This page outlines the structure of Google Workspace add-ons event objects.
Event objects are JSON structures that are automatically constructed and passed as parameters to trigger or callback functions when a user interacts with an add-on. Event objects carry client-side information about the host app and the current context to the add-on's server-side callback function.
Google Workspace add-ons use event objects in the following places:
Homepage triggers. Every
function you define is automatically passed an event object when the homepage trigger function fires. You can use this object in your homepage trigger function to identify the active host app, the client's platform, the user locale, and other information.The event objects created when homepage triggers fire don't contain all the fields included in the other two cases; fields pertaining to widgets and contextual information are omitted.
Contextual triggers. Each host application provides a different set of contextual triggers that fire when the user enters a specific context. For example:
- Gmail provides a contextual trigger for when a user opens a message and another when a user composes a message.
- Google Calendar provides a contextual trigger for when a user opens an event.
- Google Drive provides a contextual trigger for when a user selects Drive files.
When a contextual trigger fires, the host application calls the corresponding
listed in the add-on manifest, passing it an event object as a parameter. The event objects created when contextual triggers fire contain all the fields included in homepage trigger event objects, plus fields containing contextual information.Widget actions. Event objects are also used to provide widget interactivity, using the same action model that Gmail add-ons use. Google Workspace add-ons use all the same widget handler functions,
objects, and action responses. However, in Google Workspace add-ons the action event objects include even more information a callback function can act on.The event objects created as the result of widget actions contain all the fields included in contextual trigger event objects, plus fields containing widget information.
Preview link triggers. In Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, you can configure link previews for third-party services based on specific URL patterns. When users interact with a link that meets the pattern, the
fires and an event object that contains the link is passed to the trigger's callback function. Your add-on can use this event object to construct a smart chip and card that surfaces information about the link within the host application. You can also build widget actions to let users interact with the preview card and its contents.Google Chat app triggers (Developer Preview). In Google Chat, your add-on appears to users as a Chat app, and users can interact with it by adding it to spaces, sending messages, using slash commands, and more. To build interactive features, you set up and use various Chat app triggers. Each trigger sends a different event object payload that helps you process or respond to each type of interaction.
Event object structure
The following table describes the top-level structure of
Google Workspace add-ons event objects. The event
object structure includes a commonEventObject
top-level field for host-independent information. Each event object can also
have one of the following host-specific top-level fields, determined by the
active host app: gmailEventObject
, or driveEventObject
For backward compatibility, Google Workspace add-ons event objects also include all the original fields used in Gmail add-on action event objects. These fields are listed in the table below under "Original Gmail add-on fields"; the information in these fields is reproduced in new object structure.
Event object | |
eventObject.commonEventObject |
Common fields object
An object containing information common to all event objects, regardless of the host application. |
eventObject.calendar |
Calendar event object
Only present if the calling host is Google Calendar. An object containing calendar and event information. | |
Chat event object
Only present if the calling host is Google Chat. An object containing Chat information. | |
Drive event object
Only present if the calling host is Google Drive. An object containing Drive information. | |
Gmail event object
Only present if the calling host is Gmail. An object containing Gmail information. | |
Docs event object
Only present if the calling host is Google Docs. An object containing Docs information. |
eventObject.sheets |
Sheets event object
Only present if the calling host is Google Sheets. An object containing Sheets information. |
eventObject.slides |
Slides event object
Only present if the calling host is Google Slides. An object containing Slides information. |
Original Gmail add-on fields | |
eventObject.messageMetadata.accessToken |
string Deprecated. An access token. You can use this to turn on access to user data using temporary Gmail add-on scopes.
For Google Workspace add-ons, find this information in the
eventObject.messageMetadata.messageId |
string Deprecated. The message ID of the thread open in the Gmail UI.
For Google Workspace add-ons, find this information in the
eventObject.clientPlatform |
string Deprecated. Indicates where the event originates (web, iOS, or Android).
For Google Workspace add-ons, find this information in the
eventObject.formInput |
object Deprecated. A map of the current values of all form widgets in the card, restricted to one value per widget. The keys are the string IDs associated with the widgets, and the values are strings. The event object provides formInput as a
convenience for when you need to read data from multiple widgets with
expected singular values, such as text inputs and switches. For
multi-valued widgets such as checkboxes, you can read each value from
formInputs instead.
For Google Workspace add-ons, find this information in the
eventObject.formInputs |
object Deprecated. A map of current values of widgets in the card, presented as lists of strings. The keys are the string IDs associated with the widget. For single-valued widgets, the value is presented in a single-element array. For multi-valued widgets such as checkbox groups, all the values are presented in a list.
