The following reports are available only for YouTube Primetime Channels:
Demographic daily summary
This report summarizes daily viewing information for Primetime programming for different demographic groups. Each row in the report specifies viewing statistics for a particular program for a particular demographic group. To ensure the anonymity of YouTube viewers, rows are only included if the views metric meets a certain threshold. The data anonymization section of the API overview explains this principle in more detail.
The reportType id
for this report is demographic_daily_summary_a1
Contents | |
Primary Key: |
Date TmsId
Additional fields: |
ContentId PublishDateTime Network CallSign SeriesTitle SeasonNumber ProgramTitle EpisodeNumber ContentLength Platform DeviceType ContentType ProgramType AgeGroup Gender TotalWatchTime AverageViewDuration AverageViewPercent Views PeakConcurrentViewers
Demographic daily events
This report summarizes demographic daily events. The report may contain multiple rows per video.
The reportType id
for this report is demographic_daily_events_a1
Contents | |
Primary Key: |
Date TmsId
Additional fields: |
ContentId PublishDateTime Network CallSign SeriesTitle SeasonNumber ProgramTitle EpisodeNumber ContentLength Platform DeviceType ContentType ProgramType AgeGroup Gender MinutesSinceStart ViewersStart ViewersResume ViewersComplete ConcurrentViewers
Geographic daily summary
This report summarizes daily viewing information for Primetime programming in different geographic regions. Each row in the report specifies viewing statistics for a particular program for a particular region. To ensure the anonymity of YouTube viewers, rows are only included if the views metric meets a certain threshold. The data anonymization section of the API overview explains this principle in more detail.
The reportType id
for this report is geographic_daily_summary_a1
Contents | |
Primary Key: |
Date TmsId |
Additional fields: |
ContentId PublishDateTime Network CallSign SeriesTitle SeasonNumber ProgramTitle EpisodeNumber ContentLength Platform DeviceType ContentType ProgramType DmaId TotalWatchTime AverageViewDuration AverageViewPercent v
Views PeakConcurrentViewers
Geographic daily events
This report summarizes geographic daily events. The report may contain multiple rows per video.
The reportType id
for this report is geographic_daily_events_a1
Contents | |
Primary Key: |
Date TmsId |
Additional fields: |
ContentId PublishDateTime Network CallSign SeriesTitle SeasonNumber ProgramTitle EpisodeNumber ContentLength Platform DeviceType ContentType ProgramType DmaId MinutesSinceStart ViewersStart ViewersResume ViewersComplete ConcurrentViewers