جزئیات مکان

پلتفرم را انتخاب کنید: سرویس وب جاوا اسکریپت اندروید iOS

هنگامی که یک place_id از یک جستجوی مکان دارید، می‌توانید با شروع درخواست جزئیات مکان، جزئیات بیشتری درباره یک موسسه یا نقطه مورد علاقه خاص درخواست کنید. درخواست جزئیات مکان اطلاعات جامع تری درباره مکان مشخص شده مانند آدرس کامل، شماره تلفن، رتبه بندی کاربر و نظرات آن را برمی گرداند.

درخواست جزئیات مکان

درخواست جزئیات مکان یک URL HTTP به شکل زیر است:


که در آن output ممکن است یکی از مقادیر زیر باشد:

  • json (توصیه می شود) خروجی را در نشانه گذاری شی جاوا اسکریپت (JSON) نشان می دهد.
  • xml خروجی را به صورت XML نشان می دهد

پارامترهای خاصی برای شروع درخواست جستجو مورد نیاز است. همانطور که در URL ها استاندارد است، تمام پارامترها با استفاده از علامت علامت ( & ) از هم جدا می شوند. در زیر لیستی از پارامترها و مقادیر احتمالی آنها آمده است.

Required parameters

  • place_id

    A textual identifier that uniquely identifies a place, returned from a Place Search . For more information about place IDs, see the place ID overview .

Optional parameters

  • fields

    Caution: Place Search requests and Place Details requests do not return the same fields. Place Search requests return a subset of the fields that are returned by Place Details requests. If the field you want is not returned by Place Search, you can use Place Search to get a place_id , then use that Place ID to make a Place Details request. For more information on the fields that are unavailable in a Place Search request, see Places API fields support .

    Use the fields parameter to specify a comma-separated list of place data types to return. For example: fields=formatted_address,name,geometry . Use a forward slash when specifying compound values. For example: opening_hours/open_now .

    Fields are divided into three billing categories: Basic, Contact, and Atmosphere. Basic fields are billed at base rate, and incur no additional charges. Contact and Atmosphere fields are billed at a higher rate. See the pricing sheet for more information. Attributions, html_attributions , are always returned with every call, regardless of whether the field has been requested.


    The Basic category includes the following fields: address_components , adr_address , business_status , formatted_address , geometry , icon , icon_mask_base_uri , icon_background_color , name , permanently_closed ( deprecated ), photo , place_id , plus_code , type , url , utc_offset , vicinity , wheelchair_accessible_entrance .


    The Contact category includes the following fields: current_opening_hours , formatted_phone_number , international_phone_number , opening_hours , secondary_opening_hours , website


    The Atmosphere category includes the following fields: curbside_pickup , delivery , dine_in , editorial_summary , price_level , rating , reservable , reviews , serves_beer , serves_breakfast , serves_brunch , serves_dinner , serves_lunch , serves_vegetarian_food , serves_wine , takeout , user_ratings_total .

  • language

    The language in which to return results.

    • See the list of supported languages . Google often updates the supported languages, so this list may not be exhaustive.
    • If language is not supplied, the API attempts to use the preferred language as specified in the Accept-Language header.
    • The API does its best to provide a street address that is readable for both the user and locals. To achieve that goal, it returns street addresses in the local language, transliterated to a script readable by the user if necessary, observing the preferred language. All other addresses are returned in the preferred language. Address components are all returned in the same language, which is chosen from the first component.
    • If a name is not available in the preferred language, the API uses the closest match.
    • The preferred language has a small influence on the set of results that the API chooses to return, and the order in which they are returned. The geocoder interprets abbreviations differently depending on language, such as the abbreviations for street types, or synonyms that may be valid in one language but not in another. For example, utca and tér are synonyms for street in Hungarian.
  • region

    The region code, specified as a ccTLD ("top-level domain") two-character value. Most ccTLD codes are identical to ISO 3166-1 codes, with some notable exceptions. For example, the United Kingdom's ccTLD is "uk" (.co.uk) while its ISO 3166-1 code is "gb" (technically for the entity of "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland").

  • reviews_no_translations

    Specify reviews_no_translations=true to disable translation of reviews; specify reviews_no_translations=false to enable translation of reviews. Reviews are returned in their original language.

