Audio Switch
As users increasingly utilize multiple audio source devices to perform their daily tasks, there's growing demand for a simpler solution to manage headset use across devices. Audio switch seamlessly transitions headset connections between devices based on user activity (e.g. starting a movie) and prioritized events (e.g. an incoming call).
UX Principles
- Connection switching should be fast and based on user action.
- Connection switching should be transparent to users, allowing users to control/revert if the switching is undesirable.
- Switching should respect user privacy.
Audio Switch Seeker: The Seeker is an audio source device (for example, a phone or tablet), looking for a nearby headset to connect with when applicable.
Audio Switch Provider: The Provider is normally a headset advertising its presence and connection status for Seekers to make switching decisions.
Requirements Overview
To achieve smart switching, Providers must adhere to the following requirements:
Name | Description | Requirements | Mandatory? |
Page Scan | To accept a new connection request from another Seeker when there is an existing connection. For single-point Providers:
Low latency page scan mode (scan interval should be no larger than 640 ms) is required to improve the performance. To make a trade-off between battery life and switching performance, the Provider can have a default page scan mode for most cases (low-power mode, scan interval should be no larger than 1280 ms). But low latency mode must be used in following situations:
Mandatory |
Connection history | To switch back to the previous connection and resume playing if applicable. Switching back will be triggered by communications via Message Stream APIs. The pausing audio event should be included in the record to resume playing if applicable. |
Maintain connection history and implement Message Stream APIs. | Mandatory |
Connection status | For Seekers to do the connection switching judgment.The connection status includes:
Include connection status in BLE Advertisement and Message Stream. | Mandatory |
Runtime capabilities change | Audio switch can be enabled by upgrading firmware on the Provider, so the capabilities need to be synchronized between Seeker and Provider at runtime. | Implement Message Stream APIs to access runtime capabilities. | Mandatory |
Configurable switching rules | Let Seeker configure the priority between existing active audio streaming and new audio streaming requests via user preference settings. For example, the audio switch Seeker may provide UI settings to let users enable/disable automatic switching between media streaming and calling. Audio switch Seeker will set and get the switching rule via Message Stream. |
Multipoint Providers only. Implement Message Stream APIs to make switching rules between connected devices configurable. |
Optional |
Active device switching | Let Audio switch Seeker simulate Audio switching between connected devices. On the Audio switch Seeker side, there may be a UI for users to easily switch between connected devices. |
Multipoint Providers only. Implement Message Stream APIs for Audio switch Seeker to determine the active audio source between connected devices. |
Mandatory |
Multipoint switching notification | Let the Audio switch Seeker show the switching notification. | Multipoint Providers only. Implement Message Stream APIs to notify connected Audio switch Seekers when a multipoint switching is taking place. |
Mandatory |
Advertising payload
The Provider shall include its current connection status in the advertisement, built on top of the Fast Pair Account data described in Advertising: When not discoverable.
Note that the version of table 4.2 is 0x1.
