In Business Messages, the quality of a conversation matters. High-quality conversations let users self-serve with automation and transition smoothly to live agents when needed. Even a simple agent with limited functionality can deliver a great conversational experience. Likewise, a robust agent with many smart integrations can frustrate users if the conversation doesn't flow as expected. Conversation design makes a difference.

When you design a Business Messages conversation, you plan the sequence of steps and accompanying dialog that users experience as a conversation with your agent. Making a conversation flow seamlessly requires careful design. The following guides break down the design process, so you can get started and set yourself up for success.

Get inspired

Business Messages is a versatile platform, allowing brands to serve customers in a variety of marketing, sales, service, and support contexts. Explore real examples of brands using Business Messages to

  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Capture and keep new prospect interest
  • Decrease client acquisition costs
  • Reduce the cost of customer contact
  • Create a personalized marketing channel

Get inspired by use cases from your own vertical, or learn what brands are doing in other verticals to engage users in their moments of need or intrigue. What could your brand do with a high-quality conversational experience?

Car/option availability

Pricing quotes

Schedule test drive

Book a tow truck

Assisted shopping

Product search

Consult an expert

Buy online pickup in store

Open new accounts

Mortgage rates

Insurance policies

Tax questions

Product/service offerings

Purchase and confirmation

Get a quote

Book appointments

Find a lawyer

Explore services

Expertise and references

Schedule consultation

Purchase new device

Upgrade service plan

Book service appointment

Tech support

Search for agent

Home staging advice

Browse listings

Schedule tours

Explore vacation deals

Make reservations

Bookings status

Loyalty program offers