    If omitted, or passed with no value, translation of reviews is enabled. If the language parameter was specified in the request, use the specified language as the preferred language for translation. If language is omitted, the API attempts to use the Accept-Language header as the preferred language.

  • reviews_sort

    The sorting method to use when returning reviews. Can be set to most_relevant (default) or newest .

    • For most_relevant (default), reviews are sorted by relevance; the service will bias the results to return reviews originally written in the preferred language.
    • For newest , reviews are sorted in chronological order; the preferred language does not affect the sort order.

    Google recommends that you display how the reviews are being sorted to the end user.

  • sessiontoken

    A random string which identifies an autocomplete session for billing purposes.

    The session begins when the user starts typing a query, and concludes when they select a place and a call to Place Details is made. Each session can have multiple queries, followed by one place selection. The API key(s) used for each request within a session must belong to the same Google Cloud Console project. Once a session has concluded, the token is no longer valid; your app must generate a fresh token for each session. If the sessiontoken parameter is omitted, or if you reuse a session token, the session is charged as if no session token was provided (each request is billed separately).

    We recommend the following guidelines:

    • Use session tokens for all autocomplete sessions.
    • Generate a fresh token for each session. Using a version 4 UUID is recommended.
    • Ensure that the API key(s) used for all Place Autocomplete and Place Details requests within a session belong to the same Cloud Console project.
    • Be sure to pass a unique session token for each new session. Using the same token for more than one session will result in each request being billed individually.

نمونه جزئیات مکان

مثال زیر جزئیات یک مکان را براساس place_id درخواست می‌کند و شامل فیلدهای name ، rating و formatted_phone_number است:




curl -L -X GET 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?place_id=ChIJN1t_tDeuEmsRUsoyG83frY4&fields=name%2Crating%2Cformatted_phone_number&key=YOUR_API_KEY'

توجه داشته باشید که برای اینکه درخواست در برنامه شما کار کند، باید کلید موجود در این مثال را با کلید API خود جایگزین کنید.

پاسخ جزئیات مکان

پاسخ‌های جزئیات مکان در قالبی که با پرچم output در مسیر URL درخواست نشان داده شده است، بازگردانده می‌شوند.


