
下面的营销对话体现了良好的设计的实际运用。虚构品牌 虽然是一家零售商,但其设计具有不同的行业适用性。它可以帮助您 吸引优质潜在客户,同时与任意地区的用户建立融洽关系 支持的入口点。对话让潜在客户获取变得个性化 可进行互动。在本课中, 在这种情况下,简报将作为品牌全渠道的一部分通过电子邮件发送 以及构建关系的方法。

下面是对话的概述,然后是分步详解。 每个步骤都着重介绍了所遵循的最佳做法以及任何特殊要求, 营销历程中需要考虑的因素如需自行实现此设计,请执行以下操作: 复制并自定义每个步骤的示例载荷。


这是一个对话式营销示例。它使用 利用独特的对话力量吸引潜在客户,同时为用户建立 品牌关系。基本流程如下:(1) 向 欢迎辞,(2) 描述优惠对用户的价值;(3) 提出问题 使用户能够自定义产品/服务并判断其是否符合潜在客户条件;(4) (5) 向用户明确说明 我们会使用联系信息(决不会发送垃圾邮件)。

遵循有关语气、文字和时机的提示来设计出色的用户体验 同时严格遵守您的隐私权政策和强制信息披露。

<ph type="x-smartling-placeholder">



  1. 用户发起与代理的对话。
  2. 代理会发送欢迎辞。对话开场白之一 突出显示新优惠。


    这条精心挑选的问候语可增加客服人员的可信度。在欢迎辞中为品牌命名并显示其熟悉的徽标, 该代理会向用户保证他们正在与 Puzzle Paradise 聊天。代理 使用职能角色使自动化操作富有吸引力。 推出“虚拟作品查找工具”澄清了“Pi”不是 真人。

    通过总结自己的功能,客服人员 快速为用户设定预期对话开场白可引导用户找到品牌想要着重介绍的客户历程。它们的标签以动词开头, 从而吸引用户采取行动表情符号可以增强视觉效果, 浏览各个选项

  3. 用户点按对话开场白,获取新优惠。


    对话开场白的代理可提高用户互动度。对话开场白 使用充满趣味的含糊内容激发用户的好奇心。你无需识别 按名称(“订阅简报”),突出显示该优惠的 (简报可让用户及时了解最新动态)。

    JSON 载荷

      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-12-22T00:04:47.475658Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123333",
      "suggestionResponse": {
        "message": "conversations/1111/messages/2203",
        "postbackData": "stay_up_to_date",
        "createTime": "2022-12-22T00:04:47.009861Z",
        "text": "📆 Stay up to date",
        "type": "REPLY"
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"

  4. 代理对优惠进行描述,并询问用户是否要注册。


    虚拟客服是理想的客户服务代表。 它可以确认用户的兴趣所在 向他们表示诚挚的感谢将用户称为“拼图伙伴”会创建 有助于与品牌建立融洽关系的友情感。代理 提供简明扼要的优惠说明, 向用户说明产品的好处表情符号可以吸引用户关注每个 部分。消息以吸引人的问题结尾 吸引用户继续观看

    JSON 载荷

      "text": "Thanks for your interest, puzzle pal! Our monthly newsletter keeps you up to date with expert reviews , puzzle releases 🐣, and event info 🎉. 'Want a piece of the action?",
    "fallback": "Thanks for your interest, puzzle pal! Our monthly newsletter keeps you up to date with reviews, puzzle releases, and event info. 'Want a piece of the action? If so, type "Sign me up". If not, type "Return to menu".",
    "suggestions": [
      "reply": {
        "text": "Yes, sign me up",
        "postbackData": "option_1"
      "reply": {
        "text": "Not now, return to menu",
        "postbackData": "option_2"
    "messageId": "2204"

  5. 用户点按建议进行注册。



    JSON 载荷

      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-12-22T00:06:25.284431Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123555",
      "suggestionResponse": {
        "message": "conversations/1111/messages/2205",
        "postbackData": "option_1",
        "createTime": "2022-06-27T23:05:40.034552Z",
        "text": "Yes, sign me up",
        "type": "REPLY"
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"

  6. 代理可以让用户建立对自定义优惠的期望。


    一句简单的“耶!”使用表情符号可以为未来的旅程奠定基础。为了给用户设定预期,代理会说明整个历程将走多少步以及目的是什么:“定制简报,以便您只需 就能找到自己想要的东西。”用途是从用户的角度声明的,因此 他们有理由进行互动

    随后显示的不是非个人化的潜在客户表单。相反,它是一种友好的来回切换 为用户赋能的应用。他们可以自主选择简报内容(选择是否同意接收希望接收的信息),使客服人员 (1) 有助于用户建立与品牌的关系,并 (2) 同时也能使他们成为各种产品的潜在客户。

