Fleet Engine Entities

Task interface

google.maps.journeySharing.Task interface

The details for a task returned by Fleet Engine.

Type:  Object<string, *>
Attributes assigned to the task.
Type:  string
The task name in the format "providers/{provider_id}/tasks/{task_id}". The task_id must be a unique identifier and not a tracking ID. To store a tracking ID of a shipment, use the tracking_id field. Multiple tasks can have the same tracking_id.
Information about the segments left to be completed for this task.
Type:  string
The current execution state of the task.
Type:  string
The task type; for example, a break or shipment.
estimatedCompletionTime optional
Type:  Date optional
The timestamp of the estimated completion time of the task.
latestVehicleLocationUpdate optional
Type:  VehicleLocationUpdate optional
Information specific to the last location update.
outcome optional
Type:  string optional
The outcome of the task.
outcomeLocation optional
Type:  LatLngLiteral optional
The location where the task was completed (from provider).
outcomeLocationSource optional
Type:  string optional
The setter of the task outcome location ('PROVIDER' or 'LAST_VEHICLE_LOCATION').
outcomeTime optional
Type:  Date optional
The timestamp of when the task's outcome was set (from provider).
plannedLocation optional
Type:  LatLngLiteral optional
The location where the task is to be completed.
targetTimeWindow optional
Type:  TimeWindow optional
The time window during which the task should be completed.
trackingId optional
Type:  string optional
The tracking ID of the shipment.
vehicleId optional
Type:  string optional
The ID of the vehicle performing this task.

TaskInfo interface

google.maps.journeySharing.TaskInfo interface

TaskInfo type, used by DeliveryVehicleStop.

extraDurationMillis optional
Type:  number optional
The extra time it takes to perform the task, in milliseconds.
id optional
Type:  string optional
The ID of the task.
targetTimeWindow optional
Type:  TimeWindow optional
The time window during which the task should be completed.

TaskTrackingInfo interface

google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo interface

The details for a task tracking info object returned by Fleet Engine.

Type:  Object<string, *>
Attributes assigned to the task.
Type:  string
The name in the format "providers/{provider_id}/taskTrackingInfo/{tracking_id}", where tracking_id represents the tracking ID.
Type:  string
The tracking ID of a Task.
  • Must be a valid Unicode string.
  • Limited to a maximum length of 64 characters.
  • Normalized according to Unicode Normalization Form C.
  • May not contain any of the following ASCII characters: '/', ':', '?', ',', or '#'.
estimatedArrivalTime optional
Type:  Date optional
The estimated arrival time to the stop location.
estimatedTaskCompletionTime optional
Type:  Date optional
The estimated completion time of a Task.
latestVehicleLocationUpdate optional
Type:  VehicleLocationUpdate optional
Information specific to the last location update.
plannedLocation optional
Type:  LatLng optional
The location where the Task will be completed.
remainingDrivingDistanceMeters optional
Type:  number optional
The total remaining distance in meters to the VehicleStop of interest.
remainingStopCount optional
Type:  number optional
Indicates the number of stops the vehicle remaining until the task stop is reached, including the task stop. For example, if the vehicle's next stop is the task stop, the value will be 1.
routePolylinePoints optional
Type:  Array<LatLng> optional
A list of points which when connected forms a polyline of the vehicle's expected route to the location of this task.
state optional
Type:  string optional
The current execution state of the Task.
targetTimeWindow optional
Type:  TimeWindow optional
The time window during which the task should be completed.
taskOutcome optional
Type:  string optional
The outcome of attempting to execute a Task.
taskOutcomeTime optional
Type:  Date optional
The time when the Task's outcome was set by the provider.

Trip interface

google.maps.journeySharing.Trip interface

The details for a trip returned by Fleet Engine.

Type:  string
In the format "providers/{provider_id}/trips/{trip_id}". The trip_id must be a unique identifier.
Type:  number
Number of passengers on this trip; does not include the driver.
An array of waypoints indicating the path from the current location to the drop-off point.
Type:  string
Type:  string
The type of the trip. Possible values are UNKNOWN_TRIP_TYPE, SHARED or EXCLUSIVE.
Type:  string
ID of the vehicle making this trip.
actualDropOffLocation optional
Type:  LatLngLiteral optional
Location where the customer was dropped off.
actualPickupLocation optional
Type:  LatLngLiteral optional
Location where the customer was picked up.
dropOffTime optional
Type:  Date optional
The estimated future time when the passengers will be dropped off, or the actual time when they were dropped off.
latestVehicleLocationUpdate optional
Type:  VehicleLocationUpdate optional
Information specific to the last location update.
pickupTime optional
Type:  Date optional
The estimated future time when the passengers will be picked up, or the actual time when they were picked up.
plannedDropOffLocation optional
Type:  LatLngLiteral optional
Location where the customer indicates they will be dropped off.
plannedPickupLocation optional
Type:  LatLngLiteral optional
Location where customer indicates they will be picked up.

