Integration Glossary

A list of terms has been compiled to help you understand at a high level which terms to be aware about. They are reference throughout the integration guide.


  • Google Account: A Google account identifies you as a unique user across all of Google's properties. Most of Google's products require you to have a Google Account.

  • Help Center (HC): There are multiple Google product help centers and the specific focus for this integration is the Google Merchant Center Help Center. It contains useful merchant information about policies, account creation, setup, and optimization strategies.

Merchant Center

  • Google Merchant Center (GMC): is a tool merchants use to upload their store and product data to Google and make it available for Free Listings, Paid Ads and other Google services.

  • Multi-Client Account (MCA): "Manager" account used to organize Merchant Center sub-accounts for clients. If you plan to create MC sub accounts on behalf of merchants, an MCA is required to programmatically create new MC accounts and to submit data feeds for multiple GMC's (domains).

  • Google Merchant Center Account (MC account or MC sub account): A merchant's specific account to which manages their products. Generally, a merchant normally has one account which is managed under your MCA or is an account linked to your integration.

  • Merchant Center ID (MCID): This is the numerical code that allows you and Google to specifically identify your merchants' account. This can be found in Merchant Center, at the end of the URL of a merchant center account (for example, or pulled using the Content API. Also, Multi Client Accounts have a similar ID too.

  • Content API for Shopping: Lets you integrate your applications with Google Merchant Center, so that you can programmatically manage products, inventory, orders, accounts, and more.

  • Performance Max campaigns: Performance Max is a campaign type which integrates with the GMC product and automates ad creation, targeting and bidding on Google Search, YouTube, Gmail, the Display Network and more. Limit: 100 campaigns per account.

  • Google Ads Manager Account (MA or MCC): The MCC is your primary account and helps you monitor and manage all the Google Ads accounts of your merchants from a single dashboard. Limits: 85K Google Ads account limit.

  • Google Ads Account (CID): Each of your merchants requires one account to manage their advertising with Google across Google's online properties. Limit: 1 per Advertiser.

  • Ads API: Lets you integrate your applications with Google Ads and programmatically manage complex setups with efficiency.