The response format for the new
Place Details,
Nearby Search,
Text Search
APIs has changed from the format of the legacy APIs. The main difference is in
the format of the Place
object returned by each method, as described in
Changes to the response Place object.
In addition, the top level fields of the response object have also changed for each API. See:
Changes to the response Place object
This table shows the changes to the new
in the response for Place Details (New),
Nearby Search (New), and
Text Search (New) in comparison to the legacy
The new response object uses camel-casing for field names, contains new fields, and renames some of the legacy fields.
Field | Legacy Place object | New Place object | Notes |
Address component | address_components |
addressComponents |
Place microformat address | adr_address |
adrFormatAddress |
Business status | business_status |
businessStatus |
Opening hours for next week | current_opening_hours |
currentOpeningHours |
Editorial summary | editorial_summary |
editorialSummary |
Formatted address | formatted_address |
formattedAddress |
National phone number | formatted_phone_number |
nationalPhoneNumber |
Location | geometry.location |
location |
Viewport | geometry.viewport |
viewport |
Place attributions | html_attributions |
attributions |
Top-level field of the response in the legacy APIs |
Icon URL | icon |
Removed. Use iconMaskBaseUri and
iconBackgroundColor . See
Place icons for
more information. |
Icon background color | icon_background_color |
iconBackgroundColor |
Icon mask URL | icon_mask_base_uri |
iconMaskBaseUri |
International phone number | international_phone_number |
internationalPhoneNumber |
Text place name | name |
displayName |
Text place name is now accessible as displayName.text and
language as displayName.languageCode |
Opening hours | opening_hours |
regularOpeningHours |
Photos | photos |
photos |
The format of photos has changed in the new
Place object. For more information, see
Change to photo references. |
Place ID | place_id |
id |
Plus code | plus_code |
plusCode |
Price level | price_level |
priceLevel |
Rating | rating |
rating |
Reviews | reviews |
reviews |
Secondary opening hours for next week from today, with exceptions and all other data | secondary_opening_hours |
currentSecondaryOpeningHours |
Place types | types |
types |
Google Maps URL of the place | url |
googleMapsUri |
Number of user ratings | user_ratings_total |
userRatingCount |
UTC offset | utc_offset |
utcOffsetMinutes |
Short form of the address including the street name and town | vicinity |
shortFormattedAddress |
Place website | website |
websiteUri |
Wheelchair-accessibility information | wheelchair_accessible_entrance |
accessibilityOptions |
wheelchair_accessible_entrance is now at
accessibilityOptions.wheelchairAccessibleEntrance |
Places attributes | takeout, delivery, dine_in, curbside_pickup, reservable,
serves_breakfast, serves_lunch, serves_dinner, serves_beer, serves_wine,
serves_brunch, serves_vegetarian_food |
takeout, delivery, dineIn, curbsidePickup, reservable,
servesBreakfast, servesLunch, servesDinner, servesBeer, servesWine,
servesBrunch, servesVegetarianFood |
Resource name | name field in the form places/PLACE_ID |
In the legacy API, the name field contained the
place name as a text string. In the new API, that information is in
displayName . |
Place primary type | primaryTypeName |
New | |
Place primary type as a text string | primaryTypeDisplayName |
New | |
Regular weekly secondary opening hours, with exceptions and all other data | regularSecondaryOpeningHours |
New | |
Payment options the place accepts | paymentOptions |
New | |
Place parking options | parkingOptions |
New | |
List of sub-destinations related to the place | subDestinations |
New | |
Most recent information about fuel options in a gas station | fuelOptions |
New | |
EV charging Information for a place | evChargeOptions |
New | |
Places attributes | outdoorSeating, liveMusic, menuForChildren, servesCocktails,
servesDessert, servesCoffee, goodForChildren, allowsDogs, restroom,
goodForGroups, goodForWatchingSports |
New |
Text Search response changes
The following table shows the changes to the top-level fields of the
response object
for Text Search (Legacy) and the
response object
for Text Search (New). For the new API, the only top-level field in the response
is the places
Field | Text Search (Legacy) | Text Search (New) | Notes |
Place attributions | html_attributions |
Moved into the new Place object for each place as place.attributions |
Array of places | results array of the legacy Place object |
places array of the new Place object |
Status of the request | status |
Moved to the standard HTTP response (HTTP response code and message) | |
Any error messages | error_message |
Moved to the standard HTTP response (HTTP response code and message) | |
Any info messages | info_messages |
Removed | |
Page token | next_page_token |
Removed |
Nearby Search response changes
The following table shows the changes to the top-level fields of the response
for the Nearby Search (Legacy) and the response
for Nearby Search (New). For the new API, the only top-level field in the
response is the places
Field | Nearby Search (Legacy) | Nearby Search (New) | Notes |
Place attributions | html_attributions |
Moved into the new Place
object for each place as place.attributions |
Array of places | results array of the legacy Place object |
places array of the new
Place object |
Status of the request | status |
Moved to the standard HTTP response (HTTP response code and message) | |
Any error messages | error_message |
Moved to the standard HTTP response (HTTP response code and message) | |
Any info messages | info_messages |
Removed | |
Page token | next_page_token |
Removed |
Place Details response changes
The following table shows the changes to the top-level fields of the response
for the Place Details (Legacy) and the response
for Place Details (New). For the new API, the only top-level field in the
response is the places
Field | Place Details (Legacy) | Place Details (New) | Notes |
Place attributions | html_attributions |
Moved into the new Place
object as attributions |
Place details | result containing the legacy Place object |
The new Place object | |
Status of the request | status |
Moved to the standard HTTP response (HTTP response code and message) | |
Any info messages | info_messages |
Moved to the standard HTTP response (HTTP response code and message) |