Reklamy z nagrodą

所谓激励广告,指的是用户可以选择与之互动来换取应用内奖励的一种广告。本指南介绍了如何将 AdMob 激励广告植入到 Unity 应用中。

欢迎阅读客户成功案例: 案例研究 1案例研究 2

本指南介绍了如何在 Unity 应用中植入激励广告。


Zawsze korzystaj z reklam testowych

Poniższy przykładowy kod zawiera identyfikator jednostki reklamowej, którego możesz użyć do wysłania żądania reklam testowych. Został on specjalnie skonfigurowany tak, aby w przypadku każdego żądania zwracać reklamy testowe zamiast reklam produkcyjnych, dzięki czemu można z niego korzystać.

Gdy jednak zarejestrujesz aplikację wAdMob interfejsie internetowym i utworzysz własne identyfikatory jednostek reklamowych do wykorzystania w niej, podczas jej tworzenia skonfiguruj urządzenie jako urządzenie testowe.





初始化移动广告 SDK

加载广告之前,请先调用 MobileAds.Initialize(),以便让应用初始化移动广告 SDK。此操作仅需执行一次,最好是在应用启动时执行。

using GoogleMobileAds;
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;

public class GoogleMobileAdsDemoScript : MonoBehaviour
    public void Start()
        // Initialize the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
        MobileAds.Initialize((InitializationStatus initStatus) =>
            // This callback is called once the MobileAds SDK is initialized.




  1. 加载激励广告
  2. [可选] 验证服务器端验证 (SSV) 回调
  3. 通过奖励回调展示激励广告
  4. 监听激励广告事件
  5. 清理激励广告
  6. 预加载下一个激励广告


激励广告的加载是通过对 RewardedAd 类使用静态 Load() 方法完成的。已加载的 RewardedAd 对象会以完成处理程序中的参数的形式提供。以下示例展示了如何加载 RewardedAd

  // These ad units are configured to always serve test ads.
  private string _adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917";
  private string _adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1712485313";
  private string _adUnitId = "unused";

  private RewardedAd _rewardedAd;

  /// <summary>
  /// Loads the rewarded ad.
  /// </summary>
  public void LoadRewardedAd()
      // Clean up the old ad before loading a new one.
      if (_rewardedAd != null)
            _rewardedAd = null;

      Debug.Log("Loading the rewarded ad.");

      // create our request used to load the ad.
      var adRequest = new AdRequest();

      // send the request to load the ad.
      RewardedAd.Load(_adUnitId, adRequest,
          (RewardedAd ad, LoadAdError error) =>
              // if error is not null, the load request failed.
              if (error != null || ad == null)
                  Debug.LogError("Rewarded ad failed to load an ad " +
                                 "with error : " + error);

              Debug.Log("Rewarded ad loaded with response : "
                        + ad.GetResponseInfo());

              _rewardedAd = ad;

[可选] 验证服务器端验证 (SSV) 回调

对于需要服务器端验证回调中额外数据的应用,应使用激励广告的自定义数据功能。在激励广告对象上设置的任何字符串值都会传递给 SSV 回调的 custom_data 查询参数。如果未设置自定义数据值,custom_data 查询参数值将不会出现在 SSV 回调中。

以下代码示例演示了如何在加载激励广告后设置 SSV 选项。

// send the request to load the ad.
RewardedAd.Load(_adUnitId, adRequest, (RewardedAd ad, LoadAdError error) =>
    // If the operation failed, an error is returned.
    if (error != null || ad == null)
        Debug.LogError("Rewarded ad failed to load an ad with error : " + error);

    // If the operation completed successfully, no error is returned.
    Debug.Log("Rewarded ad loaded with response : " + ad.GetResponseInfo());

    // Create and pass the SSV options to the rewarded ad.
    var options = new ServerSideVerificationOptions




展示广告时,您必须提供一个回调,用于处理用户奖励。每次加载时,广告仅可展示一次。使用 CanShowAd() 方法验证广告是否已做好展示准备。


public void ShowRewardedAd()
    const string rewardMsg =
        "Rewarded ad rewarded the user. Type: {0}, amount: {1}.";

    if (rewardedAd != null && rewardedAd.CanShowAd())
        rewardedAd.Show((Reward reward) =>
            // TODO: Reward the user.
            Debug.Log(String.Format(rewardMsg, reward.Type, reward.Amount));



private void RegisterEventHandlers(RewardedAd ad)
    // Raised when the ad is estimated to have earned money.
    ad.OnAdPaid += (AdValue adValue) =>
        Debug.Log(String.Format("Rewarded ad paid {0} {1}.",
    // Raised when an impression is recorded for an ad.
    ad.OnAdImpressionRecorded += () =>
        Debug.Log("Rewarded ad recorded an impression.");
    // Raised when a click is recorded for an ad.
    ad.OnAdClicked += () =>
        Debug.Log("Rewarded ad was clicked.");
    // Raised when an ad opened full screen content.
    ad.OnAdFullScreenContentOpened += () =>
        Debug.Log("Rewarded ad full screen content opened.");
    // Raised when the ad closed full screen content.
    ad.OnAdFullScreenContentClosed += () =>
        Debug.Log("Rewarded ad full screen content closed.");
    // Raised when the ad failed to open full screen content.
    ad.OnAdFullScreenContentFailed += (AdError error) =>
        Debug.LogError("Rewarded ad failed to open full screen content " +
                       "with error : " + error);


创建完 RewardedAd 后,请确保在放弃对它的引用之前调用 Destroy() 方法:




RewardedAd 是一次性对象。这意味着,在展示激励广告后,便无法再使用该对象。若要再请求一个激励广告,您需要创建一个新的 RewardedAd 对象。

如需为下一次展示机会准备好激励广告,请在 OnAdFullScreenContentClosedOnAdFullScreenContentFailed 广告事件引发后预加载激励广告。

private void RegisterReloadHandler(RewardedAd ad)
    // Raised when the ad closed full screen content.
    ad.OnAdFullScreenContentClosed += () =>
        Debug.Log("Rewarded Ad full screen content closed.");

        // Reload the ad so that we can show another as soon as possible.
    // Raised when the ad failed to open full screen content.
    ad.OnAdFullScreenContentFailed += (AdError error) =>
        Debug.LogError("Rewarded ad failed to open full screen content " +
                       "with error : " + error);

        // Reload the ad so that we can show another as soon as possible.
