System-Managed Reports - Claims

Claims reports provide a list of all claims associated to this owner and include each claim's attributes and settings.

Daily claims (Version 1.1)

This daily report lists the active, inactive, and pending claims on assets. The report includes claims on private, unlisted, and blocked videos. It also contains each claim's attributes and settings, such as applied policy, claim type, origin, and more.

The reportType id for this report is content_owner_active_claims_a2.

Daily claims (Version 1.0)

This daily report lists the active, inactive, and pending claims on assets. The report includes claims on private, unlisted, and blocked videos. It also contains each claim's attributes and settings, such as applied policy, claim type, origin, and more.

The reportType id for this report is content_owner_active_claims_a1.

Monthly ad revenue audio claims summary

This monthly report summarizes the audio tracks that you have claimed and the assets that they match. Although the report name does contain the word "revenue," the reports do not currently contain revenue amounts.

The reportType id for this report is content_owner_claim_audio_tier_revenue_summary_a1.

Monthly ad revenue audio claims

This monthly report identifies the audio tracks that you have claimed and the assets that they match. Although the report name does contain the word "revenue," the reports do not currently contain revenue amounts.

The reportType id for this report is content_owner_claim_audio_tier_revenue_raw_a1.