The Android troubleshooting guide covers issues and questions related to the following topics.
- App is currently running within a test environment
- Request failed
- Registration and access
- Gateway validity
- Direct merchants
- CardInfo
App is currently running within a test environment
The user might see the following message when they choose a payment card from the payment details dialog:
App is currently running within a test environment. Transactions will not result in an actual charge
This error indicates that the app uses
and doesn't receive real payment credentials, but receives personal information that includes
billing address, billing address phone number, shipping address, and email address if requested.
Request failed
The most common error message is OR_BIBED_06
. This error message also
appears in the UI as a dialog with the following text:
Request Failed
There is an issue with merchant's Google Pay integration. Please contact merchant for help or pay with a different method.
To learn more about this error, follow these steps:
- Make sure Android Debug Bridge (adb) is installed on your computer.
- Make sure USB debugging is enabled on your device. For more information, see Debug Your App.
- Connect your Android device to the computer or start your simulator.
Run the following command in a terminal or command prompt on your computer:
adb logcat -s WalletMerchantError
The response indicates the reason for the error. For example, you might see:
02-26 17:41:28.133 14593 14593 W WalletMerchantError: Error in loadPaymentData: This merchant profile does not have access to this feature.
The action you need to take to resolve the issue depends on the error message.
Gateway validity
You might encounter the following errors related to gateway validity at some point in your integration. The following list provides some helpful troubleshooting advice should these errors arise.
Unknown gateway 'yourgateway'- The
property value you specified intokenizationSpecification
isn't currently supported by the Google Pay API. Contact your gateway for more information on their gateway identifier and associated fields, such asgatewayMerchantId
Gateway 'example' cannot be used in production mode.- The example gateway property value is only used for testing purposes and can't be used with
environment parameter value set toWalletConstants.ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION
. Contact your gateway for more information about thegateway
parameters you need to use with the Google Pay API.
Registration and access
You might encounter the following errors related to registration and access at some point in your integration. The following list provides some helpful troubleshooting advice should these errors arise.
This API requires Google Play Services library version 8.4+- Make sure Google Play services is up-to-date on the device that runs the app.
No keys found for this merchant profile- You must register your public encryption key with Google via the
Google Pay & Wallet Console to complete a
integration. OR_BIBED_07
This merchant profile doesn't have access to this feature.- You haven't completed the process to register your app for the Google Pay API. Review Request production access for more information.
This merchant is in a region where Google pay is not accepted.- The Google Pay service is not available in the region. See the list of supported countries for more information
This merchant has not completed registration to use Google Pay API. Please go to console ( to verify.- You haven't completed the process to register your app for the Google Pay API. Review Request production access for more information.
This Google Pay API integration is disabled. Please contact us for more information ( Contact us to learn more about the required steps to re-enable the Google Pay API for your account.
Signing key fingerprints {11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF:11:22:33:44:55} don't match our records for this app.- The Google Pay API can only be used in production mode if the APK is signed with the correct signing key. For more information, see Sign Your App.
The Android manifest needs to be updated to use Google Pay API ( To enable the Google Pay API, you must modify your
. For more information, see Modify your manifest.
Direct merchants
You might encounter the following errors related to direct merchant at some point in your integration. The following list provides some helpful troubleshooting advice should these errors arise.
- Signature verification
- You might encounter a signature verification error if the
is wrong. This can happen in theTEST
environment when you use the Tink paymentmethodtoken library. To avoid this issue, set YOUR_MERCHANT_ID toin:
YOUR_MERCHANT_ID ")- Cannot decrypt token
- If you use the Tink paymentmethodtoken library to decrypt a token, take note of the following:
- Ensure that the Google Pay API response environment corresponds with the Tink environment. For
example, if the Google Pay API response was returned by
, then Tink points to the test environment for decryption. - Don't modify the response from Google Pay API before it's passed to Tink. Ensure that you pass the entire token returned from the Google Pay API response. For more details, see the following note:
- Verify that you have the proper private key associated with the public key that you registered with Google.
- Generate public and private key pair on Windows
- If you're on Windows, and you want to follow the steps mentioned in Use OpenSSL to generate a private and public key pair, make sure you install Cygwin on your machine. This is needed to run the Linux commands.
- What is the CardInfo feature?
- Google Pay indicates to consumers that there’s a card behind the Google Pay payment button, which renders both the card brand network and the last four digits of the card.
- Why doesn't the CardInfo feature render in my implementation?
To make the CardInfo feature work, we require the following conditions:
- You must implement the
API. - You must configure the
. - The user must have an available payment method, as defined by your
- You must implement the