Map3DElement class
Map3DElement is an HTML interface for the 3D Map view.
Custom element:
<gmp-map-3d center="lat,lng,altitude" default-labels-disabled default-ui-disabled heading="number" max-altitude="number" max-heading="number" max-tilt="number" min-altitude="number" min-heading="number" min-tilt="number" range="number" roll="number" tilt="number"></gmp-map-3d>
This class extends
This class implements
Access by calling const {Map3DElement} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps3d")
. See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.
Constructor | |
Map3DElement |
Map3DElement([options]) Parameters:
Properties | |
bounds |
LatLngBounds|LatLngBoundsLiteral optional When set, restricts the position of the camera within the specified lat/lng bounds. Note that objects outside the bounds are still rendered. Bounds can restrict both longitude and latitude, or can restrict either latitude or longitude only. For latitude-only bounds use west and east longitudes of -180 and 180 , respectively. For longitude-only bounds use north and south latitudes of 90 and -90 , respectively. |
center |
LatLngAltitude|LatLngAltitudeLiteral optional The center of the map given as a LatLngAltitude, where altitude is in meters above ground level. Note that this is not necessarily where the camera is located, as the
range field affects the camera's distance from the map center. If not set, defaults to {lat: 0, lng: 0, altitude: 63170000} . 63170000 meters is a maximum allowed altitude (Earth radius multiplied by 10).HTML attribute:
defaultLabelsDisabled |
boolean optional Default:
false When
true , default map labels aren't rendered.HTML attribute:
defaultUIDisabled |
boolean optional Default:
false When
true , all default UI buttons are disabled. Does not disable the keyboard and gesture controls.HTML attribute:
heading |
number optional The compass heading of the map, in degrees, where due north is zero. When there is no tilt, any roll will be interpreted as heading.
HTML attribute:
maxAltitude |
number optional The maximum altitude above the ground which will be displayed on the map. A valid value is between
0 and 63170000 meters (Earth radius multiplied by 10).HTML attribute:
maxHeading |
number optional The maximum angle of heading (rotation) of the map. A valid value is between
0 and 360 degrees. minHeading and maxHeading represent an interval of <= 360 degrees in which heading gestures will be allowed. minHeading = 180 and maxHeading = 90 will allow heading in [0, 90] and heading in [180, 360] . minHeading = 90 and maxHeading = 180 will allow heading in [90, 180] .HTML attribute:
maxTilt |
number optional The maximum angle of incidence of the map. A valid value is between
0 and 90 degrees.HTML attribute:
minAltitude |
number optional The minimum altitude above the ground which will be displayed on the map. A valid value is between
0 and 63170000 meters (Earth radius multiplied by 10).HTML attribute:
minHeading |
number optional The minimum angle of heading (rotation) of the map. A valid value is between
0 and 360 degrees. minHeading and maxHeading represent an interval of <= 360 degrees in which heading gestures will be allowed. minHeading = 180 and maxHeading = 90 will allow heading in [0, 90] and heading in [180, 360] . minHeading = 90 and maxHeading = 180 will allow heading in [90, 180] .HTML attribute:
minTilt |
number optional The minimum angle of incidence of the map. A valid value is between
0 and 90 degrees.HTML attribute:
range |
number optional The distance from camera to the center of the map, in meters.
HTML attribute:
roll |
number optional The roll of the camera around the view vector in degrees. To resolve ambiguities, when there is no tilt, any roll will be interpreted as heading.