  "html_attributions": [],
          { "long_name": "48", "short_name": "48", "types": ["street_number"] },
            "long_name": "Pirrama Road",
            "short_name": "Pirrama Rd",
            "types": ["route"],
            "long_name": "Pyrmont",
            "short_name": "Pyrmont",
            "types": ["locality", "political"],
            "long_name": "City of Sydney",
            "short_name": "City of Sydney",
            "types": ["administrative_area_level_2", "political"],
            "long_name": "New South Wales",
            "short_name": "NSW",
            "types": ["administrative_area_level_1", "political"],
            "long_name": "Australia",
            "short_name": "AU",
            "types": ["country", "political"],
            "long_name": "2009",
            "short_name": "2009",
            "types": ["postal_code"],
      "adr_address": '<span class="street-address">48 Pirrama Rd</span>, <span class="locality">Pyrmont</span> <span class="region">NSW</span> <span class="postal-code">2009</span>, <span class="country-name">Australia</span>',
      "business_status": "OPERATIONAL",
      "formatted_address": "48 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009, Australia",
      "formatted_phone_number": "(02) 9374 4000",
          "location": { "lat": -33.866489, "lng": 151.1958561 },
                { "lat": -33.8655112697085, "lng": 151.1971156302915 },
                { "lat": -33.86820923029149, "lng": 151.1944176697085 },
      "icon": "https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/place_api/icons/v1/png_71/generic_business-71.png",
      "icon_background_color": "#7B9EB0",
      "icon_mask_base_uri": "https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/place_api/icons/v2/generic_pinlet",
      "international_phone_number": "+61 2 9374 4000",
      "name": "Google Workplace 6",
          "open_now": false,
                "close": { "day": 1, "time": "1700" },
                "open": { "day": 1, "time": "0900" },
                "close": { "day": 2, "time": "1700" },
                "open": { "day": 2, "time": "0900" },
                "close": { "day": 3, "time": "1700" },
                "open": { "day": 3, "time": "0900" },
                "close": { "day": 4, "time": "1700" },
                "open": { "day": 4, "time": "0900" },
                "close": { "day": 5, "time": "1700" },
                "open": { "day": 5, "time": "0900" },
              "Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM",
              "Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM",
              "Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM",
              "Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM",
              "Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM",
              "Saturday: Closed",
              "Sunday: Closed",
            "height": 3024,
                '<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/117600448889234589608">Cynthia Wei</a>',
            "photo_reference": "Aap_uEC6jqtpflLS8GxQqPHBjlcwBf2sri0ZErk9q1ciHGZ6Zx5HBiiiEsPEO3emtB1PGyWbBQhgPL2r9CshoVlJEG4xzB71QMhGBTqqeaCNk1quO3vTTiP50aM1kmOaBQ-DF1ER7zpu6BQOEtnusKMul0m4KA45wfE3h6Xh2IxjLNzx-IiX",
            "width": 4032,
            "height": 3264,
                '<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/102493344958625549078">Heyang Li</a>',
            "photo_reference": "Aap_uECyRjHhOQgGaKTW6Z3ZfTEaDhNc44m0F6GrNSFIMffixwI5xqD35QhecdzVY-FUuDtVE1huu8-2HkxgI9Gwvy6W18fU-_E3UUkdSFBQqGK8_slKlT8BZZc66sTX53IEcTDrZfT-E5_YUBYBOm13yxOTOfWfEDABhaxCGC5Hu_XYh0fI",
            "width": 4912,
            "height": 3036,
                '<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/104829437842034782235">Anna Linetsky</a>',
            "photo_reference": "Aap_uEAumTzSdhRHDutPAj6wVPSZZmBV-brI6TPFwI0tcQlbSR74z44mUPr4aXMQKck_AzHaKmbfR3P2c1qsu45i1RQPHrcpIXxrA78FmDjCdWYYZWUnFozdcmEj9OQ_V0G08adpKivMKZyeaQ1NuwRy9GhSopeKpzkzkFZG5vXMYPPSgpa1",
            "width": 4048,
            "height": 4016,
                '<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/107755640736541028674">Jonah Dell</a>',
            "photo_reference": "Aap_uECC7cSbDkh-TdmXr6m5d5pgVXJmvXg8dF2jzhL0b0Ko4CtnVll6-tIvdz7vhbCsd3hl2u9EgZ4Y30FBxKmFcimfeYUgW2XJyv8JY5IYGuXsKkCLqpV3QH9dIGwoUv2uX0eosDsUsTN2DOlyOasUgVxcYqzIzEmrL5ofIssThQWZeozD",
            "width": 6016,
            "height": 3024,
                '<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/115886271727815775491">Anthony Huynh</a>',
            "photo_reference": "Aap_uEDTdw58CglFmZZAR9iZ05x3y2oK9r5_dRqKWnbZKSS9gs6gp9AeBa1QDvBL6dzZyQAZfN8H2Eppu6y4NBaPOp-GkulZYiKRM7Yww8sUEv-8dmcq35Tx38pe4LEX2wIicFkQHedRgMc0FfV9aFtgosQ5ps5-HCjJSApg8eLGyuxxqPm9",
            "width": 4032,
            "height": 3024,
                '<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/102939237947063969663">Jasen Baker</a>',
            "photo_reference": "Aap_uEAGqslqZPhZUk0T2Y6l7mkCYnY7JN9li4g5NkZsE0N4Cdy7_cZ-fZWyV02VhpQR4Ph4fLUL6_WTXrlGMXXzUJXUcSmSTs2d_Dzf3Q_A1y07Dm-vtv7pS3JXsWyrWETGIoT1pIj81PPdUc1vlR2i3GFMWAbx9rCC472ZJclY8JlvMg-x",
            "width": 4032,
            "height": 3024,
                '<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/100678816592586275978">Jeremy Hsiao</a>',
