Overview of search along route

Search along route features are available in the following Places (New) APIs:

  • Text Search (New) only: Search for places along a predefined trip route.
  • Text Search (New) and Nearby Search (New): Calculate the routing summary from a specified routing origin location to each place in the search results.
  • Text Search (New) only: Calculate the routing summary for each place along a predefined trip route.

Search along a route

You use the Routes API to calculate the trip route between two locations. The Routes API can calculate a route for a car, bicycle, two-wheel vehicle, transit system, or for walking.

Text Search (New) lets you use this calculated route to perform a search along a route. With this option, you pass the precalculated route from the Routes API to the Text Search (New) request. The response then contains places that match the search criteria and are also located near the specified route.

Searching along a route is similar to using the locationRestriction or locationBias request options to bias the search results. locationRestriction returns search results that fall within the viewport bounds, while locationBias may return search results outside of the viewport. However, while the locationBias and locationRestriction options let you specify a region to bias the search results, the search along route feature in Text Search also lets you bias the search results to include those with minimal detour times from the route origin to the route destination. You can bias search results using either locationBias or locationRestriction in combination with the polyline.

For example, consider the route from the origin, referred to as a waypoint in the Routes API, to the destination as calculated by the Routes API:

Route from the origin waypoint to the destination with search results.

When you search along the route, the search is biased to return places near the route with minimal detour times from the origin to the destination. In this example, points A, B, and C are places returned by the search.

Calculate routing summary

Text Search (New) and Nearby Search (New) can calculate the routing summary, meaning the duration and distance, to each place in the response based on the specified routing origin location in the request. When you specify the routing origin, the response not only contains a list of places that match the search, but also the travel duration and distance from the routing origin to each place.

In the following image, points A, B, and C are places returned in the search response:

Points A, B, and C are places returned in the search response.

For each place in the results, the response contains the travel duration and distance from the routing origin to the place, if available.

By default, the travel duration and distance is calculated using the TRAFFIC_UNAWARE option in the Routes API. You can optionally set routing preferences to take live traffic conditions TRAFFIC_AWARE_OPTIMAL or latency-reduced live traffic conditions TRAFFIC_AWARE into consideration during calculations.

About routes, legs, and waypoints

Several components make up a route, as calculated by the Routes API:

The components that make up a route.

A route consists of the following components:

  • Waypoint: To calculate a route, you specify at a minimum the locations of the origin and destination. You define these locations as waypoints on the route. Intermediate waypoints are locations in between the origin and destination that you want the route to go through.
  • Route: The entire trip from the origin waypoint, through any intermediate waypoints, to the destination waypoint. A route consists of one or more legs.

    When passing a route to Text Search, you pass the route's encoded polyline as returned by the Routes API. An encoded polyline is an encoded list of latitude and longitude points that lets you represent the route's polyline as a string.

  • Leg: The path from one waypoint in a route to the next waypoint in the route. Each leg consists of one or more discrete steps.

    A route contains a separate leg for the path from each waypoint to the next. For example, if the route contains a single origin waypoint and a single destination waypoint, then the route contains a single leg.

    For each additional waypoint you add to the route after the origin and destination, called an intermediate waypoint, the API adds a separate leg.

For more information on routes and calculating routes, see the Routes API.

Calculate the routing summary with a search along route

You can combine routing summary calculations with search along a route. In this case, Text Search (New) returns the travel duration and distance to each place in the response, and then from each place to the final destination of the route. Think of this calculation as providing a travel duration and distance if you detour from the specified route to travel to a place in the search results, and then continue on to the final destination.

For example, consider the following route from the origin to the destination as calculated by the Routes API. Pass this route to the Text Search (New) API along with your search criteria.

Route from the origin waypoint to the destination with detour to search

In this example, location A is a place returned in the search results from Text Search (New). For each place in the response, the search includes the duration and distance required to detour to that place as a two-leg trip:

  • The first leg contains the travel duration and distance from the route origin to the place. In this example, from the origin to place A.
  • The second leg contains the travel duration and distance from the place to the route destination. In this example, from A to the destination.

From the information in the response, you can then calculate the detour duration and distance, where:

  • tOD is the trip duration from the origin to the destination, sOD is the trip distance from the origin to the destination
  • tOA is the trip duration from the origin to A; sOA is the trip distance from the origin to A
  • tAD is the trip duration from A to the destination; sAD is the trip distance from A to the destination

Detour duration is the duration difference between the original trip (from the origin to the destination) and the new trip (from the origin to the destination through A):


Detour distance is the distance difference between the original trip (from the origin to the destination) and the new trip (from the origin to the destination through A):
