

下列 Google Workspace 外掛程式快速入門可擴充 Google 日曆,讓日曆與名為「My Web Conferencing」的虛構網路會議服務同步。編輯日曆活動時,使用者可透過外掛程式,將「我的網路會議」設為會議選項。

快速入門課程會顯示會議建立和事件同步作業,但必須連結至會議解決方案 API 才能運作。


  • 設定環境。
  • 設定指令碼。
  • 執行指令碼。



在 Google Cloud 控制台中開啟 Cloud 專案

如果尚未開啟,請開啟要用於本範例的 Cloud 專案:

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,前往「Select a project」(選取專案)頁面。

    選取 Cloud 專案

  2. 選取要使用的 Google Cloud 專案。或者,您也可以按一下「建立專案」,然後按照畫面上的指示操作。如果您建立 Google Cloud 專案,可能需要為專案啟用計費功能

開啟日曆 API

本快速入門導覽課程會使用日曆進階服務,該服務會存取日曆 API。

使用 Google API 前,您必須先在 Google Cloud 專案中啟用這些 API。您可以在單一 Google Cloud 專案中啟用一或多個 API。

    在 Google Cloud 專案中啟用日曆 API。

    啟用 API

Google Workspace 外掛程式需要設定同意畫面。設定 Google Workspace 外掛程式的 OAuth 同意畫面,可定義 Google 向使用者顯示的內容。

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,依序前往「選單」 >>「品牌」


  2. 如果您已設定 ,可以在「品牌」、「目標對象」和「資料存取」中設定下列 OAuth 同意畫面設定。如果畫面上顯示「尚未設定」 ,請按一下「開始使用」
    1. 在「應用程式資訊」下方的「應用程式名稱」中,輸入應用程式名稱。
    2. 在「使用者支援電子郵件」中,選擇使用者有同意聲明相關問題時可與您聯絡的支援電子郵件地址。
    3. 點選 [下一步]
    4. 在「觀眾」下方,選取「內部」
    5. 點選 [下一步]
    6. 在「聯絡資訊」下方,輸入電子郵件地址,以便在專案有任何異動時通知您。
    7. 點選 [下一步]
    8. 在「Finish」下方,詳閱「Google API 服務使用者資料政策」,如果同意,請選取「I agree to the Google API Services: User Data Policy」
    9. 按一下 [繼續]。
    10. 按一下 [建立]。
  3. 目前您可以略過新增範圍的步驟。 日後,如果您建立的應用程式是供 Google Workspace 機構以外的使用者使用,就必須將使用者類型變更為外部。然後新增應用程式所需的授權範圍。詳情請參閱完整的「設定 OAuth 同意聲明」指南。


建立 Apps Script 專案

  1. 如要建立新的 Apps Script 專案,請前往 script.new
  2. 按一下「Untitled project」
  3. 重新命名 Apps Script 專案「會議外掛程式」,然後按一下「重新命名」
  4. Code.gs 檔案旁邊,依序按一下「更多」圖示 >「重新命名」。將檔案命名為 CreateConf
  5. 依序點選「新增檔案」 >「Script」
  6. 命名檔案 Syncing
  7. 將每個檔案的內容替換成以下對應的程式碼:

     *  Creates a conference, then builds and returns a ConferenceData object
     *  with the corresponding conference information. This method is called
     *  when a user selects a conference solution defined by the add-on that
     *  uses this function as its 'onCreateFunction' in the add-on manifest.
     *  @param {Object} arg The default argument passed to a 'onCreateFunction';
     *      it carries information about the Google Calendar event.
     *  @return {ConferenceData}
    function createConference(arg) {
      const eventData = arg.eventData;
      const calendarId = eventData.calendarId;
      const eventId = eventData.eventId;
      // Retrieve the Calendar event information using the Calendar
      // Advanced service.
      var calendarEvent;
      try {
        calendarEvent = Calendar.Events.get(calendarId, eventId);
      } catch (err) {
        // The calendar event does not exist just yet; just proceed with the
        // given event ID and allow the event details to sync later.
        calendarEvent = {
          id: eventId,
      // Create a conference on the third-party service and return the
      // conference data or errors in a custom JSON object.
      var conferenceInfo = create3rdPartyConference(calendarEvent);
      // Build and return a ConferenceData object, either with conference or
      // error information.
      var dataBuilder = ConferenceDataService.newConferenceDataBuilder();
      if (!conferenceInfo.error) {
        // No error, so build the ConferenceData object from the
        // returned conference info.
        var phoneEntryPoint = ConferenceDataService.newEntryPoint()
            .setUri('tel:+' + conferenceInfo.phoneNumber)
        var adminEmailParameter = ConferenceDataService.newConferenceParameter()
        if (conferenceInfo.videoUri) {
          var videoEntryPoint = ConferenceDataService.newEntryPoint()
        // Since the conference creation request succeeded, make sure that
        // syncing has been enabled.
        initializeSyncing(calendarId, eventId, conferenceInfo.id);
      } else if (conferenceInfo.error === 'AUTH') {
        // Authenentication error. Implement a function to build the correct
        // authenication URL for the third-party conferencing system.
        var authenticationUrl = getAuthenticationUrl();
        var error = ConferenceDataService.newConferenceError()
      } else {
        // Other error type;
        var error = ConferenceDataService.newConferenceError()
      // Don't forget to build the ConferenceData object.
      return dataBuilder.build();
     *  Contact the third-party conferencing system to create a conference there,
     *  using the provided calendar event information. Collects and retuns the
     *  conference data returned by the third-party system in a custom JSON object
     *  with the following fields:
     *    data.adminEmail - the conference administrator's email
     *    data.conferenceLegalNotice - the conference legal notice text
     *    data.error - Only present if there was an error during
     *         conference creation. Equal to 'AUTH' if the add-on user needs to
     *         authorize on the third-party system.
     *    data.id - the conference ID
     *    data.phoneNumber - the conference phone entry point phone number
     *    data.phonePin - the conference phone entry point PIN
     *    data.videoPasscode - the conference video entry point passcode
     *    data.videoUri - the conference video entry point URI
     *  The above fields are specific to this example; which conference information
     *  your add-on needs is dependent on the third-party conferencing system
     *  requirements.
     * @param {Object} calendarEvent A Calendar Event resource object returned by
     *     the Google Calendar API.
     * @return {Object}
    function create3rdPartyConference(calendarEvent) {
      var data = {};
      // Implementation details dependent on the third-party system API.
      // Typically one or more API calls are made to create the conference and
      // acquire its relevant data, which is then put in to the returned JSON
      // object.
      return data;
     *  Return the URL used to authenticate the user with the third-party
     *  conferencing system.
     *  @return {String}
    function getAuthenticationUrl() {
      var url;
      // Implementation details dependent on the third-party system.
      return url;
     *  Initializes syncing of conference data by creating a sync trigger and
     *  sync token if either does not exist yet.
     *  @param {String} calendarId The ID of the Google Calendar.
    function initializeSyncing(calendarId) {
      // Create a syncing trigger if it doesn't exist yet.
      // Perform an event sync to create the initial sync token.
      syncEvents({'calendarId': calendarId});
     *  Creates a sync trigger if it does not exist yet.
     *  @param {String} calendarId The ID of the Google Calendar.
    function createSyncTrigger(calendarId) {
      // Check to see if the trigger already exists; if does, return.
      var allTriggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
      for (var i = 0; i < allTriggers.length; i++) {
        var trigger = allTriggers[i];
        if (trigger.getTriggerSourceId() == calendarId) {
      // Trigger does not exist, so create it. The trigger calls the
      // 'syncEvents()' trigger function when it fires.
      var trigger = ScriptApp.newTrigger('syncEvents')
     *  Sync events for the given calendar; this is the syncing trigger
     *  function. If a sync token already exists, this retrieves all events
     *  that have been modified since the last sync, then checks each to see
     *  if an associated conference needs to be updated and makes any required
     *  changes. If the sync token does not exist or is invalid, this
     *  retrieves future events modified in the last 24 hours instead. In
     *  either case, a new sync token is created and stored.
     *  @param {Object} e If called by a event updated trigger, this object
     *      contains the Google Calendar ID, authorization mode, and
     *      calling trigger ID. Only the calendar ID is actually used here,
     *      however.
    function syncEvents(e) {
      var calendarId = e.calendarId;
      var properties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
      var syncToken = properties.getProperty('syncToken');
      var options;
      if (syncToken) {
        // There's an existing sync token, so configure the following event
        // retrieval request to only get events that have been modified
        // since the last sync.
        options = {
          syncToken: syncToken
      } else {
        // No sync token, so configure to do a 'full' sync instead. In this
        // example only recently updated events are retrieved in a full sync.
        // A larger time window can be examined during a full sync, but this
        // slows down the script execution. Consider the trade-offs while
        // designing your add-on.
        var now = new Date();
        var yesterday = new Date();
        yesterday.setDate(now.getDate() - 1);
        options = {
          timeMin: now.toISOString(),          // Events that start after now...
          updatedMin: yesterday.toISOString(), // ...and were modified recently
          maxResults: 50,   // Max. number of results per page of responses
          orderBy: 'updated'
      // Examine the list of updated events since last sync (or all events
      // modified after yesterday if the sync token is missing or invalid), and
      // update any associated conferences as required.
      var events;
      var pageToken;
      do {
        try {
          options.pageToken = pageToken;
          events = Calendar.Events.list(calendarId, options);
        } catch (err) {
          // Check to see if the sync token was invalidated by the server;
          // if so, perform a full sync instead.
          if (err.message ===
                "Sync token is no longer valid, a full sync is required.") {
          } else {
            throw new Error(err.message);
        // Read through the list of returned events looking for conferences
        // to update.
        if (events.items && events.items.length > 0) {
          for (var i = 0; i < events.items.length; i++) {
             var calEvent = events.items[i];
             // Check to see if there is a record of this event has a
             // conference that needs updating.
             if (eventHasConference(calEvent)) {
               updateConference(calEvent, calEvent.conferenceData.conferenceId);
        pageToken = events.nextPageToken;
      } while (pageToken);
      // Record the new sync token.
      if (events.nextSyncToken) {
        properties.setProperty('syncToken', events.nextSyncToken);
     *  Returns true if the specified event has an associated conference
     *  of the type managed by this add-on; retuns false otherwise.
     *  @param {Object} calEvent The Google Calendar event object, as defined by
     *      the Calendar API.
     *  @return {boolean}
    function eventHasConference(calEvent) {
      var name = calEvent.conferenceData.conferenceSolution.name || null;
      // This version checks if the conference data solution name matches the
      // one of the solution names used by the add-on. Alternatively you could
      // check the solution's entry point URIs or other solution-specific
      // information.
      if (name) {
        if (name === "My Web Conference" ||
            name === "My Recorded Web Conference") {
          return true;
      return false;
     *  Update a conference based on new Google Calendar event information.
     *  The exact implementation of this function is highly dependant on the
     *  details of the third-party conferencing system, so only a rough outline
     *  is shown here.
     *  @param {Object} calEvent The Google Calendar event object, as defined by
     *      the Calendar API.
     *  @param {String} conferenceId The ID used to identify the conference on
     *      the third-party conferencing system.
    function updateConference(calEvent, conferenceId) {
      // Check edge case: the event was cancelled
      if (calEvent.status === 'cancelled' || eventHasConference(calEvent)) {
        // Use the third-party API to delete the conference too.
      } else {
        // Extract any necessary information from the event object, then
        // make the appropriate third-party API requests to update the
        // conference with that information.
  8. 按一下「Project Settings」圖示 專案設定圖示