For Google Workspace add-ons, find this information in the
eventObject.parameters |
object Deprecated. A map of any additional parameters you supply to the Action using
Action.setParameters() . The map keys and values are
For Google Workspace add-ons, find this information in the
eventObject.userCountry |
string Deprecated and disabled by default. The two-letter code indicating the user's country or region. It can also be a numeric UN M49 country code.
For Google Workspace add-ons, find this information in the
eventObject.userLocale |
string Deprecated and disabled by default. The two-letter ISO 639 code indicating the user's language. See Accessing user locale and timezone for more details.
For Google Workspace add-ons, find this information in the
| |
string Deprecated and disabled by default. The timezone identifier of the user's timezone. Examples include: America/New_York , Europe/Vienna , and
Asia/Seoul . See
Accessing user locale and timezone for more details.
For Google Workspace add-ons, find this information in the
eventObject.userTimezone.offset |
string Deprecated and disabled by default. The time offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of the user's timezone, measured in milliseconds. See Accessing user locale and timezone for more details.
For Google Workspace add-ons, find this information in the
Common event object
The common event object is the portion of the overall event object that carries general, host-independent information to the add-on from the user's client. This information includes details such as the user's locale, host app, and platform.
In addition to homepage and contextual triggers, add-ons construct and pass
event objects to action callback functions
when the user interacts with widgets. Your add-on's callback function can query
the common event object to determine the contents of open widgets in the user's
client. For example, your add-on can locate the text a user has entered into a
widget in the
Common event object fields | |
commonEventObject.platform |
string Indicates where the event originates (`WEB`, `IOS`, or `ANDROID`). |
commonEventObject.formInputs |
object A map containing the current values of the widgets in the displayed card. The map keys are the string IDs assigned with each widget. The structure of the map value object is dependent on the widget type:
commonEventObject.hostApp |
string Indicates the host app the add-on is active in when the event object is generated. Possible values include the following:
commonEventObject.parameters |
object Any additional parameters you supply to an action using actionParameters or
Action.setParameters() .
Developer Preview: For
add-ons that extend Google Chat,
to suggest items based on what the users type in multiselect menus, use
the value of the |
commonEventObject.userLocale |
string Disabled by default. The user's language and country/region identifier in the format of ISO 639 language code-ISO 3166 country/region code. For example, en-US .
To turn on this field, you must set |
commonEventObject.timeZone |
string Disabled by default. The timezone ID and offset. To turn on this field, you must set addOns.common.useLocaleFromApp to true in your add-on's manifest.
Your add-on's scope list must also include .
Accessing user locale and timezone for more details.
| |
string The timezone identifier of the user's timezone. Examples include: America/New_York , Europe/Vienna , and
Asia/Seoul . To turn on this field, you must set
addOns.common.useLocaleFromApp to true in your add-on's manifest.
Your add-on's scope list must also include . See
Accessing user locale and timezone for more details.
commonEventObject.timeZone.offset |
string The time offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of the user's timezone, measured in milliseconds. See Accessing user locale and timezone for more details. |
Date-time picker form inputs
Action callback functions
can receive current widget values in the commonEventObject.formInputs
This includes the user's selected date or time values in date or time picker
However, the structure of the information differs depending on whether the
widget was configured as a date-time picker, a date-only picker, or a time-only
picker. The structural differences are described in the following table:
Calendar event object
The Calendar event object is the portion of the overall event object that carries information about a user's calendar and calendar events. It's only present in an event object if the host application is Google Calendar.
The following table lists the fields present in the calendarEventObject
field of an event object. Fields marked as User-generated data are
present in the event object if and only if the data is present in the Calendar
event and the add-on sets its addOns.calendar.currentEventAccess
field to
Calendar event object | |
calendar.attendees[] |
list of attendee objects User-generated data. A list of the attendees of the calendar event. |
calendar.calendarId |
string The calendar ID. |
calendar.capabilities |
object User-generated data. An object describing the capabilities of the add-on to view or update event information. |
calendar.capabilities.canAddAttendees |
boolean User-generated data. true
if the add-on can add new attendees to the event attendee list;
false otherwise. |
calendar.capabilities.canSeeAttendees |
boolean User-generated data. true
if the add-on can read the event attendee list; false
otherwise. |
calendar.capabilities.canSeeConferenceData |
boolean User-generated data. true
if the add-on can read the event conference data; false
otherwise. |
calendar.capabilities.canSetConferenceData |
boolean User-generated data. true
if the add-on can update the event conference data; false
otherwise. |
calendar.capabilities.canAddAttachments |
boolean User-generated data. true
if the add-on can add new attachments to the event;
false otherwise.
