4.3.3 Promotional Coupon Call-Out

By joining the Google Partners program, you are able to give promotional offers, such as Google Ads credits, to eligible new advertisers in your manager account.

UX Guidance

Once you become a Google Partner, you can call out associated promotional offers within your core platform and Ads integration, as a way to incentivize merchants to give Google Ads a try.

Suggested places in the experience to call out the promotional coupon are:

  • On the initial landing page of the integration

  • In any Google Ads upsell messages you may show for the case when the user has skipped or aborted Google Ads in the initial onboarding

  • At the Google Ads account connection step

  • At the Campaign setup step

  • On the post-onboarding overview page (for coupon status if applicable)

  • In the Google Ads details view (for coupon status if applicable)

Communicate clearly to the merchant:

  • If you can identify merchants that are not eligible for the coupon, don't expose coupon information to them.

  • If you can't determine a merchant's eligibility, communicate that clearly and provide a way for the merchant to access an eligibility checklist so they can determine themselves if they can get the coupon.

  • If you can identify key dates (for example, when the coupon has been applied), communicate them to the merchant.

  • If you can't identify key dates, provide ways for the merchant to check the current status themselves. This may include redirecting them to their billing overview in Google Ads to check if their account received the Google Ads credit.

Tech Guidance

These offers are usually applied automatically, once Google Ads has determined that the advertiser has met the eligibility requirements. Whilst additional development work is not necessary to support this, you may have to be thoughtful about how you set up your payment profiles if you are using consolidated billing.

Considerations when using consolidated billing

The value and spend requirement of the coupons that are provided as part of the incentives program are granted based on the billing country of the payment profile for an invoice. When using consolidated billing, this can be a challenge as there is often a single payment profile in use supporting multiple currencies.

As the coupon value is always based on the currency of the payment profile country and the exchange rate is dynamic, this means that the spend requirement and coupon value is variable depending on the date the customer qualifies for the coupon. This has implications on implementation, UX and go-to-market approaches.

As a result, two options can be used when supporting incentive coupons:

  • Option 1: Create additional Payment Profiles with the billing country in relevant country for the currency (US, GB, JP etc) to have static coupon values.

  • Option 2: Support dynamic coupon values relative to the value in the user currency (for example, 1500 shekels converted to USD)