
使用者可以自由更新或刪除自己的 Google 日曆活動。如果使用者 而是在建立會議後更新活動。此外,外掛程式可能需要 更新會議資料來回應異動內容。如果第三方會議系統需要追蹤活動資料,但未在活動變更時更新會議,可能會導致會議無法使用,進而導致使用者體驗不佳。

將會議資料與 Google 日曆活動變更保持同步的程序稱為「同步」。活動變更的同步處理方式如下: 建立 Apps Script 可安裝的觸發條件,用來觸發 特定日曆中的活動變更時。很抱歉,觸發條件不會回報哪些事件已變更,而且您無法將觸發條件限制為僅限於您建立的會議活動。您必須改為要求清單,列出自上次同步處理後,對日曆所做的所有變更,然後篩選事件清單,並據此進行更新。


  1. 使用者第一次建立會議時,系統會初始化同步處理程序。
  2. 每當使用者建立、更新或刪除他們的日曆活動 觸發條件會在外掛程式專案中執行觸發條件函式
  3. 觸發事件函式會檢查自上次同步處理以來的事件變更集合,並判斷是否需要更新相關的第三方會議。
  4. 如需更新會議,請透過第三方 API 要求。
  5. 系統會儲存新的同步權杖,以便下次觸發事件執行時,只需檢查日曆的最新變更。



建立觸發條件後,初始化作業應透過建立初始值 同步處理權杖這時只要直接執行觸發條件函式即可。


如要同步處理,您的外掛程式必須偵測附加會議的 Google 日曆活動是否有變更。這可透過建立 EventUpdated 可安裝的觸發條件來達成。你的加購內容 每個日曆只需要一個觸發條件,可以透過程式建立。



當 Apps Script 偵測到造成這種情況的條件時,就會執行觸發條件函式 要觸發的觸發條件 EventUpdated 日曆觸發事件:當使用者在指定日曆中建立、修改或刪除任何活動時觸發。

你必須導入外掛程式使用的觸發條件函式。這項觸發條件函式 應執行以下操作:

  1. 使用 syncToken 發出日曆進階服務 Calendar.Events.list() 呼叫,擷取自上次同步處理後變更的事件清單。使用同步權杖可減少外掛程式的事件數量 皆須檢查。

    當觸發事件函式在沒有有效的同步處理權杖的情況下執行時,會改為執行完整同步處理。完整同步處理只會嘗試擷取所有事件 ,以產生新的有效同步功能 產生下一個符記

  2. 系統會檢查每個修改過的事件,以判斷是否具有相關 以及第三方會議通訊
  3. 如果事件有會議,系統會檢查會議內容是否有變更。視變更內容而定,您可能需要修改相關會議。舉例來說,如果刪除活動,外掛程式應該也會刪除會議。
  4. 如要對會議進行任何必要的變更,請在 以及第三方系統
  5. 完成所有必要變更後,請儲存 Calendar.Events.list() 方法傳回的 nextSyncToken。這個同步處理權杖出現在上次 頁。Calendar.Events.list() 呼叫傳回的結果頁面。

更新 Google 日曆活動

在某些情況下,你可能想在執行 Google 日曆活動時更新活動資訊。 同步處理作業。如果您選擇這麼做,請使用適當的 Google 日曆進階服務要求更新活動。請務必使用 If-Match 標頭搭配條件式更新。這可避免您的變更意外覆寫使用者在不同用戶端所做的同時變更。



 *  Initializes syncing of conference data by creating a sync trigger and
 *  sync token if either does not exist yet.
 *  @param {String} calendarId The ID of the Google Calendar.
function initializeSyncing(calendarId) {
  // Create a syncing trigger if it doesn't exist yet.

