Panduan memulai ini membuat add-on Google Workspace sederhana yang menunjukkan halaman beranda, pemicu kontekstual, dan menghubungkan ke API pihak ketiga.
Add-on ini membuat antarmuka kontekstual dan non-kontekstual di Gmail, Kalender, dan Drive. Add-on menampilkan gambar kucing acak dengan teks yang ditempatkan di atas gambar. Teks bersifat statis untuk halaman beranda atau diambil dari konteks aplikasi host untuk pemicu kontekstual.
- Siapkan lingkungan Anda.
- Siapkan skrip.
- Jalankan skrip.
Untuk menggunakan contoh ini, Anda memerlukan prasyarat berikut:
- Akun Google (akun Google Workspace mungkin memerlukan persetujuan administrator).
Browser web dengan akses ke internet.
Menyiapkan lingkungan Anda
Buka project Cloud Anda di konsol Google Cloud
Jika belum terbuka, buka project Cloud yang ingin Anda gunakan untuk contoh ini:
- Di konsol Google Cloud, buka halaman Select a project.
- Pilih project Google Cloud yang ingin Anda gunakan. Atau, klik Buat project dan ikuti petunjuk di layar. Jika membuat project Google Cloud, Anda mungkin perlu mengaktifkan penagihan untuk project tersebut.
Mengonfigurasi layar izin OAuth
Add-on Google Workspace memerlukan konfigurasi layar izin. Mengonfigurasi layar izin OAuth add-on akan menentukan apa yang ditampilkan Google kepada pengguna.
- Di konsol Google Cloud, buka Menu > > Branding.
- Jika telah mengonfigurasi , Anda dapat mengonfigurasi setelan Layar Izin OAuth berikut di Branding, Audiens, dan Akses Data. Jika Anda melihat pesan yang bertuliskan not configured yet, klik Get Started:
- Di bagian Informasi Aplikasi, di Nama aplikasi, masukkan nama untuk aplikasi.
- Di Email dukungan pengguna, pilih alamat email dukungan yang dapat dihubungi pengguna jika mereka memiliki pertanyaan tentang izin mereka.
- Klik Berikutnya.
- Di bagian Audiens, pilih Internal.
- Klik Berikutnya.
- Di bagian Informasi Kontak, masukkan Alamat email tempat Anda dapat menerima notifikasi tentang perubahan apa pun pada project Anda.
- Klik Berikutnya.
- Di bagian Selesai, tinjau Kebijakan Data Pengguna Layanan Google API dan jika Anda setuju, pilih Saya setuju dengan Layanan Google API: Kebijakan Data Pengguna.
- Klik Lanjutkan.
- Klik Buat.
- Untuk saat ini, Anda dapat melewati penambahan cakupan. Di masa mendatang, saat membuat aplikasi untuk digunakan di luar organisasi Google Workspace, Anda harus mengubah Jenis pengguna menjadi Eksternal. Kemudian, tambahkan cakupan otorisasi yang diperlukan aplikasi Anda. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut, lihat panduan lengkap Mengonfigurasi izin OAuth.
Menyiapkan skrip
Membuat project Apps Script
- Untuk membuat project Apps Script baru, buka
- Klik Project tanpa judul.
- Ganti nama project Apps Script Kucing, lalu klik Ganti Nama.
