Style the Player

The Web Receiver SDK provides a built-in player UI. To implement this UI into your custom Web Receiver app, you need to add the cast-media-player element to the body of your HTML file.


CSS variables allow you to customize various cast-media-player properties, including the player background, splash image, font family, and more. You can add these variables with in-line CSS styles, a CSS stylesheet, or the style.setProperty in Javascript.

In the next sections, learn how to customize each area of the media player element. You can use the following templates to help you get started.


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/receiver.css" media="screen" />
  <script type="text/javascript" src="//">
  <script src="js/receiver.js"></script>


const context = cast.framework.CastReceiverContext.getInstance();


// Update style using javascript
let playerElement = document.getElementsByTagName("cast-media-player")[0];'--splash-image', 'url("http://some/other/image.png")');




body {
  --playback-logo-image: url('http://some/image.png');
cast-media-player {
  --theme-hue: 100;
  --progress-color: rgb(0, 255, 0);
  --splash-image: url('http://some/image.png');
  --splash-size: cover;
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="//">
    body {
      --playback-logo-image: url('http://some/image.png');
    cast-media-player {
      --theme-hue: 100;
      --progress-color: rgb(0, 255, 0);
      --splash-image: url('http://some/image.png');
    const context = cast.framework.CastReceiverContext.getInstance();


    // Update style using javascript
    let playerElement = document.getElementsByTagName("cast-media-player")[0];'--splash-image', 'url("http://some/other/image.png")');



The playback logo displays in the upper-left corner of your receiver while media plays. This property is separate from the .logo class. You can customize the --playback-logo-image from the body selector.

body {
  --playback-logo-image: url('image.png'); /* set from the body selector */

Player background properties

--background variables set the background properties of the entire player, visible during launch and playback. For example, you could set the entire background to a white and silver linear gradient:

cast-media-player {
  --background-image: linear-gradient(white, silver);

Web Receiver display:

Custom background

You can use the following variables to customize .background properties:

Name Default Value Description
--background black CSS background property
--background-color CSS background-color property
--background-image CSS background-image property
--background-repeat no-repeat CSS background-repeat property
--background-size cover CSS background-size property
cast-media-player {

Logo properties

The .logo class is positioned in front of the .background class, and spans the entire player. This class displays when your receiver is launching. If you don't provide any .splash variables, the .logo class also displays when your receiver is in an idle state.

The following example sets the --logo-image to an equalizer icon named welcome.png. An image defaults to the center of your receiver:

cast-media-player {
  --logo-image: url('welcome.png');

Web Receiver display:

Custom logo

You can use the following variables to customize .logo properties:

Name Default Value Description
--logo-background CSS background property
--logo-color CSS background-color property
--logo-image CSS background-image property
--logo-repeat no-repeat CSS background-repeat property
--logo-size CSS background-size property
cast-media-player {

Splash properties

Similar to the .logo class, the .splash class spans the entire player. If you set these properties, your .splash variables will override the .logo variables when your receiver is idle. This means that you could use one set of .logo properties at launch, and display separate backgrounds or images when your receiver is idle.

For example, you could override the white and silver gradient background with dimgray, and add an animated waiting... icon:

cast-media-player {
  --splash-color: dimgray;
  --splash-image: url('waiting.png');

Web Receiver display:

Custom splash

If you don't set these properties, your receiver defaults to your .logo settings or app name when it's idle.

You can use the following variables to customize .splash properties:

Name Default Value Description
--splash-background CSS background property
--splash-color CSS background-color property
--splash-image CSS background-image property
--splash-repeat CSS background-repeat property
--splash-size CSS background-size property
cast-media-player {


To have up to 10 images cycle through during idle state (in place of the splash image), use the following slideshow parameters.

Name Default Value Description
--slideshow-interval-duration 10s Time between images.
--slideshow-animation-duration 2s Duration of transition.
--slideshow-image-1 First image in slideshow.
--slideshow-image-2 Second image in slideshow.
--slideshow-image-3 Third image in slideshow.
--slideshow-image-4 Fourth image in slideshow.
--slideshow-image-5 Fifth image in slideshow.
--slideshow-image-6 Sixth image in slideshow.
--slideshow-image-7 Seventh image in slideshow.
--slideshow-image-8 Eighth image in slideshow.
--slideshow-image-9 Ninth image in slideshow.
--slideshow-image-10 Tenth image in slideshow.
cast-media-player {

Watermark properties

A .watermark displays while media is playing. This is typically a small, transparent image that defaults to the bottom-right of your receiver.

You can use the following variables to customize .watermark properties:

Name Default Value Description
--watermark-background CSS background property
--watermark-color CSS background-color property
--watermark-image CSS background-image property
--watermark-position bottom right CSS background-position property
--watermark-repeat no-repeat CSS background-repeat property
--watermark-size CSS background-size property
cast-media-player {

Playback, ads, and other CSS properties

You can also customize ads, fonts, player images, and other properties from the cast-media-player selector.

Name Default Value Description
--ad-title Ad Title of the ad.
--skip-ad-title Skip ad Text of the Skip Ad text box.
--break-color hsl(hue, 100%, 50%) Color for the ad break mark.
--font-family Open Sans Font family for metadata and the progress bar.
--spinner-image Default image The image to display while launching.
--buffering-image Default image The image to display while buffering.
--pause-image Default image The image to display while paused.
--play-image The image to show in metadata while playing.
--theme-hue 42 The hue to use for the player.
--progress-color hsl(hue, 95%, 60%) Color for progress bar.
cast-media-player {

For more information and additional illustrations, refer to Styled Media Receiver.


Layouts for TV have some unique requirements due to the evolution of TV standards and the desire to always present a full screen picture to viewers. TV devices can clip the outside edge of an app layout in order to ensure that the entire display is filled. This behavior is generally referred to as overscan. Avoid screen elements getting clipped due to overscan by incorporating a 10% margin on all sides of your layout.

Default audio UI


A. --logo-image

B. MusicTrackMediaMetadata.albumName

C. MusicTrackMediaMetadata.title

D. MusicTrackMediaMetadata.albumArtist, MusicTrackMediaMetadata.artist, or MusicTrackMediaMetadata.composer

E. MusicTrackMediaMetadata.images[0]

F. MediaStatus.currentTime

G. MediaInformation.duration

H. Play / Pause

Custom UI data binding

The Cast Web Receiver SDK supports using your own custom UI element rather than the cast-media-player.

Custom UI data binding allows you to use your own custom UI element and use the PlayerDataBinder class to bind the UI to the player state instead of adding the cast-media-player element to your receiver. The binder also supports sending events for data changes, if the app does not support data binding.

const context = cast.framework.CastReceiverContext.getInstance();
const player = context.getPlayerManager();

const playerData = {};
const playerDataBinder = new cast.framework.ui.PlayerDataBinder(playerData);

// Update ui according to player state
    e => {
      switch (e.value) {
        case cast.framework.ui.State.LAUNCHING:
        case cast.framework.ui.State.IDLE:
          // Write your own event handling code
        case cast.framework.ui.State.LOADING:
          // Write your own event handling code
        case cast.framework.ui.State.BUFFERING:
          // Write your own event handling code
        case cast.framework.ui.State.PAUSED:
          // Write your own event handling code
        case cast.framework.ui.State.PLAYING:
          // Write your own event handling code

You should add at least one MediaElement to the HTML so that the Web Receiver can use it. If multiple MediaElement objects are available, you should tag the MediaElement that you want the Web Receiver to use. You do this by adding castMediaElement in the video's class list, as shown below; otherwise, the Web Receiver will choose the first MediaElement.

<video class="castMediaElement"></video>