
借助 Action 对象,您可以将交互行为构建到 Google Workspace 插件中。它们定义了当用户与插件界面中的某个 widget(例如按钮)互动时会发生的情况。


例如,假设您希望某个按钮在被点击时构建并显示新卡片。为此,您必须创建一个新的按钮微件,并使用按钮微件处理程序函数 setOnClickAction(action) 设置卡片构建 Action。您定义的 Action 会指定一个在用户点击按钮时执行的 Apps 脚本回调函数。在这种情况下,您需要实现回调函数来构建所需的卡片,并返回 ActionResponse 对象。响应对象会指示插件显示回调函数构建的卡片。

本页介绍了您可以在插件中添加的 Google 日历专用微件操作。


用于扩展 Google 日历的 Google Workspace 插件可以包含一些额外的 Google 日历专用微件操作。以下操作需要关联的操作回调函数返回专用响应对象:

如需使用这些 widget 操作和响应对象,必须满足以下所有条件:




   * Build a simple card with a button that sends a notification.
   * This function is called as part of the eventOpenTrigger that builds
   * a UI when the user opens an event.
   * @param e The event object passed to eventOpenTrigger function.
   * @return {Card}
  function buildSimpleCard(e) {
    var buttonAction = CardService.newAction()
    var button = CardService.newTextButton()
        .setText('Add new attendee')

    // Check the event object to determine if the user can add
    // attendees and disable the button if not.
    if (!e.calendar.capabilities.canAddAttendees) {

    // ...continue creating card sections and widgets, then create a Card
    // object to add them to. Return the built Card object.

   * Callback function for a button action. Adds attendees to the
   * Calendar event being edited.
   * @param {Object} e The action event object.
   * @return {CalendarEventActionResponse}
  function onAddAttendeesButtonClicked (e) {
    return CardService.newCalendarEventActionResponseBuilder()
        .addAttendees(["aiko@example.com", "malcom@example.com"])


此操作会在打开的活动中设置会议数据。对于此会议数据,需要指定会议解决方案 ID,因为该操作并非由用户选择所需解决方案触发的。


   * Build a simple card with a button that sends a notification.
   * This function is called as part of the eventOpenTrigger that builds
   * a UI when the user opens a Calendar event.
   * @param e The event object passed to eventOpenTrigger function.
   * @return {Card}
  function buildSimpleCard(e) {
    var buttonAction = CardService.newAction()
          {'phone': "1555123467", 'adminEmail': "joyce@example.com"});
    var button = CardService.newTextButton()
        .setText('Add new attendee')

    // Check the event object to determine if the user can set
    // conference data and disable the button if not.
    if (!e.calendar.capabilities.canSetConferenceData) {

    // ...continue creating card sections and widgets, then create a Card
    // object to add them to. Return the built Card object.

   * Callback function for a button action. Sets conference data for the
   * Calendar event being edited.
   * @param {Object} e The action event object.
   * @return {CalendarEventActionResponse}
  function onSaveConferenceOptionsButtonClicked(e) {
    var parameters = e.commonEventObject.parameters;

    // Create an entry point and a conference parameter.
    var phoneEntryPoint = ConferenceDataService.newEntryPoint()
      .setUri('tel:' + parameters['phone']);

    var adminEmailParameter = ConferenceDataService.newConferenceParameter()

    // Create a conference data object to set to this Calendar event.
    var conferenceData = ConferenceDataService.newConferenceDataBuilder()

    return CardService.newCalendarEventActionResponseBuilder()



   * Build a simple card with a button that creates a new attachment.
   * This function is called as part of the eventAttachmentTrigger that
   * builds a UI when the user goes through the add-attachments flow.
   * @param e The event object passed to eventAttachmentTrigger function.
   * @return {Card}
  function buildSimpleCard(e) {
    var buttonAction = CardService.newAction()
    var button = CardService.newTextButton()
        .setText('Add a custom attachment')

    // Check the event object to determine if the user can add
    // attachments and disable the button if not.
    if (!e.calendar.capabilities.canAddAttachments) {

    // ...continue creating card sections and widgets, then create a Card
    // object to add them to. Return the built Card object.

   * Callback function for a button action. Adds attachments to the Calendar
   * event being edited.
   * @param {Object} e The action event object.
   * @return {CalendarEventActionResponse}
  function onAddAttachmentButtonClicked(e) {
    return CardService.newCalendarEventActionResponseBuilder()
                 .setTitle("Custom attachment")


附件图标必须托管在 Google 的基础架构上。如需了解详情,请参阅提供附件图标