    JSON 载荷

      "text": "Yea! 🥳 I've got 3 questions to customize the newsletter, so you only get what you want. Ready?",
      "fallback": "Yea! I've got 3 questions to customize the newsletter, so you only get what you want. Ready? Type "Yes" to get started or type "Return to menu".",
      "suggestions": [
          "reply": {
            "text": "Let's do it!",
            "postbackData": "option_1"
          "reply": {
            "text": "Not now, return to menu",
            "postbackData": "option_2"
      "messageId": "2206"

  7. 用户点按建议即可开始该流程。


    建议文字(“行动起来吧!”)可为用户带来有趣的互动。单词“let's”会将用户 “我们”集体让后面的问答环节更有吸引力 比如团队合作

    JSON 载荷

      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-12-22T00:07:08.545653Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123777",
      "suggestionResponse": {
        "message": "conversations/1111/messages/2207",
        "postbackData": "option_1",
        "createTime": "2022-12-22T00:07:07.979424Z",
        "text": "Let's do it!",
        "type": "REPLY"
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"

  8. 客服人员询问第一个问题。


    一个简单的对话标记 (“很好”)感谢用户的回应,然后转入问答环节。 为方便起见,客服人员只询问所需的信息。代理以对话的方式措辞,并重点关注用户的兴趣和 可以体现该品牌在关注他们所看重的东西。

    JSON 载荷

      "text": "Great. First, are you interested in our puzzle pros' monthly recommendations? ",
      "fallback": "Great. First, are you interested in our puzzle pros' monthly recommendations? You can type "Yes" or "No".",
      "suggestions": [
          "reply": {
            "text": "Yes",
            "postbackData": "option_1"
          "reply": {
            "text": "No",
            "postbackData": "option_2"
      "messageId": "2208"

  9. 用户点按建议即可选择启用。



    JSON 载荷

      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-12-22T00:07:47.271709Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123999",
      "suggestionResponse": {
        "message": "conversations/1111/messages/2209",
        "postbackData": "option_3",
        "createTime": "2022-12-22T00:07:47.271709Z",
        "text": "Yes",
        "type": "REPLY"
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"

  10. 客服人员询问第二个问题。


    第一行会验证用户的选择。 并确认代理的理解声称专业人士 “愉快”有助于赋予品牌人性化特点这样可以让潜在客户获取流程让人感觉更人性化、更能引起共鸣

    JSON 载荷

      "text": "That will delight them! Next, are you interested in new arrivals? 🐣",
      "fallback": "That will delight them! Next, are you interested in new arrivals? You can type "Yes" or "Not really".",
      "suggestions": [
          "reply": {
            "text": "Yes",
            "postbackData": "option_1"
          "reply": {
            "text": "Not really",
            "postbackData": "option_2"
      "messageId": "2210"

  11. 用户点按建议即可选择启用。


    JSON 载荷

      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-12-22T00:08:50.036551Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123011",
      "suggestionResponse": {
        "message": "conversations/1111/messages2211",
        "postbackData": "option_1",
        "createTime": "2022-12-22T00:08:49.498819Z",
        "text": "Yes",
        "type": "REPLY"
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"

  12. 客服人员询问第三个问题。


    为了保持新鲜度, 代理会使用不同的短语来确认用户的选择。这个 让代理看起来响应迅速 因为它会为用户提供量身定制的回答作为奖励。代理的语气一致(轻快、振奋、鼓舞人心)并且乐于助人 通过问答引导用户。

    JSON 载荷

      "text": "Hurray for the latest and greatest! Last question: Do you want to know about local contests and other events at our stores? 🎉",
      "fallback": "Hurray for the latest and greatest! Last question: Do you want to know about local contests and other events at our stores? You can type "Yes" or "Not interested".",
      "suggestions": [
          "reply": {
            "text": "Yes",
            "postbackData": "option_1"
          "reply": {
            "text": "Not interested",
            "postbackData": "option_2"
      "messageId": "2212"

  13. 用户点按建议即可将其停用。



    JSON 载荷

      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-12-22T00:09:36.012947Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123013",
      "suggestionResponse": {
        "message": "conversations/1111/messages2213",
        "postbackData": "option_2",
        "createTime": "2022-12-22T00:09:35.593461Z",
        "text": "Not interested",
        "type": "REPLY"
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"
  14. 代理会确认用户的停用选择。


    “我知道了”是简洁明了验证用户的选择。 这个简短的短语始终是“我”和“您”紧贴在一起,凸显出 客服人员与客户的意见一致,并会尊重他们拒绝联系的决定。 因为许多用户对收到品牌方的不受欢迎的内容非常警惕, 客服人员会以独立邮件的形式发送这条确认信息 。

