General Process Notes
- This process covers certification for Fast Pair (FP) and Audio switch
- Fast Pair self-tests can be found in the BlueTooth Classic or BlueTooth LE Audio Self-Test Report forms.
- Audio switch self-tests can be found in the BT Classic or BT LEA Audio switch Self-Test Report forms.
- Devices implementing LE Audio must be certified for Fast Pair version 3.1.
- Devices implementing Audio switch must be also be certified for Fast Pair
version 3.2.
- This includes devices implementing Audio switch over LE Audio.
- Devices that implemented Fast Pair 2.0 or 3.1 don't need to support or certify Audio switch.
- OEMs are expected to interface with their preferred System Integrator (SI) or
SoC Partner for the majority of the process.
- See SI Roles and Responsibilities for more details.
- OEMs should start Fast Pair and Audio switch certification around Product Verification Testing (PVT).
- Contact your SI or SoC partner, with technical, scheduling, or process questions.
The Certification Process
Preparing for Certification via Self Testing:
- OEM: follow the testing preparation provisions defined in the respective
specification pages.
- Details for the Fast Pair specification are found on the Fast Pair specification page.
- Details for the Audio switch specification are found on the Audio switch specification page.
- Details for the LE Audio specification are found on the LE Audio specification page.
- Your SI or SoC Partner may need to enable these features.
OEM: run the Fast Pair Validator to ensure the implementation is correct and meets the certification criteria.
- Additional documentation on how to use the validator can be found in the Validator App Help Guide.
- The tests required to complete the Self-Test Report depend on the Fast Pair versionbeing implemented, as shown in this table:
Test Name FP V2.0 FP V3.1 FP V3.2 FP V3.3 Optional Calibration Yes Yes Yes Yes End-to-End Integration Yes Yes Yes Yes Auto Pairing Test Yes Yes Auto Subsequent Pairing Test Yes Yes Distance 0.3 Meter Yes Distance 1.2 Meter Yes Distance 2.0 Meter Yes Battery Notification Verification Yes All other tests Yes Test Name FP V3.1 FP V3.2 FP V3.3 Optional Calibration Yes Yes Yes End-to-End Integration Yes Yes Auto Pairing Test Yes Auto Subsequent Pairing Test Yes Integration with Seeker Support BLE
spec Audio ConnectionYes
Auto Pairing Test with Seeker Support
BLE and LE Audio ConnectionYes
Auto Subsequent Pairing Test with
Seeker Support BLE and LE Audio ConnectionYes
All other tests Yes Test Name FP V3.1 FP V3.2 FP V3.3 Optional Calibration Yes Yes Yes End-to-End Integration Yes Yes Auto Pairing Test Yes Auto Subsequent Pairing Test Yes Integration with Seeker not Support BLE
Spec and Classic Profile ConnectionYes
Integration with Seeker Support BLE
Spec and Classic Profile ConnectionYes
Auto Pairing Test with not Seeker Support
BLE Spec and Classic Profile ConnectionYes
Auto Pairing Test with Seeker Support
BLE Spec and Classic Profile ConnectionYes
Auto Subsequent Pairing Test with Seeker not
Support BLE Spec and Classic Profile ConnectionYes
Auto Subsequent Pairing Test with Seeker
Support BLE Spec and Classic Profile ConnectionYes
Common Audio Service UUID Verification Yes Advertise Address Verification Yes All other tests Yes OEM: test according to the Fast Pair certification guidelines and Audio switch certification guidelines templates.
- Fast Pair self-tests can be found in either the BT Classic or BT LE Audio Self-Test Report forms.
- Audio switch self-tests can be found in either the BT Classic or BT LE Audio Self-Test Report forms.
Submitting for Official Lab Certification:
- OEM: request assistance for creating the Technical Proposal (TP) from your SoC or SI Partner.
- SI Partner (only): create a TP tracking bug in the appropriate Buganizer.
- OEM: Contact the Fast Pair support group if you don't work with an SI Partner and need a Technical Account Manager (TAM).
- OEM: submit Self-Test Reports for the specifications you are certifying ( Fast Pair BT Classic or FP BT LEA, Audio switch BT Classic or Audio switch LEA) to your SI or SoC partner.
- Google: review and verify TP tracking bug.
- See SI Roles and Responsibilities for more details.
- Google: validate the Self-Test Reports provided by the OEM.
- OEM: resolve any issues found in the Self-Test Reports.
- OEM: complete the certification application form.
- OEM: prepare 3 samples for QA testing.
- See shipping guidelines for detailed instructions.
- Google: create a corresponding Certification Request ticket in Buganizer.
- Google: provide a lab certification ticket ID for official testing to the OEM or SI Partner.
- Google: coordinate formal testing with the appropriate 3rd party lab (3PL).
- Google: inform the SI or SoC partner when testing is scheduled to start.
- SI or SoC Partner: provide the testing date to the OEM.
- OEM: deliver your QA samples to Google or the appropriate 3PL at least one
week before official certification.
- You must send 3 sample units for QA testing and certification.
- 3PL: perform official certification.
- 3PL: provide certification results to Google.
- Google: provide certification results to the SI or SoC partner.
- Certification results are shared in 2-4 weeks.
- If passed, your device's Fast Pair and Audio switch features are
turned on immediately.
- Device status and model ID are visible on your Nearby console.
- Google provides a Technical Approval Letter to the SI or SoC
partner and OEM.
- Congratulations on passing certification!
- Otherwise, the Google team or your SI partners will contact you with
a list of issues.
- Restart from the Self-Test section once the issues have been resolved.
- If passed, your device's Fast Pair and Audio switch features are
turned on immediately.
- Certification results are shared in 2-4 weeks.
Post Certification:
- When updating firmware or BlueTooth (BT) stacks, OEMs must submit Self-Test
Reports matching the implemented features (Fast Pair, Audio switch, LE Audio)
to their SI or SoC Partner or TAM.
- See the Self-Test section for details.