Cast Button

The Cast button opens a dialog to connect, control, and disconnect from Web Receivers.

See Cast icons to download the Cast button templates.

Note that the Cast button is not specific to Google Cast; it can be used to represent both Web and non-Web Receivers (like Bluetooth headsets). Web Receivers should always appear under the Cast dialog, and never under another dialog, menu, or control.

  Introduce Cast to users

Introducing the Cast button helps existing users know that the sender app now supports Casting and also helps users new to Google Cast.

  A   Show a Cast introduction screen the first time Web Receivers are available. For iOS senders, show a Cast introduction screen the first time the Cast button appears.
  B   Visually highlight the Cast button by circling the button)
  C   Explain how the Cast button works (for example, displaying a message such as "Touch to cast videos to your TV")

Cast introduction

Cast introduction

Cast home screen

Cast introduction

Cast home screen

Cast introduction

Cast introduction

Cast home screen

Cast homescreen

  Cast button availability

  A   The Cast button must be visible from every screen where there is playable content, and located in a consistent position while browsing or playing content. It will also appear in Chrome's header for global control.
  B  In Chrome, the Cast button can be hidden when Web Receivers aren't available. For Android and iOS senders, the Cast button should always display when the device is on Wi-Fi, so proper help can be given if the user has turned off local network access and devices become undiscoverable as a result (see iOS Permissions and Discovery for more details).
  C   In mobile apps, the Cast button should be on the right side.
  D   In Chrome, the Cast button should be on the right side in the content media controls (for example, see embedded video). If the media controls contain a fullscreen button, place the Cast button to the left of it.


Google Cast employs a multi-tasking model, which allows users to browse the sender app and other apps while casting. The Cast button must be visible from every screen where there is playable content, so the user doesn’t have to hunt to find where to pause or stop the content playing on TV.

Sender disconnected

Sender disconnected

Cast home screen

Sender disconnected

Cast home screen

Sender disconnected

Sender disconnected

Cast home screen


  Cast button states

  A   Disconnected: When Web Receivers are available, the Cast button appears
  B   Connecting: When the Web Receiver is connecting, the Cast button animates the waves in the icon progressively (for details, see note below)
  C   Connected: When this app is connected to the Cast Web Receiver, its Cast button appears with a filled frame shape

Best practices
For each of the button states, use colors that match the style of other UI elements of your app. Using a distinct highlight color (such as yellow) for the ON / Connected state is optional.


  • The Cast icon displays on Chrome, Android, and iOS to provide access to the Cast extension regardless of the availability of Cast devices.
  • The Connecting (animated) state appears when the connection to the Cast API takes longer than expected (the Android and Chrome SDK's will automatically animate the Cast icon). Once connected, the Web Receiver app launches.
  • The ON / Connected state of the Cast icon has been updated and now uses a solid fill within the icon frame. The new Cast icon and icon templates are available here.

Sender, Cast disconnected

Sender, Cast disconnected

Cast home screen

Cast home screen

Sender, Cast connecting

Sender, Cast connecting

Cast home screen

Cast home screen

Sender, Cast connected

Sender, Cast connected

Web Receiver app loading

Web Receiver app loading

Sender, Cast connected

Sender, Cast connected

Web Receiver app loaded / idle

Web Receiver app loaded / idle

Sender, Cast unavailable

Cast home screen

Sender, Cast disconnected

Cast home screen

Sender, Cast connecting

Sender, Cast connecting

Cast home screen

Sender, Cast connected

Web Receiver app loading

Web Receiver app loading

Sender, Cast connected

Web Receiver app loaded / idle

Sender, Cast unavailable

Sender, Cast unavailable

The Cast icon displays in Chrome to provide access to the Cast extension regardless of the connection state.

Cast home screen

Sender, Cast disconnected

Sender, Cast disconnected

Cast home screen

Sender, Cast connecting

Sender, Cast connecting

Cast home screen

Sender, Cast connected

Sender, Cast connected

Web Receiver app loading

Web Receiver app loading

Sender, Cast connected

Sender, Cast connected

Web Receiver app loaded / idle



Images used in this design guide are courtesy of the Blender Foundation, shared under copyright or Creative Commons license.

  • Elephant's Dream: (c) copyright 2006, Blender Foundation / Netherlands Media Art Institute /
  • Sintel: (c) copyright Blender Foundation |
  • Tears of Steel: (CC) Blender Foundation |
  • Big Buck Bunny: (c) copyright 2008, Blender Foundation /