為了進行偵錯和記錄,已成功載入的廣告會提供 ResponseInfo
如果廣告載入成功,廣告物件就會有 GetResponseInfo()
如果廣告無法載入,且只顯示錯誤訊息,您可以透過 LoadAdError.GetResponseInfo()
private void LoadInterstitialAd()
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest();
InterstitialAd.Load("AD_UNIT_ID ", adRequest, (InterstitialAd insterstitialAd, LoadAdError error) =>
// If the operation failed with a reason.
if (error != null)
ResponseInfo errorInfo = error.GetResponseInfo();
Debug.LogError("Interstitial ad failed to load an ad with error : " + error);
ResponseInfo loadInfo = insterstitialAd.GetResponseInfo();
以下是 ResponseInfo.ToString()
{ "Response ID": "COOllLGxlPoCFdAx4Aod-Q4A0g", "Mediation Adapter Class Name": "com.google.ads.mediation.admob.AdMobAdapter", "Adapter Responses": [ { "Adapter": "com.google.ads.mediation.admob.AdMobAdapter", "Latency": 328, "Ad Source Name": "Reservation campaign", "Ad Source ID": "7068401028668408324", "Ad Source Instance Name": "[DO NOT EDIT] Publisher Test Interstitial", "Ad Source Instance ID": "4665218928925097", "Credentials": {}, "Ad Error": "null" } ], "Loaded Adapter Response": { "Adapter": "com.google.ads.mediation.admob.AdMobAdapter", "Latency": 328, "Ad Source Name": "Reservation campaign", "Ad Source ID": "7068401028668408324", "Ad Source Instance Name": "[DO NOT EDIT] Publisher Test Interstitial", "Ad Source Instance ID": "4665218928925097", "Credentials": {}, "Ad Error": "null" }, "Response Extras": { "mediation_group_name": "Campaign" } }
** Response Info ** Response ID: CIzs0ZO5kPoCFRqWAAAdJMINpQ Network: GADMAdapterGoogleAdMobAds ** Loaded Adapter Response ** Network: GADMAdapterGoogleAdMobAds Ad Source Name: Reservation campaign Ad Source ID: 7068401028668408324 Ad Source Instance Name: [DO NOT EDIT] Publisher Test Interstitial Ad Source Instance ID: [DO NOT EDIT] Publisher Test Interstitial AdUnitMapping: { } Error: (null) Latency: 0.391 ** Extras Dictionary ** { "mediation_group_name" = Campaign; } ** Mediation line items ** Entry (1) Network: GADMAdapterGoogleAdMobAds Ad Source Name: Reservation campaign Ad Source ID:7068401028668408324 Ad Source Instance Name: [DO NOT EDIT] Publisher Test Interstitial Ad Source Instance ID: [DO NOT EDIT] Publisher Test Interstitial AdUnitMapping: { } Error: (null) Latency: 0.391
方法 | 說明 |
GetAdapterResponses |
傳回廣告回應中每個轉接程式所含中繼資料的 AdapterResponseInfo 清單。可用於偵錯刊登序列中介服務和出價執行作業。清單的順序與此廣告請求的中介服務刊登序列順序一致。詳情請參閱「轉接器回應資訊」。 |
GetLoadedAdapterResponseInfo |
傳回與載入廣告的轉接程式相對應的 AdapterResponseInfo 。 |
GetMediationAdapterClassName |
傳回載入廣告的廣告聯播網中介服務轉接器類別名稱。 |
GetResponseId |
回應 ID 是廣告回應的專屬 ID。您可以使用這個 ID 在廣告審核中心 (ARC) 中找出特定廣告並將其封鎖。 |
GetResponseExtras |
傳回廣告回應的額外資訊。Extras 可傳回下列鍵:
以下是從已載入的 ResponseInfo
private void LoadInterstitialAd()
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest();
InterstitialAd.Load("AD_UNIT_ID ", adRequest, (InterstitialAd insterstitialAd, LoadAdError error) =>
// If the operation failed with a reason.
