
本頁面說明如何建構 Google Workspace 外掛程式,讓 Google 文件、試算表和簡報使用者預覽第三方服務的連結。

Google Workspace 外掛程式可偵測服務的連結,並提示使用者預覽。您可以設定外掛程式來預覽多個網址模式,例如客服案件連結、銷售待開發客戶和員工個人資料的連結。




當使用者在文件中輸入或貼上網址時,Google 文件會提示他們將連結替換為智慧型方塊。智慧型方塊會顯示連結內容的圖示和簡短標題或說明。當使用者將滑鼠遊標懸停在方塊上時,系統會顯示資訊卡介面,讓您預覽檔案或連結的詳細資訊。







Apps Script






如要設定 OAuth 服務或自訂授權提示,請參閱下列指南:


  1. 在外掛程式的部署資源或資訊清單檔案中設定連結預覽
  2. 為連結打造智慧型方塊和卡片介面



  1. addOns 區段下方,新增 docs 欄位以擴充文件、透過 sheets 欄位擴充試算表,以及新增 slides 欄位來擴充簡報。
  2. 在每個欄位中實作含有 runFunctionlinkPreviewTriggers 觸發條件 (您可以在下一節「建構智慧型方塊和卡片」中定義這個函式)。

    如要瞭解您可以在 linkPreviewTriggers 觸發條件中指定的欄位,請參閱 Apps Script 資訊清單檔案其他執行階段的部署資源參考文件。

  3. oauthScopes 欄位中新增範圍 https://www.googleapis.com/auth/workspace.linkpreview,讓使用者授權外掛程式代表他們預覽連結。

如需範例,請參閱以下部署資源的 oauthScopesaddons 部分,瞭解如何設定客服案件服務的連結預覽。

  "oauthScopes": [
  "addOns": {
    "common": {
      "name": "Preview support cases",
      "logoUrl": "https://www.example.com/images/company-logo.png",
      "layoutProperties": {
        "primaryColor": "#dd4b39"
    "docs": {
      "linkPreviewTriggers": [
          "runFunction": "caseLinkPreview",
          "patterns": [
              "hostPattern": "example.com",
              "pathPrefix": "support/cases"
              "hostPattern": "*.example.com",
              "pathPrefix": "cases"
              "hostPattern": "cases.example.com"
          "labelText": "Support case",
          "logoUrl": "https://www.example.com/images/support-icon.png",
          "localizedLabelText": {
            "es": "Caso de soporte"
    "sheets": {
      "linkPreviewTriggers": [
          "runFunction": "caseLinkPreview",
          "patterns": [
              "hostPattern": "example.com",
              "pathPrefix": "support/cases"
              "hostPattern": "*.example.com",
              "pathPrefix": "cases"
              "hostPattern": "cases.example.com"
          "labelText": "Support case",
          "logoUrl": "https://www.example.com/images/support-icon.png",
          "localizedLabelText": {
            "es": "Caso de soporte"
    "slides": {
      "linkPreviewTriggers": [
          "runFunction": "caseLinkPreview",
          "patterns": [
              "hostPattern": "example.com",
              "pathPrefix": "support/cases"
              "hostPattern": "*.example.com",
              "pathPrefix": "cases"
              "hostPattern": "cases.example.com"
          "labelText": "Support case",
          "logoUrl": "https://www.example.com/images/support-icon.png",
          "localizedLabelText": {
            "es": "Caso de soporte"

在範例中,Google Workspace 外掛程式預覽了公司的客服案件服務連結。這個外掛程式會指定三種預覽連結的網址模式。只要連結符合其中一個網址模式,回呼函式 caseLinkPreview 就會建構並顯示資訊卡和智慧型方塊 (或在試算表和簡報中),將網址替換成連結標題。


如要傳回連結的智慧型方塊和資訊卡,您必須實作在 linkPreviewTriggers 物件中指定的任何函式。

當使用者與符合指定網址模式的連結互動時,linkPreviewTriggers 觸發條件會啟動,其回呼函式會將事件物件 EDITOR_NAME.matchedUrl.url 做為引數傳遞。您可以使用這個事件物件的酬載,為連結預覽建構智慧型方塊和資訊卡。

舉例來說,如果使用者在 Google 文件中預覽 https://www.example.com/cases/123456 連結,系統就會傳回下列事件酬載:


  "docs": {
    "matchedUrl": {
        "url": "https://www.example.com/support/cases/123456"



