Les bibliothèques clientes RBM simplifient la création d'agents RBM à l'aide de Node.js, C#, Python ou Java. Les bibliothèques sont publiées dans notre projet Open Source et publiées dans des dépôts Internet afin que vous puissiez les utiliser facilement dans votre code.
Ajoutez la dépendance suivante à votre fichier package.json
"dependencies": {
"@google/rcsbusinessmessaging": "^1.0.7"
Accédez au dépôt npm pour obtenir la dernière version.
Importez-le dans votre code si nécessaire :
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
Ajoutez la dépendance suivante à votre fichier pom.xml
Accédez au dépôt Maven pour obtenir la dernière version.
Importez-le dans votre code si nécessaire :
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
Avant de commencer, vous devez effectuer les opérations suivantes:
- Enregistrez un agent.
Téléchargez et installez le logiciel requis:
- SDK Java 8
- Maven 3.3.9 ou version ultérieure
- SDK.NET 2.1 ou version ultérieure
Téléchargez l'exemple de premier agent.
Remarque: Connectez-vous avec votre compte Google RBM pour accéder aux liens de téléchargement.Extrayez le fichier sur votre ordinateur local.
Suivez les instructions du fichier README pour configurer vos identifiants RBM.
Envoyer des messages
Dans les exemples suivants, rbm_api_helper.js (non utilisé pour Python) suppose que le fichier à partir duquel vous travaillez se trouve un répertoire en dessous du dossier principal de l'application. Vous devrez peut-être ajuster l'emplacement en fonction de la configuration de votre projet.
Invitation aux testeurs
Tant que vous n'avez pas lancé votre agent, il ne peut communiquer qu'avec les appareils de test invités. Le code suivant envoie une invitation de testeur à un appareil doté d'une bibliothèque cliente.
// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
// Send the tester invite to the device
rbmApiHelper.sendTesterInvite('+12223334444 ', function(response) {
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
try {
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();
// Register the device as a tester
rbmApiHelper.registerTester("+12223334444 ");
} catch(Exception e) {
# Reference to RBM Python client helper
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service
# Send the tester invite to a device
rbm_service.invite_tester('+12223334444 ')
using RCSBusinessMessaging;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,
// Register the device as a tester
rbmApiHelper.RegisterTester("+12223334444 ");
Vérification des capacités
Votre agent ne peut communiquer qu'avec les appareils compatibles RCS. Vous pouvez vérifier si un appareil est compatible avec les RCS en consultant ses fonctionnalités. Le code suivant vérifie la capacité d'un appareil doté d'une bibliothèque cliente.
// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
// Send a capability check to the device
rbmApiHelper.checkCapability('+12223334444 ', function(response) {
// Print capabilities of the device
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();
// Check the capabilities of the device
boolean capability = rbmApiHelper.getCapability("+12223334444 ");
# Reference to RBM Python client helper
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service
# Send the tester invite to a device
response = rbm_service.make_cap_request('+12223334444 ')
using RCSBusinessMessaging;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,
// Register the device as a tester
Capabilities capabilities = rbmApiHelper.GetCapability("+12223334444 ");
Message simple
Un message simple est composé uniquement de texte. Le code suivant envoie un message texte simple à un appareil doté d'une bibliothèque cliente.
// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
let params = {
messageText: 'Hello, world! ',
msisdn: '+12223334444 ',
// Send a simple message to the device
rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) {
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
try {
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();
// Send simple text message to user
"Hello, world! ",
"+12223334444 "
} catch(Exception e) {
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service
from rcs_business_messaging import messages
# Create a simple RBM text message
message_text = messages.TextMessage('Hello, world! ')
# Send text message to the device
messages.MessageCluster().append_message(message_text).send_to_msisdn('+12223334444 ')
using RCSBusinessMessaging;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,
"Hello, world! ",
"+12223334444 ",
Message avec des réponses suggérées
Les réponses suggérées permettent de guider les utilisateurs tout au long des conversations avec votre agent. Un message simple peut inclure un ensemble de suggestions de réponses et d'actions. Le code suivant envoie un message texte simple avec deux réponses suggérées à un appareil avec une bibliothèque cliente.
// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
let suggestions = [
reply: {
'text': 'Suggestion #1 ',
'postbackData': 'suggestion_1 ',
reply: {
'text': 'Suggestion #2 ',
'postbackData': 'suggestion_2 ',
let params = {
messageText: 'Hello, world! ',
msisdn: '+12223334444 ',
suggestions: suggestions,
// Send a simple message with suggestion chips to the device
rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) {
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion;
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
import com.google.rbm.SuggestionHelper;
try {
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();
// Create suggestions for chip list
List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<Suggestion>();
new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #1 ", "suggestion_1 ").getSuggestedReply());
new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #2 ", "suggestion_2 ").getSuggestedReply());
// Send simple text message to user
"Hello, world! ",
"+12223334444 ",
} catch(Exception e) {
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service
from rcs_business_messaging import messages
# Create text message to send to user
text_msg = messages.TextMessage('Hello, world! ')
cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(text_msg)
# Append suggested replies for the message to send to the user
cluster.append_suggestion_chip(messages.SuggestedReply('Suggestion #1 ', 'reply:suggestion_1 '))
cluster.append_suggestion_chip(messages.SuggestedReply('Suggestion #2 ', 'reply:suggestion_2 '))
# Send a simple message with suggestion chips to the device
cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444 ')
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data;
using RCSBusinessMessaging;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,
List<Suggestion> suggestions = new List<Suggestion>
// Create suggestion chips
new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #1 ", "suggestion_1 ").SuggestedReply(),
new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #2 ", "suggestion_2 ").SuggestedReply()
// Send simple text message with suggestions to user
"Hello, world! ",
"+12223334444 ",
Message multimédia
Le code suivant envoie une image ou une vidéo à un appareil avec une bibliothèque cliente.
// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
let params = {
fileUrl: 'http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif ',
msisdn: '+12223334444 ',
// Send an image/video to a device
rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) {
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.AgentContentMessage;
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.AgentMessage;
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
try {
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();
String fileUrl = "http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif ";
// create media only message
AgentContentMessage agentContentMessage = new AgentContentMessage();
agentContentMessage.setContentInfo(new ContentInfo().setFileUrl(fileUrl));
// attach content to message
AgentMessage agentMessage = new AgentMessage();
rbmApiHelper.sendAgentMessage(agentMessage, "+12223334444 ");
} catch(Exception e) {
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service
from rcs_business_messaging import messages
# Create media file attachment
file_message = messages.FileMessage('http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif ')
messages.MessageCluster().append_message(file_message).send_to_msisdn('+12223334444 ')
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data;
using RCSBusinessMessaging;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,
string fileUrl = "http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif ";
// Create content info with the file url
ContentInfo contentInfo = new ContentInfo
FileUrl = fileUrl
// Attach content info to a message
AgentContentMessage agentContentMessage = new AgentContentMessage
ContentInfo = contentInfo,
// Attach content to message
AgentMessage agentMessage = new AgentMessage
ContentMessage = agentContentMessage
rbmApiHelper.SendAgentMessage(agentMessage, "+12223334444 ");
Carte enrichie
Avec une fiche enrichie, vous pouvez envoyer un ensemble d'informations associées : titre, description, image et jusqu'à quatre suggestions de réponses ou d'actions. Le code suivant envoie une fiche enrichie à un appareil avec une bibliothèque cliente.
// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
// Suggested replies to be used in the card
let suggestions = [
reply: {
'text': 'Suggestion #1 ',
'postbackData': 'suggestion_1 ',
reply: {
'text': 'Suggestion #2 ',
'postbackData': 'suggestion_2 ',
// Image to be displayed by the card
let imageUrl = 'http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif ';
// Definition of the card parameters
let params = {
messageText: 'Hello, world! ',
messageDescription: 'RBM is awesome! ',
msisdn: '+12223334444 ',
suggestions: suggestions,
imageUrl: imageUrl,
height: 'TALL ',
// Send rich card to device
rbmApiHelper.sendRichCard(params, function(response) {
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.StandaloneCard;
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion;
import com.google.rbm.cards.CardOrientation;
import com.google.rbm.cards.MediaHeight;
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
import com.google.rbm.SuggestionHelper;
try {
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();
// Create suggestions for chip list
List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<Suggestion>();
new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #1 ", "suggestion_1 ").getSuggestedReply());
new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #2 ", "suggestion_2 ").getSuggestedReply());
String imageUrl = "http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif ";
// Create a standalone rich card to send to the user
StandaloneCard standaloneCard = rbmApiHelper.createStandaloneCard(
"Hello, world! ",
"RBM is awesome! ",
MediaHeight.MEDIUM ,
CardOrientation.VERTICAL ,
rbmApiHelper.sendStandaloneCard(standaloneCard, "+12223334444 ");
} catch(Exception e) {
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service
from rcs_business_messaging import messages
# Suggested replies to be used in the card
suggestions = [
messages.SuggestedReply('Suggestion #1 ', 'reply:suggestion_1 '),
messages.SuggestedReply('Suggestion #2 ', 'reply:suggestion_2 ')
# Image to be displayed by the card
image_url = 'http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif ';
# Define rich card structure
rich_card = messages.StandaloneCard('VERTICAL',
'Hello, world! ',
'RBM is awesome! ',
# Append rich card and send to the user
cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(rich_card)
cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444 ')
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data;
using RCSBusinessMessaging;
using RCSBusinessMessaging.Cards;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,
List<Suggestion> suggestions = new List<Suggestion>
// Create suggestion chips
new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #1 ", "suggestion_1 ").SuggestedReply(),
new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #2 ", "suggestion_2 ").SuggestedReply()
string imageUrl = "http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif ";
// Create rich card with suggestions
StandaloneCard standaloneCard = rbmApiHelper.CreateStandaloneCard(
"Hello, world! ",
"RBM is awesome ",
MediaHeight.TALL ,
CardOrientation.VERTICAL ,
// Send rich card to user
rbmApiHelper.SendStandaloneCard(standaloneCard, "+12223334444 ");
Carrousel de cartes enrichies
Les carrousels regroupent plusieurs cartes enrichies, ce qui permet à l'utilisateur de comparer les options et de réagir individuellement. Le code suivant envoie un carrousel de cartes enrichies avec deux cartes à un appareil doté d'une bibliothèque cliente.
// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
// Images for the carousel cards
let card1Image = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/cute-dog.jpg ';
let card2Image = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/elephant.jpg ';
// Define the card contents for a carousel with two cards, each with one suggested reply
let cardContents = [
title: 'Card #1 ',
description: 'The description for card #1 ',
suggestions: [
reply: {
text: 'Card #1 ',
postbackData: 'card_1 ',
media: {
height: 'MEDIUM ',
contentInfo: {
fileUrl: card1Image,
forceRefresh:false ,
title: 'Card #2 ',
description: 'The description for card #2 ',
suggestions: [
reply: {
text: 'Card #2 ',
postbackData: 'card_2 ',
media: {
height: 'MEDIUM ',
contentInfo: {
fileUrl: card2Image,
forceRefresh:false ,
// Definition of carousel card
let params = {
msisdn: '+12223334444 ',
cardContents: cardContents,
// Send the device the carousel card defined above
rbmApiHelper.sendCarouselCard(params, function(response) {
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.CardContent;
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion;
import com.google.rbm.cards.CardOrientation;
import com.google.rbm.cards.CardWidth;
import com.google.rbm.cards.MediaHeight;
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
import com.google.rbm.SuggestionHelper;
try {
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();
List cardContents = new ArrayList();
// Images for the carousel cards
String card1Image = "https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/cute-dog.jpg ";
// Create suggestions for first carousel card
List card1Suggestions = new ArrayList();
new SuggestionHelper("Card #1 ", "card_1 "));
new StandaloneCardHelper(
"Card #1 ",
"The description for card #1 ",
.getCardContent(MediaHeight.SHORT )
// Images for the carousel cards