HTML attribute:
tilt |
number optional The tilt of the camera's view vector in degrees. A view vector looking directly down at the earth would have a tilt of zero degrees. A view vector pointing away from the earth would have a tilt of
180 degrees.HTML attribute:
Methods | |
addEventListener(type, listener[, options]) Parameters:
Return Value:
void Sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is delivered to the target. See addEventListener |
flyCameraAround |
flyCameraAround(options) Parameters:
Return Value: None
This method orbits the camera around a given location for a given duration, making the given number of rounds in that time. By default, the camera orbits clockwise. If given a negative number for rounds, the camera will orbit in a counter-clockwise direction instead. The method is asynchronous because animations can only start after the map has loaded a minimum amount. The method returns once the animation has been started. If the number of rounds is zero, no spin will occur, and the animation will complete immediately after it starts. |
flyCameraTo |
flyCameraTo(options) Parameters:
Return Value: None
This method moves the camera parabolically from the current location to a given end location over a given duration. The method is asynchronous because animations can only start after the map has loaded a minimum amount. The method returns once the animation has been started. |
removeEventListener(type, listener[, options]) Parameters:
Return Value:
void Removes an event listener previously registered with addEventListener from the target. See removeEventListener |
stopCameraAnimation |
stopCameraAnimation() Parameters: None
Return Value: None
This method stops any fly animation that might happen to be running. The camera stays wherever it is mid-animation; it does not teleport to the end point. The method is asynchronous because animations can only start or stop after the map has loaded a minimum amount. The method returns once the animation has stopped. |
Events | |
gmp-animationend |
function(animationEndEvent) Arguments:
This event is fired when the fly animation ends. This event bubbles up through the DOM tree. |
gmp-centerchange |
function(centerChangeEvent) Arguments:
This event is fired when the Map3DElement's center property changes. |
gmp-click |
function(clickEvent) Arguments:
This event is fired when the Map3DElement element is clicked. |
gmp-headingchange |
function(headingChangeEvent) Arguments:
This event is fired when the Map3DElement's heading property changes. |
gmp-rangechange |
function(rangeChangeEvent) Arguments:
This event is fired when the Map3DElement's range property changes. |
gmp-rollchange |
function(rollChangeEvent) Arguments:
This event is fired when the Map3DElement's roll property changes. |
gmp-steadychange |
function(steadyChangeEvent) Arguments:
This event is fired when the steady state of Map3DElement changes. |
gmp-tiltchange |
function(tiltChangeEvent) Arguments:
This event is fired when the Map3DElement's tilt property changes. |
Map3DElementOptions interface
Map3DElementOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a Map3DElement.
Properties | |
bounds optional |
LatLngBounds|LatLngBoundsLiteral optional See Map3DElement.bounds . |
center optional |
LatLngAltitude|LatLngAltitudeLiteral optional See . |
defaultLabelsDisabled optional |
boolean optional |
defaultUIDisabled optional |
boolean optional |
heading optional |
number optional See Map3DElement.heading . |
maxAltitude optional |
number optional |
maxHeading optional |
number optional |
maxTilt optional |
number optional See Map3DElement.maxTilt . |
minAltitude optional |
number optional |
minHeading optional |
number optional |
minTilt optional |
number optional See Map3DElement.minTilt . |
range optional |
number optional See Map3DElement.range . |
roll optional |
number optional See Map3DElement.roll . |
tilt optional |
number optional See Map3DElement.tilt . |
FlyAroundAnimationOptions interface
Customization options for the FlyCameraAround Animation.
Properties | |
camera |
CameraOptions The central point at which the camera should look at during the orbit animation. Note that the map heading will change as the camera orbits around this center point. |
durationMillis optional |
number optional The duration of the animation in milliseconds. This is the total duration of the animation, not the duration of a single rotation. |
rounds optional |
number optional The number of rounds to rotate around the center in the given duration. This controls the overall speed of rotation. Passing a negative number to rounds will cause the camera to rotate in a counter-clockwise direction instead of the default clockwise direction. |
FlyToAnimationOptions interface
Customization options for the FlyCameraTo Animation.
Properties | |
endCamera |
CameraOptions The location at which the camera should point at the end of the animation. |
durationMillis optional |
number optional The duration of the animation in milliseconds. A duration of 0 will teleport the camera straight to the end position. |
CameraOptions interface
CameraOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a camera object. The camera object can be anything that has a camera position, e.g. a current map state, or a future requested animation state.
