [
        "@context": "https://schema.org",
        "@type": "Product",
        "isVariantOf": { "@id": "#coat_parent" },
        "sku": "44E01-K11000",
        "gtin14": "98766051104207",
        "image": "https://www.example.com/coat_lightblue.jpg",
        "name": "Small light blue coat",
        "description": "Small wool light blue coat for the winter season",
        "color": "light blue",
        "size": "small",
        "offers": {
          "@type": "Offer",
          "url": "https://www.example.com/coat/lightblue?size=small",
          "priceCurrency": "USD",
          "price": 39.99,
          "itemCondition": "https://schema.org/NewCondition",
          "availability": "https://schema.org/InStock",
          "shippingDetails": { "@id": "#shipping_policy" },
          "hasMerchantReturnPolicy": { "@id": "#return_policy" }
        "@context": "https://schema.org",
        "@type": "Product",
        "isVariantOf": { "@id": "#coat_parent" },
        "sku": "44E01-X1100000",
        "gtin14": "98766051104399",
        "image": "https://www.example.com/coat_lightblue.jpg",
        "name": "Large light blue coat",
        "description": "Large wool light blue coat for the winter season",
        "color": "light blue",
        "size": "large",
        "offers": {
          "@type": "Offer",
          "url": "https://www.example.com/coat/lightblue?size=large",
          "priceCurrency": "USD",
          "price": 49.99,
          "itemCondition": "https://schema.org/NewCondition",
          "availability": "https://schema.org/Backorder",
          "shippingDetails": { "@id": "#shipping_policy" },
          "hasMerchantReturnPolicy": { "@id": "#return_policy" }
        "@context": "https://schema.org",
        "@type": "Product",
        "isVariantOf": { "@id": "#coat_parent" },
        "url": "https://www.example.com/coat/green?size=small"
        "@context": "https://schema.org/",
        "@type": "OfferShippingDetails",
        "@id": "#shipping_policy",
        "shippingRate": {
          "@type": "MonetaryAmount",
          "value": 2.99,
          "currency": "USD"
        "shippingDestination": {
          "@type": "DefinedRegion",
          "addressCountry": "US"
        "deliveryTime": {
          "@type": "ShippingDeliveryTime",
          "handlingTime": {
            "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
            "minValue": 0,
            "maxValue": 1,
            "unitCode": "DAY"
          "transitTime": {
            "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
            "minValue": 1,
            "maxValue": 5,
            "unitCode": "DAY"
        "@context": "https://schema.org/",
        "@type": "MerchantReturnPolicy",
        "@id": "#return_policy",
        "applicableCountry": "US",
        "returnPolicyCategory": "https://schema.org/MerchantReturnFiniteReturnWindow",
        "merchantReturnDays": 60,
        "returnMethod": "https://schema.org/ReturnByMail",
        "returnFees": "https://schema.org/FreeReturn"

第 2 页:绿色款式/规格


    <title>Wool winter coat, green color</title>
    <script type="application/ld+json">
        "@context": "https://schema.org/",
        "@type": "ProductGroup",
        "@id": "#coat_parent",
        "name": "Wool winter coat",
        "description": "Wool coat, new for the coming winter season",
        "brand": {
          "@type": "Brand",
          "name": "Good brand"
        "audience": {
          "@type": "PeopleAudience",
          "suggestedGender": "unisex",
          "suggestedAge": {
            "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
            "minValue": 13,
            "unitCode": "ANN"
        "productGroupID": "44E01",
        "pattern": "striped",
        "material": "wool",
        "variesBy": [
        "@context": "https://schema.org",
        "@type": "Product",
        "@id": "#small_green",
        "isVariantOf": { "@id": "#coat_parent" },
        "sku": "44E01-M11000",
        "gtin14": "98766051104214",
        "image": "https://www.example.com/coat_green.jpg",
        "name": "Small green coat",
        "description": "Small wool green coat for the winter season",
        "color": "green",
        "size": "small",
        "offers": {
          "@type": "Offer",
          "url": "https://www.example.com/coat/green?size=small",
          "priceCurrency": "USD",
          "price": 39.99,
          "itemCondition": "https://schema.org/NewCondition",
          "availability": "https://schema.org/InStock",
          "shippingDetails": { "@id": "#shipping_policy" },
          "hasMerchantReturnPolicy": { "@id": "#return_policy" }
        "@context": "https://schema.org",
        "@type": "Product",
        "isVariantOf": { "@id": "#coat_parent" },
        "url": "https://www.example.com/coat/lightblue?size=small"
        "@context": "https://schema.org",
        "@type": "Product",
        "isVariantOf": { "@id": "#coat_parent" },
        "url": "https://www.example.com/coat/lightblue?size=large"
        "@context": "https://schema.org/",
        "@type": "OfferShippingDetails",
        "@id": "#shipping_policy",
        "shippingRate": {
          "@type": "MonetaryAmount",
          "value": "2.99",
          "currency": "USD"
        "shippingDestination": {
          "@type": "DefinedRegion",
          "addressCountry": "US"
        "deliveryTime": {
          "@type": "ShippingDeliveryTime",
          "handlingTime": {
            "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
            "minValue": 0,
            "maxValue": 1,
            "unitCode": "DAY"
          "transitTime": {
            "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
            "minValue": 1,
            "maxValue": 5,
            "unitCode": "DAY"
        "@context": "https://schema.org/",
        "@type": "MerchantReturnPolicy",
        "@id": "#return_policy",
        "applicableCountry": "US",
        "returnPolicyCategory": "https://schema.org/MerchantReturnFiniteReturnWindow",
        "merchantReturnDays": 60,
        "returnMethod": "https://schema.org/ReturnByMail",
        "returnFees": "https://schema.org/FreeReturn"


