
使用 Action 对象在 Google Workspace 插件中构建交互行为。

操作对象用于定义用户与插件界面中的 widget(例如按钮)互动时会发生的情况。


如需将操作附加到 widget,请使用 widget 处理程序函数,该函数还会定义触发操作的条件。触发时,该操作会执行指定的回调函数。系统会向回调函数传递一个事件对象,其中包含有关用户客户端互动的信息。您必须实现回调函数,并使其返回特定的响应对象。



  1. 创建一个按钮微件
  2. 如需设置卡片制作操作,请添加按钮 widget 处理程序函数 setOnClickAction(action)
  3. 创建要执行的 Apps 脚本回调函数,并在 widget 处理脚本函数中将其指定为 (action)。在这种情况下,回调函数应构建您想要的卡片,并返回 ActionResponse 对象。响应对象会指示插件显示回调函数构建的卡片。

以下示例展示了如何创建按钮 widget。该操作代表该插件请求当前文件的 drive.file 作用域。

 * Adds a section to the Card Builder that displays a "REQUEST PERMISSION" button.
 * When it's clicked, the callback triggers file scope permission flow. This is used in
 * the add-on when the home-page displays basic data.
function addRequestFileScopeButtonToBuilder(cardBuilder) {
    var buttonSection = CardService.newCardSection();
    // If the add-on does not have access permission, add a button that
    // allows the user to provide that permission on a per-file basis.
    var buttonAction = CardService.newAction()

    var button = CardService.newTextButton()
      .setText("Request permission")


 * Callback function for a button action. Instructs Docs to display a
 * permissions dialog to the user, requesting `drive.file` scope for the 
 * current file on behalf of this add-on.
 * @param {Object} e The parameters object that contains the documents ID
 * @return {editorFileScopeActionResponse}
function onRequestFileScopeButtonClickedInEditor(e) {
  return CardService.newEditorFileScopeActionResponseBuilder()

REST API 的文件访问互动

扩展 Google 编辑器并使用 REST API 的 Google Workspace 插件可以包含用于请求文件访问权限的额外 widget 操作。此操作要求关联的操作回调函数返回专用响应对象:

尝试执行的操作 回调函数应返回
请求对 current_document 的文件访问权限 EditorFileScopeActionResponse

如需使用此 widget 操作和响应对象,必须满足以下所有条件:

  • 该插件使用 REST API。
  • 该插件使用 CardService.newEditorFileScopeActionResponseBuilder().requestFileScopeForActiveDocument().build(); 方法显示请求文件范围对话框。
  • 该插件在其清单中包含 https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file 编辑器作用域和 onFileScopeGranted 触发器。



  1. 构建一个首页卡片,用于检查该插件是否具有 drive.file 作用域。
  2. 如果未向该插件授予 drive.file 范围,请构建一种请求用户为当前文档授予 drive.file 范围的方法。

示例:获取 Google 文档中的当前文档访问权限

以下示例为 Google 文档构建了一个界面,用于显示当前文档的大小。如果该插件没有 drive.file 授权,则会显示一个用于启动文件级范围授权的按钮。

 * Build a simple card that checks selected items' quota usage. Checking
 * quota usage requires user-permissions, so this add-on provides a button
 * to request `drive.file` scope for items the add-on doesn't yet have
 * permission to access.
 * @param e The event object passed containing information about the
 *   current document.
 * @return {Card}
function onDocsHomepage(e) {
  return createAddOnView(e);

function onFileScopeGranted(e) {
  return createAddOnView(e);

 * For the current document, display either its quota information or
 * a button that allows the user to provide permission to access that
 * file to retrieve its quota details.
 * @param e The event containing information about the current document
 * @return {Card}
function createAddOnView(e) {
  var docsEventObject = e['docs'];
  var builder =  CardService.newCardBuilder();

  var cardSection = CardService.newCardSection();
  if (docsEventObject['addonHasFileScopePermission']) {
    // This add-on uses the recommended, limited-permission `drive.file`
    // scope to get granular per-file access permissions.
    // See: https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v2/about-auth
    // If the add-on has access permission, read and display its quota.
          "This file takes up: " + getQuotaBytesUsed(docsEventObject['id'])));
  } else {
    // If the add-on does not have access permission, add a button that
    // allows the user to provide that permission on a per-file basis.
          "The add-on needs permission to access this file's quota."));

    var buttonAction = CardService.newAction()

    var button = CardService.newTextButton()
      .setText("Request permission")

  return builder.addSection(cardSection).build();

 * Callback function for a button action. Instructs Docs to display a
 * permissions dialog to the user, requesting `drive.file` scope for the
 * current file on behalf of this add-on.
 * @param {Object} e The parameters object that contains the documents ID
 * @return {editorFileScopeActionResponse}
function onRequestFileScopeButtonClicked(e) {
  return CardService.newEditorFileScopeActionResponseBuilder()