            "photo_reference": "Aap_uEBaGxeN90YFjD-AUjxZqM44kpMcICKKBBhb0RQQS7DHHFaay8RRAwjWsAt8GEmmB5QnxrbQWHU3TwhVXXHP0m-YNp9Ds3ihpiFan0moNv4QB7kern5cfjWhhrWe8B0dz_vYvmPssJE24P-24YfWWHubOo0L2MjQyueZfDv57N_RvDZk",
            "width": 4032,
            "height": 1515,
                '<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/112343109286948028063">Andrew W</a>',
            "photo_reference": "Aap_uEBDzJlmTeNUreMop6_hkC1HKTCRLyPs5fikJi58qCejtkWp5PIM6vzNN3HErkSWUwnamTr_WLyT7jXMAIdByR-hx8dG-OHjj5JxzmcPvuT_VeVLmdSbNPeIlpmp6EUcPOhaVrhEKojSd44QXkl0za29eZ0oj1KDOnAsGxmhanDFW7lI",
            "width": 2048,
            "height": 3024,
                '<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/100678816592586275978">Jeremy Hsiao</a>',
            "photo_reference": "Aap_uEBvYFpzCDQzvQ0kdBxxB70lTkLbTM0yH3xF-BCHsb7DQ63cuWnutvwv8oVLDSbA14_kns3WVlEInTyy2elvmH5lzQteb6zzRu3exkwE65_55TgJqdLO7RYYiPFliWk4ocszn9nn5ELv5uP2BQmqr9QET5vwgxR-0eshyVmcdM42jb39",
            "width": 4032,
            "height": 4032,
                '<a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/100678816592586275978">Jeremy Hsiao</a>',
            "photo_reference": "Aap_uECQynuD_EnSnbz8sJQ6-B6uR-j2tuu4Z1tuGUjq8xnxFDk-W8OdeLzWBX8suNKTCsPlkzTqC22BXf_hX33XclGPL4SS9xnPmHcMrLoUl0H_xHYevFvT17Hgw5DZpSyVmLvDvxzzJ1rsZTh55QwopmAty083a1r1ZIfL32iXh_q8FUas",
            "width": 3024,
      "place_id": "ChIJN1t_tDeuEmsRUsoyG83frY4",
          "compound_code": "45MW+C8 Pyrmont NSW, Australia",
          "global_code": "4RRH45MW+C8",
      "rating": 4,
      "reference": "ChIJN1t_tDeuEmsRUsoyG83frY4",
            "author_name": "Luke Archibald",
            "author_url": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/113389359827989670652/reviews",
            "language": "en",
            "profile_photo_url": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GhGGmTmvtD34HiRgwHdXVJUTzVbxpsk5_JnNKM5MA=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo",
            "rating": 1,
            "relative_time_description": "a week ago",
            "text": "Called regarding paid advertising google pages to the top of its site of a scam furniture website misleading and taking peoples money without ever sending a product - explained the situation,  explained I'd spoken to an ombudsman regarding it.  Listed ticket numbers etc.\n\nThey left the advertisement running.",
            "time": 1652286798,
            "author_name": "Tevita Taufoou",
            "author_url": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/105937236918123663309/reviews",
            "language": "en",
            "profile_photo_url": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/AATXAJwZANdRSSg96QeZG--6BazG5uv_BJMIvpZGqwSz=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo",
            "rating": 1,
            "relative_time_description": "6 months ago",
            "text": "I need help.  Google Australia is taking my money. Money I don't have any I am having trouble sorting this issue out",
            "time": 1637215605,
            "author_name": "Jordy Baker",
            "author_url": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/102582237417399865640/reviews",
            "language": "en",
            "profile_photo_url": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/AATXAJwgg1tM4aVA4nJCMjlfJtHtFZuxF475Vb6tT74S=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo",
            "rating": 1,
            "relative_time_description": "4 months ago",
            "text": "I have literally never been here in my life, I am 17 and they are taking money I don't have for no reason.\n\nThis is not ok. I have rent to pay and my own expenses to deal with and now this.",
            "time": 1641389490,
            "author_name": "Prem Rathod",
            "author_url": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/115981614018592114142/reviews",
            "language": "en",
            "profile_photo_url": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/AATXAJyEQpqs4YvPPzMPG2dnnRTFPC4jxJfn8YXnm2gz=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo",
            "rating": 1,
            "relative_time_description": "4 months ago",
            "text": "Terrible service. all reviews are fake and irrelevant. This is about reviewing google as business not the building/staff etc.",
            "time": 1640159655,
            "author_name": "Husuni Hamza",
            "author_url": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/102167316656574288776/reviews",
            "language": "en",
            "profile_photo_url": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/AATXAJwRkyvoSlgd06ahkF9XI9D39o6Zc_Oycm5EKuRg=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo",
            "rating": 5,
            "relative_time_description": "7 months ago",
            "text": "Nice site. Please I want to work with you. Am Alhassan Haruna, from Ghana. Contact me +233553851616",
            "time": 1633197305,
      "types": ["point_of_interest", "establishment"],
      "url": "https://maps.google.com/?cid=10281119596374313554",
      "user_ratings_total": 939,
      "utc_offset": 600,
      "vicinity": "48 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont",
      "website": "http://google.com/",
  "status": "OK",