Connection Status Field
Octet | Data type | Description | Value | Mandatory? |
0 | uint8 |
Field length and type 0bLLLLTTTT
Mandatory |
1 | uint8 |
Connection state 0bHAFRSSSS
Mandatory |
2 | uint8 |
Custom data Currently, it only contains content type which is used to describe the usage of current audio streaming. The Seeker will send it to the Provider. |
The value is sent from the Seeker of current active streaming to the Provider via message stream. 0 if the current active streaming is not from Seeker. | Mandatory |
3 - var | Connected devices bitmap A bitmap to show which devices are currently connected to the Provider. All bonded devices are arranged in order, one bit for one bonded device. The length will depend on how many bonded devices of the Provider there are. |
The mapped bit set to 1 if the device is currently connected to the Provider, 0 otherwise. See Connected Device Bitmap for details |
Optional |
Table 4.1: Connection status field raw data
Connection Flags
0bH = on head detection
- 1, on head now
- 0, otherwise, not on head or there is no OHD sensor
0bA = connection availability
- 1, there is an available connection
- 0, otherwise
0bF = focus mode
- 1, in focused mode now, connection switching is not allowed for media usage, i.e. no A2DP to A2DP switching
- 0, otherwise
0bR = auto-reconnected
- 1, if the current connection is auto-reconnected by the Provider, meaning it is not connected by users (for multipoint, if one of the existing connections is auto-reconnected, it should be set to 1)
- 0, otherwise
Connection state
- 0x0: no connection
- 0x1: paging
- 0x2: connected but no data transferring
- 0x3: Non-audio data transferring (only when switchable, if not, using 0xF)
- 0x4: A2DP streaming, AVRCP not applicable
- 0x5: A2DP streaming and AVRCP playing
- 0x6: HFP (phone/voip call) streaming, including inband and non-inband ringtone
- 0x7: LE audio - media streaming without control
- 0x8: LE audio - media streaming with control
- 0x9: LE audio - call streaming
- 0xA: LE audio - broadcast
- 0xF: Disable connection switch temporarily (e.g. firmware update)
LE Audio Context Type and Connection state
Recommend the LE Audio Provider should handle all of the context types specified in Assigned Numbers 6.12.3 (unless the Provider explicitly does not support a given context type) and map the context type to the connection state as below.
- Conversational: 0x9
- Media: 0x8
- Game: 0x7
- Instructional: 0x7
- Voice Assistants: 0x9
- Live: 0x9
- Sound Effects: 0x2
- Notifications: 0x2
- Ringtone: 0x9
- Alerts: 0x7
- Emergency Alarm: 0x9
For the mixed LE Audio context type scenario such as playing media during the call, Provider shall use the connection state with highest priority, i.e. use 0x9 (call) for above scenario instead of 0x8 (media).
Connected Device Bitmap
To avoid undesired connection switching, the Seeker may need to know which device(s) the headset is currently connected to. For example, when the headset is connected to the phone, the user doesn't want to be interrupted by the connection switching when one of their family members starts YouTube on the tablet.
Note that this bitmap is anonymous, the Seeker is unable to know what other devices are bonded with the Provider. For example, take 5 bonded devices:
- 0: laptop (0bx0000000)
- 1: phoneA (0b0x000000)
- 2: phoneB (0b00x00000)
- 3: tablet (0b000x0000)
- 4: TV (0b0000x000)
If the current connected devices are a laptop and a tablet, the value of the bitmap will be 0b10010000. The order change is acceptable if it is unavoidable, e.g. when users factory reset the headset or when the bonded device count reaches the upper limit.
Random Resolvable Advertisement
To avoid tracking and respect user privacy, the Provider should rotate and encrypt the field by the account key using AES-CTR:
encrypted_connection_status_field = connection_status_raw_data ^ AES(Key, IV)
Key is derived from the in use account key, which is defined in the next section.
Key is generated by the HKDF function, IETF RFC 5869, using the SHA-256 hash function.
Key = HKDF(account_key, NULL, UTF8("SASS-RRD-KEY"),16)
Provider shall use the original account key here, i.e. the first byte of the key is 0x04, not included in use pattern.
IV (initial vector) is the 2-byte salt of Account Key Data with zero padding, i.e. IV is concat(salt, 14-byte ZEROs).
Connection status raw data is defined in table 4.1, if the connection status changes, the salt and RPA should be regenerated at the same advertising time frame.
This makes the encrypted connection status field rotate at the same time as the Account Key Data rotates.
The BLE advertisement will be structured as below:
Octet | Data type | Description | Value | Mandatory? |
0 | uint8 |
Version and flags | 0x10 | Mandatory |
1 - t | Account Key Data | varies | Mandatory | |
t+1 - s | Battery Data | varies | Optional | |
s+1 - var | Random Resolvable Data | varies | Mandatory if the Account Key List is not empty, otherwise Excluded. |
Table 4.2: BLE advertisement with Random Resolvable Data
Random Resolvable Data contains:
Octet | Data type | Description | Value | Mandatory? |
0 | uint8 |
Field length and type 0bLLLLTTTT
Mandatory |
1 - var | Encrypted data | varies | Mandatory |
Table 4.2.1: Random Resolvable Data
As an example, if the Random Resolvable Data contains an encrypted connection status field, the decrypted result will be the connection status field.
To prevent tampering, the Account Key Data above should be slightly modified when the Random Resolvable Data is included in the advertisement. Normally, when building the account key filter, a value V is produced by combining the account key filter with a salt. Instead, when Random Resolvable Data is also being advertised, the value V should be constructed as:
V = concat(account_key, salt, random_resolvable_data)
If both Battery Data and Random Resolvable Data are being advertised, V should be constructed as:
V = concat(account_key, salt, battery_data, random_resolvable_data)
In Use Account Key
The connection switching is account-based, so the Provider should include the account information of the current connection in the BLE advertisement. If the current connected device is a Audio switch Seeker, the Provider should be able to get the account key associated with this Seeker, and use this account key to encrypt the connection status field. If the connected audio source is non-Audio switch Seeker, the Provider should use the most recently used account key.
Before computing the account key filter, the Provider should modify the first byte of the account keys to include one of the following in use patterns:
- 0b00000100
This account key is not in use.
This is the default one (see Account key). - 0b00000101
This account key is the most recently used account key.
The connection status field is encrypted by this account key. There is no account key information of the current connection state, it could mean no devices connected or the connected device is not an Audio switch Seeker. - 0b00000110
This account key is the in use account key.
The connection status field is encrypted by this account key, and the current connected device is associated with this account key.
Schematic for Audio switch payload
The figure below shows the schematic for Audio switch payload.

When connected, Seeker and Provider can use the Message stream to sync Audio switch capability, trigger a connection switch, set and get the switching preference, notify connection status and so on. We create a message group and message codes specific for Audio switch as below.
Message Group Name | Value |
Audio switch | 0x07 |
Additional details for each message code are included in the following sections.
Message Code Name | Value | Multipoint only | Sender | Responder | Encrypt | MAC | ACK |
Get capability of Audio switch | 0x10 | N | Both | Both, via code 0x11 | N | N | N |
Notify capability of Audio switch | 0x11 | N | Both | Both | N | Y | Y |
Set multipoint state | 0x12 | Y | Seeker | Provider | N | Y | Y |
Set switching preference | 0x20 | Y | Seeker | Provider | N | Y | Y |
Get switching preference | 0x21 | Y | Seeker | Provider, via code 0x22 | N | N | N |
Notify switching preference | 0x22 | Y | Provider | Seeker | N | N | N |
Switch active audio source(to connected device) | 0x30 | Y | Seeker | Provider | N | Y | Y |
Switch back | 0x31 | N | Seeker | Provider | N | Y | Y |
Notify multipoint-switch event | 0x32 | Y | Provider | Seeker | N | N | N |
Get connection status | 0x33 | Y | Seeker | Provider, via code 0x34 | N | N | N |
Notify connection status | 0x34 | Y | Provider | Seeker | Y | N | N |
Notify Audio switch initiated connection | 0x40 | N | Seeker | Provider | N | Y | Y |
Indicate in use account key | 0x41 | N | Seeker | Provider | N | Y | Y |
Send custom data | 0x42 | N | Seeker | Provider | N | Y | Y |
Set drop connection target | 0x43 | Y | Seeker | Provider | N | Y | Y |
Table 4.3: Audio switch messages
MAC of Audio switch Messages
To provide message authentication, all Audio switch messages with additional data sent from Seeker to Provider require a Message Authentication Code. When a message with MAC is received, it should be acknowledged so that the Seeker knows whether or not the Provider has reacted to the message.