Properties | |
center optional |
LatLngAltitude|LatLngAltitudeLiteral optional See . |
heading optional |
number optional See Map3DElement.heading . |
range optional |
number optional See Map3DElement.range . |
roll optional |
number optional See Map3DElement.roll . |
tilt optional |
number optional See Map3DElement.tilt . |
SteadyChangeEvent class
This event is created from monitoring a steady state of Map3DElement
. This event bubbles up through the DOM tree.
This class extends
Access by calling const {SteadyChangeEvent} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps3d")
. See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.
Properties | |
isSteady |
boolean Indicates whether Map3DElement is steady (i.e. all rendering for the current scene has completed) or not. |
LocationClickEvent class
This event is created from clicking a Map3DElement.
This class extends
Access by calling const {LocationClickEvent} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps3d")
. See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.
Properties | |
position |
LatLngAltitude optional The latitude/longitude/altitude that was below the cursor when the event occurred. Please note, that at coarser levels, less accurate data will be returned. Also, sea floor elevation may be returned for the altitude value when clicking at the water surface from higher camera positions. This event bubbles up through the DOM tree. |
PlaceClickEvent class
This event is created from clicking a Map3DElement.
This class extends
Access by calling const {PlaceClickEvent} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps3d")
. See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.
Methods | |
fetchPlace |
fetchPlace() Parameters: None
Fetches a Place for this place id. In the resulting Place object, the id property will be populated. Additional fields can be subsequently requested via Place.fetchFields() subject to normal Places API enablement and billing. The promise is rejected if there was an error fetching the Place . |
Marker3DElement class
Shows a position on a 3D map. Note that the position
must be set for the Marker3DElement
to display.
Custom element:
<gmp-marker-3d altitude-mode="absolute" collision-behavior="required" draws-when-occluded extruded label="string" size-preserved z-index="number"></gmp-marker-3d>
This class extends
This class implements
Access by calling const {Marker3DElement} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps3d")
. See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.
Constructor | |
Marker3DElement |
Marker3DElement([options]) Parameters:
Creates an Marker3DElement with the options specified. |
Properties | |
altitudeMode |
AltitudeMode optional Default:
AltitudeMode.CLAMP_TO_GROUND Specifies how the altitude component of the position is interpreted.
HTML attribute:
collisionBehavior |
CollisionBehavior optional Default:
CollisionBehavior.REQUIRED An enumeration specifying how a Marker3DElement should behave when it collides with another Marker3DElement or with the basemap labels.
HTML attribute:
drawsWhenOccluded |
boolean optional Default:
false Specifies whether this marker should be drawn or not when it's occluded. The marker can be occluded by map geometry (e.g. buildings).
HTML attribute:
extruded |
boolean optional Default:
false Specifies whether to connect the marker to the ground. To extrude a marker, the
altitudeMode must be either RELATIVE_TO_GROUND or ABSOLUTE .HTML attribute:
label |
string optional Text to be displayed by this marker.
HTML attribute:
position |
LatLngLiteral|LatLngAltitude|LatLngAltitudeLiteral optional The location of the tip of the marker. Altitude is ignored in certain modes and thus optional. |
sizePreserved |
boolean optional Default:
false Specifies whether this marker should preserve its size or not regardless of distance from camera. By default, the marker is scaled based on distance from camera/tilt.
HTML attribute:
zIndex |
number optional The zIndex compared to other markers.