  <name>Google Workplace 6</name>
  <vicinity>48 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont</vicinity>
  <formatted_phone_number>(02) 9374 4000</formatted_phone_number>
  <formatted_address>48 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009, Australia</formatted_address>
   <long_name>Pirrama Road</long_name>
   <short_name>Pirrama Rd</short_name>
   <long_name>City of Sydney</long_name>
   <short_name>City of Sydney</short_name>
   <long_name>New South Wales</long_name>
  <international_phone_number>+61 2 9374 4000</international_phone_number>
   <text>Called regarding paid advertising google pages to the top of its site of a scam furniture website misleading and taking peoples money without ever sending a product - explained the situation,  explained I'd spoken to an ombudsman regarding it.  Listed ticket numbers etc.
They left the advertisement running.</text>
   <author_name>Luke Archibald</author_name>
   <relative_time_description>a week ago</relative_time_description>
   <text>I need help.  Google Australia is taking my money. Money I don't have any I am having trouble sorting this issue out</text>
   <author_name>Tevita Taufoou</author_name>
   <relative_time_description>6 months ago</relative_time_description>
   <text>I have literally never been here in my life, I am 17 and they are taking money I don't have for no reason.
This is not ok. I have rent to pay and my own expenses to deal with and now this.</text>
   <author_name>Jordy Baker</author_name>
   <relative_time_description>4 months ago</relative_time_description>
   <text>Terrible service. all reviews are fake and irrelevant. This is about reviewing google as business not the building/staff etc.</text>
   <author_name>Prem Rathod</author_name>
   <relative_time_description>4 months ago</relative_time_description>
   <text>Nice site. Please I want to work with you. Am Alhassan Haruna, from Ghana. Contact me +233553851616</text>
   <author_name>Husuni Hamza</author_name>
   <relative_time_description>7 months ago</relative_time_description>
   <weekday_text>Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM</weekday_text>
   <weekday_text>Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM</weekday_text>
   <weekday_text>Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM</weekday_text>
   <weekday_text>Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM</weekday_text>
   <weekday_text>Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM</weekday_text>
   <weekday_text>Saturday: Closed</weekday_text>
   <weekday_text>Sunday: Closed</weekday_text>
   <html_attribution>&lt;a href=&quot;https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/117600448889234589608&quot;&gt;Cynthia Wei&lt;/a&gt;</html_attribution>
   <html_attribution>&lt;a href=&quot;https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/102493344958625549078&quot;&gt;Heyang Li&lt;/a&gt;</html_attribution>
   <html_attribution>&lt;a href=&quot;https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/104829437842034782235&quot;&gt;Anna Linetsky&lt;/a&gt;</html_attribution>
   <html_attribution>&lt;a href=&quot;https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/107755640736541028674&quot;&gt;Jonah Dell&lt;/a&gt;</html_attribution>
   <html_attribution>&lt;a href=&quot;https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/115886271727815775491&quot;&gt;Anthony Huynh&lt;/a&gt;</html_attribution>
   <html_attribution>&lt;a href=&quot;https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/102939237947063969663&quot;&gt;Jasen Baker&lt;/a&gt;</html_attribution>
   <html_attribution>&lt;a href=&quot;https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/100678816592586275978&quot;&gt;Jeremy Hsiao&lt;/a&gt;</html_attribution>
   <html_attribution>&lt;a href=&quot;https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/112343109286948028063&quot;&gt;Andrew W&lt;/a&gt;</html_attribution>
   <html_attribution>&lt;a href=&quot;https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/100678816592586275978&quot;&gt;Jeremy Hsiao&lt;/a&gt;</html_attribution>
   <html_attribution>&lt;a href=&quot;https://maps.google.com/maps/contrib/100678816592586275978&quot;&gt;Jeremy Hsiao&lt;/a&gt;</html_attribution>
  <adr_address>&lt;span class=&quot;street-address&quot;&gt;48 Pirrama Rd&lt;/span&gt;, &lt;span class=&quot;locality&quot;&gt;Pyrmont&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span class=&quot;region&quot;&gt;NSW&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span class=&quot;postal-code&quot;&gt;2009&lt;/span&gt;, &lt;span class=&quot;country-name&quot;&gt;Australia&lt;/span&gt;</adr_address>
   <compound_code>45MW+C8 Pyrmont NSW, Australia</compound_code>