String card2Image = "https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/elephant.jpg ";
// Create suggestions for second carousel card
List card2Suggestions = new ArrayList();
new SuggestionHelper("Card #2 ", "card_2 "));
new StandaloneCardHelper(
"Card #2 ",
"The description for card #2 ",
.getCardContent(MediaHeight.SHORT )
// Send the carousel to the user
rbmApiHelper.sendCarouselCards(cardContents, CardWidth.MEDIUM , "+12223334444 ");
} catch(Exception e) {
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service
from rcs_business_messaging import messages
# Images for the carousel cards
card_image_1 = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/cute-dog.jpg ';
card_image_2 = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/elephant.jpg ';
# Suggested replies to be used in the cards
suggestions1 = [
messages.SuggestedReply('Card #1 ', 'reply:card_1 ')
suggestions2 = [
messages.SuggestedReply('Card #2 ', 'reply:card_2 ')
# Define the card contents for a carousel with two cards,
# each with one suggested reply
card_contents = []
card_contents.append(messages.CardContent('Card #1 ',
'The description for card #1 ',
card_contents.append(messages.CardContent('Card #2 ',
'The description for card #2 ',
# Send the device the carousel card defined above
carousel_card = messages.CarouselCard('MEDIUM ', card_contents)
cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(carousel_card)
cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444 ')
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data;
using RCSBusinessMessaging;
using RCSBusinessMessaging.Cards;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,
// Image references to be used in the carousel cards
string card1Image = "https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/cute-dog.jpg ";
string card2Image = "https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/elephant.jpg ";
// Suggestion chip lists to be used in carousel cards
List<Suggestion> suggestions1 = new List<Suggestion>
new SuggestionHelper("Card #1 ", "card_1 ").SuggestedReply()
List<Suggestion> suggestions2 = new List<Suggestion>
new SuggestionHelper("Card #2 ", "card_2 ").SuggestedReply()
// Create the card content for the carousel
List<CardContent> cardContents = new List<CardContent>
// Add items as card content
new StandaloneCardHelper(
"Card #1 ",
"The description for card #1 ",
new StandaloneCardHelper(
"Card #2 ",
"The description for card #2 ",
// Send the carousel to the user
rbmApiHelper.SendCarouselCards(cardContents, CardWidth.MEDIUM , msisdn);
Composer un numéro
Le code suivant envoie une action d'appel à un appareil doté d'une bibliothèque cliente.
// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
// Define a dial suggested action
let suggestions = [
action: {
text: 'Call ',
postbackData: 'postback_data_1234 ',
dialAction: {
phoneNumber: '+15556667777 '
let params = {
messageText: 'Hello, world! ',
msisdn: '+12223334444 ',
suggestions: suggestions,
// Send a simple message with a dial suggested action
rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) {
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.DialAction;
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.SuggestedAction;
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion;
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
try {
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();
// Create suggestions for chip list
List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<Suggestion>();
// creating a dial suggested action
DialAction dialAction = new DialAction();
dialAction.setPhoneNumber("+15556667777 ");
// creating a suggested action based on a dial action
SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction();
suggestedAction.setText("Call ");
suggestedAction.setPostbackData("postback_data_1234 ");
// attaching action to a suggestion
Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion();
// Send simple text message with the suggestion action
"Hello, world! ",
"+12223334444 ",
} catch(Exception e) {
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service
from rcs_business_messaging import messages
# Create a dial suggested action
suggestions = [
messages.DialAction('Call ', 'reply:postback_data_1234 ', '+15556667777 ')
# Create text message to send to user
text_msg = messages.TextMessage('Hello, world! ')
cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(text_msg)
# Append suggestions for the message to send to the user
for suggestion in suggestions:
# Send a simple message with suggested action to the device
cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444 ')
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data;
using RCSBusinessMessaging;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,
// Create a dial an agent suggested action
DialAction dialAction = new DialAction
PhoneNumber = "+15556667777 "
// Creating a suggested action based on a dial action
SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction
Text = "Call ",
PostbackData = "postback_data_1234 ",
DialAction = dialAction
// Attach action to a suggestion
Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion
Action = suggestedAction
List<Suggestion> suggestions = new List<Suggestion>
"Hello, world! ",
"+12223334444 ",
Afficher un lieu
Le code suivant envoie une action Afficher l'emplacement à un appareil avec une bibliothèque cliente.
// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
// Define a view location suggested action
let suggestions = [
action: {
text: 'View map ',
postbackData: 'postback_data_1234 ',
viewLocationAction: {
latLong: {
latitude:37.4220188 ,
label: 'Googleplex '
let params = {
messageText: 'Hello, world! ',
msisdn: '+12223334444 ',
suggestions: suggestions,
// Send a simple message with a view location suggested action
rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) {
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.ViewLocationAction;
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.SuggestedAction;
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion;
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
try {
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();
// Create suggestions for chip list
List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<Suggestion>();
// creating a view location suggested action
ViewLocationAction viewLocationAction = new ViewLocationAction();
viewLocationAction.setQuery("Googleplex, Mountain View, CA ");
// creating a suggested action based on a view location action
SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction();
suggestedAction.setText("View map ");
suggestedAction.setPostbackData("postback_data_1234 ");
// attaching action to a suggestion
Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion();
// Send simple text message with the suggestion action
"Hello, world! ",
"+12223334444 ",
} catch(Exception e) {
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service
from rcs_business_messaging import messages
# Create a view location suggested action
suggestions = [
messages.ViewLocationAction('View map ',
'reply:postback_data_1234 ',
query='Googleplex, Mountain View, CA ')
# Create text message to send to user
text_msg = messages.TextMessage('Hello, world! ')
cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(text_msg)
# Append suggestions for the message to send to the user
for suggestion in suggestions:
# Send a simple message with suggested action to the device
cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444 ')
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data;
using RCSBusinessMessaging;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,
// create an view location action
ViewLocationAction viewLocationAction = new ViewLocationAction
Query = "Googleplex Mountain View, CA "
// Attach the view location action to a suggested action
SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction
ViewLocationAction = viewLocationAction,
Text = "View map ",
PostbackData = "postback_data_1234 "
// Attach the action to a suggestion object
Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion
Action = suggestedAction
List<Suggestion> suggestions = new List<Suggestion>
"Hello, world! ",
"+12223334444 ",
Partager une position
Le code suivant envoie une action de partage de position à un appareil doté d'une bibliothèque cliente.
// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
// Define a share location suggested action
let suggestions = [
action: {
text: 'Share your location ',
postbackData: 'postback_data_1234 ',
shareLocationAction: {
let params = {
messageText: 'Hello, world! ',
msisdn: '+12223334444 ',
suggestions: suggestions,
// Send a simple message with a share location suggested action
rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) {
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.ShareLocationAction;
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.SuggestedAction;
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion;
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
try {
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();
// Create suggestions for chip list
List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<Suggestion>();
// creating a share location suggested action
ShareLocationAction shareLocationAction = new ShareLocationAction();
// creating a suggested action based on a share location action
SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction();
suggestedAction.setText("Share location ");
suggestedAction.setPostbackData("postback_data_1234 ");
// attaching action to a suggestion
Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion();
// Send simple text message with the suggestion action
"Hello, world! ",
"+12223334444 ",
} catch(Exception e) {
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service
from rcs_business_messaging import messages
# Create a share location suggested action
suggestions = [
messages.ShareLocationAction('Share location ',
'reply:postback_data_1234 ')
# Create text message to send to user
text_msg = messages.TextMessage('Hello, world! ')
cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(text_msg)
# Append suggestions for the message to send to the user
for suggestion in suggestions:
# Send a simple message with suggested action to the device
cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444 ')
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data;
using RCSBusinessMessaging;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,
// Create a share location action
ShareLocationAction shareLocationAction = new ShareLocationAction();
// Attach the share location action to a suggested action
SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction
ShareLocationAction = shareLocationAction,
Text = "Share location ",
PostbackData = "postback_data_1234 "
// Attach the action to a suggestion object
Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion
Action = suggestedAction
List<Suggestion> suggestions = new List<Suggestion>
"Hello, world! ",
"+12223334444 ",
Ouvrir l'URL
Le code suivant envoie une action d'ouverture d'URL à un appareil avec une bibliothèque cliente.
// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
// Define an open URL suggested action
let suggestions = [
action: {
text: 'Open Google ',
postbackData: 'postback_data_1234 ',
openUrlAction: {
url: 'https://www.google.com '
let params = {
messageText: 'Hello, world! ',
msisdn: '+12223334444 ',
suggestions: suggestions,
// Send a simple message with an open URL suggested action
rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) {
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.OpenUrlAction;
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.SuggestedAction;
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion;
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
try {
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();
// Create suggestions for chip list
List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<Suggestion>();
// creating an open url suggested action
OpenUrlAction openUrlAction = new OpenUrlAction();
openUrlAction.setUrl("https://www.google.com ");
// creating a suggested action based on an open url action
SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction();
suggestedAction.setText("Open Google ");
suggestedAction.setPostbackData("postback_data_1234 ");
// attaching action to a suggestion
Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion();
// Send simple text message with the suggestion action
"Hello, world! ",
"+12223334444 ",
} catch(Exception e) {
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service
from rcs_business_messaging import messages
# Create an open url suggested action
suggestions = [
messages.OpenUrlAction('Open Google ',
'reply:postback_data_1234 ',
'https://www.google.com ')
# Create text message to send to user
text_msg = messages.TextMessage('Hello, world! ')
cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(text_msg)
# Append suggestions for the message to send to the user
for suggestion in suggestions:
# Send a simple message with suggested action to the device
cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444 ')
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data;
using RCSBusinessMessaging;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,
// Create an open url action
OpenUrlAction openUrlAction = new OpenUrlAction
Url = "https://www.google.com "
// Attach the open url action to a suggested action
SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction
OpenUrlAction = openUrlAction,
Text = "Open Google ",
PostbackData = "postback_data_1234 "
// Attach the action to a suggestion object
Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion
Action = suggestedAction
List<Suggestion> suggestions = new List<Suggestion>
"Hello, world! ",
"+12223334444 ",
Créer un événement d'agenda
Le code suivant envoie une action Create calendar event action (Créer un événement d'agenda) à un appareil doté d'une bibliothèque cliente.
// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
// Define a create calendar event suggested action
let suggestions = [
action: {
text: 'Save to calendar ',
postbackData: 'postback_data_1234 ',
createCalendarEventAction: {
startTime: '2020-06-30T19:00:00Z ',
endTime: '2020-06-30T20:00:00Z ',
title: 'My calendar event ',
description: 'Description of the calendar event ',
let params = {
messageText: 'Hello, world! ',
msisdn: '+12223334444 ',
suggestions: suggestions,
// Send a simple message with a create calendar event suggested action
rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) {
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.CreateCalendarEventAction;
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.SuggestedAction;
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion;
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
try {
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();
// Create suggestions for chip list
List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<Suggestion>();
// creating a create calendar event suggested action
CreateCalendarEventAction createCalendarEventAction = new CreateCalendarEventAction();
calendarEventAction.setTitle("My calendar event ");
calendarEventAction.setDescription("Description of the calendar event ");
calendarEventAction.setStartTime("2020-06-30T19:00:00Z ");
calendarEventAction.setEndTime("2020-06-30T20:00:00Z ");
// creating a suggested action based on a create calendar event action
SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction();
suggestedAction.setText("Save to calendar" );
suggestedAction.setPostbackData("postback_data_1234 ");
// attaching action to a suggestion
Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion();
// Send simple text message with the suggestion action
"Hello, world! ",
"+12223334444 ",
} catch(Exception e) {
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service
from rcs_business_messaging import messages
# Create a calendar event suggested action
suggestions = [
messages.CreateCalendarEventAction('Save to Calendar ',
'reply:postback_data_1234 ',
'2020-06-30T19:00:00Z ',
'2020-06-30T20:00:00Z ',
'My calendar event ',
'Description of the calendar event ')
# Create text message to send to user
text_msg = messages.TextMessage('Hello, world! ')
cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(text_msg)
# Append suggestions for the message to send to the user
for suggestion in suggestions:
# Send a simple message with suggested action to the device
cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444 ')
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data;
using RCSBusinessMessaging;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,
// Create a calendar event action
CreateCalendarEventAction calendarEventAction = new CreateCalendarEventAction
Title = "My calendar event ",
Description = "Description of the calendar event ",
StartTime = "2020-06-30T19:00:00Z ",
EndTime = "2020-06-30T20:00:00Z "
// Attach the calendar event action to a suggested action
SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction
CreateCalendarEventAction = calendarEventAction,
Text = "Save to calendar ",
PostbackData = "postback_data_1234 "
// Attach the action to a suggestion object
Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion
Action = suggestedAction
List<Suggestion> suggestions = new List<Suggestion>
"Hello, world! ",
"+12223334444 ",
Révoquer des messages
Dans l'exemple suivant, rbm_api_helper.js (non utilisé pour Python) suppose que le fichier à partir duquel vous travaillez se trouve un répertoire en dessous du dossier principal de l'application. Vous devrez peut-être ajuster l'emplacement en fonction de la configuration de votre projet.
Le code suivant révoque un message non distribué existant avec une bibliothèque cliente.
// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
// Stop the message associated with messageId from being delivered
rbmApiHelper.revokeMessage('+12223334444 ', messageId, function(err, response) {
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
try {
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();
// Stop the message associated with messageId from being delivered
rbmApiHelper.revokeMessage(messageId, "+12223334444 ");
} catch(Exception e) {
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service
# Stop the message associated with message_id from being delivered
rbm_service.revoke('+12223334444 ', message_id)
using RCSBusinessMessaging;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,
// Stop the message associated with messageId from being delivered
rbmApiHelper.RevokeMessage(messageId, "+12223334444 ");
Envoyer des événements
Dans les exemples suivants, rbm_api_helper.js (non utilisé pour Python) suppose que le fichier à partir duquel vous travaillez se trouve dans un répertoire situé sous le dossier principal de l'application. Vous devrez peut-être ajuster l'emplacement en fonction de la configuration de votre projet.
Lire les événements
Les événements de lecture permettent à l'utilisateur de savoir que l'agent a reçu le message et de confirmer que la plate-forme RBM a bien diffusé son message. Le code suivant envoie un événement de lecture à un appareil doté d'une bibliothèque cliente.
// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
// Send the device an event to indicate that messageId has been read
rbmApiHelper.sendReadMessage('+12223334444 ', messageId);
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();
// Send the device an event to indicate that messageId has been read
rbmApiHelper.sendReadMessage(messageId, "+12223334444 ");
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service
# Send the device an event to indicate that message_id was read
rbm_service.send_read_event('+12223334444 ', message_id)
using RCSBusinessMessaging;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,
// Send the device an event to indicate that messageId has been read
rbmApiHelper.SendReadMessage(messageId, "+12223334444 ");
Événements de saisie
Les événements de saisie permettent à l'utilisateur de savoir que votre agent compose un message. Le code suivant envoie un événement de saisie à un appareil doté d'une bibliothèque cliente.
// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
// Send the device an event to indicate that the agent is typing
rbmApiHelper.sendIsTypingMessage('+12223334444 ', function() {
console.log('Typing event sent!');
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();
// Send the device an event to indicate that the agent is typing
rbmApiHelper.sendIsTypingMessage("+12223334444 ");
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service
# Send the device an event to indicate that the agent is typing
rbm_service.send_is_typing_event('+12223334444 ')
using RCSBusinessMessaging;
// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,
// Send the device an event to indicate that the agent is typing
rbmApiHelper.SendIsTypingMessage(messageId, "+12223334444 ");
Étapes suivantes
Consultez les bonnes pratiques et les exemples de l'agent RBM pour découvrir la plate-forme et ses fonctionnalités.