- Di samping file
, klik Lainnya > Ganti nama. Beri nama fileCommon
. - Klik Tambahkan file > Skrip. Beri nama file
. - Ulangi langkah 5 untuk membuat 2 file skrip lainnya bernama
. Setelah selesai, Anda akan memiliki 4 file skrip terpisah. Ganti konten setiap file dengan kode yang sesuai berikut:
/** * This simple Google Workspace add-on shows a random image of a cat in the * sidebar. When opened manually (the homepage card), some static text is * overlayed on the image, but when contextual cards are opened a new cat image * is shown with the text taken from that context (such as a message's subject * line) overlaying the image. There is also a button that updates the card with * a new random cat image. * * Click "File > Make a copy..." to copy the script, and "Publish > Deploy from * manifest > Install add-on" to install it. */ /** * The maximum number of characters that can fit in the cat image. */ var MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 40; /** * Callback for rendering the homepage card. * @return {CardService.Card} The card to show to the user. */ function onHomepage(e) { console.log(e); var hour = Number(Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),, 'H')); var message; if (hour >= 6 && hour < 12) { message = 'Good morning'; } else if (hour >= 12 && hour < 18) { message = 'Good afternoon'; } else { message = 'Good night'; } message += ' ' + e.hostApp; return createCatCard(message, true); } /** * Creates a card with an image of a cat, overlayed with the text. * @param {String} text The text to overlay on the image. * @param {Boolean} isHomepage True if the card created here is a homepage; * false otherwise. Defaults to false. * @return {CardService.Card} The assembled card. */ function createCatCard(text, isHomepage) { // Explicitly set the value of isHomepage as false if null or undefined. if (!isHomepage) { isHomepage = false; } // Use the "Cat as a service" API to get the cat image. Add a "time" URL // parameter to act as a cache buster. var now = new Date(); // Replace forward slashes in the text, as they break the CataaS API. var caption = text.replace(/\//g, ' '); var imageUrl = Utilities.formatString('', encodeURIComponent(caption), now.getTime()); var image = CardService.newImage() .setImageUrl(imageUrl) .setAltText('Meow') // Create a button that changes the cat image when pressed. // Note: Action parameter keys and values must be strings. var action = CardService.newAction() .setFunctionName('onChangeCat') .setParameters({text: text, isHomepage: isHomepage.toString()}); var button = CardService.newTextButton() .setText('Change cat') .setOnClickAction(action) .setTextButtonStyle(CardService.TextButtonStyle.FILLED); var buttonSet = CardService.newButtonSet() .addButton(button); // Create a footer to be shown at the bottom. var footer = CardService.newFixedFooter() .setPrimaryButton(CardService.newTextButton() .setText('Powered by') .setOpenLink(CardService.newOpenLink() .setUrl(''))); // Assemble the widgets and return the card. var section = CardService.newCardSection() .addWidget(image) .addWidget(buttonSet); var card = CardService.newCardBuilder() .addSection(section) .setFixedFooter(footer); if (!isHomepage) { // Create the header shown when the card is minimized, // but only when this card is a contextual card. Peek headers // are never used by non-contexual cards like homepages. var peekHeader = CardService.newCardHeader() .setTitle('Contextual Cat') .setImageUrl('') .setSubtitle(text); card.setPeekCardHeader(peekHeader) } return; } /** * Callback for the "Change cat" button. * @param {Object} e The event object, documented {@link * * here}. * @return {CardService.ActionResponse} The action response to apply. */ function onChangeCat(e) { console.log(e); // Get the text that was shown in the current cat image. This was passed as a // parameter on the Action set for the button. var text = e.parameters.text; // The isHomepage parameter is passed as a string, so convert to a Boolean. var isHomepage = e.parameters.isHomepage === 'true'; // Create a new card with the same text. var card = createCatCard(text, isHomepage); // Create an action response that instructs the add-on to replace // the current card with the new one. var navigation = CardService.newNavigation() .updateCard(card); var actionResponse = CardService.newActionResponseBuilder() .setNavigation(navigation); return; } /** * Truncate a message to fit in the cat image. * @param {string} message The message to truncate. * @return {string} The truncated message. */ function truncate(message) { if (message.length > MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) { message = message.slice(0, MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH); message = message.slice(0, message.lastIndexOf(' ')) + '...'; } return message; }