HTML attribute:
Slots | |
default |
Any custom elements directly added to the Marker3DElement will be slotted, however only elements of HTMLImageElement , SVGElement and PinElement types will be used for drawing markers, other elements will be ignored. HTMLImageElement and SVGElement must be wrapped in <template> element before assigning to the Marker3DElement 's default slot. Images and SVGs are currently rasterized before they are rendered in the 3D scene, so custom HTML embedded into SVG or CSS classes added to images won't be applied and might not be reflected when markers are displayed on the screen. |
Methods | |
addEventListener(type, listener[, options]) Parameters:
Return Value:
void Sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is delivered to the target. See addEventListener |
removeEventListener(type, listener[, options]) Parameters:
Return Value:
void Removes an event listener previously registered with addEventListener from the target. See removeEventListener |
Marker3DElementOptions interface
Marker3DElementOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a Marker3DElement.
Properties | |
altitudeMode optional |
AltitudeMode optional |
collisionBehavior optional |
CollisionBehavior optional |
drawsWhenOccluded optional |
boolean optional |
extruded optional |
boolean optional |
label optional |
string optional |
position optional |
LatLngLiteral|LatLngAltitude|LatLngAltitudeLiteral optional |
sizePreserved optional |
boolean optional |
zIndex optional |
number optional |
Marker3DInteractiveElement class
Shows a position on a 3D map. Note that the position
must be set for the Marker3DInteractiveElement
to display. Unlike Marker3DElement
, Marker3DInteractiveElement
receives a gmp-click
Custom element:
This class extends
This class implements
Access by calling const {Marker3DInteractiveElement} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps3d")
. See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.
Constructor | |
Marker3DInteractiveElement |
Marker3DInteractiveElement([options]) Parameters:
Creates an Marker3DInteractiveElement with the options specified. |
Properties | |
altitudeMode ,
collisionBehavior ,
drawsWhenOccluded ,
extruded ,
label ,
position ,
sizePreserved ,
Slots | |
default |
Any custom elements directly added to the Marker3DInteractiveElement will be slotted, however only elements of PinElement 's type will be used for drawing markers, other elements will be ignored. |
Methods | |
addEventListener |
addEventListener(type, listener[, options]) Parameters:
Return Value:
void Sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is delivered to the target. See addEventListener |
removeEventListener |
removeEventListener(type, listener[, options]) Parameters:
Return Value:
void Removes an event listener previously registered with addEventListener from the target. See removeEventListener |
Events | |
gmp-click |
function(clickEvent) Arguments:
This event is fired when the Marker3DInteractiveElement element is clicked. |
Marker3DInteractiveElementOptions interface
Marker3DInteractiveElementOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a Marker3DInteractiveElement.
This interface extends
Properties | |
altitudeMode ,
collisionBehavior ,
drawsWhenOccluded ,
extruded ,
label ,
position ,
sizePreserved ,
Model3DElement class
A 3D model which allows the rendering of gLTF models. Note that the position
and the src
must be set for the Model3DElement
to display.
Core properties of the gLTF PBR should be supported. No extensions or extension properties are currently supported.
Custom element:
<gmp-model-3d altitude-mode="absolute" src="src"></gmp-model-3d>
This class extends
This class implements
Access by calling const {Model3DElement} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps3d")
. See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.
Constructor | |
Model3DElement |
Model3DElement([options]) Parameters:
Creates an Model3DElement with the options specified. |
Properties | |
altitudeMode |
AltitudeMode optional Default:
AltitudeMode.CLAMP_TO_GROUND Specifies how altitude in the position is interpreted.
HTML attribute:
orientation |
Orientation3D|Orientation3DLiteral optional Describes rotation of a 3D model's coordinate system to position the model on the 3D Map. Rotations are applied to the model in the following order: roll, tilt and then heading. |
position |
LatLngLiteral|LatLngAltitude|LatLngAltitudeLiteral optional Sets the Model3DElement 's position. Altitude is ignored in certain modes and thus optional. |
scale |
number|Vector3D|Vector3DLiteral optional Default:
1 Scales the model along the x, y, and z axes in the model's coordinate space. |
src |
string|URL optional Specifies the url of the 3D model. At this time, only models in the
.glb format are supported. Any relative HTTP urls will be resolved to their corresponding absolute ones. Please note that If you're hosting your .glb model files on a different website or server than your main application, make sure to set up the correct CORS HTTP headers. This allows your application to securely access the model files from the other domain.HTML attribute:
Methods | |
addEventListener(type, listener[, options]) Parameters:
Return Value:
void Sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is delivered to the target. See addEventListener |
removeEventListener(type, listener[, options]) Parameters:
Return Value:
void Removes an event listener previously registered with addEventListener from the target. See removeEventListener |
Model3DElementOptions interface
Model3DElementOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a Model3DElement.