calendar.conferenceData |
Conference data object User-generated data. An object representing any conference data associated with this event, such as Google Meet conference details. | |
string The event ID. |
calendar.organizer |
object An object representing the organizer of the event. | |
string The event organizer's email address. |
calendar.recurringEventId |
string The ID of a recurring event. |
Attendee objects carry information about individual attendees to Google Calendar
events. This information is present in the event object if and only if the data
is present in the Calendar event and the add-on sets its
field to
Attendee object | |
attendee.additionalGuests |
number The number of additional guests the attendee had indicated they are bringing. Defaults to zero. |
attendee.comment |
string The attendee's response comment, if any. |
attendee.displayName |
string The attendee displayed name. | |
string The attendee email address. |
attendee.optional |
boolean true if the attendance for this
attendee is marked as optional; false otherwise.
attendee.organizer |
boolean true if the attendee is an
organizer for this event.
attendee.resource |
boolean true if the attendee represents a
resource, such as room or piece of equipment; false
attendee.responseStatus |
string The attendee's response status. Possible values include the following:
attendee.self |
boolean true if this attendee represents
the calendar in which this event appears; false otherwise.
Conference data
Conference data objects carry information about conferences that are attached
to Google Calendar events. These can be Google conference solutions, such as
Google Meet, or third-party conferences. This information is present in the
event object if and only if the data is present in the Calendar event and the
add-on sets its addOns.calendar.currentEventAccess
field to
Conference data object | |
conferenceData.conferenceId |
string The ID of the conference. This ID is meant to allow applications to keep track of conferences; you shouldn't display this ID to users. |
conferenceData.conferenceSolution |
object An object representing the conference solution, such as Hangouts or Google Meet. |
conferenceData.conferenceSolution.iconUri |
string The URI for the user-visible icon representing this conference solution. |
conferenceData.conferenceSolution.key |
object The key which uniquely identifies the conference solution for this event. |
conferenceData.conferenceSolution.key.type |
string The conference solution type. Possible values include the following:
| |
string The user-visible name of this conference solution (not localized). |
conferenceData.entryPoints[] |
list of entry point objects
The list of conference entry points, such as URLs or phone numbers. |
conferenceData.notes |
string Additional notes (such as instructions from the domain administrator or legal notices) about the conference to display to the user. Can contain HTML. The maximum length is 2048 characters. |
conferenceData.parameters |
object An object containing a map of defined parameter data for use by the add-on. |
conferenceData.parameters.addOnParameters |
object A map of parameter string keys and values. These keys and values are defined by the add-on developer to attach information to a specific conference for the add-on's use. |
Entry point
Entry point objects carry information about the established means of accessing
a given conference, such as by phone or video. This information is present in
the event object if and only if the data is present in the Calendar event and
the add-on sets its addOns.calendar.currentEventAccess
field to
Entry point object | |
entryPoint.accessCode |
string The access code used to access the conference. The maximum length is 128 characters. Conference providers typically only use a subset of { accessCode , meetingCode ,
passcode , password , pin } to
provide access to conferences. Match and only ever display the fields
the conference provider uses.
entryPoint.entryPointFeatures |
list Features of the entry point. Currently these features only apply to phone entry points:
entryPoint.entryPointType |
string The type of entry point. Possible values are the following:
entryPoint.label |
string The user-visible label for the entry point URI (not localized). |
entryPoint.meetingCode |
string The meeting code used to access the conference. The maximum length is 128 characters. Conference providers typically only use a subset of { accessCode , meetingCode ,
passcode , password , pin } to
provide access to conferences. Match and only ever display the fields
the conference provider uses.
entryPoint.passcode |
string The passcode used to access the conference. The maximum length is 128 characters. Conference providers typically only use a subset of { accessCode , meetingCode ,
passcode , password , pin } to
provide access to conferences. Match and only ever display the fields
the conference provider uses.
entryPoint.password |
string The password used to access the conference. The maximum length is 128 characters. Conference providers typically only use a subset of { accessCode , meetingCode ,
passcode , password , pin } to
provide access to conferences. Match and only ever display the fields
the conference provider uses.
| |
string The PIN used to access the conference. The maximum length is 128 characters. Conference providers typically only use a subset of { accessCode , meetingCode ,
passcode , password , pin } to
provide access to conferences. Match and only ever display the fields
the conference provider uses.
entryPoint.regionCode |
string Region code of the phone number. Needed by users if the URI doesn't include a country code. Values are based on the public CLDR list of region codes. |
entryPoint.uri |
string The URI of the entry point. The maximum length is 1300 characters. The formatting depends on the entry point type:
Drive event object
The Drive event object is the portion of the overall event object that carries information about a user's Google Drive and its contents. It's only present in an event object if the host application is Google Drive.