پاسخ های JSON و XML هر کدام شامل عناصر زیر هستند:


required Array<string>

May contain a set of attributions about this listing which must be displayed to the user (some listings may not have attribution).

required Place

Contains the detailed information about the place requested.

See Place for more information.

required PlacesDetailsStatus

Contains the status of the request, and may contain debugging information to help you track down why the request failed.

See PlacesDetailsStatus for more information.


When the service returns additional information about the request specification, there may be an additional info_messages field within the response object. This field is only returned for successful requests. It may not always be returned, and its content is subject to change.

در پاسخ JSON، اینها به عنوان عناصر ریشه نمایش داده می شوند. در یک پاسخ XML، این عناصر به عنوان عناصر سطح بالا در زیر <PlaceDetailsResponse> ظاهر می شوند.


Status codes returned by service.

  • OK indicating the API request was successful.
  • ZERO_RESULTS indicating that the referenced location, place_id , was valid but no longer refers to a valid result. This may occur if the establishment is no longer in business.
  • NOT_FOUND indicating that that the referenced location, place_id , was not found in the Places database.
  • INVALID_REQUEST indicating the API request was malformed.
  • OVER_QUERY_LIMIT indicating any of the following:
    • You have exceeded the QPS limits.
    • Billing has not been enabled on your account.
    • The monthly $200 credit, or a self-imposed usage cap, has been exceeded.
    • The provided method of payment is no longer valid (for example, a credit card has expired).
    See the Maps FAQ for more information about how to resolve this error.
  • REQUEST_DENIED indicating that your request was denied, generally because:
    • The request is missing an API key.
    • The key parameter is invalid.
  • UNKNOWN_ERROR indicating an unknown error.


Attributes describing a place. Not all attributes will be available for all place types.

optional Array< AddressComponent >

An array containing the separate components applicable to this address.

See AddressComponent for more information.


A representation of the place's address in the adr microformat .


Indicates the operational status of the place, if it is a business. If no data exists, business_status is not returned.


Specifies if the business supports curbside pickup.

optional PlaceOpeningHours

Contains the hours of operation for the next seven days (including today). The time period starts at midnight on the date of the request and ends at 11:59 pm six days later. This field includes the special_days subfield of all hours, set for dates that have exceptional hours.

See PlaceOpeningHours for more information.


Specifies if the business supports delivery.


Specifies if the business supports indoor or outdoor seating options.

optional PlaceEditorialSummary

Contains a summary of the place. A summary is comprised of a textual overview, and also includes the language code for these if applicable. Summary text must be presented as-is and can not be modified or altered.

See PlaceEditorialSummary for more information.


A string containing the human-readable address of this place.

Often this address is equivalent to the postal address. Note that some countries, such as the United Kingdom, do not allow distribution of true postal addresses due to licensing restrictions.

The formatted address is logically composed of one or more address components. For example, the address "111 8th Avenue, New York, NY" consists of the following components: "111" (the street number), "8th Avenue" (the route), "New York" (the city) and "NY" (the US state).

Do not parse the formatted address programmatically. Instead you should use the individual address components, which the API response includes in addition to the formatted address field.


Contains the place's phone number in its local format .

optional Geometry

Contains the location and viewport for the location.

See Geometry for more information.


Contains the URL of a suggested icon which may be displayed to the user when indicating this result on a map.


Contains the default HEX color code for the place's category.


Contains the URL of a recommended icon, minus the .svg or .png file type extension.


Contains the place's phone number in international format. International format includes the country code, and is prefixed with the plus, +, sign. For example, the international_phone_number for Google's Sydney, Australia office is +61 2 9374 4000 .


Contains the human-readable name for the returned result. For establishment results, this is usually the canonicalized business name.

optional PlaceOpeningHours

Contains the regular hours of operation.

See PlaceOpeningHours for more information.