Properties | |
altitudeMode optional |
AltitudeMode optional |
orientation optional |
Orientation3D|Orientation3DLiteral optional |
position optional |
LatLngLiteral|LatLngAltitude|LatLngAltitudeLiteral optional |
scale optional |
number|Vector3D|Vector3DLiteral optional See Model3DElement.scale . |
src optional |
string|URL optional See Model3DElement.src . |
Polyline3DElement class
A 3D polyline is a linear overlay of connected line segments on a 3D map.
Custom element:
<gmp-polyline-3d altitude-mode="absolute" draws-occluded-segments extruded geodesic outer-color="string" outer-width="number" stroke-color="string" stroke-width="number" z-index="number"></gmp-polyline-3d>
This class extends
This class implements
Access by calling const {Polyline3DElement} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps3d")
. See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.
Constructor | |
Polyline3DElement |
Polyline3DElement([options]) Parameters:
Creates an Polyline3DElement with the options specified. |
Properties | |
altitudeMode |
AltitudeMode optional Default:
AltitudeMode.ABSOLUTE Specifies how altitude components in the coordinates are interpreted.
HTML attribute:
coordinates |
Iterable<LatLngAltitude|LatLngAltitudeLiteral|LatLngLiteral> optional The ordered sequence of coordinates of the Polyline. Altitude is ignored in certain modes and thus optional. |
drawsOccludedSegments |
boolean optional Default:
false Specifies whether parts of the polyline which could be occluded are drawn or not. Polylines can be occluded by map geometry (e.g. buildings).
HTML attribute:
extruded |
boolean optional Default:
false Specifies whether to connect the polyline to the ground. To extrude a polyline, the
altitudeMode must be either RELATIVE_TO_GROUND or ABSOLUTE .HTML attribute:
geodesic |
boolean optional Default:
false When
true , edges of the polyline are interpreted as geodesic and will follow the curvature of the Earth. When false , edges of the polyline are rendered as straight lines in screen space.HTML attribute:
outerColor |
string optional The outer color. All CSS3 colors are supported.
HTML attribute:
outerWidth |
number optional The outer width is between
0.0 and 1.0 . This is a percentage of the strokeWidth .HTML attribute:
strokeColor |
string optional The stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported.
HTML attribute:
strokeWidth |
number optional The stroke width in pixels.
HTML attribute:
zIndex |
number optional The zIndex compared to other polys.
HTML attribute:
Methods | |
addEventListener(type, listener[, options]) Parameters:
Return Value:
void Sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is delivered to the target. See addEventListener |
removeEventListener(type, listener[, options]) Parameters:
Return Value:
void Removes an event listener previously registered with addEventListener from the target. See removeEventListener |
Polyline3DElementOptions interface
Polyline3DElementOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a Polyline3DElement.
Properties | |
altitudeMode optional |
AltitudeMode optional |
coordinates optional |
Iterable<LatLngAltitude|LatLngAltitudeLiteral|LatLngLiteral> optional |
drawsOccludedSegments optional |
boolean optional |
extruded optional |
boolean optional |
geodesic optional |
boolean optional |
outerColor optional |
string optional |
outerWidth optional |
number optional |
strokeColor optional |
string optional |
strokeWidth optional |
number optional |
zIndex optional |
number optional |
Polygon3DElement class
A 3D polygon (like a 3D polyline) defines a series of connected coordinates in an ordered sequence. Additionally, polygons form a closed loop and define a filled region.
Custom element:
<gmp-polygon-3d altitude-mode="absolute" draws-occluded-segments extruded fill-color="string" geodesic stroke-color="string" stroke-width="number" z-index="number"></gmp-polygon-3d>
This class extends
This class implements
Access by calling const {Polygon3DElement} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps3d")
. See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.
Constructor | |
Polygon3DElement |
Polygon3DElement([options]) Parameters:
Creates an Polygon3DElement with the options specified. |
Properties | |
altitudeMode |
AltitudeMode optional Default:
AltitudeMode.ABSOLUTE Specifies how altitude components in the coordinates are interpreted.
HTML attribute:
drawsOccludedSegments |
boolean optional Default:
false Specifies whether parts of the polygon which could be occluded are drawn or not. Polygons can be occluded by map geometry (e.g. buildings).
HTML attribute:
extruded |
boolean optional Default:
false Specifies whether to connect the polygon to the ground. To extrude a polygon, the
altitudeMode must be either RELATIVE_TO_GROUND or ABSOLUTE .HTML attribute:
fillColor |
string optional The fill color. All CSS3 colors are supported.
HTML attribute:
geodesic |
boolean optional Default:
false When
true , edges of the polygon are interpreted as geodesic and will follow the curvature of the Earth. When false , edges of the polygon are rendered as straight lines in screen space.HTML attribute:
innerCoordinates |
Iterable<Iterable<LatLngAltitude|LatLngAltitudeLiteral|LatLngLiteral>> optional The ordered sequence of coordinates that designates a closed loop. Unlike polylines, a polygon may consist of one or more paths, which create multiple cut-outs inside the polygon. |
outerCoordinates |
Iterable<LatLngAltitude|LatLngAltitudeLiteral|LatLngLiteral> optional The ordered sequence of coordinates that designates a closed loop. Altitude is ignored in certain modes and thus optional. |
strokeColor |
string optional The stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported.
HTML attribute:
strokeWidth |
number optional The stroke width in pixels.
HTML attribute:
zIndex |
number optional The zIndex compared to other polys.
HTML attribute:
Methods | |
addEventListener(type, listener[, options]) Parameters:
Return Value:
void Sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is delivered to the target. See addEventListener |
removeEventListener(type, listener[, options]) Parameters:
Return Value:
void Removes an event listener previously registered with addEventListener from the target. See removeEventListener |
Polygon3DElementOptions interface
Polygon3DElementOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a Polygon3DElement.
Properties | |
altitudeMode optional |
AltitudeMode optional |
drawsOccludedSegments optional |
boolean optional |
extruded optional |
boolean optional |
fillColor optional |
string optional |
geodesic optional |
boolean optional |
innerCoordinates optional |
Iterable<Iterable<LatLngAltitude|LatLngAltitudeLiteral>|Iterable<LatLngLiteral>> optional |
outerCoordinates optional |
Iterable<LatLngAltitude|LatLngAltitudeLiteral|LatLngLiteral> optional |
strokeColor optional |
string optional |
strokeWidth optional |
number optional |
zIndex optional |
number optional |
AltitudeMode constants
Specifies how altitude components in the coordinates are interpreted.
Access by calling const {AltitudeMode} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps3d")
. See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.
Constants | |
Allows to express objects relative to the average mean sea level. That also means that if the terrain level of detail changes underneath the object, its absolute position will remain the same. |
Allows to express objects placed on the ground. They will remain at ground level following the terrain regardless of what altitude is provided. If the object is positioned over a major body of water, it will be placed at sea level. |
Allows to express objects relative to the ground surface. If the terrain level of detail changes, the position of the object will remain constant relative to the ground. When over water, the altitude will be interpreted as a value in meters above sea level. |
Allows to express objects relative to the highest of ground+building+water surface. When over water, this will be water surface; when over terrain, this will be the building surface (if present) or ground surface (if no buildings). |