  // Perform an event sync to create the initial sync token.
  syncEvents({'calendarId': calendarId});

 *  Creates a sync trigger if it does not exist yet.
 *  @param {String} calendarId The ID of the Google Calendar.
function createSyncTrigger(calendarId) {
  // Check to see if the trigger already exists; if does, return.
  var allTriggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
  for (var i = 0; i < allTriggers.length; i++) {
    var trigger = allTriggers[i];
    if (trigger.getTriggerSourceId() == calendarId) {

  // Trigger does not exist, so create it. The trigger calls the
  // 'syncEvents()' trigger function when it fires.
  var trigger = ScriptApp.newTrigger('syncEvents')

 *  Sync events for the given calendar; this is the syncing trigger
 *  function. If a sync token already exists, this retrieves all events
 *  that have been modified since the last sync, then checks each to see
 *  if an associated conference needs to be updated and makes any required
 *  changes. If the sync token does not exist or is invalid, this
 *  retrieves future events modified in the last 24 hours instead. In
 *  either case, a new sync token is created and stored.
 *  @param {Object} e If called by a event updated trigger, this object
 *      contains the Google Calendar ID, authorization mode, and
 *      calling trigger ID. Only the calendar ID is actually used here,
 *      however.
function syncEvents(e) {
  var calendarId = e.calendarId;
  var properties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
  var syncToken = properties.getProperty('syncToken');

  var options;
  if (syncToken) {
    // There's an existing sync token, so configure the following event
    // retrieval request to only get events that have been modified
    // since the last sync.
    options = {
      syncToken: syncToken
  } else {
    // No sync token, so configure to do a 'full' sync instead. In this
    // example only recently updated events are retrieved in a full sync.
    // A larger time window can be examined during a full sync, but this
    // slows down the script execution. Consider the trade-offs while
    // designing your add-on.
    var now = new Date();
    var yesterday = new Date();
    yesterday.setDate(now.getDate() - 1);
    options = {
      timeMin: now.toISOString(),          // Events that start after now...
      updatedMin: yesterday.toISOString(), // ...and were modified recently
      maxResults: 50,   // Max. number of results per page of responses
      orderBy: 'updated'

  // Examine the list of updated events since last sync (or all events
  // modified after yesterday if the sync token is missing or invalid), and
  // update any associated conferences as required.
  var events;
  var pageToken;
  do {
    try {
      options.pageToken = pageToken;
      events = Calendar.Events.list(calendarId, options);
    } catch (err) {
      // Check to see if the sync token was invalidated by the server;
      // if so, perform a full sync instead.
      if (err.message ===
            "Sync token is no longer valid, a full sync is required.") {
      } else {
        throw new Error(err.message);

    // Read through the list of returned events looking for conferences
    // to update.
    if (events.items && events.items.length > 0) {
      for (var i = 0; i < events.items.length; i++) {
         var calEvent = events.items[i];
         // Check to see if there is a record of this event has a
         // conference that needs updating.
         if (eventHasConference(calEvent)) {
           updateConference(calEvent, calEvent.conferenceData.conferenceId);

    pageToken = events.nextPageToken;
  } while (pageToken);

  // Record the new sync token.
  if (events.nextSyncToken) {
    properties.setProperty('syncToken', events.nextSyncToken);

 *  Returns true if the specified event has an associated conference
 *  of the type managed by this add-on; retuns false otherwise.
 *  @param {Object} calEvent The Google Calendar event object, as defined by
 *      the Calendar API.
 *  @return {boolean}
function eventHasConference(calEvent) {
  var name = calEvent.conferenceData.conferenceSolution.name || null;

  // This version checks if the conference data solution name matches the
  // one of the solution names used by the add-on. Alternatively you could
  // check the solution's entry point URIs or other solution-specific
  // information.
  if (name) {
    if (name === "My Web Conference" ||
        name === "My Recorded Web Conference") {
      return true;
  return false;

 *  Update a conference based on new Google Calendar event information.
 *  The exact implementation of this function is highly dependant on the
 *  details of the third-party conferencing system, so only a rough outline
 *  is shown here.
 *  @param {Object} calEvent The Google Calendar event object, as defined by
 *      the Calendar API.
 *  @param {String} conferenceId The ID used to identify the conference on
 *      the third-party conferencing system.
function updateConference(calEvent, conferenceId) {
  // Check edge case: the event was cancelled
  if (calEvent.status === 'cancelled' || eventHasConference(calEvent)) {
    // Use the third-party API to delete the conference too.

  } else {
    // Extract any necessary information from the event object, then
    // make the appropriate third-party API requests to update the
    // conference with that information.
