
Action 物件可讓您建構互動式 行為嵌入 Google Workspace 外掛程式會定義 使用者與小工具 (例如按鈕) 互動後會發生什麼事 外掛程式 UI

使用 Widget 處理常式函式附加至特定小工具的動作,該函式也會定義觸發動作的條件。觸發時,動作會執行指定的回呼函式。回呼函式會傳遞事件物件,該物件會攜帶使用者用戶端互動資訊。您必須實作回呼函式,並讓回呼函式傳回特定回應物件。

舉例來說,假設您希望按鈕在點選時建立並顯示新卡片。為此,您必須建立新的按鈕小工具,並使用按鈕小工具 處理常式函式 setOnClickAction(action) 設定卡片建構 Action。 您定義的 Action 指定了 Apps Script 使用者點選按鈕時執行的回呼函式。在這種情況下,您可以實作回呼函式來建構所需的資訊卡,並傳回 ActionResponse 物件。回應物件會指示外掛程式顯示回呼 函式

本頁面說明可在外掛程式中加入的 Drive 專屬小工具動作。


擴充雲端硬碟的 Google Workspace 外掛程式,可以包含額外的雲端硬碟專屬小工具動作。這項動作需要相關聯的動作 回呼函式,才能傳回專門的回應物件:

嘗試執行的動作 回呼函式應傳回
要求存取所選檔案 DriveItemsSelectedActionResponse


  • 當使用者選取一或多個雲端硬碟項目時,系統就會觸發此動作。
  • 外掛程式在資訊清單中包含 https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file 雲端硬碟範圍


以下範例說明如何為 Google 雲端硬碟建構關聯式介面,在使用者選取一或多個雲端硬碟項目時觸發。 範例測試每個項目,確認是否獲得存取權限。 如果不是,則會使用 DriveItemsSelectedActionResponse 物件,向使用者要求該項權限。授予 外掛程式會顯示該項目的雲端硬碟配額用量。

 * Build a simple card that checks selected items' quota usage. Checking
 * quota usage requires user-permissions, so this add-on provides a button
 * to request `drive.file` scope for items the add-on doesn't yet have
 * permission to access.
 * @param e The event object passed containing contextual information about
 *    the Drive items selected.
 * @return {Card}
function onDriveItemsSelected(e) {
  var builder =  CardService.newCardBuilder();

  // For each item the user has selected in Drive, display either its
  // quota information or a button that allows the user to provide
  // permission to access that file to retrieve its quota details.
      var cardSection = CardService.newCardSection()

      // This add-on uses the recommended, limited-permission `drive.file`
      // scope to get granular per-file access permissions.
      // See: https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v2/about-auth
      if (item['addonHasFileScopePermission']) {
        // If the add-on has access permission, read and display its
        // quota.
              "This file takes up: " + getQuotaBytesUsed(item['id'])));
      } else {
        // If the add-on does not have access permission, add a button
        // that allows the user to provide that permission on a per-file
        // basis.
              "The add-on needs permission to access this file's quota."));

        var buttonAction = CardService.newAction()
          .setParameters({id: item.id});

        var button = CardService.newTextButton()
          .setText("Request permission")



  return builder.build();

 * Callback function for a button action. Instructs Drive to display a
 * permissions dialog to the user, requesting `drive.file` scope for a
 * specific item on behalf of this add-on.
 * @param {Object} e The parameters object that contains the item's
 *   Drive ID.
 * @return {DriveItemsSelectedActionResponse}
function onRequestFileScopeButtonClicked (e) {
  var idToRequest = e.parameters.id;
  return CardService.newDriveItemsSelectedActionResponseBuilder()

 * Use the Advanced Drive Service
 * (See https://developers.google.com/apps-script/advanced/drive),
 * with `drive.file` scope permissions to request the quota usage of a
 * specific Drive item.
 * @param {string} itemId The ID of the item to check.
 * @return {string} A description of the item's quota usage, in bytes.
function getQuotaBytesUsed(itemId) {
  try {
    return Drive.Files.get(itemId,{fields: "quotaBytesUsed"})
        .quotaBytesUsed + " bytes";
  } catch (e) {
    return "Error fetching how much quota this item uses. Error: " + e;