
常见问题解答 (FAQ) 页包含一系列有关特定主题的问题和答案。如果您正确标记了 FAQ 页,它们可能会在 Google 搜索中显示为富媒体搜索结果,并可通过 Google 助理的 Action,帮助您的网站覆盖合适的用户。下面是 FAQ 富媒体搜索结果的示例:

Google 搜索结果中的 FAQ 富媒体搜索结果

How to add structured data

Structured data is a standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying the page content. If you're new to structured data, you can learn more about how structured data works.

Here's an overview of how to build, test, and release structured data.

  1. Add the required properties. Based on the format you're using, learn where to insert structured data on the page.
  2. Follow the guidelines.
  3. Validate your code using the Rich Results Test and fix any critical errors. Consider also fixing any non-critical issues that may be flagged in the tool, as they can help improve the quality of your structured data (however, this isn't necessary to be eligible for rich results).
  4. Deploy a few pages that include your structured data and use the URL Inspection tool to test how Google sees the page. Be sure that your page is accessible to Google and not blocked by a robots.txt file, the noindex tag, or login requirements. If the page looks okay, you can ask Google to recrawl your URLs.
  5. To keep Google informed of future changes, we recommend that you submit a sitemap. You can automate this with the Search Console Sitemap API.


常见问题解答富媒体搜索结果适用于所有可以使用 Google 搜索的国家/地区和语言的知名权威政府部门网站和健康内容网站。既支持桌面设备,也支持移动设备。



下面是一个 JSON-LD 格式的 FAQPage 示例:

    <title>Finding an apprenticeship - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)</title>
    <script type="application/ld+json">
      "@context": "https://schema.org",
      "@type": "FAQPage",
      "mainEntity": [{
        "@type": "Question",
        "name": "How to find an apprenticeship?",
        "acceptedAnswer": {
          "@type": "Answer",
          "text": "<p>We provide an official service to search through available apprenticeships. To get started, create an account here, specify the desired region, and your preferences. You will be able to search through all officially registered open apprenticeships.</p>"
      }, {
        "@type": "Question",
        "name": "Whom to contact?",
        "acceptedAnswer": {
          "@type": "Answer",
          "text": "You can contact the apprenticeship office through our official phone hotline above, or with the web-form below. We generally respond to written requests within 7-10 days."

下面是一个微数据格式的 FAQPage 示例:

<html itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/FAQPage">
    Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
  <div itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="https://schema.org/Question">
    <h2 itemprop="name">How to find an apprenticeship?</h2>
    <div itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype="https://schema.org/Answer">
      <div itemprop="text">
        We provide an official service to search through available apprenticeships. To get started, create an account here, specify the desired region, and your preferences. You will be able to search through all officially registered open apprenticeships.
  <div itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="https://schema.org/Question">
    <h2 itemprop="name">Whom to contact?</h2>
    <div itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype="https://schema.org/Answer">
      <div itemprop="text">
        You can contact the apprenticeship office through our official phone hotline above, or with the web-form below. We generally respond to written requests within 7-10 days.




  • 请仅在您的网页包含 FAQ(其中,每个问题都有答案)时使用 FAQPage。如果您的网页中只列出了一个问题且用户可以提交备选答案,请改用 QAPage。下面是一些示例:


    • 一个由网站本身编写的常见问题解答页,用户无法在该网页上提交备选答案
    • 一个政府机构的支持网页,其中列有常见问题解答,用户无法在该网页上提交备选回答


    • 一个论坛网页,用户可以在该网页上提交单个问题的答案
    • 一个产品支持页,用户可以在该网页上提交单个问题的答案
    • 一个产品页面,用户可以在这个页面上提交多个问题和答案
  • 请勿将 FAQPage 用于广告宣传。
  • 确保每个 Question 包含完整的问题内容,并确保每个 Answer 包含完整的答案内容。可以显示整个问题和答案内容。
  • 如果问题和答案包含以下任何类型的内容,那么它们可能不会显示为富媒体搜索结果:淫秽、亵渎、露骨色情、血腥暴力、宣传危险/违法活动,或仇恨性/骚扰性语言。
  • 所有 FAQ 内容都必须在源网页上对用户可见。以下是一些示例:


    • 问题和答案在网页上都对用户可见。
    • 问题在网页上可见,而答案隐藏在可展开的部分。用户可以通过点击可展开的部分查看答案。

    无效用例:用户根本无法在网页上找到 FAQ 内容。

  • 如果您的网站上存在重复的 FAQ 内容(也就是说,相同的问题和答案出现在您网站的多个网页上),在整个网站上,请仅标记一处该内容。




schema.org 上提供了 FAQPage 的完整定义。

FAQPage 类型表示网页是包含已获解答问题的 FAQ 页。每个网页都必须有一个 FAQPage 类型定义。

Google 支持的属性如下:

mainEntity Question

Question 为元素的数组,包含 FAQPage 上附有答案的问题。您必须至少指定一个有效的 QuestionQuestion 项包含问题和答案。


如需了解 Question 的完整定义,请访问 schema.org。

Question 类型定义了 FAQ 中的一个已获解答的问题。每个 Question 实例都必须包含在 schema.org/FAQPagemainEntity 属性数组中。

Google 支持的属性如下:

acceptedAnswer Answer


name Text



如需了解 Answer 的完整定义,请访问 schema.org。

Answer 类型定义了相应网页上每个 QuestionacceptedAnswer

Google 支持的属性如下:

text Text

问题的完整答案。答案可能包含 HTML 内容(如链接和列表)。Google 搜索会显示以下 HTML 标记,所有其他标记均会被忽略:<h1><h6><br><ol><ul><li><a><p><div><b><strong><i><em>

使用 Search Console 监控富媒体搜索结果

Search Console 是一款工具,可帮助您监控网页在 Google 搜索结果中的显示效果。即使没有注册 Search Console,您的网页也可能会显示在 Google 搜索结果中,但注册 Search Console 能够帮助您了解 Google 如何查看您的网站并做出相应的改进。建议您在以下情况下查看 Search Console:

  1. 首次部署结构化数据后
  2. 发布新模板或更新代码后
  3. 定期分析流量时


等 Google 将网页编入索引后,请在相关的富媒体搜索结果状态报告中查看是否存在问题。 理想情况下,有效项目数量会增加,而无效项目数量不会增加。如果您发现结构化数据存在问题,请执行以下操作:

  1. 修正无效项目
  2. 检查实际网址,核实问题是否仍然存在。
  3. 使用状态报告请求验证


  • 如果您发现无效项目增多了,可能是因为您推出的某个新模板无法正常工作,或者您的网站以一种新的错误方式与现有模板交互。
  • 如果您发现有效项目减少了(但无效项目的增加情况并不对应),可能是因为您的网页中未再嵌入结构化数据。请通过网址检查工具了解导致此问题的原因。


请使用效果报告分析您的 Google 搜索流量。数据将显示您的网页在 Google 搜索结果中显示为富媒体搜索结果的频率、用户点击该网页的频率以及网页在搜索结果中的平均排名。您还可以使用 Search Console API 自动提取这些结果。


If you're having trouble implementing or debugging structured data, here are some resources that may help you.

  • If you're using a content management system (CMS) or someone else is taking care of your site, ask them to help you. Make sure to forward any Search Console message that details the issue to them.
  • Google does not guarantee that features that consume structured data will show up in search results. For a list of common reasons why Google may not show your content in a rich result, see the General Structured Data Guidelines.
  • You might have an error in your structured data. Check the list of structured data errors and the Unparsable structured data report.
  • If you received a structured data manual action against your page, the structured data on the page will be ignored (although the page can still appear in Google Search results). To fix structured data issues, use the Manual Actions report.
  • Review the guidelines again to identify if your content isn't compliant with the guidelines. The problem can be caused by either spammy content or spammy markup usage. However, the issue may not be a syntax issue, and so the Rich Results Test won't be able to identify these issues.
  • Troubleshoot missing rich results / drop in total rich results.
  • Allow time for re-crawling and re-indexing. Remember that it may take several days after publishing a page for Google to find and crawl it. For general questions about crawling and indexing, check the Google Search crawling and indexing FAQ.
  • Post a question in the Google Search Central forum.