Summarize data from multiple sheets

Coding level: Beginner
Duration: 5 minutes
Project type: Custom function


  • Understand what the solution does.
  • Understand what the Apps Script services do within the solution.
  • Set up the script.
  • Run the script.

About this solution

If you have similarly structured data on multiple sheets in a spreadsheet, such as customer support metrics for team members, you can use this custom function to create a summary of each sheet. This solution focuses on customer support tickets, but you can customize it to fit your needs.

Screenshot of the getSheetsData function output

How it works

The custom function, called getSheetsData(), summarizes data from each sheet in the spreadsheet based on a sheet's Status column. The script ignores sheets that shouldn't be included in the aggregation, such as the ReadMe and Summary sheets.

Apps Script services

This solution uses the following service:

  • Spreadsheet service–Gets the sheets that need to be summarized and counts the number of items that match a specified string. Then, the script adds the calculated information to a range relative to where the custom function was called in the spreadsheet.


To use this sample, you need the following prerequisites:

  • A Google Account (Google Workspace accounts might require administrator approval).
  • A web browser with access to the internet.

Set up the script

Click the button below to make a copy of the Summarize spreadsheet data custom function spreadsheet. The Apps Script project for this solution is attached to the spreadsheet.
Make a copy

Run the script

  1. In your copied spreadsheet, go to the Summary sheet.
  2. Click cell A4. The getSheetsData() function is in this cell.
  3. Go to one of the owner sheets and update or add data to the sheet. Some actions you can try include the following:
    • Add a new row with sample ticket information.
    • In the Status column, change the status of an existing ticket.
    • Change the position of the Status column. For example, in the Owner1 sheet, move the Status column from column C to column D.
  4. Go to the Summary sheet and review the updated summary table that getSheetsData() created from cell A4. You might need to check the checkbox in row 10 to refresh the cached results of the custom function. Google caches custom functions to optimize performance.
    • If you added or updated rows, the script updates the ticket and status counts.
    • If you moved the position of the Status column, the script still works as intended with the new column index.

Review the code

To review the Apps Script code for this solution, click View source code below:

// To learn how to use this script, refer to the documentation:

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 * Gets summary data from other sheets. The sheets you want to summarize must have columns with headers that match the names of the columns this function summarizes data from.
 * @return {string} Summary data from other sheets.
 * @customfunction

// The following sheets are ignored. Add additional constants for other sheets that should be ignored.
const READ_ME_SHEET_NAME = "ReadMe";
const PM_SHEET_NAME = "Summary";

 * Reads data ranges for each sheet. Filters and counts based on 'Status' columns. To improve performance, the script uses arrays 
 * until all summary data is gathered. Then the script writes the summary array starting at the cell of the custom function.
function getSheetsData() {
  let ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  let sheets = ss.getSheets();
  let outputArr = [];

  // For each sheet, summarizes the data and pushes to a temporary array.
  for (let s in sheets) {
    // Gets sheet name.
    let sheetNm = sheets[s].getName();
    // Skips ReadMe and Summary sheets.
    if (sheetNm === READ_ME_SHEET_NAME || sheetNm === PM_SHEET_NAME) { continue; }
    // Gets sheets data.
    let values = sheets[s].getDataRange().getValues();
    // Gets the first row of the sheet which is the header row.
    let headerRowValues = values[0];
    // Finds the columns with the heading names 'Owner Name' and 'Status' and gets the index value of each.
    // Using 'indexOf()' to get the position of each column prevents the script from breaking if the columns change positions in a sheet.
    let columnOwner = headerRowValues.indexOf("Owner Name");
    let columnStatus = headerRowValues.indexOf("Status");
    // Removes header row.
    // Gets the 'Owner Name' column value by retrieving the first data row in the array.
    let owner = values[0][columnOwner];
    // Counts the total number of tasks.
    let taskCnt = values.length;
    // Counts the number of tasks that have the 'Complete' status.
    // If the options you want to count in your spreadsheet differ, update the strings below to match the text of each option.
    // To add more options, copy the line below and update the string to the new text.
    let completeCnt = filterByPosition(values,'Complete', columnStatus).length;
    // Counts the number of tasks that have the 'In-Progress' status.
    let inProgressCnt = filterByPosition(values,'In-Progress', columnStatus).length;
    // Counts the number of tasks that have the 'Scheduled' status.
    let scheduledCnt = filterByPosition(values,'Scheduled', columnStatus).length;
    // Counts the number of tasks that have the 'Overdue' status.
    let overdueCnt = filterByPosition(values,'Overdue', columnStatus).length;
    // Builds the output array.
  // Writes the output array.
  return outputArr;

 * Below is a helper function that filters a 2-dimenstional array.
function filterByPosition(array, find, position) {
  return array.filter(innerArray => innerArray[position] === find);


You can edit the custom function as much as you'd like to fit your needs. Below is an optional addition to manually refresh custom function results.

Unlike built-in functions, Google caches custom functions to optimize performance. This means that if you change something within your custom function, such as a value that's being calculated, it might not immediately force an update. To refresh the function result manually, take the following steps:

  1. Add a checkbox to an empty cell by clicking Insert > Checkbox.
  2. Add the cell that has the checkbox as a parameter of the custom function, for example, getSheetsData(B11).
  3. Check or uncheck the checkbox to refresh the custom function results.


This sample is maintained by Google with the help of Google Developer Experts.

Next steps