4.3.2 Opzione di fatturazione consolidata

La figura seguente mostra un modo consigliato per organizzare gli account amministratore e gli account inserzionista Google Ads.


Le seguenti note si riferiscono ai numeri della figura precedente:

  1. Una fattura consolidata ha un limite di 15.000 per il numero di account o fatture che è possibile aggiungere. Se la prima fattura consolidata (CB US1) raggiunge 15.000 fatture o account, tutte le fatture o gli account futuri devono essere aggiunti a CB US2.

  2. La fatturazione consolidata può essere configurata per il tuo account amministratore presentando domanda tramite il modulo di richiesta per la fatturazione consolidata. Devi prima avere una linea di credito approvata con Google. Se non ne hai ancora una, puoi richiederne una utilizzando il modulo Contatta Google.

  3. Gli account inattivi (abbandonati) possono essere spostati in un altro account amministratore. Separare questi account ti aiuta a non superare il limite di 15.000. Come precauzione, ti consigliamo di rimuovere l'ordine budget per questi account in modo che non possano continuare a spendere a meno che non vengano riattivati manualmente.

  4. Se la tua integrazione consente agli utenti di utilizzare account Google Ads esistenti, crea un account amministratore separato per questi account. La fatturazione consolidata non deve essere utilizzata per gli account esistenti, in quanto potrebbero già spendere per altri tipi di campagne e sono probabilmente già configurati per la fatturazione diretta.

Per configurare la fatturazione consolidata direttamente nell'interfaccia utente di Google Ads, segui le istruzioni riportate in Configurare la fatturazione consolidata.

Indicazioni tecniche

Per impostare e gestire la fatturazione per gli account Google Ads commerciante utilizzando l'API, utilizza le risorse di BillingSetup per ottenere e gestire la configurazione della fatturazione a livello di account. Una configurazione di fatturazione è un'associazione tra un account pagamenti e un account Google Ads specifico. Determina in modo efficace chi paga per l'account di un inserzionista. Segui le istruzioni per l'impostazione della fatturazione.

Gestisci budget dell'account

Un budget dell'account definisce le proprietà del budget a livello di account, come ora di inizio, ora di fine e limite di spesa. Tutte le modifiche ai budget degli account vengono apportate inviando proposte di budget dell'account distinte, che, dopo essere state esaminate e approvate, diventano budget dell'account. Utilizza le risorse di AccountBudgetProposal per creare nuove AccountBudgets o aggiornare quelle esistenti.

I seguenti esempi mostrano come creare una nuova proposta di budget:


private void runExample(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, long billingSetupId) {
  // Creates an AccountBudgetProposal. This will be reviewed offline by Google Ads, and if
  // approved will become an AccountBudget.
  AccountBudgetProposal proposal =
          .setBillingSetup(ResourceNames.billingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId))
          .setProposedName("Account Budget (example)")

          // Specifies the account budget starts immediately.
          // Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
          // AccountBudgetProposal
          // resource documentation for allowed formats.
          // .setProposedStartDateTime("2020-01-02 03:04:05")

          // Specifies that the budget runs forever.
          // Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as above.
          // .setProposedEndDateTime("2021-02-03 04:05:06")

          // Optional: sets notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect budget
          // delivery.
          // .setProposedNotes("Received prepayment of $0.01")

          // Sets the spending limit to 0.01, measured in the Google Ads account currency.

          // Optional: sets PO number for record keeping. This value is at the user's
          // discretion, and has no effect on Google Billing & Payments.
          // .setProposedPurchaseOrderNumber("PO number 12345")

  // Creates an operation which will add the new AccountBudgetProposal.
  AccountBudgetProposalOperation operation =

  try (AccountBudgetProposalServiceClient accountBudgetProposalServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAccountBudgetProposalServiceClient()) {
    // Sends the request to the Account Budget Proposal Service.
    MutateAccountBudgetProposalResponse response =
            String.valueOf(customerId), operation);