  1. 實作您在外掛程式部署資源或資訊清單檔案的 linkPreviewTriggers 部分指定的函式:
    1. 此函式必須接受包含 EDITOR_NAME.matchedUrl.url 的事件物件做為引數,並傳回單一 Card 物件。
    2. 如果您的服務需要授權,該函式也必須叫用授權流程
  2. 請在每張預覽資訊卡中實作可為介面提供小工具互動功能的回呼函式。舉例來說,如果您加入「查看連結」按鈕,可以建立一個動作來指定回呼函式,以在新視窗中開啟連結。如要進一步瞭解小工具互動,請參閱「外掛程式動作」。

下列程式碼會建立文件的回呼函式 caseLinkPreview

Apps Script

* Entry point for a support case link preview.
* @param {!Object} event The event object.
* @return {!Card} The resulting preview link card.
function caseLinkPreview(event) {

  // If the event object URL matches a specified pattern for support case links.
  if (event.docs.matchedUrl.url) {

    // Uses the event object to parse the URL and identify the case details.
    const caseDetails = parseQuery(event.docs.matchedUrl.url);

    // Builds a preview card with the case name, and description
    const caseHeader = CardService.newCardHeader()
      .setTitle(`Case ${caseDetails["name"][0]}`);
    const caseDescription = CardService.newTextParagraph()

    // Returns the card.
    // Uses the text from the card's header for the title of the smart chip.
    return CardService.newCardBuilder()

* Extracts the URL parameters from the given URL.
* @param {!string} url The URL to parse.
* @return {!Map} A map with the extracted URL parameters.
function parseQuery(url) {
  const query = url.split("?")[1];
  if (query) {
    return query.split("&")
    .reduce(function(o, e) {
      var temp = e.split("=");
      var key = temp[0].trim();
      var value = temp[1].trim();
      value = isNaN(value) ? value : Number(value);
      if (o[key]) {
      } else {
        o[key] = [value];
      return o;
    }, {});
  return null;


 * A support case link preview.
 * @param {!URL} url The event object.
 * @return {!Card} The resulting preview link card.
function caseLinkPreview(url) {
  // Builds a preview card with the case name, and description
  // Uses the text from the card's header for the title of the smart chip.
  // Parses the URL and identify the case details.
  const name = `Case ${url.searchParams.get("name")}`;
  return {
    action: {
      linkPreview: {
        title: name,
        previewCard: {
          header: {
            title: name
          sections: [{
            widgets: [{
              textParagraph: {
                text: url.searchParams.get("description")



def case_link_preview(url):
    """A support case link preview.
      url: A matching URL.
      The resulting preview link card.

    # Parses the URL and identify the case details.
    query_string = parse_qs(url.query)
    name = f'Case {query_string["name"][0]}'
    # Uses the text from the card's header for the title of the smart chip.
    return {
        "action": {
            "linkPreview": {
                "title": name,
                "previewCard": {
                    "header": {
                        "title": name
                    "sections": [{
                        "widgets": [{
                            "textParagraph": {
                                "text": query_string["description"][0]


 * A support case link preview.
 * @param url A matching URL.
 * @return The resulting preview link card.
JsonObject caseLinkPreview(URL url) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
  // Parses the URL and identify the case details.
  Map<String, String> caseDetails = new HashMap<String, String>();
  for (String pair : url.getQuery().split("&")) {
      caseDetails.put(URLDecoder.decode(pair.split("=")[0], "UTF-8"), URLDecoder.decode(pair.split("=")[1], "UTF-8"));

  // Builds a preview card with the case name, and description
  // Uses the text from the card's header for the title of the smart chip.
  JsonObject cardHeader = new JsonObject();
  String caseName = String.format("Case %s", caseDetails.get("name"));
  cardHeader.add("title", new JsonPrimitive(caseName));

  JsonObject textParagraph = new JsonObject();
  textParagraph.add("text", new JsonPrimitive(caseDetails.get("description")));

  JsonObject widget = new JsonObject();
  widget.add("textParagraph", textParagraph);

  JsonArray widgets = new JsonArray();

  JsonObject section = new JsonObject();
  section.add("widgets", widgets);

  JsonArray sections = new JsonArray();

  JsonObject previewCard = new JsonObject();
  previewCard.add("header", cardHeader);
  previewCard.add("sections", sections);

  JsonObject linkPreview = new JsonObject();
  linkPreview.add("title", new JsonPrimitive(caseName));
  linkPreview.add("previewCard", previewCard);

  JsonObject action = new JsonObject();
  action.add("linkPreview", linkPreview);

