- HTTP request
- Path parameters
- Request body
- Response body
- Authorization scopes
- GeneratedApksPerSigningKey
- GeneratedSplitApk
- GeneratedAssetPackSlice
- GeneratedStandaloneApk
- GeneratedUniversalApk
- GeneratedRecoveryApk
- TargetingInfo
- SplitApkVariant
- VariantTargeting
- SdkVersionTargeting
- SdkVersion
- AbiTargeting
- Abi
- AbiAlias
- ScreenDensityTargeting
- ScreenDensity
- DensityAlias
- MultiAbiTargeting
- MultiAbi
- TextureCompressionFormatTargeting
- TextureCompressionFormat
- TextureCompressionFormatAlias
- ApkSet
- ModuleMetadata
- FeatureModuleType
- DeliveryType
- ModuleTargeting
- DeviceFeatureTargeting
- DeviceFeature
- UserCountriesTargeting
- ApkDescription
- ApkTargeting
- LanguageTargeting
- SplitApkMetadata
- StandaloneApkMetadata
- AssetSliceSet
- AssetModuleMetadata
- Try it!
Returns download metadata for all APKs that were generated from a given app bundle.
HTTP request
GET https://androidpublisher.googleapis.com/androidpublisher/v3/applications/{packageName}/generatedApks/{versionCode}
The URL uses gRPC Transcoding syntax.
Path parameters
Parameters | |
package |
Package name of the app. |
version |
Version code of the app bundle. |
Request body
The request body must be empty.
Response body
Response to list generated APKs.
If successful, the response body contains data with the following structure:
JSON representation |
"generatedApks": [
object ( |
Fields | |
generated |
All generated APKs, grouped by the APK signing key. |
Authorization scopes
Requires the following OAuth scope:
generatedapks.download metadata for split, standalone and universal APKs, as well as asset pack slices, signed with a given key.
JSON representation |
{ "certificateSha256Hash": string, "generatedSplitApks": [ { object ( |
Fields | |
certificate |
SHA256 hash of the APK signing public key certificate. |
generated |
generatedapks.list of generated split APKs, signed with a key corresponding to certificateSha256Hash. |
generated |
generatedapks.list of asset pack slices which will be served for this app bundle, signed with a key corresponding to certificateSha256Hash. |
generated |
generatedapks.list of generated standalone APKs, signed with a key corresponding to certificateSha256Hash. |
generated |
Generated universal APK, signed with a key corresponding to certificateSha256Hash. This field is not set if no universal APK was generated for this signing key. |
generated |
Generated recovery apks for recovery actions signed with a key corresponding to certificateSha256Hash. This includes all generated recovery APKs, also those in draft or cancelled state. This field is not set if no recovery actions were created for this signing key. |
targeting |
Contains targeting information about the generated apks. |
generatedapks.download metadata for a split APK.
JSON representation |
{ "downloadId": string, "variantId": integer, "moduleName": string, "splitId": string } |
Fields | |
download |
generatedapks.download ID, which uniquely identifies the APK to download. Should be supplied to |
variant |
ID of the generated variant. |
module |
Name of the module that this APK belongs to. |
split |
Split ID. Empty for the main split of the base module. |
generatedapks.download metadata for an asset pack slice.
JSON representation |
{ "downloadId": string, "moduleName": string, "sliceId": string, "version": string } |
Fields | |
download |
generatedapks.download ID, which uniquely identifies the APK to download. Should be supplied to |
module |
Name of the module that this asset slice belongs to. |
slice |
Asset slice ID. |
version |
Asset module version. |
generatedapks.download metadata for a standalone APK.
JSON representation |
{ "downloadId": string, "variantId": integer } |
Fields | |
download |
generatedapks.download ID, which uniquely identifies the APK to download. Should be supplied to |
variant |
ID of the generated variant. |
generatedapks.download metadata for a universal APK.
JSON representation |
{ "downloadId": string } |
Fields | |
download |
generatedapks.download ID, which uniquely identifies the APK to download. Should be supplied to |
generatedapks.download metadata for an app recovery module.
JSON representation |
"downloadId": string,
"recoveryId": string,
"recoveryStatus": enum ( |
Fields | |
download |
generatedapks.download ID, which uniquely identifies the APK to download. Should be supplied to |
recovery |
ID of the recovery action. |
recovery |
The status of the recovery action corresponding to the recovery apk. |
module |
Name of the module which recovery apk belongs to. |
Targeting information about the generated apks.
JSON representation |
{ "packageName": string, "variant": [ { object ( |
Fields | |
package |
The package name of this app. |
variant[] |
generatedapks.list of the created variants. |
asset |
generatedapks.list of created asset slices. |
Variant is a group of APKs that covers a part of the device configuration space. APKs from multiple variants are never combined on one device.
JSON representation |
{ "targeting": { object ( |
Fields | |
targeting |
Variant-level targeting. |
apk |
Set of APKs, one set per module. |
variant |
Number of the variant, starting at 0 (unless overridden). A device will receive APKs from the first variant that matches the device configuration, with higher variant numbers having priority over lower variant numbers. |
Targeting on the level of variants.
JSON representation |
{ "sdkVersionTargeting": { object ( |
Fields | |
sdk |
The sdk version that the variant targets |
abi |
The abi that the variant targets |
screen |
The screen densities that this variant supports |
multi |
Multi-api-level targeting |
texture |
Texture-compression-format-level targeting |
Targeting based on sdk version.
JSON representation |
{ "value": [ { object ( |
Fields | |
value[] |
Value of an sdk version. |
alternatives[] |
Targeting of other sibling directories that were in the Bundle. For main splits this is targeting of other main splits. |
Represents an sdk version.