/** * Callback for rendering the card for a specific Gmail message. * @param {Object} e The event object. * @return {CardService.Card} The card to show to the user. */ function onGmailMessage(e) { console.log(e); // Get the ID of the message the user has open. var messageId =; // Get an access token scoped to the current message and use it for GmailApp // calls. var accessToken =; GmailApp.setCurrentMessageAccessToken(accessToken); // Get the subject of the email. var message = GmailApp.getMessageById(messageId); var subject = message.getThread().getFirstMessageSubject(); // Remove labels and prefixes. subject = subject .replace(/^([rR][eE]|[fF][wW][dD])\:\s*/, '') .replace(/^\[.*?\]\s*/, ''); // If neccessary, truncate the subject to fit in the image. subject = truncate(subject); return createCatCard(subject); } /** * Callback for rendering the card for the compose action dialog. * @param {Object} e The event object. * @return {CardService.Card} The card to show to the user. */ function onGmailCompose(e) { console.log(e); var header = CardService.newCardHeader() .setTitle('Insert cat') .setSubtitle('Add a custom cat image to your email message.'); // Create text input for entering the cat's message. var input = CardService.newTextInput() .setFieldName('text') .setTitle('Caption') .setHint('What do you want the cat to say?'); // Create a button that inserts the cat image when pressed. var action = CardService.newAction() .setFunctionName('onGmailInsertCat'); var button = CardService.newTextButton() .setText('Insert cat') .setOnClickAction(action) .setTextButtonStyle(CardService.TextButtonStyle.FILLED); var buttonSet = CardService.newButtonSet() .addButton(button); // Assemble the widgets and return the card. var section = CardService.newCardSection() .addWidget(input) .addWidget(buttonSet); var card = CardService.newCardBuilder() .setHeader(header) .addSection(section); return; } /** * Callback for inserting a cat into the Gmail draft. * @param {Object} e The event object. * @return {CardService.UpdateDraftActionResponse} The draft update response. */ function onGmailInsertCat(e) { console.log(e); // Get the text that was entered by the user. var text = e.formInput.text; // Use the "Cat as a service" API to get the cat image. Add a "time" URL // parameter to act as a cache buster. var now = new Date(); var imageUrl = ''; if (text) { // Replace forward slashes in the text, as they break the CataaS API. var caption = text.replace(/\//g, ' '); imageUrl += Utilities.formatString('/says/%s?time=%s', encodeURIComponent(caption), now.getTime()); } var imageHtmlContent = '<img style="display: block; max-height: 300px;" src="' + imageUrl + '"/>'; var response = CardService.newUpdateDraftActionResponseBuilder() .setUpdateDraftBodyAction(CardService.newUpdateDraftBodyAction() .addUpdateContent(imageHtmlContent,CardService.ContentType.MUTABLE_HTML) .setUpdateType(CardService.UpdateDraftBodyType.IN_PLACE_INSERT)) .build(); return response; }
/** * Callback for rendering the card for a specific Calendar event. * @param {Object} e The event object. * @return {CardService.Card} The card to show to the user. */ function onCalendarEventOpen(e) { console.log(e); var calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(e.calendar.calendarId); // The event metadata doesn't include the event's title, so using the // calendar.readonly scope and fetching the event by it's ID. var event = calendar.getEventById(; if (!event) { // This is a new event still being created. return createCatCard('A new event! Am I invited?'); } var title = event.getTitle(); // If necessary, truncate the title to fit in the image. title = truncate(title); return createCatCard(title); }
/** * Callback for rendering the card for specific Drive items. * @param {Object} e The event object. * @return {CardService.Card} The card to show to the user. */ function onDriveItemsSelected(e) { console.log(e); var items =; // Include at most 5 items in the text. items = items.slice(0, 5); var text = { var title = item.title; // If neccessary, truncate the title to fit in the image. title = truncate(title); return title; }).join('\n'); return createCatCard(text); }
Klik Setelan Project
Centang kotak Tampilkan file manifes "appsscript.json" dalam editor.
Klik Editor
.Buka file
dan ganti konten dengan kode berikut, lalu klik Simpan.
{ "timeZone": "America/New_York", "dependencies": { }, "exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER", "oauthScopes": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], "runtimeVersion": "V8", "addOns": { "common": { "name": "Cats", "logoUrl": "", "useLocaleFromApp": true, "homepageTrigger": { "runFunction": "onHomepage", "enabled": true }, "universalActions": [{ "label": "Learn more about Cataas", "openLink": "" }] }, "gmail": { "contextualTriggers": [{ "unconditional": { }, "onTriggerFunction": "onGmailMessage" }], "composeTrigger": { "selectActions": [{ "text": "Insert cat", "runFunction": "onGmailCompose" }], "draftAccess": "NONE" } }, "drive": { "onItemsSelectedTrigger": { "runFunction": "onDriveItemsSelected" } }, "calendar": { "eventOpenTrigger": { "runFunction": "onCalendarEventOpen" } } } }
Menyalin nomor project Cloud
- Di konsol Google Cloud, buka Menu > IAM & Admin > Settings.
- Di kolom Project number, salin nilainya.
Menetapkan project Cloud project Apps Script
- Di project Apps Script,
klik Project Settings
- Pada Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Project, klik Change project.
- Di GCP project number, tempel nomor project Google Cloud.
- Klik Set project.
Menginstal deployment pengujian
- Di project Apps Script, klik Editor .
- Klik Deploy > Test deployments.
- Klik Instal > Selesai.
Jalankan skrip:
- Buka Gmail.
- Untuk membuka add-on, di panel samping kanan, klik Kucing .
- Jika diminta, izinkan add-on.
- Add-on menampilkan gambar dan teks kucing. Untuk mengubah gambar, klik Ubah kategori.
- Jika Anda membuka email saat add-on terbuka, gambar akan dimuat ulang dan teks akan berubah menjadi baris subjek email (dipotong jika terlalu panjang).
Anda dapat melihat fungsi serupa di Kalender dan Drive. Anda tidak perlu memberikan otorisasi ulang pada add-on untuk menggunakannya di aplikasi host tersebut.