5.1 Reporting Free Listings Performance (Impressions and Clicks)

Introduction and Business Impact

Free Listing Performance reporting allows your merchants to view the number of clicks and impressions that your products receive across the Shopping tab, YouTube, the Shopping Knowledge Panel, and Popular Product. Learn more about where Google shows your free product listings and how performance reporting works in Merchant Center.

Tech Guidance

Use the Reporting API to retrieve performance data for products and programs in Merchant Center accounts.

Requests use the Merchant Center Query Language, which lets you select performance metrics and segments that determine how the metrics are summarized in the response, and additional filtering to select the date range and other criteria. If you also use the reporting features of the Google Ads API, you find that many of these concepts are similar.

For example, a common use case is to summarize the performance of your account over the last 30 days segmented by program and offer_id. The following is the query for this report:

FROM MerchantPerformanceView
WHERE segments.date BETWEEN '2020-11-01' AND '2020-11-30'

To issue this request, pass the Merchant Center Query Language statement, shown above, to the reports.search method.

The request consists of an HTTP POST to the Content API for Shopping server at the following URL (substitute the merchant ID for merchantId):


For the full example, see the Example in the Content API documentation. For more examples and information, see the following:

See: Track your product performance