        "Account budget proposal created: %s.%n", response.getResult().getResourceName());


public void Run(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, long billingSetupId)
    // Get the AccountBudgetProposalServiceClient.
    AccountBudgetProposalServiceClient proposalService =

    // Create an AccountBudgetProposal. The proposal will be reviewed offline by Google Ads,
    // and if approved will become an AccountBudget.
    AccountBudgetProposal proposal = new AccountBudgetProposal()
        BillingSetup = ResourceNames.BillingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId),
        ProposalType = AccountBudgetProposalType.Create,
        ProposedName = "Account Budget (example)",

        // Specify the account budget starts immediately
        ProposedStartTimeType = TimeType.Now,
        // Alternatively, you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
        // AccountBudgetProposal resource documentation for allowed formats.
        //ProposedStartDateTime = "2020-01-02 03:04:05",

        // Specify that the budget runs forever.
        ProposedEndTimeType = TimeType.Forever,
        // Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as above.
        //ProposedEndDateTime = "2021-02-03 04:05:06",

        // Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect budget
        // delivery.
        //ProposedNotes = "Received prepayment of $0.01",

        // Set the spending limit to 0.01, measured in the Google Ads account currency.
        ProposedSpendingLimitMicros = 10_000

        // Optional: set PO number for record keeping. This value is at the user's
        // discretion, and has no effect on Google Billing & Payments.
        //ProposedPurchaseOrderNumber = "PO number 12345"

    // Create an operation which will add the new AccountBudgetProposal
    AccountBudgetProposalOperation operation = new AccountBudgetProposalOperation()
        Create = proposal

        // Send the request to the Account Budget Proposal Service.
        MutateAccountBudgetProposalResponse response = proposalService.
            MutateAccountBudgetProposal(customerId.ToString(), operation);

        // Display the results.
        Console.WriteLine($"Account budget proposal '{response.Result.ResourceName}' " +
            "was created.");
    catch (GoogleAdsException e)
        Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}");


public static function runExample(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    int $billingSetupId
) {
    // Constructs an account budget proposal.
    $accountBudgetProposal = new AccountBudgetProposal([
        'billing_setup' => ResourceNames::forBillingSetup($customerId, $billingSetupId),
        'proposal_type' => AccountBudgetProposalType::CREATE,
        'proposed_name' => 'Account Budget (example)',
        // Specifies the account budget starts immediately.
        'proposed_start_time_type' => TimeType::NOW,
        // Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
        // AccountBudgetProposal class for allowed formats.
        // 'proposed_start_date_time' => '2020-01-02 03:04:05',

        // Specify that the budget runs forever.
        'proposed_end_time_type' => TimeType::FOREVER,
        // Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as above.
        // 'proposed_end_date_time' => '2021-02-03 04:05:06',

        // Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect budget
        // delivery.
        // 'proposed_notes' => 'Received prepayment of $0.01',

        // Optional: set PO number for record keeping. This value is at the user's
        // discretion, and has no effect on Google Billing & Payments.
        // 'proposed_purchase_order_number' => 'PO number 12345',

        // Set the spending limit to 0.01, measured in the Google Ads account currency.
        'proposed_spending_limit_micros' => 10000

    $accountBudgetProposalOperation = new AccountBudgetProposalOperation();

    // Issues a mutate request to add the account budget proposal.
    $accountBudgetProposalServiceClient =
    $response = $accountBudgetProposalServiceClient->mutateAccountBudgetProposal(
        MutateAccountBudgetProposalRequest::build($customerId, $accountBudgetProposalOperation)

        "Added an account budget proposal with resource name '%s'.%s",


def main(client, customer_id, billing_setup_id):
    account_budget_proposal_service = client.get_service(
    billing_setup_service = client.get_service("BillingSetupService")

    account_budget_proposal_operation = client.get_type(
    proposal = account_budget_proposal_operation.create

    proposal.proposal_type = client.enums.AccountBudgetProposalTypeEnum.CREATE
    proposal.billing_setup = billing_setup_service.billing_setup_path(
        customer_id, billing_setup_id
    proposal.proposed_name = "Account Budget Proposal (example)"