为了让您的商品款式/规格标记能够在 Google 搜索中使用,您必须遵循以下指南:


  • 每个款式/规格在对应的结构化数据标记中都必须具有唯一 ID(例如,使用 skugtin 属性)。
  • 每个商品组在对应的结构化数据标记中都必须具有唯一 ID,ID 可通过款式/规格 Product 属性中的 inProductGroupWithID 属性或 ProductGroup 属性中的 productGroupID 属性指定。
  • 除了商品款式/规格属性之外,请务必按照商家信息(或商品摘要)的必需属性列表添加 Product 结构化数据。
  • 对于单页网站,所有款式/规格所属的整体 ProductGroup 只能有一个独特的规范网址。通常,此网址是指向未预选款式/规格的网页的基础网址,例如:https://www.example.com/winter_coat
  • 对于多页网站,每个网页都必须针对该页面中定义的实体提供完整且独立的标记(这意味着,完全理解网页本身上的标记无需参考页面之外的实体)。
  • 网站必须能够使用独特的网址(使用网址查询参数)直接预选每个款式/规格,例如 https://www.example.com/winter_coat/size=small&color=green。这样,Google 就可以抓取并识别每个款式/规格。预先选择每个款式/规格包括显示合适的图片、价格和库存状况,以及允许用户将款式/规格添加到购物车。


您必须为结构化数据添加必需的属性,才能在 Google 搜索中使用这些数据。您还可添加建议属性,以便添加与商品款式/规格相关的更多信息,进而提供更优质的用户体验。


Google 可识别 ProductGroup 的以下属性。如需了解 ProductGroup 的完整定义,请访问 schema.org/ProductGroup。当您使用商品款式/规格信息标记内容时,请使用 ProductGroup 属性的以下属性。



ProductGroup 的名称(例如“羊毛冬季外套”)。请确保每个 Product 商品中的款式/规格名称更加具体(例如,基于款式/规格识别属性的“羊毛冬季外套 - 绿色,小尺码”)。 如需了解详情,请参阅商品文档



ProductGroup 的嵌套 aggregateRating(代表所有款式/规格),如果适用。请遵循评价摘要指南,并查看 AggregateRating 的必要属性和建议属性列表。



ProductGroup 的品牌信息(所有款式/规格都相同),如果适用。 如需详细了解 brand,请参阅商品文档



ProductGroup 的品牌名称(所有款式/规格都相同)。如果您已在 ProductGroup 级别添加品牌,则无需在 Product 级别再次添加。 如需详细了解 brand,请参阅商品文档



ProductGroup 的说明。例如,“适合寒冷气候的羊毛冬季外套”。确保款式/规格说明更加具体,最好使用可标识款式/规格的字词(例如颜色、尺码、材质)。



嵌套的 Product 属性,它是 ProductGroup 属性的款式/规格之一(如果适用)。ProductGroup 通常具有多个嵌套款式/规格 Product 属性。

或者,款式/规格 Product 属性可以使用 Product 属性上的 isVariantOf 属性回引用其父级 ProductGroup



商品组的标识符(也称为“父级 SKU”)。必须为 ProductGroup 属性提供此标识符,或者,针对 ProductGroup 属性的款式/规格使用 inProductGroupWithID 属性。如果您为 ProductGroup 属性及其款式/规格 Product 属性都提供了标识符,则它们必须匹配。



ProductGroup 的嵌套 review(如果适用)。请遵循评价摘要指南,并查看评价属性的必要属性和建议属性列表。



仅适用于单页网站ProductGroup 属性所在的网址(不含款式/规格选择器),如果适用。请勿将此属性用于多页网站。



ProductGroup 中的款式/规格变化的方面(例如尺码或颜色),如果适用。请参考这些款式/规格标识属性的完整 Schema.org 网址(例如 https://schema.org/color),详细了解这些属性。支持以下属性:

  • https://schema.org/color
  • https://schema.org/size
  • https://schema.org/suggestedAge
  • https://schema.org/suggestedGender
  • https://schema.org/material
  • https://schema.org/pattern


If you're having trouble implementing or debugging structured data, here are some resources that may help you.

  • If you're using a content management system (CMS) or someone else is taking care of your site, ask them to help you. Make sure to forward any Search Console message that details the issue to them.
  • Google does not guarantee that features that consume structured data will show up in search results. For a list of common reasons why Google may not show your content in a rich result, see the General Structured Data Guidelines.
  • You might have an error in your structured data. Check the list of structured data errors and the Unparsable structured data report.
  • If you received a structured data manual action against your page, the structured data on the page will be ignored (although the page can still appear in Google Search results). To fix structured data issues, use the Manual Actions report.
  • Review the guidelines again to identify if your content isn't compliant with the guidelines. The problem can be caused by either spammy content or spammy markup usage. However, the issue may not be a syntax issue, and so the Rich Results Test won't be able to identify these issues.
  • Troubleshoot missing rich results / drop in total rich results.
  • Allow time for re-crawling and re-indexing. Remember that it may take several days after publishing a page for Google to find and crawl it. For general questions about crawling and indexing, check the Google Search crawling and indexing FAQ.
  • Post a question in the Google Search Central forum.