Drive event object | |
drive.activeCursorItem |
Drive item object The Drive item currently active. |
drive.selectedItems[] |
list of Drive item objects A list of items (files or folders) selected in Drive. |
Drive item
Drive item objects carry information about specific Drive items, such as files or folders.
Drive item object | |
item.addonHasFileScopePermission |
boolean If true , the add-on has requested
and received
scope authorization for this item; otherwise this field is
false .
| |
string The ID of the selected item. |
item.iconUrl |
string The URL of the icon that represents the selected item. |
item.mimeType |
string The MIME type of the selected item. |
item.title |
string The title of the selected item. |
Gmail event object
The Gmail event object is the portion of the overall event object that carries information about a user's Gmail messages. It's only present in an event object if the host application is Gmail.
Gmail event object | |
gmail.accessToken |
string The Gmail-specific access token. You can use this token with the GmailApp.setCurrentMessageAccessToken(accessToken)
method to grant your add-on temporary access to a user's currently
open Gmail message or let your add-on compose new drafts.
gmail.bccRecipients[] |
list of strings Disabled by default. The list of "BCC:" recipient email addresses currently included in a draft the add-on is composing. To turn on this field, you must set the field in your manifest to
gmail.ccRecipients[] |
list of strings Disabled by default. The list of "CC:" recipient email addresses currently included in a draft the add-on is composing. To turn on this field, you must set the field in your manifest to
gmail.messageId |
string The ID of the currently open Gmail message. |
gmail.threadId |
string The currently open Gmail thread ID. |
gmail.toRecipients[] |
list of strings Disabled by default. The list of "To:" recipient email addresses currently included in a draft the add-on is composing. To turn on this field, you must set the field in your manifest to
Docs event object
The Docs event object is the portion of the overall event object that carries information about a user's document and its contents. It's only present in an event object if the host application is Google Docs.
Docs event object | |
---|---| |
string Only present if the scope has been
authorized by the user.The ID of the document open in the Docs UI. |
docs.title |
string Only present if the scope has been
authorized by the user.The title of the document open in the Docs UI. |
docs.addonHasFileScopePermission |
boolean If true , the add-on has requested
and received
scope authorization for the document open in the Docs UI; otherwise this
field is false .
docs.matchedUrl.url |
Only present if the following conditions are met:
The URL of the link that generates a preview in Google Docs. To use this field, you must configure the LinkPreviewTriggers in your add-on’s manifest. See Preview links with smart chips for more details.
Example payload for when a user previews the link "docs" : { "matchedUrl" : { "url" : "" } } |
Sheets event object
The Sheets event object is the portion of the overall event object that carries information about a user's document and its contents. It's only present in an event object if the host application is Google Sheets.
Sheets event object | |
---|---| |
string Only present if the scope has been
authorized by the user. The ID of the spreadsheet open in the Sheets UI.
sheets.title |
string Only present if the scope has been
authorized by the user. The title of the spreadsheet open in the Sheets
sheets.addonHasFileScopePermission |
boolean If true , the add-on has requested
and received
scope authorization for the spreadsheet open in the Sheets UI; otherwise
this field is false .
sheets.matchedUrl.url |
Only present if the following conditions are met:
The URL of the link that generates a preview in Google Sheets. To use this field, you must configure the LinkPreviewTriggers in your add-on’s manifest. See Preview links with smart chips for more details.
Example payload for when a user previews the link "sheets" : { "matchedUrl" : { "url" : "" } } |
Slides event object
The Slides event object is the portion of the overall event object that carries information about a user's document and its contents. It's only present in an event object if the host application is Google Slides.
Slides event object | |
---|---| |
string Only present if the scope has been
authorized by the user. The ID of the presentation open in the Slides
slides.title |
string Only present if the scope has been
authorized by the user. The title of the presentation open in the
Slides UI.
slides.addonHasFileScopePermission |
boolean If true , the add-on has requested
and received
scope authorization for the presentation open in the Slides UI; otherwise
this field is false .
slides.matchedUrl.url |
Only present if the following conditions are met:
The URL of the link that generates a preview in Google Slides. To use this field, you must configure the LinkPreviewTriggers in your add-on’s manifest.
See Preview links with smart chips for more details.
Example payload for when a user previews the link "slides" : { "matchedUrl" : { "url" : "" } } |