Content Owner Reports

This page lists reports that content owners can retrieve with the YouTube Reporting API. Each report's id, as returned by the API's reportTypes.list method, is shown in parentheses next to the report name.

Video reports

Video reports provide statistics for all user activity related to a channel's videos or a content owner's videos. For example, these reports contain the number of times that your videos were viewed.

User activity

This report provides user activity statistics related to a content owner's channels and those channels' videos. The id for the current version of this report is content_owner_basic_a3.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_basic_a3. It has the following differences from version a2:

Note: The content_owner_basic_a1 report has been fully deprecated.

User activity by province

This report provides user activity statistics for U.S. states and the District of Columbia. The id for this report is content_owner_province_a2.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_province_a2. It has the following differences from version a1:

Playback locations

This report provides statistics related to the type of page or application where video playbacks occurred. The id for this report is content_owner_playback_location_a2.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_playback_location_a2. It has the following differences from version a1:

Traffic sources

This report aggregates viewing statistics based on the manner in which viewers reached videos on the content owner's channels. For example, it identifies the number of views that stemmed from a Google search or from a link to a related video. The id for this report is content_owner_traffic_source_a2.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_traffic_source_a2. It has the following differences from version a1:

Device type and operating system

This report aggregates video viewing statistics based on viewers' operating systems and device types. For example, it identifies the number of views that occurred on Android tablets or on Windows desktop devices. The id for this report is content_owner_device_os_a2.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_device_os_a2. It has the following differences from version a1:

Viewer demographics

This report aggregates viewing statistics based on viewers' age group and gender. The id for this report is content_owner_demographics_a1.

Content sharing by platform

This report provides statistics showing how frequently videos on the content owner's channels were shared on different social platforms. The id for this report is content_owner_sharing_service_a1.


This report provides statistics for annotations that display during videos on a content owner's channels. The report data measures the performance of individual annotations for each video. The user activity report, by contrast, aggregates statistics for all of a video's annotations. The id for this report is content_owner_annotations_a1.


This report provides impressions and click-through statistics for cards that display during videos on a content owner's channels. The report data measures the performance of individual cards. The user activity report, by contrast, aggregates statistics for all of a video's cards. The id for this report is content_owner_cards_a1.

End screens

This report provides impression and click-through statistics for end screens that display after a video stops playing. The report contains statistics for videos on a content owner's channels. The id for this report is content_owner_end_screens_a1.


This report provides statistics about the closed caption language that is used for the longest time during video views. Views in which captions are mostly turned off are excluded. The id for this report is content_owner_subtitles_a2.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_subtitles_a2. It has the following differences from version a1:


This report provides fine-grained video statistics by combining dimensions used in the playback location, traffic source, and device/OS reports. The id for this report is content_owner_combined_a2.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_combined_a2. It has the following differences from version a1:

Playlist reports

Playlist reports provide statistics that are specifically related to video views that occur in the context of a playlist.

User activity

This report provides statistics related to users' interactions with playlists on a content owner's channels. The id for this report is content_owner_playlist_basic_a1.

User activity by province

This report provides user activity statistics related to users' interactions with playlists on a content owner's channels for users in U.S. states and the District of Columbia. This effectively means that the report is filtered to only include data if the country_code dimension's value is US. The id for this report is content_owner_playlist_province_a1.

Playback locations

This report provides statistics related to the type of page or application where playlist playbacks occurred. The id for this report is content_owner_playlist_playback_location_a1.

Traffic sources

This report aggregates viewing statistics based on the manner in which viewers reached playlist videos on a content owner's channels. For example, it identifies the number of views that stemmed from a Google search or from a link to a related video. The id for this report is content_owner_playlist_traffic_source_a1.

Device type and operating system

This report aggregates playlist viewing statistics based on viewers' operating systems and device types. For example, it identifies the number of views that occurred on Android tablets or on Windows desktop devices. The id for this report is content_owner_playlist_device_os_a1.


This report provides fine-grained playlist statistics by combining dimensions used in the playback location, traffic source, and device/OS reports. The id for this report is content_owner_playlist_combined_a1.

Ad rate reports

Ad rate reports provide impression-based metrics for ads that ran during video playbacks. These metrics account for each ad impression, and each video playback can yield multiple impressions.

The API supports the following ad rates report, which provides ad rate metrics for a content owner's videos. The id for the current version of this report is content_owner_ad_rates_a1.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_ad_rates_a1. The ID of the previous version of this report, which is now fully deprecated, was content_owner_ad_performance_a1.