If message authentication succeeds, the Provider shall send the ACK for the message:
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Acknowledgement | 0xFF |
1 | uint8 | ACK | 0x01 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | varies |
4 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
5 | uint8 | Audio switch message code | varies |
6 - s | Additional data | varies |
If it fails, the Provider shall send the NAK for the message:
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Acknowledgement | 0xFF |
1 | uint8 | NAK | 0x02 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | 0x0003 |
4 | uint8 | Error reason | varies |
5 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
6 | uint8 | Audio switch message code | varies |
Note that, if the Provider is the sender, MAC is not required.
Get capability of Audio switch
Both the Audio switch Provider and Seeker can check if the connected Fast Pair Seeker/Provider supports Audio switch or not by using the below message:
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
1 | uint8 | Get capability of Audio switch | 0x10 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | 0 |
Table Get capability of Audio switch
Notify capability of Audio switch
Upon receiving get capability of Audio switch message code, the Audio switch Seeker/Provider will respond with one of the following flags:
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
1 | uint8 | Notify capability of Audio switch | 0x11 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | 20 if this is sent by Seeker 4 if this is sent by Provider |
4 - 5 | uint16 | Audio switch version code | A non-zero value means it supports Audio switch. Current version (with the security enhancement) code is 0x0102. 0x0000 or no response in 1 second means Audio switch is not supported on this device |
6 - 7 | flags | Audio switch capability flags of the Provider If this is sent by Seeker, these two bytes should be ignored. |
varies See Audio switch capability flags |
8 - 15 | Message nonce Only required when this is sent by Seeker |
varies | |
16 - 23 | Message authentication code Only required when this is sent by Seeker |
varies |
Table Notify capability of Audio switch
Audio switch capability flags
Bit 0 (octet 6, MSB): Audio switch state
- 1, if Audio switch state is on
- 0, otherwise
Bit 1: multipoint configurability
- 1, if the device supports multipoint and it can be switched between on and off
- 0, otherwise (does not support multipoint or multipoint is always on)
Bit 2: multipoint current state
- 1, if multipoint is on
- 0, otherwise
Bit 3: on-head detection
- 1, if this device supports on-head detection (even if on-head detection is turned off now)
- 0, otherwise
Bit 4: on-head detection current state
- 1, if on-head detection is turned on
- 0, otherwise (does not support on-head detection or on-head detection is disabled)
All the other bits are reserved, default 0.
Set multipoint state
On Audio switch Seekers, we may provide the setting for users to turn on/off multipoint functionality. The Seeker will set the multipoint state to the Provider using the below message:
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
1 | uint8 | Set multipoint state | 0x12 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | 17 |
4 | uint8 | Multipoint state | 0: switch off multipoint 1: switch on multipoint |
5 - 12 | Message nonce | varies | |
13 - 20 | Message authentication code | varies |
Table Set multipoint state
Set switching preference
Audio switch Seekers may modify the switching preference of multipoint and set it to the Provider using the below message:
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
1 | uint8 | Set switching preference | 0x20 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | 18 |
4 | flags | Switching preference | varies See multipoint switching preference flag |
5 | Advanced switching settings This byte is reserved, default value is 0 |
varies | |
6 - 13 | Message nonce | varies | |
14 - 21 | Message authentication code | varies |
Table Set switching preference
Multipoint switching preference flag
- Bit 0 (MSB): A2DP vs A2DP (default 0)
- Bit 1: HFP vs HFP (default 0)
- Bit 2: A2DP vs HFP (default 0)
- Bit 3: HFP vs A2DP (default 1)
- Bit 4 - 7: reserved
- Above represents as "new profile request" vs "current active profile"
- 0 for not switching
- 1 for switching
Get switching preference
Audio switch Seekers can query the switching preference of multipoint from the Provider using the below message:
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
1 | uint8 | Get switching configuration | 0x21 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | 0 |
Table Get switching preference
Notify switching preference
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
1 | uint8 | Notify switching preference | 0x22 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | 2 |
4 | flags | Switching preference flags | varies See multipoint switching preference flag |
5 | Advanced switching settings This byte is reserved, default value should be 0 |
varies |
Table Notify switching preference
Switch active audio source (to connected device)
Audio switch Seekers can request the multipoint Provider to switch the active audio source between connected devices using the below message:
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
1 | uint8 | Switch active audio source (to connected device) | 0x30 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | 17 |
4 | flags | Switching active audio source event flags | varies See switching active audio source event |
5 - 12 | Message nonce | varies | |
13 - 20 | Message authentication code | varies |
Table Switch active audio source (to connected device)
Switching active audio source event
- Bit 0 (MSB): 1 switch to this device, 0 switch to second connected device
- Bit 1: 1 resume playing on switch to device after switching, 0 otherwise. Resuming playing means the Provider sends a PLAY notification to the Seeker through AVRCP profile. If the previous state (before switched away) was not PLAY, the Provider should ignore this flag.