  9. 勾選「在編輯器中顯示『appsscript.json』資訊清單檔案」方塊。

  10. 按一下「編輯器」圖示

  11. 開啟 appsscript.json 檔案,然後將內容替換為下列程式碼,然後按一下「Save」(儲存) 「儲存」圖示

      "addOns": {
        "calendar": {
          "conferenceSolution": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "My Web Conference",
            "logoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/...",
            "onCreateFunction": "createConference"
          "currentEventAccess": "READ_WRITE"
        "common": {
          "homepageTrigger": {
            "enabled": false
          "logoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/...",
          "name": "My Web Conferencing"
      "timeZone": "America/New_York",
      "dependencies": {
        "enabledAdvancedServices": [
          "userSymbol": "Calendar",
          "serviceId": "calendar",
          "version": "v3"
      "webapp": {
        "access": "ANYONE",
        "executeAs": "USER_ACCESSING"
      "exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
      "oauthScopes": [

複製 Cloud 專案編號

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,依序前往「Menu」(選單) >「IAM & Admin」(IAM 與管理) >「Settings」(設定)

    前往「IAM 與管理員設定」

  2. 在「專案編號」欄位中複製值。

設定 Apps Script 專案的 Cloud 專案

  1. 在 Apps Script 專案中,按一下「Project Settings」圖示 專案設定圖示
  2. 在「Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 專案」下方,按一下「變更專案」
  3. 在「GCP 專案編號」中貼上 Google Cloud 專案編號。
  4. 按一下「設定專案」


  1. 在 Apps Script 專案中,按一下「編輯器」圖示
  2. 開啟 CreateConf.gs 檔案,然後按一下「Run」。出現提示時,請授權執行指令碼。
  3. 依序按一下「部署」「測試部署作業」。
  4. 依序點選「安裝」>「完成」


  1. 前往 calendar.google.com
  2. 建立新活動或開啟現有活動。
  3. 按一下「新增 Google Meet 視訊會議」旁邊的向下箭頭 >「我的網路會議」。外掛程式未連結至實際的第三方視訊會議解決方案,因此會顯示「無法建立會議」錯誤訊息。