    JSON 载荷

      "text": "I hear you. Perfect.",
      "fallback": "I hear you. Perfect.",
      "suggestions": [],
      "messageId": "2214"

  15. 代理确认用户将从优惠中获得什么,并请求 用户的电子邮件地址。


    代理汇总自定义简报将包含的内容。如果 用户想更改自己的答案 建议的回复可让他们返回。 在邮件中间显示表情符号可将文本块分离开来, 表明向注册流程的下一步骤过渡。

    尊重的语气: 代理请求用户的联系信息代理在对话中的相关点发出此请求, 用户已经了解了简报,并可以就 注册。此方法优于询问用户的联系信息 在对话开始时,在您赢得他们的兴趣之前 信任。

    为了保证透明度,客服人员明确说明品牌将如何使用 联系信息。我们建议您仅将其用于 在对话中表达的内容 - 在本例中为发送简报。这个 体现了以用户为中心、注重隐私保护的潜在客户获取方式, 是信任的基础。代理人的语言不会变得合法化 但又清晰明了、易于交谈

    JSON 载荷

      "text": "We'll deliver inspiration from our puzzle pros and details on new arrivals 💌. May I ask for your email address? We'll only use it to send your newsletter, if you haven't signed up for other services from us. Just type below.",
      "fallback": "We'll deliver inspiration from our puzzle pros and details on new arrivals. May I ask for your email address? We'll only use it to send your newsletter, if you haven't signed up for other services from us. Just type your email below. Or type \"Change answers\" if you want to change what comes in your newsletter.",
      "suggestions": [
          "reply": {
            "text": "Change my answers",
            "postbackData": "option_1"
      "messageId": "2215"
  16. 用户输入其电子邮件地址。


    JSON 载荷

      "message": {
        "name": "conversations/1111/messages/2216",
        "text": "puzzlehead@webaddress.com",
        "createTime": "2022-12-22T00:11:25.361576Z",
        "messageId": "2216"
      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-12-22T00:11:25.767802Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123016",
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"

  17. 代理确认用户的送货信息和取消政策。


    代理重复传递详情并要求进行明确的确认。如果电子邮件地址 不正确,则建议允许用户进行更改或返回到 主菜单。这种灵活性可以避免用户卡住。请注意,取消政策为 让用户感觉自己更有活力

    JSON 载荷

      "text": "Got it. Is puzzlehead@webaddress.com correct? If so, we'll piece together your custom newsletter and email the first one on Jan 1st. You can cancel at any time.",
      "fallback": "Got it. Is puzzlehead@webaddress.com correct? If so, we'll piece together your custom newsletter and email the first one on Jan 1st. You can cancel at any time. Type "Correct" if your email is correct and want to receive the monthly newsletter. Type "Wrong" if you need to enter a different email address. Or type "Return to menu" if you don't want to receive the monthly newsletter.",
      "suggestions": [
          "reply": {
            "text": "Correct, send it",
            "postbackData": "option_1"
          "reply": {
            "text": "No, wrong email",
            "postbackData": "option_2"
          "reply": {
            "text": "Return to menu",
            "postbackData": "option_1"
      "messageId": "2217"

  18. 用户确认其信息并同意传送。


    JSON 载荷

      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-12-22T00:12:35.555839Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123018",
      "suggestionResponse": {
        "message": "conversations/1111/messages2218",
        "postbackData": "option_2",
        "createTime": "2022-12-22T00:12:35.112669Z",
        "text": "Correct, send it",
        "type": "REPLY"
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"

  19. 客服人员结束整个旅程,并提议开始新的旅程。


    即便是收尾讯息,也很有吸引力!它欢迎用户持续 。此外,系统还欢迎用户使用代理开始新的旅程。将对话开场白作为 建议可以轻松转向新路径。

    JSON 载荷

      "text": "Welcome to the most puzzling newsletter! You're all set. Is there anything else I can help you with?",
      "fallback": "Welcome to the most puzzling newsletter! You're all set. Is there anything else I can help you with? For example, you can type "Purchase puzzles", "Manage order", "Find a store", or "Paradise FAQs".",
      "suggestions": [
          "reply": {
            "text": "🛍️ Purchase puzzles",
            "postbackData": "option_1"
          "reply": {
            "text": "📦 Manage order",
            "postbackData": "option_2"
          "reply": {
            "text": "🏬 Find a store",
            "postbackData": "option_3"
    { "reply": { "text": " Paradise FAQs', postbackData", "postbackData": "option_4" } } ], "messageId": "2219" }