
借助 Action 对象,您可以将交互行为构建到 Google Workspace 插件中。它们定义了当用户与插件界面中的某个 widget(例如按钮)互动时会发生的情况。


例如,假设您想要一个按钮,它可以在 。为此,您必须创建新的按钮 widget 并使用按钮 widget 处理程序函数 setOnClickAction(action) 设置卡片构建功能 Action。您定义的 Action 会指定一个在用户点击按钮时执行的 Apps 脚本回调函数。在这种情况下,您需要实现回调函数来构建所需的卡片,并返回 ActionResponse 对象。响应对象会告知插件向卡片显示回调 函数。

本页面介绍了您可以添加到 插件。


用于扩展 Google 日历的 Google Workspace 插件可以包含一些额外的 Google 日历专用微件操作。这些操作需要关联的操作回调函数返回专用响应对象:

已尝试执行操作 回调函数应返回
添加参加者 CalendarEventActionResponse
设置会议数据 CalendarEventActionResponse
添加附件 CalendarEventActionResponse

要使用这些 widget 操作和响应对象,必须设置以下 必须为 true:

  • 当用户打开日历活动时,即会触发操作。
  • 插件的 addOns.calendar.currentEventAccess 设置为 WRITEREAD_WRITE
  • 该插件包含 https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.addons.current.event.write 日历范围

此外,操作回调函数所做的所有更改只有在 用户保存日历活动。



   * Build a simple card with a button that sends a notification.
   * This function is called as part of the eventOpenTrigger that builds
   * a UI when the user opens an event.
   * @param e The event object passed to eventOpenTrigger function.
   * @return {Card}
  function buildSimpleCard(e) {
    var buttonAction = CardService.newAction()
    var button = CardService.newTextButton()
        .setText('Add new attendee')

    // Check the event object to determine if the user can add
    // attendees and disable the button if not.
    if (!e.calendar.capabilities.canAddAttendees) {

    // ...continue creating card sections and widgets, then create a Card
    // object to add them to. Return the built Card object.

   * Callback function for a button action. Adds attendees to the
   * Calendar event being edited.
   * @param {Object} e The action event object.
   * @return {CalendarEventActionResponse}
  function onAddAttendeesButtonClicked (e) {
    return CardService.newCalendarEventActionResponseBuilder()
        .addAttendees(["aiko@example.com", "malcom@example.com"])


此操作会针对公开活动设置会议数据。对于此会议数据,需要指定会议解决方案 ID,因为该操作并非由用户选择所需解决方案触发的。

以下示例展示了如何创建用于设置会议数据的按钮 针对正在修改的事件执行下列操作:

   * Build a simple card with a button that sends a notification.
   * This function is called as part of the eventOpenTrigger that builds
   * a UI when the user opens a Calendar event.
   * @param e The event object passed to eventOpenTrigger function.
   * @return {Card}
  function buildSimpleCard(e) {
    var buttonAction = CardService.newAction()
          {'phone': "1555123467", 'adminEmail': "joyce@example.com"});
    var button = CardService.newTextButton()
        .setText('Add new attendee')

    // Check the event object to determine if the user can set
    // conference data and disable the button if not.
    if (!e.calendar.capabilities.canSetConferenceData) {

    // ...continue creating card sections and widgets, then create a Card
    // object to add them to. Return the built Card object.

   * Callback function for a button action. Sets conference data for the
   * Calendar event being edited.
   * @param {Object} e The action event object.
   * @return {CalendarEventActionResponse}
  function onSaveConferenceOptionsButtonClicked(e) {
    var parameters = e.commonEventObject.parameters;

    // Create an entry point and a conference parameter.
    var phoneEntryPoint = ConferenceDataService.newEntryPoint()
      .setUri('tel:' + parameters['phone']);

    var adminEmailParameter = ConferenceDataService.newConferenceParameter()

    // Create a conference data object to set to this Calendar event.
    var conferenceData = ConferenceDataService.newConferenceDataBuilder()

    return CardService.newCalendarEventActionResponseBuilder()



   * Build a simple card with a button that creates a new attachment.
   * This function is called as part of the eventAttachmentTrigger that
   * builds a UI when the user goes through the add-attachments flow.
   * @param e The event object passed to eventAttachmentTrigger function.
   * @return {Card}
  function buildSimpleCard(e) {
    var buttonAction = CardService.newAction()
    var button = CardService.newTextButton()
        .setText('Add a custom attachment')

    // Check the event object to determine if the user can add
    // attachments and disable the button if not.
    if (!e.calendar.capabilities.canAddAttachments) {

    // ...continue creating card sections and widgets, then create a Card
    // object to add them to. Return the built Card object.

   * Callback function for a button action. Adds attachments to the Calendar
   * event being edited.
   * @param {Object} e The action event object.
   * @return {CalendarEventActionResponse}
  function onAddAttachmentButtonClicked(e) {
    return CardService.newCalendarEventActionResponseBuilder()
                 .setTitle("Custom attachment")


附件图标必须托管在 Google 的基础架构上。请参阅提供 附件图标 了解详情。