DeliveryVehicle interface

google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicle interface

The details for a delivery vehicle returned by Fleet Engine.

Type:  Object<string, string optional>
Custom delivery vehicle attributes.
Type:  string
In the format "providers/{provider_id}/deliveryVehicles/{delivery_vehicle_id}". The delivery_vehicle_id must be a unique identifier.
Type:  string
The current navigation status of the vehicle.
Type:  number
The remaining driving distance in the current route segment, in meters.
The journey segments assigned to this delivery vehicle, starting from the vehicle's most recently reported location. This is only populated when the DeliveryVehicle data object is provided through FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProvider.
currentRouteSegmentEndPoint optional
Type:  LatLngLiteral optional
The location where the current route segment ends.
latestVehicleLocationUpdate optional
Type:  VehicleLocationUpdate optional
The last reported location of the delivery vehicle.
remainingDurationMillis optional
Type:  number optional
The remaining driving duration in the current route segment, in milliseconds.

DeliveryVehicleStop interface

google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleStop interface

DeliveryVehicleStop type

Type:  Array<TaskInfo>
The list of Tasks to be performed at this stop.
  • id: the ID of the task.
  • extraDurationMillis: the extra time it takes to perform the task, in milliseconds.
plannedLocation optional
Type:  LatLngLiteral optional
The location of the stop.
state optional
Type:  DeliveryVehicleStopState optional
The state of the stop.

DeliveryVehicleStopState constants

google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleStopState constants

The current state of a DeliveryVehicleStop.

Access by calling const {DeliveryVehicleStopState} = await google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

ARRIVED Arrived at stop. Assumes that when the vehicle is routing to the next stop, that all previous stops have been completed.
ENROUTE Assigned and actively routing.
NEW Created, but not actively routing.

VehicleJourneySegment interface

google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleJourneySegment interface

VehicleJourneySegment type

drivingDistanceMeters optional
Type:  number optional
The travel distance from the previous stop to this stop, in meters.
drivingDurationMillis optional
Type:  number optional
The travel time from the previous stop this stop, in milliseconds.
path optional
Type:  Array<LatLngLiteral> optional
The path from the previous stop (or the vehicle's current location, if this stop is the first in the list of stops) to this stop.
stop optional
Type:  DeliveryVehicleStop optional
Information about the stop.

VehicleLocationUpdate interface

google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleLocationUpdate interface

VehicleLocationUpdate type

heading optional
Type:  number optional
The heading of the update. 0 corresponds to north, 180 to south.
location optional
Type:  LatLngLiteral|LatLng optional
The location of the update.
speedKilometersPerHour optional
Type:  number optional
The speed in kilometers per hour.
time optional
Type:  Date optional
The time this update was received from the vehicle.

VehicleWaypoint interface

google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleWaypoint interface

VehicleWaypoint type.

distanceMeters optional
Type:  number optional
The path distance between the previous waypoint (or the vehicle's current location, if this waypoint is the first in the list of waypoints) to this waypoint in meters.
durationMillis optional
Type:  number optional
Travel time between the previous waypoint (or the vehicle's current location, if this waypoint is the first in the list of waypoints) to this waypoint in milliseconds.
location optional
Type:  LatLngLiteral optional
The location of the waypoint.
path optional
Type:  Array<LatLngLiteral> optional
The path from the previous waypoint (or the vehicle's current location, if this waypoint is the first in the list of waypoints) to this waypoint.
speedReadingIntervals optional
Type:  Array<SpeedReadingInterval> optional
The list of traffic speeds along the path from the previous waypoint (or vehicle location) to the current waypoint. Each interval in the list describes the traffic on a contiguous segment on the path; the interval defines the starting and ending points of the segment via their indices. See the definition of SpeedReadingInterval for more details.

Vehicle interface

google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle interface

The details for a vehicle returned by Fleet Engine.

Type:  Object<string, *>
Custom vehicle attributes.
Type:  string
In the format "providers/{provider_id}/vehicles/{vehicle_id}". The vehicle_id must be a unique identifier.
The current navigation status of the vehicle.
Type:  number
The remaining driving distance in the current route segment, in meters.
Type:  VehicleState
The vehicle state.
Type:  VehicleType
The type of this vehicle.
currentRouteSegmentEndPoint optional
Type:  TripWaypoint optional
The waypoint where current route segment ends.
currentRouteSegmentVersion optional
Type:  Date optional
Time when the current route segment was set.
currentTrips optional
Type:  Array<string> optional
List of trip IDs for trips currently assigned to this vehicle.
etaToFirstWaypoint optional
Type:  Date optional
The ETA to the first entry in the waypoints field.
latestLocation optional
Type:  VehicleLocationUpdate optional
The last reported location of the vehicle.
maximumCapacity optional
Type:  number optional
The total numbers of riders this vehicle can carry. The driver is not considered in this value.
supportedTripTypes optional
Type:  Array<TripType> optional
Trip types supported by this vehicle.
waypoints optional
Type:  Array<TripWaypoint> optional
The remaining waypoints assigned to this Vehicle.
waypointsVersion optional
Type:  Date optional
Last time the waypoints field was updated.

