Retrieve email metrics

You can retrieve email metrics for a specific day on a specific domain or for all days on a specific domain.

For information on how to improve certain metrics, refer to Prevent mail to Gmail users from being blocked or sent to spam

Retrieve metrics for a specific day

To retrieve metrics for a specific day, call domains.trafficStats.get() with the domain and day. Following is a code sample showing how to retrieve email metrics for a specific day:

   * Gets the traffic stats for a domain for a specific date.
   * @param service Authorized Gmail PostmasterTools API instance.
   * @param domainName The fully qualified domain name.
   * @param date The date to get the domain traffic stats. Must be in "YYYYMMDD" format.
   * @return The traffic stats of the domain for this date.
   * @throws IOException
public static TrafficStats getTrafficStats(PostmasterTools service, String domainName, String date) throws IOException {
  String query = String.format("domains/%s/trafficStats/%s", domainName, date);
  TrafficStats trafficStats =;
  return trafficStats;
"""Gets the traffic stats for a domain for a specific date.

  service: Authorized Gmail PostmasterTools API instance.
  domain_name: The fully qualified domain name.
  date The date to get the domain traffic stats. Must be in "YYYYMMDD" format.

  The traffic stats of the domain for this date.
def get_traffic_stats(service, domain_name, date):
    """Gets the traffic stats for a domain for a specific date.

    service: Authorized Gmail PostmasterTools API instance.
    domain_name: The fully qualified domain name.
    date The date to get the domain traffic stats. Must be in "YYYYMMDD" format.

    The traffic stats of the domain for this date.
        query = 'domains/%s/trafficStats/%s' %(domain_name,date)
        traffic_stats =;
        return traffic_stats;
    except errors.HttpError as err:
        print('An error occurred: %s' % err)

If successful, the response body contains an instance of TrafficStats.

Retrieve metrics for all days

To retrieve metrics for all days, call domains.trafficStats.list() with the domain. Following is a code sample showing how to retrieve email metrics for all days:

   * Lists traffic statistics for all available days.
   * @param service Authorized Gmail PostmasterTools API instance.
   * @param domainName The fully qualified domain name.
   * @param pageSize The number of TrafficStats to get per request.
   * @param pageToken The nextPageToken value returned from a previous List request, if any.
   * @return Response message for list traffic stats request.
   * @throws IOException
public static ListTrafficStatsResponse listTrafficStats(PostmasterTools service, String domainName,
                                                      int pageSize,
                                                      String pageToken) throws IOException {
  ListTrafficStatsResponse listTrafficStatsResponse ="domains/" + domainName)
  return null;
"""Gets the traffic stats for a domain for a specific date.

  service: Authorized Gmail PostmasterTools API instance.
  domain_name: The fully qualified domain name.
  date The date to get the domain traffic stats. Must be in "YYYYMMDD" format.
  page_size The number of TrafficStats to get per request.
  page_token The nextPageToken value returned from a previous List request, if any.

  The traffic stats of the domain for this date.
def list_traffic_stats(service, domain_name, date, page_size, page_token):
  """Gets the traffic stats for a domain for a specific date.

    service: Authorized Gmail PostmasterTools API instance.
    domain_name: The fully qualified domain name.
    date The date to get the domain traffic stats. Must be in "YYYYMMDD" format.
    page_size The number of TrafficStats to get per request.
    page_token The nextPageToken value returned from a previous List request, if any.

    The traffic stats of the domain for this date.
        query = 'domains/' + domain_name
        list_traffic_stats_response =, pageSize=page_size, pageToken=page_token).execute();
        return list_traffic_stats_response;
    except errors.HttpError as err:
        print('An error occurred: %s' % err)

if __name__ == '__main__':

If successful, the response body contains a paginated array of TrafficStats with the following structure:

  "trafficStats": [
      object (TrafficStats)
  "nextPageToken": string