  JsonObject renderActions = new JsonObject();
  renderActions.add("action", action);

  return renderActions;


Google Workspace 外掛程式支援下列連結預覽資訊卡的小工具和動作:

Apps Script

卡片服務欄位 類型
TextParagraph 小工具
DecoratedText 小工具
Image 小工具
IconImage 小工具
ButtonSet 小工具
TextButton 小工具
ImageButton 小工具
Grid 小工具
Divider 小工具
OpenLink 動作
Navigation 動作
僅支援 updateCard 方法。


資訊卡 (google.apps.card.v1) 欄位 類型
TextParagraph 小工具
DecoratedText 小工具
Image 小工具
Icon 小工具
ButtonList 小工具
Button 小工具
Grid 小工具
Divider 小工具
OpenLink 動作
Navigation 動作
僅支援 updateCard 方法。


以下示例提供 Google Workspace 外掛程式,供您預覽公司在 Google 文件中客服案件的連結。


  • 預覽客服案件連結,例如 https://www.example.com/support/cases/1234。智慧型方塊會顯示支援圖示,預覽資訊卡則包含案件 ID 和說明。
  • 如果使用者的語言代碼設為西班牙文,智慧型方塊就會將其 labelText 本地化為西班牙文。


Apps Script

  "timeZone": "America/New_York",
  "exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
  "runtimeVersion": "V8",
  "oauthScopes": [
  "addOns": {
    "common": {
      "name": "Manage support cases",
      "logoUrl": "https://developers.google.com/workspace/add-ons/images/support-icon.png",
      "layoutProperties": {
        "primaryColor": "#dd4b39"
    "docs": {
      "linkPreviewTriggers": [
          "runFunction": "caseLinkPreview",
          "patterns": [
              "hostPattern": "example.com",
              "pathPrefix": "support/cases"
              "hostPattern": "*.example.com",
              "pathPrefix": "cases"
              "hostPattern": "cases.example.com"
          "labelText": "Support case",
          "localizedLabelText": {
            "es": "Caso de soporte"
          "logoUrl": "https://developers.google.com/workspace/add-ons/images/support-icon.png"
      "createActionTriggers": [
          "id": "createCase",
          "labelText": "Create support case",
          "localizedLabelText": {
            "es": "Crear caso de soporte"
          "runFunction": "createCaseInputCard",
          "logoUrl": "https://developers.google.com/workspace/add-ons/images/support-icon.png"


  "oauthScopes": [
  "addOns": {
    "common": {
      "name": "Preview support cases",
      "logoUrl": "https://developers.google.com/workspace/add-ons/images/support-icon.png",
      "layoutProperties": {
        "primaryColor": "#dd4b39"
    "docs": {
      "linkPreviewTriggers": [
          "runFunction": "URL",
          "patterns": [
              "hostPattern": "example.com",
              "pathPrefix": "support/cases"
              "hostPattern": "*.example.com",
              "pathPrefix": "cases"
              "hostPattern": "cases.example.com"
          "labelText": "Support case",
          "localizedLabelText": {
            "es": "Caso de soporte"
          "logoUrl": "https://developers.google.com/workspace/add-ons/images/support-icon.png"


Apps Script

* Entry point for a support case link preview.
* @param {!Object} event The event object.
* @return {!Card} The resulting preview link card.
function caseLinkPreview(event) {

  // If the event object URL matches a specified pattern for support case links.
  if (event.docs.matchedUrl.url) {

    // Uses the event object to parse the URL and identify the case details.
    const caseDetails = parseQuery(event.docs.matchedUrl.url);

    // Builds a preview card with the case name, and description
    const caseHeader = CardService.newCardHeader()
      .setTitle(`Case ${caseDetails["name"][0]}`);
    const caseDescription = CardService.newTextParagraph()

    // Returns the card.
    // Uses the text from the card's header for the title of the smart chip.
    return CardService.newCardBuilder()

* Extracts the URL parameters from the given URL.
* @param {!string} url The URL to parse.
* @return {!Map} A map with the extracted URL parameters.
function parseQuery(url) {
  const query = url.split("?")[1];
  if (query) {
    return query.split("&")
    .reduce(function(o, e) {
      var temp = e.split("=");
      var key = temp[0].trim();
      var value = temp[1].trim();
      value = isNaN(value) ? value : Number(value);
      if (o[key]) {
      } else {
        o[key] = [value];
      return o;
    }, {});
  return null;