JSON representation |
{ "min": integer } |
Fields | |
min |
Inclusive minimum value of an sdk version. |
Targeting based on Abi.
Represents an Abi.
JSON representation |
"alias": enum ( |
Fields | |
alias |
Alias for an abi. |
Alias definition for abis.
Enums | |
Unspecified abi. |
ARMEABI abi. |
ARMEABI_V7A abi. |
ARM64_V8A |
ARM64_V8A abi. |
X86 |
X86 abi. |
X86_64 |
X86_64 abi. |
RISCV64 abi. |
Targeting based on screen density.
JSON representation |
{ "value": [ { object ( |
Fields | |
value[] |
Value of a screen density. |
alternatives[] |
Targeting of other sibling directories that were in the Bundle. For main splits this is targeting of other main splits. |
Represents a screen density.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field
density |
Alias for a screen density. |
density |
Value for density dpi. |
Alias definition for screen densities.
Enums | |
Unspecified screen density. |
NODPI screen density. |
LDPI screen density. |
MDPI screen density. |
TVDPI screen density. |
HDPI screen density. |
XHDPI screen density. |
XXHDPI screen density. |
XXXHDPI screen density. |
Targeting based on multiple abis.
Represents a list of ABIs.
JSON representation |
"abi": [
object ( |
Fields | |
abi[] |
A list of targeted ABIs, as represented by the Android Platform |
Targeting by a texture compression format.
JSON representation |
{ "value": [ { object ( |
Fields | |
value[] |
The list of targeted TCFs. Should not be empty. |
alternatives[] |
generatedapks.list of alternative TCFs (TCFs targeted by the sibling splits). |
Represents texture compression format.
JSON representation |
"alias": enum ( |
Fields | |
alias |
Alias for texture compression format. |
Alias definition for texture compression formats.
Enums | |
Unspecified format. |
ETC1_RGB8 format. |
PALETTED format. |
THREE_DC format. |
ATC format. |
LATC format. |
DXT1 |
DXT1 format. |
S3TC |
S3TC format. |
PVRTC format. |
ASTC format. |
ETC2 |
ETC2 format. |
A set of apks representing a module.
JSON representation |
{ "moduleMetadata": { object ( |
Fields | |
module |
Metadata about the module represented by this ApkSet |
apk |
Description of the generated apks. |
Metadata of a module.
JSON representation |
{ "name": string, "moduleType": enum ( |
Fields | |
name |
Module name. |
module |
Indicates the type of this feature module. |
delivery |
Indicates the delivery type (e.g. on-demand) of the module. |
dependencies[] |
Names of the modules that this module directly depends on. Each module implicitly depends on the base module. |
targeting |
The targeting that makes a conditional module installed. Relevant only for Split APKs. |
Type of the feature module.
Enums | |
Unknown feature module. |
Regular feature module. |
Indicates the delivery type of the module.
Enums | |
Unspecified delivery type. |
This module will always be downloaded as part of the initial install of the app. |
This module is requested on-demand, which means it will not be part of the initial install, and will only be sent when requested by the client. |
This module will be downloaded immediately after initial install finishes. The app can be opened before these modules are downloaded. |
Targeting on the module level.
JSON representation |
{ "sdkVersionTargeting": { object ( |
Fields | |
sdk |
The sdk version that the variant targets |
device |
Targeting for device features. |
user |
Countries-level targeting |
Targeting for a device feature.
JSON representation |
"requiredFeature": {
object ( |
Fields | |
required |
Feature of the device. |
Represents a device feature.
JSON representation |
{ "featureName": string, "featureVersion": integer } |
Fields | |
feature |
Name of the feature. |
feature |
The feature version specified by android:glEsVersion or android:version in |
Describes an inclusive/exclusive list of country codes that module targets.
JSON representation |
{ "countryCodes": [ string ], "exclude": boolean } |
Fields | |
country |
generatedapks.list of country codes in the two-letter CLDR territory format. |
exclude |
Indicates if the list above is exclusive. |
Description of the created apks.
JSON representation |
{ "targeting": { object ( |
Fields | |
targeting |
Apk-level targeting. |
path |
Path of the Apk, will be in the following format: |
Union field
split |
Set only for Split APKs. |
standalone |
Set only for standalone APKs. |
instant |
Set only for Instant split APKs. |
asset |
Set only for asset slices. |
Represents a set of apk-level targetings.
JSON representation |
{ "abiTargeting": { object ( |
Fields | |
abi |
The abi that the apk targets |
language |
The language that the apk targets |
screen |
The screen density that this apk supports. |
sdk |
The sdk version that the apk targets |
texture |
Texture-compression-format-level targeting |
multi |
Multi-api-level targeting. |
Targeting based on language.
JSON representation |
{ "value": [ string ], "alternatives": [ string ] } |
Fields | |
value[] |
ISO-639: 2 or 3 letter language code. |
alternatives[] |
Alternative languages. |
Holds data specific to Split APKs.
JSON representation |
{ "splitId": string, "isMasterSplit": boolean } |
Fields | |
split |
Id of the split. |
is |
Indicates whether this APK is the main split of the module. |
Holds data specific to Standalone APKs.
JSON representation |
{ "fusedModuleName": [ string ] } |
Fields | |
fused |
Names of the modules fused in this standalone APK. |
Set of asset slices belonging to a single asset module.
JSON representation |
{ "assetModuleMetadata": { object ( |
Fields | |
asset |
Module level metadata. |
apk |
Asset slices. |
Metadata of an asset module.
JSON representation |
"name": string,
"deliveryType": enum ( |
Fields | |
name |
Module name. |
delivery |
Indicates the delivery type for persistent install. |