VehicleNavigationStatus constants

google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleNavigationStatus constants

The current navigation status of a Vehicle.

Access by calling const {VehicleNavigationStatus} = await google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

ARRIVED_AT_DESTINATION The vehicle is within approximately 50m of the destination.
ENROUTE_TO_DESTINATION Turn-by-turn navigation is available and the Driver app navigation has entered GUIDED_NAV mode.
NO_GUIDANCE The Driver app's navigation is in FREE_NAV mode.
OFF_ROUTE The vehicle has gone off the suggested route.
UNKNOWN_NAVIGATION_STATUS Unspecified navigation status.

VehicleState constants

google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleState constants

The current state of a Vehicle.

Access by calling const {VehicleState} = await google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

OFFLINE The vehicle is not accepting new trips.
ONLINE The vehicle is accepting new trips.
UNKNOWN_VEHICLE_STATE Unknown vehicle state.

VehicleType constants

google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleType constants

The type of Vehicle.

Access by calling const {VehicleType} = await google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

AUTO An automobile.
TAXI Any vehicle that acts as a taxi (typically licensed or regulated).
TRUCK A vehicle with a large storage capacity.
TWO_WHEELER A motorcycle, moped, or other two-wheeled vehicle.
UNKNOWN Unknown vehicle type.

TripType constants

google.maps.journeySharing.TripType constants

Trip types supported by a Vehicle.

Access by calling const {TripType} = await google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

EXCLUSIVE The trip is exclusive to a vehicle.
SHARED The trip may share a vehicle with other trips.
UNKNOWN_TRIP_TYPE Unknown trip type.

TripWaypoint interface

google.maps.journeySharing.TripWaypoint interface

TripWaypoint type.

distanceMeters optional
Type:  number optional
The path distance between the previous waypoint (or the vehicle's current location, if this waypoint is the first in the list of waypoints) to this waypoint in meters.
durationMillis optional
Type:  number optional
Travel time between the previous waypoint (or the vehicle's current location, if this waypoint is the first in the list of waypoints) to this waypoint in milliseconds.
location optional
Type:  LatLng optional
The location of the waypoint.
path optional
Type:  Array<LatLng> optional
The path from the previous stop (or the vehicle's current location, if this stop is the first in the list of stops) to this stop.
speedReadingIntervals optional
Type:  Array<SpeedReadingInterval> optional
The list of traffic speeds along the path from the previous waypoint (or vehicle location) to the current waypoint. Each interval in the list describes the traffic on a contiguous segment on the path; the interval defines the starting and ending points of the segment via their indices. See the definition of SpeedReadingInterval for more details.
tripId optional
Type:  string optional
The trip associated with this waypoint.
waypointType optional
Type:  WaypointType optional
The role this waypoint plays in this trip, such as pickup or dropoff.

WaypointType constants

google.maps.journeySharing.WaypointType constants

Waypoint types supported by Vehicle.

Access by calling const {WaypointType} = await google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

DROP_OFF_WAYPOINT_TYPE Waypoints for dropping off riders.
INTERMEDIATE_DESTINATION_WAYPOINT_TYPE Waypoints for intermediate destinations in a multi-destination trip.
PICKUP_WAYPOINT_TYPE Waypoints for picking up riders.
UNKNOWN_WAYPOINT_TYPE Unknown waypoint type.

TimeWindow interface

google.maps.journeySharing.TimeWindow interface

A time range.

Type:  Date
The end time of the time window (inclusive).
Type:  Date
The start time of the time window (inclusive).

Speed constants

google.maps.journeySharing.Speed constants

The classification of polyline speed based on traffic data.

Access by calling const {Speed} = await google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

NORMAL Normal speed, no slowdown is detected.
SLOW Slowdown detected, but no traffic jam formed.
TRAFFIC_JAM Traffic jam detected.

SpeedReadingInterval interface

google.maps.journeySharing.SpeedReadingInterval interface

Traffic density indicator on a contiguous path segment. The interval defines the starting and ending points of the segment via their indices.

Type:  number
The zero-based index of the ending point of the interval in the path.
Type:  Speed
Traffic speed in this interval.
Type:  number
The zero-based index of the starting point of the interval in the path.