    # Specify the account budget starts immediately
    proposal.proposed_start_time_type = client.enums.TimeTypeEnum.NOW
    # Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
    # AccountBudgetProposal resource documentation for allowed formats.
    # proposal.proposed_start_date_time = '2020-01-02 03:04:05'

    # Specify that the budget runs forever
    proposal.proposed_end_time_type = client.enums.TimeTypeEnum.FOREVER
    # Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as
    # above.
    # proposal.proposed_end_date_time = '2021-01-02 03:04:05'

    # Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect
    # budget delivery.
    # proposal.proposed_notes = 'Received prepayment of $0.01'
    proposal.proposed_spending_limit_micros = 10000

    account_budget_proposal_response = (
        "Created account budget proposal "


def add_account_budget_proposal(customer_id, billing_setup_id)
  # GoogleAdsClient will read a config file from
  # ENV['HOME']/google_ads_config.rb when called without parameters
  client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::GoogleAdsClient.new

  operation = client.operation.create_resource.account_budget_proposal do |proposal|
    proposal.billing_setup = client.path.billing_setup(customer_id, billing_setup_id)
    proposal.proposal_type = :CREATE
    proposal.proposed_name = 'Account Budget (example)'

    # Specify the account budget starts immediately
    proposal.proposed_start_time_type = :NOW
    # Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
    # AccountBudgetProposal resource documentation for allowed formats.
    # proposal.proposed_start_date_time = '2020-01-02 03:04:05'

    # Specify that the budget runs forever.
    proposal.proposed_end_time_type = :FOREVER
    # Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as
    # above.
    # proposal.proposed_end_date_time = '2021-01-02 03:04:05'

    # Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not affect
    # budget delivery.
    # proposal.proposed_notes = 'Received prepayment of $0.01'

    # Set the spending limit to 0.01, measured in the Google Ads account currency.
    proposal.proposed_spending_limit_micros = 10_000

  account_budget_proposal_service = client.service.account_budget_proposal
  # Add budget proposal.
  response = account_budget_proposal_service.mutate_account_budget_proposal(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    operation: operation,

  puts sprintf("Created budget proposal %s.",


sub add_account_budget_proposal {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $billing_setup_id) = @_;

  # Create an account budget proposal.
  my $account_budget_proposal =
      billingSetup =>
        $customer_id, $billing_setup_id
      proposalType => CREATE,
      proposedName => "Account Budget (example)",
      # Specify that the account budget starts immediately.
      proposedStartTimeType => NOW,
      # Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
      # AccountBudgetProposal class for allowed formats.
      # proposedStartDateTime => "2020-01-02 03:04:05",

      # Specify that the account budget runs forever.
      proposedEndDateTime => FOREVER,
      # Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as below.
      # proposedEndDateTime => "2021-02-03 04:05:06",

      # Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect budget
      # delivery.
      # proposedNotes => "Received prepayment of $0.01",

      # Optional: set PO number for record keeping. This value is at the user's
      # discretion, and has no effect on Google Billing & Payments.
      # proposedPurchaseOrderNumber => "PO number 12345",

      # Set the spending limit to 0.01, measured in the Google Ads account currency.
      proposedSpendingLimitMicros => 10000

  # Create an account budget proposal operation.
  my $account_budget_proposal_operation =
      create => $account_budget_proposal

  # Add the account budget proposal.
  my $account_budget_proposal_response =
      customerId => $customer_id,
      operation  => $account_budget_proposal_operation

  printf "Created account budget proposal '%s'.\n",

  return 1;

Per aggiornare i budget dell'account, utilizza AccountBudgetProposalService per gestire i parametri del budget. Le operazioni di gestione più comuni consistono nell'aggiornamento dei campi del limite di spesa e di data e ora. Per un elenco completo dei campi modificabili, vedi AccountBudgetProposal. L'esempio seguente mostra come aggiornare il limite di spesa proposto per un budget dell'account esistente.


private void runExample(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, long billingSetupId) {
  // Creates an AccountBudgetProposal. This will be reviewed offline by Google Ads, and if
  // approved will become an AccountBudget.
  AccountBudgetProposal proposal =
          .setBillingSetup(ResourceNames.billingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId))
          .setProposedName("Account Budget (example)")