The only difference from the previous version is that this version updates report name to use the word rates instead of the word performance. As a result, the report itself has the same version number (a1) as the previous version, but the report ID is different.

Estimated revenue reports

Estimated revenue reports provide the total estimated revenue for videos from Google-sold advertising sources and from non-advertising sources. These reports also contain some ad performance metrics.

Earnings metrics identify specific revenue sources and the amount of total revenue accrued through those revenue streams.

Estimated video revenue

This report provides the total earnings for all of a content owner's videos from Google-sold advertising sources as well as from non-advertising sources. It also contains some ad performance metrics. The id for the current version of this report is content_owner_estimated_revenue_a1.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_estimated_revenue_a1. It has the following differences from the previous version, which was content_owner_estimated_earnings_a1:

Estimated asset revenue

This report provides the total earnings for all of a content owner's assets from Google-sold advertising sources as well as from non-advertising sources. It also contains some ad performance metrics. Note that the channel_id dimension identifies the channel that uploaded the video_id for which metrics are being provided. The id for the current version of this report is content_owner_asset_estimated_revenue_a1.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_asset_estimated_revenue_a1. It has the following differences from the previous version, which was content_owner_asset_estimated_earnings_a1:

Asset reports

Asset reports provide user activity metrics related to videos that are linked to a content owners' assets. A video is included in a content owner's report if the content owner has claimed that video as a match of one of the content owner's assets. The video could have been uploaded by the content owner or by another YouTube user.

In asset reports, the channel_id dimension identifies the channel that uploaded the video_id for which metrics are being provided.

Note: User activity metrics in asset reports might be incorrect for the day that a video was claimed. The discrepancy arises from the fact that the metrics in the report reflect all user activity for that day rather than just activity that occurred after the claim was made.

For example, on a particular day, suppose a video is viewed 10 times, then it is claimed, and then it is viewed another 10 times. The asset report for that day will state that the video was viewed 20 times, even though only 10 of those views occurred after the claim took place. Metrics on all successive days should accurately reflect user activity related to the claimed video.

User activity

This report provides statistics related to users' actions on videos linked to a content owner's assets. The id for this report is content_owner_asset_basic_a2.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_asset_basic_a2. It has the following differences from version a1:

User activity by province

This report provides user activity statistics for U.S. states and the District of Columbia. This effectively means that the report is filtered to only include data if the country_code dimension's value is US. The id for this report is content_owner_asset_province_a2.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_asset_province_a2. It has the following differences from version a1:

Video playback locations

This report provides statistics related to the type of page or application where video playbacks occurred. The id for this report is content_owner_asset_playback_location_a2.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_asset_playback_location_a2. It has the following differences from version a1:

Traffic sources

This report aggregates viewing statistics based on the manner in which viewers reached video content linked to a content owner's assets. For example, it identifies the number of views that stemmed from a Google search or from a link to a related video. The id for this report is content_owner_asset_traffic_source_a2.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_asset_traffic_source_a2. It has the following differences from version a1:

Device type and operating system

This report aggregates video viewing statistics based on viewers' operating systems and device types. For example, it identifies the number of views that occurred on Android tablets or on Windows desktop devices. The id for this report is content_owner_asset_device_os_a2.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_asset_device_os_a2. It has the following differences from version a1:

Viewer demographics

This report aggregates viewing statistics based on viewers' age group and gender. The id for this report is content_owner_asset_demographics_a1.

Content sharing by platform

This report provides statistics showing how frequently videos linked to a content owner's assets were shared on different social platforms. The id for this report is content_owner_asset_sharing_service_a1.


This report provides statistics for annotations that display during videos linked to a content owner's assets. The report data measures the performance of individual annotations. The user activity report, by contrast, aggregates statistics for all of a video's annotations. The id for this report is content_owner_asset_annotations_a1.


This report provides impressions and click-through statistics for cards that display during videos linked to a content owner's assets. The report data measures the performance of individual cards. The user activity report, by contrast, aggregates statistics for all of the cards that display in each video linked to an asset. The id for this report is content_owner_asset_cards_a1.

End screens

This report provides impression and click-through statistics for end screens that display after a video stops playing. The report contains statistics for claimed videos on a content owner's channels, and it also identifies the assets associated with the videos. The id for this report is content_owner_asset_end_screens_a1.


This report provides fine-grained video statistics by combining dimensions used in the playback location, traffic source, and device/OS reports. The id for this report is content_owner_asset_combined_a2.

Status: current

The id for this version of this report is content_owner_asset_combined_a2. It has the following differences from version a1: