The Gmail API provides server push notifications that let you watch for changes to Gmail mailboxes. You can use this feature to improve the performance of your application. It allows you to eliminate the extra network and compute costs involved with polling resources to determine if they have changed. Whenever a mailbox changes, the Gmail API notifies your backend server application.
Initial Cloud Pub/Sub Setup
The Gmail API uses the Cloud Pub/Sub API to deliver push notifications. This allows notification via a variety of methods including webhooks and polling on a single subscription endpoint.
In order to complete the rest of this setup, make sure you fulfill the Cloud Pub/Sub Prerequisites and then set up a Cloud Pub/Sub client.
Create a topic
Using your Cloud Pub/Sub client, create the topic
that the Gmail API should
send notifications to. The topic name can be any name you choose under your
project (i.e. matching projects/myproject/topics/*
, where myproject
is the Project ID listed for your project in the Google Developers Console).
Create a subscription
Follow the Cloud Pub/Sub Subscriber Guide to set up a subscription to the topic that you created. Configure the subscription type to be either a webhook push (i.e. HTTP POST callback) or pull (i.e. initiated by your app). This is how your application will receive notifications for updates.
Grant publish rights on your topic
Cloud Pub/Sub requires that you grant Gmail privileges to publish notifications to your topic.
To do this, you need to grant publish
privileges to
. You can do this
using the Cloud Pub/Sub Developer Console permissions interface
following the resource-level access control instructions.
Getting Gmail mailbox updates
Once the initial Cloud Pub/Sub setup is finished, configure Gmail accounts to send notifications for mailbox updates.
Watch request
To configure Gmail accounts to send notifications to your Cloud Pub/Sub topic,
simply use your Gmail API client to call
on the Gmail user mailbox similar to any other Gmail API call.
To do so, provide the topic name created above and any other options
in your watch
request, such as labels
filter on. For example, to be notified any time a change is made to the Inbox:
POST "https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/me/watch"
Content-type: application/json
topicName: "projects/myproject/topics/mytopic",
labelIds: ["INBOX"],
labelFilterBehavior: "INCLUDE",
request = {
'labelIds': ['INBOX'],
'topicName': 'projects/myproject/topics/mytopic',
'labelFilterBehavior': 'INCLUDE'
gmail.users().watch(userId='me', body=request).execute()
Watch response
If the watch
request is successful
you will receive a response like:
historyId: 1234567890
expiration: 1431990098200
with the current mailbox historyId
for the user. All changes after that
will be notified to your client. If you need to process changes
prior to this historyId
, refer to the sync guide.
Additionally, a successful watch
call should cause a notification to
immediately be sent to your Cloud Pub/Sub topic.
If you receive an error from the watch
call, the details should explain
the source of the problem, which is typically with the setup of the
Cloud Pub/Sub topic and subscription. Refer to the
Cloud Pub/Sub documentation to confirm that
the setup is correct and for help with debugging topic and subscription issues.
Renewing mailbox watch
You must re-call watch
at least every
7 days or else you will stop receiving updates for the user. We recommend
calling watch
once per day. The watch
response also has an expiration
field with the timestamp for the watch
Receiving notifications
Whenever a mailbox update occurs that matches your watch
, your application
will receive a notification message describing the change.
If you have configured a push subscription, a webhook notification to your
server will conform to a
POST https://yourserver.example.com/yourUrl
Content-type: application/json
// This is the actual notification data, as base64url-encoded JSON.
data: "eyJlbWFpbEFkZHJlc3MiOiAidXNlckBleGFtcGxlLmNvbSIsICJoaXN0b3J5SWQiOiAiMTIzNDU2Nzg5MCJ9",
// This is a Cloud Pub/Sub message id, unrelated to Gmail messages.
"messageId": "2070443601311540",
// This is the publish time of the message.
"publishTime": "2021-02-26T19:13:55.749Z",
subscription: "projects/myproject/subscriptions/mysubscription"
The HTTP POST body is JSON and the actual Gmail notification payload is in the
field. That message.data
field is a base64url-encoded string
that decodes to a JSON object containing the email address and the new mailbox
history ID for the user:
{"emailAddress": "user@example.com", "historyId": "9876543210"}
You can then use history.list
to get the change details for the user since their last known
historyId, as per the sync guide.
For example, to use history.list
to identify changes that occurred between your initial watch
call and the receipt of the notification message shared in the previous
example, pass 1234567890
as the startHistoryId
to history.list
can be persisted as the last known historyId for
future use cases.
If you have configured a pull subscription instead, refer to the code samples in the Cloud Pub/Sub Subscriber Pull Guide for more details on receiving messages.
Responding to notifications
All notifications need to be acknowledged. If you use webhook push delivery, then responding successfully (e.g. HTTP 200) will acknowledge the notification.
If using pull delivery (REST Pull, RPC Pull , or RPC StreamingPull) then you must follow up with an acknowledge call (REST or RPC). Refer to the code samples in the Cloud Pub/Sub Subscriber Pull Guide for more details on acknowledging messages either asynchronously or synchronously using the official RPC-based client libraries.
If the notifications are not acknowledged (e.g. your webhook callback returns an error or times out), Cloud Pub/Sub will retry the notification at a later time.
Stopping mailbox updates
To stop receiving updates on a mailbox, call
and all new notifications
should stop within a few minutes.
Max notification rate
Each Gmail user being watched has a maximum notification rate of 1 event/sec. Any user notifications above that rate will be dropped. Be careful when handling notifications to be sure not to trigger another notification, and thereby start a notification loop.
Typically all notifications should be delivered reliably within a few seconds;
however in some extreme situations notifications may be delayed or dropped.
Make sure to handle this possibility gracefully, so that the application
still syncs even if no push messages are received. For example, fall back to
periodically calling
after a
period with no notifications for a user.
Cloud Pub/Sub Limitations
The Cloud Pub/Sub API also has its own limitations, specifically detailed in its pricing and quotas documentation.