Use business_status to get the operational status of businesses.

optional Array< PlacePhoto >

An array of photo objects, each containing a reference to an image. A request may return up to ten photos. More information about place photos and how you can use the images in your application can be found in the Place Photos documentation.

See PlacePhoto for more information.


A textual identifier that uniquely identifies a place. To retrieve information about the place, pass this identifier in the place_id field of a Places API request. For more information about place IDs, see the place ID overview .

optional PlusCode

An encoded location reference, derived from latitude and longitude coordinates, that represents an area: 1/8000th of a degree by 1/8000th of a degree (about 14m x 14m at the equator) or smaller. Plus codes can be used as a replacement for street addresses in places where they do not exist (where buildings are not numbered or streets are not named). See Open Location Code and plus codes .

See PlusCode for more information.


The price level of the place, on a scale of 0 to 4. The exact amount indicated by a specific value will vary from region to region. Price levels are interpreted as follows:

  • 0 Free
  • 1 Inexpensive
  • 2 Moderate
  • 3 Expensive
  • 4 Very Expensive

Contains the place's rating, from 1.0 to 5.0, based on aggregated user reviews.


Specifies if the place supports reservations.

optional Array< PlaceReview >

A JSON array of up to five reviews. By default, the reviews are sorted in order of relevance. Use the reviews_sort request parameter to control sorting.

  • For most_relevant (default), reviews are sorted by relevance; the service will bias the results to return reviews originally written in the preferred language.
  • For newest , reviews are sorted in chronological order; the preferred language does not affect the sort order.

Google recommends indicating to users whether results are ordered by most_relevant or newest .

See PlaceReview for more information.

optional Array< PlaceOpeningHours >

Contains an array of entries for the next seven days including information about secondary hours of a business. Secondary hours are different from a business's main hours. For example, a restaurant can specify drive through hours or delivery hours as its secondary hours. This field populates the type subfield, which draws from a predefined list of opening hours types (such as DRIVE_THROUGH , PICKUP , or TAKEOUT ) based on the types of the place. This field includes the special_days subfield of all hours, set for dates that have exceptional hours.

See PlaceOpeningHours for more information.


Specifies if the place serves beer.


Specifies if the place serves breakfast.


Specifies if the place serves brunch.


Specifies if the place serves dinner.


Specifies if the place serves lunch.


Specifies if the place serves vegetarian food.


Specifies if the place serves wine.


Specifies if the business supports takeout.


Contains an array of feature types describing the given result. See the list of supported types .


Contains the URL of the official Google page for this place. This will be the Google-owned page that contains the best available information about the place. Applications must link to or embed this page on any screen that shows detailed results about the place to the user.


The total number of reviews, with or without text, for this place.


Contains the number of minutes this place’s current timezone is offset from UTC. For example, for places in Sydney, Australia during daylight saving time this would be 660 (+11 hours from UTC), and for places in California outside of daylight saving time this would be -480 (-8 hours from UTC).


For establishment ( types:["establishment", ...]) results only, the vicinity field contains a simplified address for the place, including the street name, street number, and locality, but not the province/state, postal code, or country.

For all other results, the vicinity field contains the name of the narrowest political ( types:["political", ...] ) feature that is present in the address of the result.

This content is meant to be read as-is. Do not programmatically parse the formatted address.


The authoritative website for this place, such as a business' homepage.


Specifies if the place has an entrance that is wheelchair-accessible.


required string

The full text description or name of the address component as returned by the Geocoder.

required string

An abbreviated textual name for the address component, if available. For example, an address component for the state of Alaska may have a long_name of "Alaska" and a short_name of "AK" using the 2-letter postal abbreviation.

required Array<string>

An array indicating the type of the address component. See the list of supported types .


Contains a summary of the place. A summary is comprised of a textual overview, and also includes the language code for these if applicable. Summary text must be presented as-is and can not be modified or altered.


The language of the previous fields. May not always be present.


A medium-length textual summary of the place.


An object describing the location.

required LatLngLiteral See LatLngLiteral for more information.
required Bounds See Bounds for more information.


An object describing a specific location with Latitude and Longitude in decimal degrees.

required number

Latitude in decimal degrees

required number

Longitude in decimal degrees


A rectangle in geographical coordinates from points at the southwest and northeast corners.

required LatLngLiteral See LatLngLiteral for more information.
required LatLngLiteral See LatLngLiteral for more information.