 * Responds to any HTTP request related to link previews.
 * @param {Object} req An HTTP request context.
 * @param {Object} res An HTTP response context.
exports.createLinkPreview = (req, res) => {
  const event = req.body;
  if (event.docs.matchedUrl.url) {
    const url = event.docs.matchedUrl.url;
    const parsedUrl = new URL(url);
    // If the event object URL matches a specified pattern for preview links.
    if (parsedUrl.hostname === 'example.com') {
      if (parsedUrl.pathname.startsWith('/support/cases/')) {
        return res.json(caseLinkPreview(parsedUrl));

 * A support case link preview.
 * @param {!URL} url The event object.
 * @return {!Card} The resulting preview link card.
function caseLinkPreview(url) {
  // Builds a preview card with the case name, and description
  // Uses the text from the card's header for the title of the smart chip.
  // Parses the URL and identify the case details.
  const name = `Case ${url.searchParams.get("name")}`;
  return {
    action: {
      linkPreview: {
        title: name,
        previewCard: {
          header: {
            title: name
          sections: [{
            widgets: [{
              textParagraph: {
                text: url.searchParams.get("description")


from typing import Any, Mapping
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs

import flask
import functions_framework

def create_link_preview(req: flask.Request):
    """Responds to any HTTP request related to link previews.
      req: An HTTP request context.
      An HTTP response context.
    event = req.get_json(silent=True)
    if event["docs"]["matchedUrl"]["url"]:
        url = event["docs"]["matchedUrl"]["url"]
        parsed_url = urlparse(url)
        # If the event object URL matches a specified pattern for preview links.
        if parsed_url.hostname == "example.com":
            if parsed_url.path.startswith("/support/cases/"):
                return case_link_preview(parsed_url)

    return {}

def case_link_preview(url):
    """A support case link preview.
      url: A matching URL.
      The resulting preview link card.

    # Parses the URL and identify the case details.
    query_string = parse_qs(url.query)
    name = f'Case {query_string["name"][0]}'
    # Uses the text from the card's header for the title of the smart chip.
    return {
        "action": {
            "linkPreview": {
                "title": name,
                "previewCard": {
                    "header": {
                        "title": name
                    "sections": [{
                        "widgets": [{
                            "textParagraph": {
                                "text": query_string["description"][0]


import com.google.cloud.functions.HttpFunction;
import com.google.cloud.functions.HttpRequest;
import com.google.cloud.functions.HttpResponse;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
import com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive;

import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class CreateLinkPreview implements HttpFunction {
  private static final Gson gson = new Gson();

   * Responds to any HTTP request related to link previews.
   * @param request An HTTP request context.
   * @param response An HTTP response context.
  public void service(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws Exception {
    JsonObject event = gson.fromJson(request.getReader(), JsonObject.class);
    String url = event.getAsJsonObject("docs")
    URL parsedURL = new URL(url);
    // If the event object URL matches a specified pattern for preview links.
    if ("example.com".equals(parsedURL.getHost())) {
      if (parsedURL.getPath().startsWith("/support/cases/")) {


   * A support case link preview.
   * @param url A matching URL.
   * @return The resulting preview link card.
  JsonObject caseLinkPreview(URL url) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    // Parses the URL and identify the case details.
    Map<String, String> caseDetails = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (String pair : url.getQuery().split("&")) {
        caseDetails.put(URLDecoder.decode(pair.split("=")[0], "UTF-8"), URLDecoder.decode(pair.split("=")[1], "UTF-8"));

    // Builds a preview card with the case name, and description
    // Uses the text from the card's header for the title of the smart chip.
    JsonObject cardHeader = new JsonObject();
    String caseName = String.format("Case %s", caseDetails.get("name"));
    cardHeader.add("title", new JsonPrimitive(caseName));

    JsonObject textParagraph = new JsonObject();
    textParagraph.add("text", new JsonPrimitive(caseDetails.get("description")));

    JsonObject widget = new JsonObject();
    widget.add("textParagraph", textParagraph);

    JsonArray widgets = new JsonArray();

    JsonObject section = new JsonObject();
    section.add("widgets", widgets);

    JsonArray sections = new JsonArray();

    JsonObject previewCard = new JsonObject();
    previewCard.add("header", cardHeader);
    previewCard.add("sections", sections);

    JsonObject linkPreview = new JsonObject();
    linkPreview.add("title", new JsonPrimitive(caseName));
    linkPreview.add("previewCard", previewCard);

    JsonObject action = new JsonObject();
    action.add("linkPreview", linkPreview);

    JsonObject renderActions = new JsonObject();
    renderActions.add("action", action);

    return renderActions;