- Bit 2: 1 reject SCO on switched away device, 0 otherwise
- Bit 3: 1 disconnect Bluetooth on switch away device, 0 otherwise.
- Bit 4 - 7: reserved.
Audio switch Seekers may not always know their state correctly, so it's possible for the Provider to receive a "switch to this device" message when the Seeker is already the active device. In this case, to show the correct UI on Seeker, the Provider can send a NAK with the error reason, 0x4 - Redundant device action.
For a LE Audio Provider who has more than one set member, the Provider should disconnect all the members from the Seeker, otherwise the bluetooth stack of the Seeker would reconnect to the Provider.
Switch back (to disconnected device)
If the connection switching is unwanted, users can revert the switching, and in certain scenarios, it makes sense to restore the audio connection to minimize disruption. The Seeker will use the below message to trigger switching back:
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
1 | uint8 | Switch back (to disconnected device) | 0x31 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | 17 |
4 | uint8 | Switch back event | varies 0x01: switch back 0x02: switch back and resume playing |
5 - 12 | Message nonce | varies | |
13 - 20 | Message authentication code | varies |
Table Switch back (to disconnected device)
For multipoint Providers, to do a connection switch, a Provider may drop the connection with one audio source device and pause the audio session on the other audio source. For example, assume the multipoint headset is connected to a tablet and a 3rd supported Audio switch device. The user is watching video on the tablet when there is an incoming call on their phone. The phone will trigger a connection switch on the headset, which needs to drop the 3rd device's connection in order to connect to the phone, while also pausing the media session on the tablet to get the ringtone from the phone. If the user declines the call, the phone may ask the headset to "switch back and resume playing". Upon receiving this request, the headset must reconnect to the 3rd device, and resume playing of the paused video on the tablet.
Notify multipoint-switch event
To make users aware of a multipoint-switch event taking place, the Audio switch Seeker may show a notification to users. The Provider should notify connected Audio switch Seekers about the switching event.
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
1 | uint8 | Notify multipoint-switch event Provider should send it on every switch, including Audio switch Seeker to non-Audio switch Seeker, non-Audio switch Seeker to Audio switch Seeker and Audio switch Seeker to Audio switch Seeker |
0x32 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | varies |
4 | uint8 | Switching reason This value should be determined based on Connection state. For LE Audio use-cases, looking into the mapping between LE Audio Context Type and Connection state may be useful. For example, the connection state corresponding to Voice Assistants is 0x9(LE audio - call streaming). So, the switching reason for a switch initiated by Voice Assistants should be 0x02. |
varies 0x00: Unspecified 0x01: Media (e.g. A2DP streaming, LEA media streaming) 0x02: Call (e.g. HFP streaming, LEA call streaming) |
5 | uint8 | Target device | varies 0x01: this device 0x02: another connected device |
6 - n | utf8 | Target device name if the target device is Audio switch Seeker, using the name the Seeker sent to, otherwise using the BT name, if not applicable, using last 2 bytes of its address |
varies |
Table Notify multipoint-switch event
Get connection status
The Seeker can get the current connection status from the Provider:
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
1 | uint8 | Get connection status | 0x33 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | 0 |
Table Get connection status
Upon receiving this message, the Provider shall respond by the message code 0x34, notify connection status.