          // Specifies the account budget starts immediately.
          // Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
          // AccountBudgetProposal
          // resource documentation for allowed formats.
          // .setProposedStartDateTime("2020-01-02 03:04:05")

          // Specifies that the budget runs forever.
          // Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as above.
          // .setProposedEndDateTime("2021-02-03 04:05:06")

          // Optional: sets notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect budget
          // delivery.
          // .setProposedNotes("Received prepayment of $0.01")

          // Sets the spending limit to 0.01, measured in the Google Ads account currency.

          // Optional: sets PO number for record keeping. This value is at the user's
          // discretion, and has no effect on Google Billing & Payments.
          // .setProposedPurchaseOrderNumber("PO number 12345")

  // Creates an operation which will add the new AccountBudgetProposal.
  AccountBudgetProposalOperation operation =

  try (AccountBudgetProposalServiceClient accountBudgetProposalServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAccountBudgetProposalServiceClient()) {
    // Sends the request to the Account Budget Proposal Service.
    MutateAccountBudgetProposalResponse response =
            String.valueOf(customerId), operation);

        "Account budget proposal created: %s.%n", response.getResult().getResourceName());


public void Run(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, long billingSetupId)
    // Get the AccountBudgetProposalServiceClient.
    AccountBudgetProposalServiceClient proposalService =

    // Create an AccountBudgetProposal. The proposal will be reviewed offline by Google Ads,
    // and if approved will become an AccountBudget.
    AccountBudgetProposal proposal = new AccountBudgetProposal()
        BillingSetup = ResourceNames.BillingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId),
        ProposalType = AccountBudgetProposalType.Create,
        ProposedName = "Account Budget (example)",

        // Specify the account budget starts immediately
        ProposedStartTimeType = TimeType.Now,
        // Alternatively, you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
        // AccountBudgetProposal resource documentation for allowed formats.
        //ProposedStartDateTime = "2020-01-02 03:04:05",

        // Specify that the budget runs forever.
        ProposedEndTimeType = TimeType.Forever,
        // Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as above.
        //ProposedEndDateTime = "2021-02-03 04:05:06",

        // Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect budget
        // delivery.
        //ProposedNotes = "Received prepayment of $0.01",

        // Set the spending limit to 0.01, measured in the Google Ads account currency.
        ProposedSpendingLimitMicros = 10_000

        // Optional: set PO number for record keeping. This value is at the user's
        // discretion, and has no effect on Google Billing & Payments.
        //ProposedPurchaseOrderNumber = "PO number 12345"

    // Create an operation which will add the new AccountBudgetProposal
    AccountBudgetProposalOperation operation = new AccountBudgetProposalOperation()
        Create = proposal

        // Send the request to the Account Budget Proposal Service.
        MutateAccountBudgetProposalResponse response = proposalService.
            MutateAccountBudgetProposal(customerId.ToString(), operation);

        // Display the results.
        Console.WriteLine($"Account budget proposal '{response.Result.ResourceName}' " +
            "was created.");
    catch (GoogleAdsException e)
        Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}");


public static function runExample(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    int $billingSetupId
) {
    // Constructs an account budget proposal.
    $accountBudgetProposal = new AccountBudgetProposal([
        'billing_setup' => ResourceNames::forBillingSetup($customerId, $billingSetupId),
        'proposal_type' => AccountBudgetProposalType::CREATE,
        'proposed_name' => 'Account Budget (example)',
        // Specifies the account budget starts immediately.
        'proposed_start_time_type' => TimeType::NOW,
        // Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
        // AccountBudgetProposal class for allowed formats.
        // 'proposed_start_date_time' => '2020-01-02 03:04:05',

        // Specify that the budget runs forever.
        'proposed_end_time_type' => TimeType::FOREVER,
        // Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as above.
        // 'proposed_end_date_time' => '2021-02-03 04:05:06',

        // Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect budget
        // delivery.
        // 'proposed_notes' => 'Received prepayment of $0.01',

        // Optional: set PO number for record keeping. This value is at the user's
        // discretion, and has no effect on Google Billing & Payments.
        // 'proposed_purchase_order_number' => 'PO number 12345',

        // Set the spending limit to 0.01, measured in the Google Ads account currency.
        'proposed_spending_limit_micros' => 10000

    $accountBudgetProposalOperation = new AccountBudgetProposalOperation();

    // Issues a mutate request to add the account budget proposal.
    $accountBudgetProposalServiceClient =
    $response = $accountBudgetProposalServiceClient->mutateAccountBudgetProposal(
        MutateAccountBudgetProposalRequest::build($customerId, $accountBudgetProposalOperation)

        "Added an account budget proposal with resource name '%s'.%s",


def main(client, customer_id, billing_setup_id):
    account_budget_proposal_service = client.get_service(
    billing_setup_service = client.get_service("BillingSetupService")

    account_budget_proposal_operation = client.get_type(
    proposal = account_budget_proposal_operation.create

    proposal.proposal_type = client.enums.AccountBudgetProposalTypeEnum.CREATE
    proposal.billing_setup = billing_setup_service.billing_setup_path(
        customer_id, billing_setup_id
    proposal.proposed_name = "Account Budget Proposal (example)"

    # Specify the account budget starts immediately
    proposal.proposed_start_time_type = client.enums.TimeTypeEnum.NOW
    # Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
    # AccountBudgetProposal resource documentation for allowed formats.
    # proposal.proposed_start_date_time = '2020-01-02 03:04:05'

    # Specify that the budget runs forever
    proposal.proposed_end_time_type = client.enums.TimeTypeEnum.FOREVER
    # Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as
    # above.
    # proposal.proposed_end_date_time = '2021-01-02 03:04:05'

    # Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect
    # budget delivery.
    # proposal.proposed_notes = 'Received prepayment of $0.01'
    proposal.proposed_spending_limit_micros = 10000

    account_budget_proposal_response = (
        "Created account budget proposal "


def add_account_budget_proposal(customer_id, billing_setup_id)
  # GoogleAdsClient will read a config file from
  # ENV['HOME']/google_ads_config.rb when called without parameters
  client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::GoogleAdsClient.new

  operation = client.operation.create_resource.account_budget_proposal do |proposal|
    proposal.billing_setup = client.path.billing_setup(customer_id, billing_setup_id)
    proposal.proposal_type = :CREATE
    proposal.proposed_name = 'Account Budget (example)'

    # Specify the account budget starts immediately
    proposal.proposed_start_time_type = :NOW
    # Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
    # AccountBudgetProposal resource documentation for allowed formats.
    # proposal.proposed_start_date_time = '2020-01-02 03:04:05'

    # Specify that the budget runs forever.
    proposal.proposed_end_time_type = :FOREVER
    # Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as
    # above.
    # proposal.proposed_end_date_time = '2021-01-02 03:04:05'

    # Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not affect
    # budget delivery.
    # proposal.proposed_notes = 'Received prepayment of $0.01'

    # Set the spending limit to 0.01, measured in the Google Ads account currency.
    proposal.proposed_spending_limit_micros = 10_000

  account_budget_proposal_service = client.service.account_budget_proposal
  # Add budget proposal.
  response = account_budget_proposal_service.mutate_account_budget_proposal(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    operation: operation,

  puts sprintf("Created budget proposal %s.",


sub add_account_budget_proposal {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $billing_setup_id) = @_;

  # Create an account budget proposal.
  my $account_budget_proposal =
      billingSetup =>
        $customer_id, $billing_setup_id
      proposalType => CREATE,
      proposedName => "Account Budget (example)",
      # Specify that the account budget starts immediately.
      proposedStartTimeType => NOW,
      # Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
      # AccountBudgetProposal class for allowed formats.
      # proposedStartDateTime => "2020-01-02 03:04:05",

      # Specify that the account budget runs forever.
      proposedEndDateTime => FOREVER,
      # Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as below.
      # proposedEndDateTime => "2021-02-03 04:05:06",

      # Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect budget
      # delivery.
      # proposedNotes => "Received prepayment of $0.01",

      # Optional: set PO number for record keeping. This value is at the user's
      # discretion, and has no effect on Google Billing & Payments.
      # proposedPurchaseOrderNumber => "PO number 12345",

      # Set the spending limit to 0.01, measured in the Google Ads account currency.
      proposedSpendingLimitMicros => 10000

  # Create an account budget proposal operation.
  my $account_budget_proposal_operation =
      create => $account_budget_proposal

  # Add the account budget proposal.
  my $account_budget_proposal_response =
      customerId => $customer_id,
      operation  => $account_budget_proposal_operation

  printf "Created account budget proposal '%s'.\n",

  return 1;

Per terminare un budget dell'account attivo, imposta l'ora di fine sull'ora attuale inviando una proposta con AccountBudgetProposalType.END.

Emetti fatture

La fattura viene emessa mensilmente, se attivata dall'inserzionista. Le fatture contengono dettagli come aggiustamenti, costi normativi, imposte e budget dell'account e possono essere scaricate come file PDF. In genere, i gestori possono essere utilizzati per riconciliare automaticamente le fatture dei clienti. Per abilitare la fatturazione sono necessari:

  • Avere attivato la fatturazione mensile per l'account Google Ads. Consulta le guide sulle configurazioni di fatturazione e sui budget degli account per scoprire come gestire la fatturazione utilizzando l'API Google Ads.

  • Se impostato, login-customer-id deve specificare l'ID cliente di un account amministratore che gestisce l'account Google Ads per il quale stai recuperando le fatture. Questo stato è contrassegnato come amministratore pagamenti nell'interfaccia utente di Google Ads.

Recupera le risorse di Invoice per i dati delle fatture utilizzando InvoiceService. Richiedi il metodo InvoiceService.ListInvoices, impostando tutti i campi obbligatori in ListInvoicesRequest: customer_id, billing_setup, issue_year e issue_month. I seguenti esempi mostrano come effettuare questa richiesta:


// Issues the request.
ListInvoicesResponse response =
        ResourceNames.billingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId),


ListInvoicesResponse response = invoiceServiceClient.ListInvoices(customerId.ToString(),
    ResourceNames.BillingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId),
    // Year must be 2019 or later.


// Issues the request.
$response = $googleAdsClient->getInvoiceServiceClient()->listInvoices(
        ResourceNames::forBillingSetup($customerId, $billingSetupId),
        // The year needs to be 2019 or later.
        date('Y', $lastMonth),
        MonthOfYear::value(strtoupper(date('F', $lastMonth)))


# Issues a request to list invoices.
response = client.get_service("InvoiceService").list_invoices(
        customer_id, billing_setup_id
    # The year needs to be 2019 or later, per the docs:
    # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/billing/invoice?hl=en#retrieving_invoices


# Issues a request to list invoices.
response = client.service.invoice.list_invoices(
  customer_id: customer_id,
  billing_setup: client.path.billing_setup(customer_id, billing_setup_id),
  # The year needs to be 2019 or later.
  issue_year: last_month.year.to_s,
  # '%^B' option returns the uppercased full month name (e.g. 'JANUARY').
  issue_month: last_month.strftime("%^B").to_sym,


# Issue the request.
my $response = $api_client->InvoiceService()->list({
    customerId   => $customer_id,
    billingSetup =>
      ($customer_id, $billing_setup_id)
    # The year needs to be 2019 or later.
    issueYear  => strftime("%Y", @last_month),
    issueMonth => uc(strftime("%B", @last_month))});

La risposta è un oggetto ListInvoicesResponse che contiene l'elenco di Invoices corrispondenti. Una fattura combina i dati di tutti gli account Google Ads con configurazioni di fatturazione che utilizzano lo stesso account pagamenti sottostante utilizzato dalla configurazione di fatturazione richiesta. Ciò accade solo quando l'account pagamenti sottostante è idoneo per la fatturazione consolidata.