An object describing the opening hours of a place.


A boolean value indicating if the place is open at the current time.

optional Array< PlaceOpeningHoursPeriod >

An array of opening periods covering seven days, starting from Sunday, in chronological order.

See PlaceOpeningHoursPeriod for more information.

optional Array< PlaceSpecialDay >

An array of up to seven entries corresponding to the next seven days.

See PlaceSpecialDay for more information.


A type string used to identify the type of secondary hours (for example, DRIVE_THROUGH , HAPPY_HOUR , DELIVERY , TAKEOUT , KITCHEN , BREAKFAST , LUNCH , DINNER , BRUNCH , PICKUP , SENIOR_HOURS ). Set for secondary_opening_hours only.


An array of strings describing in human-readable text the hours of the place.


required PlaceOpeningHoursPeriodDetail

Contains a pair of day and time objects describing when the place opens.

See PlaceOpeningHoursPeriodDetail for more information.

optional PlaceOpeningHoursPeriodDetail

May contain a pair of day and time objects describing when the place closes. If a place is always open, the close section will be missing from the response. Clients can rely on always-open being represented as an open period containing day with value 0 and time with value 0000 , and no close .

See PlaceOpeningHoursPeriodDetail for more information.



A date expressed in RFC3339 format in the local timezone for the place, for example 2010-12-31.


True if there are exceptional hours for this day. If true , this means that there is at least one exception for this day. Exceptions cause different values to occur in the subfields of current_opening_hours and secondary_opening_hours such as periods , weekday_text , open_now . The exceptions apply to the hours, and the hours are used to generate the other fields.


required number

A number from 0–6, corresponding to the days of the week, starting on Sunday. For example, 2 means Tuesday.

required string

May contain a time of day in 24-hour hhmm format. Values are in the range 0000–2359. The time will be reported in the place’s time zone.


A date expressed in RFC3339 format in the local timezone for the place, for example 2010-12-31.


True if a given period was truncated due to a seven-day cutoff, where the period starts before midnight on the date of the request and/or ends at or after midnight on the last day. This property indicates that the period for open or close can extend past this seven-day cutoff.


A photo of a Place. The photo can be accesed via the Place Photo API using an url in the following pattern:


See Place Photos for more information.

required number

The height of the photo.

required Array<string>

The HTML attributions for the photo.

required string

A string used to identify the photo when you perform a Photo request.

required number

The width of the photo.


An encoded location reference, derived from latitude and longitude coordinates, that represents an area, 1/8000th of a degree by 1/8000th of a degree (about 14m x 14m at the equator) or smaller. Plus codes can be used as a replacement for street addresses in places where they do not exist (where buildings are not numbered or streets are not named).

required string

The global_code is a 4 character area code and 6 character or longer local code ( 849VCWC8+R9 ).


The compound_code is a 6 character or longer local code with an explicit location ( CWC8+R9, Mountain View, CA, USA ). Some APIs may return an empty string if the compound_code is not available.


A review of the place submitted by a user.

required string

The name of the user who submitted the review. Anonymous reviews are attributed to "A Google user".

required number

The user's overall rating for this place. This is a whole number, ranging from 1 to 5.

required string

The time that the review was submitted in text, relative to the current time.

required number

The time that the review was submitted, measured in the number of seconds since since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.


The URL to the user's Google Maps Local Guides profile, if available.


An IETF language code indicating the language of the returned review.This field contains the main language tag only, and not the secondary tag indicating country or region. For example, all the English reviews are tagged as 'en', and not 'en-AU' or 'en-UK' and so on.This field is empty if there is only a rating with no review text.


An IETF language code indicating the original language of the review. If the review has been translated, then original_language != language .This field contains the main language tag only, and not the secondary tag indicating country or region. For example, all the English reviews are tagged as 'en', and not 'en-AU' or 'en-UK' and so on.This field is empty if there is only a rating with no review text.


The URL to the user's profile photo, if available.


The user's review. When reviewing a location with Google Places, text reviews are considered optional. Therefore, this field may be empty. Note that this field may include simple HTML markup. For example, the entity reference &amp; may represent an ampersand character.


A boolean value indicating if the review was translated from the original language it was written in.If a review has been translated, corresponding to a value of true, Google recommends that you indicate this to your users. For example, you can add the following string, “Translated by Google”, to the review.