if (error != null)
Debug.LogError("Interstitial ad failed to load an ad with error : " + error);
ResponseInfo responseInfo = insterstitialAd.GetResponseInfo();
string responseId = responseInfo.GetResponseId();
string mediationAdapterClassName = responseInfo.GetMediationAdapterClassName();
List<AdapterResponseInfo> adapterResponses = responseInfo.GetAdapterResponses();
AdapterResponseInfo loadedAdapterResponseInfo = responseInfo.GetLoadedAdapterResponseInfo();
Dictionary<string, string> extras = responseInfo.GetResponseExtras();
string mediationGroupName = extras["mediation_group_name"];
string mediationABTestName = extras["mediation_ab_test_name"];
string mediationABTestVariant = extras["mediation_ab_test_variant"];
以下是 AdapterResponseInfo
{ "Adapter": "com.google.ads.mediation.admob.AdMobAdapter", "Latency": 328, "Ad Source Name": "Reservation campaign", "Ad Source ID": "7068401028668408324", "Ad Source Instance Name": "[DO NOT EDIT] Publisher Test Interstitial", "Ad Source Instance ID": "4665218928925097", "Credentials": {}, "Ad Error": "null" }
Network: GADMAdapterGoogleAdMobAds Ad Source Name: Reservation campaign Ad Source ID: 7068401028668408324 Ad Source Instance Name: [DO NOT EDIT] Publisher Test Interstitial Ad Source Instance ID: [DO NOT EDIT] Publisher Test Interstitial AdUnitMapping: { } Error: (null) Latency: 0.391
方法 | 說明 |
AdError |
取得與網路要求相關聯的錯誤。如果聯播網成功載入廣告,或未嘗試聯播網,則會傳回 null 。 |
AdSourceId |
取得與此轉接程式回應相關聯的廣告來源 ID。針對廣告活動,6060308706800320801 會針對中介服務廣告廣告活動目標類型傳回,7068401028668408324 則會針對曝光和點擊目標類型傳回。如需廣告聯播網放送廣告時可能的廣告來源 ID 清單,請參閱「廣告來源」。 |
AdSourceInstanceId |
取得與此轉接程式回應相關聯的廣告來源例項 ID。 |
AdSourceInstanceName |
取得與此轉接程式回應相關聯的廣告來源例項名稱。 |
AdSourceName |
取得代表放送曝光的特定廣告聯播網的廣告來源。針對廣告活動,Mediated House Ads 會針對中介服務廣告廣告活動目標類型傳回,Reservation Campaign 則會針對曝光和點擊目標類型傳回。如要查看廣告聯播網放送廣告時可能的廣告來源名稱清單,請參閱「廣告來源」。 |
AdapterClassName |
取得用來識別廣告聯播網的類別名稱。 |
AdUnitMapping |
從 AdMob UI 取得網路設定組合。 |
LatencyMillis |
取得廣告聯播網載入廣告所需的時間。如果未嘗試網路,則傳回 0 。 |
以下是從已載入的 AdapterResponseInfo
private void LoadInterstitialAd()
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest();
InterstitialAd.Load("AD_UNIT_ID ", adRequest, (InterstitialAd insterstitialAd, LoadAdError error) =>
// If the operation failed with a reason.
if (error != null)
Debug.LogError("Interstitial ad failed to load an ad with error : " + error);
ResponseInfo responseInfo = insterstitialAd.GetResponseInfo();
AdapterResponseInfo loadedAdapterResponseInfo = responseInfo.getLoadedAdapterResponseInfo();
AdError adError = loadedAdapterResponseInfo.AdError;
string adSourceId = loadedAdapterResponseInfo.AdSourceId;
string adSourceInstanceId = loadedAdapterResponseInfo.AdSourceInstanceId;
string adSourceInstanceName = loadedAdapterResponseInfo.AdSourceInstanceName;
string adSourceName = loadedAdapterResponseInfo.AdSourceName;
string adapterClassName = loadedAdapterResponseInfo.AdapterClassName;
Dictionary<string, string> credentials = loadedAdapterResponseInfo.AdUnitMapping;
long latencyMillis = loadedAdapterResponseInfo.LatencyMillis;