Notify connection status
As defined in BLE advertising payload, for multipoint Providers, if the connection status changes, except for changing advertising packet, the Provider should also notify the connected Seekers which are using the same account key about the change. If the Provider is connected with an Audio switch Seeker and a non-Audio switch Seeker, if the non-Audio switch Seeker is active, the Provider should also notify the connected Audio switch Seeker about the connection status (using the Seeker's account key).
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
1 | uint8 | Notify connection status | 0x34 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | varies |
4 | uint8 | Active device flag | varies 0x00: this Seeker is passive, and the active device is using the same account key 0x01: this Seeker is the active device 0x02: this Seeker is passive, and the active device is non-Audio switch Seeker. |
5 - n | Encrypted connection status | varies | |
n+1 - n+8 | Message nonce | varies |
Table Notify connection status
Encrypted connection status message
encrypted_connection_status = connection_status_raw_data ^ AES(Key, IV)
Key is derived from the in use account key, see Random Resolvable Advertisement.
Key = HKDF(account_key, NULL, UTF8("SASS-RRD-KEY"),16)
IV is concat(Session_nonce, Message_nonce)
connection_status_raw_data = concat(connection_state, custom_data, connected_devices) which is defined in BLE advertising payload Note that the byte for field length and type should not be included since we have message code and data length here.
Notify Audio switch initiated connection
Audio switch Providers may need to know if the connection switching is triggered by Audio switch to have different reactions, e.g. disable earcons for Audio switch events. The Seeker sends a message to notify the Provider that this connection was an Audio switch initiated connection.
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
1 | uint8 | Notify Audio switch initiated connection | 0x40 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | 17 |
4 | uint8 | Audio switch initiated connection indication | varies 0: this connection was not triggered by Audio switch 1: this was an Audio switch initiated connection |
5 - 12 | Message nonce | varies | |
13 - 20 | Message authentication code | varies |
Table Notify Audio switch initiated connection
Indicate in use account key
If multiple account keys on the Seeker (e.g. multi-users) are associated with the Provider, the Seeker will use the below message to indicate which account key is in use.
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
1 | uint8 | Indicate in use account key | 0x41 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | 22 |
4 - 9 | utf8 | In use string | UTF8 ("in-use") |
10 - 17 | Message nonce | varies | |
18 - 25 | Message authentication code | varies |
Table Indicate in use account key
Upon receiving this message, the Provider can know which account key is in use by verifying the message authentication code.
Send custom data
The active Audio switch Seeker can encapsulate the information (e.g. audio usage) of audio stream in custom data byte, and send it to the Provider by using the below message:
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
1 | uint8 | Send custom data | 0x42 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | 17 |
4 | uint8 | Custom data | varies |
5 - 12 | Message nonce | varies | |
13 - 20 | Message authentication code | varies |
Table Send custom data
Upon receiving the custom data, the Provider will update the advertising packet to include the custom data. For a multipoint Provider, it should also notify the connection status change to another connected Seeker using the same account key.
Set drop connection target
On multipoint headsets, if the preferred connection to be dropped is not the least recently used one, Audio switch Seekers can tell the Provider which device to drop using the below message:
Octet | Data Type | Description | Value |
0 | uint8 | Audio switch | 0x07 |
1 | uint8 | Set drop connection target | 0x43 |
2 - 3 | uint16 | Additional data length | 17 |
4 | uint8 | Target connected device to be dropped | varies 1: this device |
5 - 12 | Message nonce | varies | |
13 - 20 | Message authentication code | varies |
Table Set drop connection target
Reference Implementation
See Nearby embedded SDK library for the reference implementation